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Holiday Programs & Clubs

Gardiner Chess

Holiday Programs

Gardiner Chess run holiday programs in two locations: Brisbane and Gold Coast. Programs run from 8.30am through to 4.00pm and consists of 3-4 lessons each day where new concepts are learnt, plus tournament games and a chance to get fresh air!

Our holiday programs are a lot of fun, and a great way for kids to learn more about chess in a relaxed and engaging setting.

Holiday Programs

Upcoming Events

How To Get Involved In Clubs

Gardiner Chess currently runs several junior clubs in South-East Queensland.

The Brisbane Northside club runs from 6.00pm to 8.00pm every Tuesday night during term time at Nudgee College on Sandgate Road. Each night consists of students enjoying a combination of coaching sessions and playing time. The club also has different tournaments from time to time including their ACF rated club championship.

On the Gold Coast we currently run two little clubs out of our office. Mondays are for 600+ QJ cohort and Tuesday for a 500-600 cohort at this stage. Both clubs run from 4.00pm to 5.30pm. Please contact us if you are interested at all.

External clubs are a great way for students to meet new friends and be challenged by stronger players from different schools.

Event Registration

Event Name:

Please select registration type
School Registration
Individual Registration
Individual Registration

Registration for individuals is via our iClassPro app, and is only available on selected tournaments.

For all questions please contact our Events team on [email protected]

Teacher & Coordinator Registration

Please Note: This form is for School Teachers and Coordinators ONLY. Individual registration links are available for schools where there is no chess coordinator or official school entries. Please email [email protected] for further information.

Step One: Download the spreadsheet below and complete all details. For all questions please contact our events team on [email protected]

Step Two: Complete the form below and upload the spreadsheet.

School Event Registration
