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2019 Term 3 Brisbane West Premier

Brisbane West Term 3 2019 Premier Teams – Round 7


Place Name             Score  Minor   Berg. Wins

  1   Fernvale Green,  24.5  0.0-0.0 294.25    7
  2   BBC Prem,        19    0.0-0.0 226.00    4
  3   GASS 1,          15.5  0.0-0.0 167.00    3
 4-5  Fernvale Blue,   15    0.0-0.0 173.50    3
      Good News 1,     15    0.0-0.0 142.00    4
  6   Chapel Hill,     12.5  0.0-0.0 132.50    2
  7   IGS 1,           8.5   0.0-0.0  93.25    1
  8   BBC White,       2     0.0-0.0  23.50    0

Cross Table

by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com
No Name Total #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
1 Fernvale Green, 24.5 * 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.5 4.0 4.0
2 BBC Prem, 19.0 1.0 * 3.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 4.0
3 GASS 1, 15.5 1.0 1.0 * 2.0 1.5 3.0 3.0 4.0
4 Fernvale Blue, 15.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 * 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
5 Good News 1, 15.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 2.0 * 2.5 4.0 4.0
6 Chapel Hill, 12.5 .5 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 * 2.5 4.0
7 IGS 1, 8.5 0.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.5 * 3.0
8 BBC White, 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 *

Brisbane Primary West Term 3 Premier 2019 – Round 7


Place Name               Feder Rtg Loc  Club           Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-2  Jack Burstall      B     3   716  Fernvale Green 7        16.0  21.0   28.0
      Suvan Nag          B     2   977  BBC Prem       7        15.0  21.0   28.0
 3-6  Zachary Theuerkauf B     4   566  Fernvale Blue  6        16.5  22.0   26.0
      Methul Jayasundara B     1   830  GASS 1         6        16.0  22.0   23.0
      Oliver Strong      B     1   858  Fernvale Green 6        16.0  22.0   22.0
      Jason Leitch       B     2   805  Fernvale Green 6        15.0  22.0   27.0
  7   Ashton Lucas       B     4   682  Fernvale Green 5.5      16.5  22.5   19.5
8-12  Austin Chen        B     1   1248 BBC Prem       5        17.0  23.0   25.0
      Ian Li             B     1   753  Chapel Hill    5        17.0  23.0   18.0
      Dhruv Sharma       B     4   500  IGS 1          5        17.0  23.0   17.0
      Dominic Ding       B     3   594  Good News 1    5        16.0  23.0   19.0
      Abbie Govier       B     2   620  Fernvale Blue  5        16.0  23.0   15.0
 13   Migara Pathirana   B     3   524  GASS 1         4.5      16.5  23.5   16.5
14-15 Massimo Morgan     B     4        BBC Prem       4        18.0  24.0   18.0
      Craig Cadman       B     4   602  Good News 1    4        18.0  24.0   16.0
16-22 Ometh Perera       B     1   924  Good News 1    3        19.0  25.0   11.0
      Will Dunstan       B     3   559  BBC Prem       3        18.0  25.0   17.0
      Austin Hu          B     2   518  Chapel Hill    3        18.0  25.0   15.5
      Elio Hu            B     2   627  Good News 1    3        18.0  25.0   12.0
      Lara Indla         B     3   500  Chapel Hill    3        18.0  25.0   12.0
      Vonal Wijekoon     B     2   603  GASS 1         3        18.0  25.0    8.5
      Skye Cousins       B     3   564  Fernvale Blue  3        18.0  25.0    8.0
 23   Alex Peereboom     B     3   525  IGS 1          2.5      18.5  25.5   11.5
24-25 Ferrell Dong       B     1   599  BBC White      2        20.0  26.0   11.0
      Adi Chilumkurti    B     4        GASS 1         2        20.0  26.0   10.0
 26   Jasmine Moss       B     4        Chapel Hill    1.5      20.5  26.5    5.5
27-28 Benjamin Parker    B     1   683  Fernvale Blue  1        21.0  27.0    2.0
      Tom Vivian         B     2   540  IGS 1          1        20.0  27.0    6.0
29-32 Max Peereboom      B     1   587  IGS 1          0        21.0  28.0    0.0
      James Grainger     B     4        BBC White      0        20.5  28.0    0.0
      Curtis Kwon        B     2   544  BBC White      0        20.0  28.0    0.0
      Alex Zhu           B     3        BBC White      0        18.5  28.0    0.0

Cross Table

No Name               Feder Loc  Club           Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Jack Burstall      B     716  Fernvale Green 7     22:W 13:W 11:W 23:W 20:W 32:W 17:W
2  Suvan Nag          B     977  BBC Prem       7     31:W 12:W 21:W 19:W 28:W 18:W  6:W
3  Zachary Theuerkauf B     566  Fernvale Blue  6      7:W 14:W 30:W 25:W 15:W 10:L 26:W
4  Methul Jayasundara B     830  GASS 1         6      9:W  5:W  8:L 27:W 24:W 16:W 29:W
5  Oliver Strong      B     858  Fernvale Green 6     27:W  4:L 16:W 29:W  9:W 24:W  8:W
6  Jason Leitch       B     805  Fernvale Green 6     12:W 21:W 19:W 28:W 18:W 31:W  2:L
7  Ashton Lucas       B     682  Fernvale Green 5.5    3:L 25:W 15:W 10:W 26:D 30:W 14:W
8  Austin Chen        B     1248 BBC Prem       5     24:W 27:W  4:W 16:W 29:W  9:L  5:L
9  Ian Li             B     753  Chapel Hill    5      4:L 16:W 29:W 24:W  5:L  8:W 27:W
10 Dhruv Sharma       B     500  IGS 1          5     15:L 30:W 26:W  7:L 14:W  3:W 25:W
11 Dominic Ding       B     594  Good News 1    5     23:W 20:W  1:L 17:L 22:W 13:W 32:W
12 Abbie Govier       B     620  Fernvale Blue  5      6:L  2:L 31:W 21:W 19:W 28:W 18:W
13 Migara Pathirana   B     524  GASS 1         4.5   20:D  1:L 17:W 22:W 32:W 11:L 23:W
14 Massimo Morgan     B          BBC Prem       4     30:W  3:L 25:W 15:W 10:L 26:W  7:L
15 Craig Cadman       B     602  Good News 1    4     10:W 26:W  7:L 14:L  3:L 25:W 30:W
16 Ometh Perera       B     924  Good News 1    3     29:W  9:L  5:L  8:L 27:W  4:L 24:W
17 Will Dunstan       B     559  BBC Prem       3     32:W 22:W 13:L 11:W 23:L 20:L  1:L
18 Austin Hu          B     518  Chapel Hill    3     21:D 19:D 28:W 31:W  6:L  2:L 12:L
19 Elio Hu            B     627  Good News 1    3     28:W 18:D  6:L  2:L 12:L 21:D 31:W
20 Lara Indla         B     500  Chapel Hill    3     13:D 11:L 23:D 32:W  1:L 17:W 22:L
21 Vonal Wijekoon     B     603  GASS 1         3     18:D  6:L  2:L 12:L 31:W 19:D 28:W
22 Skye Cousins       B     564  Fernvale Blue  3      1:L 17:L 32:W 13:L 11:L 23:W 20:W
23 Alex Peereboom     B     525  IGS 1          2.5   11:L 32:W 20:D  1:L 17:W 22:L 13:L
24 Ferrell Dong       B     599  BBC White      2      8:L 29:W 27:W  9:L  4:L  5:L 16:L
25 Adi Chilumkurti    B          GASS 1         2     26:W  7:L 14:L  3:L 30:W 15:L 10:L
26 Jasmine Moss       B          Chapel Hill    1.5   25:L 15:L 10:L 30:W  7:D 14:L  3:L
27 Benjamin Parker    B     683  Fernvale Blue  1      5:L  8:L 24:L  4:L 16:L 29:W  9:L
28 Tom Vivian         B     540  IGS 1          1     19:L 31:W 18:L  6:L  2:L 12:L 21:L
29 Max Peereboom      B     587  IGS 1          0     16:L 24:L  9:L  5:L  8:L 27:L  4:L
30 James Grainger     B          BBC White      0     14:L 10:L  3:L 26:L 25:L  7:L 15:L
31 Curtis Kwon        B     544  BBC White      0      2:L 28:L 12:L 18:L 21:L  6:L 19:L
32 Alex Zhu           B          BBC White      0     17:L 23:L 22:L 20:L 13:L  1:L 11:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                Feder Loc Id Loc  Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Morgan, Massimo     B                 1.0/4            588   395
2.  Chen, Austin        B            1248 5.0/7 6.72   -17 748   906
3.  Nag, Suvan          B            977  7.0/7 6.30     7 608  1607
4.  Dunstan, Will       B            559  2.0/6 2.88    -9 571   446
5.  Dong, Ferrell       B            599  2.0/7 1.40     6 840   682
6.  Kwon, Curtis        B            544  0.0/7 2.31   -23 670     0
7.  Grainger, James     B                 0.0/4            588     0
8.  Zhu, Alex           B                 0.0/7            569     0
9.  Govier, Abbie       B            620  5.0/7 3.15    19 659   817
10. Parker, Benjamin    B            683  1.0/7 2.17   -12 828   519
11. Theuerkauf, Zachary B            566  2.0/3 1.38     6 595   720
12. Cousins, Skye       B            564  2.0/6 2.94    -9 570   445
13. Burstall, Jack      B            716  6.0/6 4.38    16 544  1543
14. Strong, Oliver      B            858  6.0/7 4.06    19 803  1112
15. Leitch, Jason       B            805  6.0/7 5.11     9 633   942
16. Lucas, Ashton       B            682  2.0/3 2.01     0 556   681
17. Chilumkurti, Adi    B                 0.0/4            588     0
18. Wijekoon, Vonal     B            603  3.0/7 2.94     1 662   612
19. Pathirana, Migara   B            524  3.5/6 2.58     9 576   633
20. Jayasundara, Methul B            830  6.0/7 3.71    23 807  1116
21. Hu, Elio            B            627  3.0/7 3.22    -2 658   608
22. Cadman, Craig       B            602  1.0/3 1.59    -6 583   458
23. Perera, Ometh       B            924  3.0/7 4.76   -18 794   744
24. Ding, Dominic       B            594  4.0/6 3.24     8 565   690
25. Vivian, Tom         B            540  1.0/7 2.24   -12 671   362
26. Peereboom, Max      B            587  0.0/7 1.33   -13 842     0
27. Peereboom, Alex     B            525  1.5/6 2.58   -11 576   383
28. Sharma, Dhruv       B            500  1.0/3 1.02     0 617   492
29. Li, Ian             B            753  5.0/7 2.87    21 818   976
30. Indla, Lara         B            500  2.0/6 2.34    -3 580   455
31. Hu, Austin          B            518  3.0/7 2.03    10 674   624
32. Moss, Jasmine       B                 0.5/4            588   266
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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