Gardiner Chess is excited to present the Gold Coast Term 3 Junior Masters. This two day event is perfect for juniors of all ages however will be restricted to players rated over QJ 700.
For players rated under QJ 700 we recommend taking part in the One Day Challenge running on the Sunday.
- When: Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th August
- Where: William Duncan State School (Cnr Explorers Way and Alexander Dr, Highland Park)
- Time: 9.30am for registration, starting at 10.00am and finishing approx 5.30pm
- Cost: $80.00 per player
Other Tournament details are:
- Time Control: 50 minutes per player + 10 seconds per move
- Prizes
- Open: 1st to 3rd place + 1 x Rating Groups
- All games submitted for Queensland Junior Rating and ACF rating
- More prizes added pending numbers.
- Moves must be recorded during the game
- Where possible, and time permits, games will be analysed with a coach
- Registration will CLOSE on Friday 18th August!!