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Category: Uncategorized

The Man Behind the QJ Ratings: Dr. McKinnon

Ever since June 1993 Dr David McKinnon has been producing the Queensland Junior Ratings List for many thousand keen chess kids, on a voluntary basis. David spends about 20 hours or so every two months updating the list, which currently provides 2507 students with an indication of their playing...

GM Rogers: How Feller Became Jolly Good

How Feller Became Jolly Good by Ian Rogers Cheating has been in the spotlight this week, with the announcement by the world body FIDE that French Grandmaster Sebastian Feller (cover and left) would be allowed to play again. Feller was banned after he pulled off a sophisticated scam at...

GM Rogers: Smerdon Stars in Bundesliga Debut

by Ian Rogers   The strongest club competition in the world, the German Bundesliga, ended earlier this month with Baden-Baden securing their tenth consecutive title. Baden-Baden’s dominance is not surprising given some of the names on their roster: Anand, Aronian, Svidler, Adams, Shirov heading a list which includes 16...

GM Rogers: Cheating and All That Gaioz

by Ian Rogers   The expulsion of Georgian Champion Gaioz Nigalidze (Front cover and top) from the Dubai Open last week might seem like a bog-standard case of computer cheating. Nigalidze had been the subject of suspicion for some time, with his win in Al Ain last year attracting...

GM Rogers: Chess and Drugs and ASADA

by Ian Rogers *Photos courtesy of Cathy Rogers*     The Australian sports drug testing agency ASADA’s humiliation at the end of the long-running Essendon supplements case will be greeted with grim satisfaction by the local chess community.   ASADA, or more accurately its predecessor ASDA, was singularly unhelpful...

GM Rogers: How Not to Buy a World Title

by Ian Rogers *Cover photo – Karsten Wieland/ http://www.schachfestival.de* In bridge in years past, it was not unusual for an Australian team in a major competition to consist of a group of high level players plus a sponsor. In return for his or her funding, the sponsor would take the place...

GM Rogers: Chess Behind Bars

By Ian Rogers   Last month two teams of Canberra players met up with teams from Albury and Wagga Wagga at Junee jail to compete against each other and against inmates. Junee jail established a chess club two years ago and claim benefits of socialisation and patience for those...

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