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Suncoast Spring Cup 2023

Suncoast Spring Cup 2023

Suncoast Spring Cup 2023 – Round 8


Place Name                          Feder Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   StClair, George               B         7        32.0  41.5   30.0
 2-3  Sud, Vivaan                   B     807 6.5      32.0  40.5   29.5
      Karthikeyan, Shivam           CQ    781 6.5      31.5  40.5   32.5
  4   Hooshmandi, Karen             SC    953 6        32.0  42.5   31.0
 5-7  Biju, Haven                   SC    818 5.5      30.5  41.0   27.0
      Skaroupka, Benjamin           B     808 5.5      26.0  34.5   24.0
      Hodgson, Hawker               SC        5.5      22.0  29.5   20.0
8-13  Walpola, Riyon                SC    618 5        29.0  39.0   25.0
      Bell, Sienna                  WB    579 5        28.5  38.0   25.0
      Godinho, Isaac                B     660 5        27.5  37.5   22.0
      Song, George                  B     724 5        26.5  34.5   24.0
      Moore, Lachlan                SC    593 5        25.5  35.5   20.0
      Vijay, Ayaansh                SC        5        22.5  30.5   17.0
14-17 Bradbury, Luke                SC    697 4.5      30.0  40.5   24.0
      Sauvage, Hector               SC    525 4.5      29.0  38.0   24.0
      Sud, Vivaash                  B     521 4.5      26.5  36.5   19.0
      Chapman, Toby                 SC    701 4.5      24.0  32.0   20.5
18-26 Ashik, Alyna                  SC    556 4        28.0  37.0   20.0
      Finlayson, Zack               SC        4        26.0  35.0   22.0
      Karthikeyan, Shubham Brajjesh CQ        4        25.5  32.5   16.0
      Sauvage, Oscar                SC        4        23.5  29.0   17.0
      Oo, Hantha                    SC    667 4        23.0  28.5   21.0
      Shepherd, Hugo                SC        4        21.0  27.0   16.0
      Le, Khoi                      SC    580 4        20.5  30.0   19.0
      Chapman, Zara                 SC        4        18.0  23.5   15.0
      Sichter, Harrison             SC        4        17.0  23.0   14.0
 27   Botha, Francois               SC        3.5      27.5  37.5   17.5
28-35 Fernando, Xavier              SC    569 3        26.0  34.0   17.0
      Pridham, Harley               SC        3        24.0  30.5   14.0
      Gerritse, Leon                SC        3        23.0  31.5   17.0
      Pettett, Isabella             SC        3        21.0  28.0   13.0
      Barlow, Charlie               SC    500 3        20.5  28.5   15.0
      Liu, Eric                     SC        3        19.0  24.5   14.0
      Bell, Emilia                  WB    506 3        17.5  22.5   12.0
      Hickman, Billy                SC        3        15.0  20.5   11.0
 36   Barlow, Sam                   SC        2.5      19.0  26.0    7.5
 37   McArdle, Thomas               SC        2        15.0  22.0    4.0
 38   Arthur-Franks, Carter         SC        1.5      19.5  26.5    7.5
39-41 Markova-Tsiomik, Mila         SC        1        21.0  28.0    5.0
      Smith, Ray                    SC        1        19.0  24.5    1.0
      Playford, Joe                 SC        1         4.5  13.5    2.0

Cross Table

No Name                          Feder Rtg  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  

1  StClair, George               B         16:W 10:W  2:L 27:W 11:W  8:W  4:W  3:W
2  Sud, Vivaan                   B         38:W 24:W  1:W  3:D  4:L 14:W  5:W 10:W
3  Karthikeyan, Shivam           CQ        37:W 18:W  9:W  2:D  5:W  4:W 15:W  1:L
4  Hooshmandi, Karen             SC        41:W 12:W 11:W 19:W  2:W  3:L  1:L  9:W
5  Biju, Haven                   SC        20:W  8:W 14:D 17:W  3:L  6:W  2:L 15:W
6  Skaroupka, Benjamin           B         29:W  9:L 27:W 18:W 15:D  5:L 16:W  8:W
7  Hodgson, Hawker               SC        18:L 36:W 16:D 10:L 30:W 27:W 32:W 14:W
8  Walpola, Riyon                SC        26:W  5:L 29:W 23:W  9:W  1:L 11:W  6:L
9  Bell, Sienna                  WB        33:W  6:W  3:L 20:W  8:L 19:W 22:W  4:L
10 Godinho, Isaac                B         35:W  1:L 20:L  7:W 21:W 28:W 24:W  2:L
11 Song, George                  B         39:W 28:W  4:L 14:W  1:L 18:W  8:L 21:W
12 Moore, Lachlan                SC        13:W  4:L 21:W 15:L 14:L 23:W 19:W 18:W
13 Vijay, Ayaansh                SC        12:L 29:L  0:W 34:W 17:L 20:W 28:W 22:W
14 Bradbury, Luke                SC        21:W 15:W  5:D 11:L 12:W  2:L 17:W  7:L
15 Sauvage, Hector               SC        31:W 14:L 25:W 12:W  6:D 24:W  3:L  5:L
16 Sud, Vivaash                  B          1:L 30:W  7:D 22:D 25:W 17:D  6:L 28:W
17 Chapman, Toby                 SC        36:W 19:L 41:W  5:L 13:W 16:D 14:L 27:W
18 Ashik, Alyna                  SC         7:W  3:L 31:W  6:L 20:W 11:L 30:W 12:L
19 Finlayson, Zack               SC        34:W 17:W 22:W  4:L 24:L  9:L 12:L 29:W
20 Karthikeyan, Shubham Brajjesh CQ         5:L 26:W 10:W  9:L 18:L 13:L 38:W 33:W
21 Sauvage, Oscar                SC        14:L 32:W 12:L 40:W 10:L 33:W 29:W 11:L
22 Oo, Hantha                    SC        40:W 27:D 19:L 16:D 23:W 32:W  9:L 13:L
23 Shepherd, Hugo                SC        24:L 38:W 28:W  8:L 22:L 12:L 39:W 34:W
24 Le, Khoi                      SC        23:W  2:L 33:W 30:W 19:W 15:L 10:L  0: 
25 Chapman, Zara                 SC        28:L 39:W 15:L 36:W 16:L 29:L 37:W 32:W
26 Sichter, Harrison             SC         8:L 20:L 39:W 28:L 38:W 31:W 27:L 30:W
27 Botha, Francois               SC         0:W 22:D  6:L  1:L 34:W  7:L 26:W 17:L
28 Fernando, Xavier              SC        25:W 11:L 23:L 26:W 33:W 10:L 13:L 16:L
29 Pridham, Harley               SC         6:L 13:W  8:L 31:L 39:W 25:W 21:L 19:L
30 Gerritse, Leon                SC        32:W 16:L 34:W 24:L  7:L 35:W 18:L 26:L
31 Pettett, Isabella             SC        15:L  0:W 18:L 29:W 32:L 26:L 34:L 36:W
32 Barlow, Charlie               SC        30:L 21:L 36:W 35:W 31:W 22:L  7:L 25:L
33 Liu, Eric                     SC         9:L 37:W 24:L 38:W 28:L 21:L 40:W 20:L
34 Bell, Emilia                  WB        19:L 40:W 30:L 13:L 27:L 39:W 31:W 23:L
35 Hickman, Billy                SC        10:L 41:L 37:W 32:L 40:W 30:L 36:L 39:W
36 Barlow, Sam                   SC        17:L  7:L 32:L 25:L 37:W 38:D 35:W 31:L
37 McArdle, Thomas               SC         3:L 33:L 35:L 39:L 36:L 40:W 25:L 38:W
38 Arthur-Franks, Carter         SC         2:L 23:L 40:W 33:L 26:L 36:D 20:L 37:L
39 Markova-Tsiomik, Mila         SC        11:L 25:L 26:L 37:W 29:L 34:L 23:L 35:L
40 Smith, Ray                    SC        22:L 34:L 38:L 21:L 35:L 37:L 33:L  0:W
41 Playford, Joe                 SC         4:L 35:W 17:L  0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                          Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Hooshmandi, Karen             SC           953 4.0/5 4.05    -1 697   937
2.  Biju, Haven                   SC           818 4.5/7 4.55    -1 705   807
3.  Skaroupka, Benjamin           B            808 3.5/6 4.56   -11 603   660
4.  Sud, Vivaan                   B            807 4.5/6 3.48    10 748   941
5.  Karthikeyan, Shivam           CQ           781 5.5/6 3.60    19 706  1107
6.  Song, George                  B            724 3.0/5 2.80     2 679   751
7.  Chapman, Toby                 SC           701 0.5/3 1.59   -11 679   406
8.  Bradbury, Luke                SC           697 3.5/6 3.00     5 695   752
9.  Oo, Hantha                    SC           667 1.5/3 2.04    -5 533   533
10. Godinho, Isaac                B            660 2.0/3 1.53     5 652   777
11. Walpola, Riyon                SC           618 2.0/4 1.36     6 732   732
12. Moore, Lachlan                SC           593 1.0/4 1.52    -5 683   490
13. Le, Khoi                      SC           580 0.0/3 1.14   -11 664     0
14. Bell, Sienna                  WB           579 2.0/5 1.30     7 765   693
15. Fernando, Xavier              SC           569 0.0/3 1.23   -12 635     0
16. Ashik, Alyna                  SC           556 0.0/4 1.08   -11 727     0
17. Sauvage, Hector               SC           525 2.5/6 1.56     9 713   656
18. Sud, Vivaash                  B            521 2.0/4 1.12     9 686   686
19. Bell, Emilia                  WB           506                    0     0
20. Barlow, Charlie               SC           500 0.0/1 0.28    -3 667     0
21. Playford, Joe                 SC               0.0/2            827     0
22. Karthikeyan, Shubham Brajjesh CQ               1.0/4            653   460
23. Pridham, Harley               SC               0.0/2            713     0
24. Arthur-Franks, Carter         SC               0.0/1            807     0
25. McArdle, Thomas               SC               0.0/1            781     0
26. Markova-Tsiomik, Mila         SC               0.0/2            615     0
27. Barlow, Sam                   SC               0.0/2            601     0
28. Sauvage, Oscar                SC               1.0/5            635   395
29. Smith, Ray                    SC               0.0/2            587     0
30. Hickman, Billy                SC               0.0/2            580     0
31. Sichter, Harrison             SC               0.0/2            594     0
32. Vijay, Ayaansh                SC               3.0/5            607   620
33. Shepherd, Hugo                SC               2.0/6            589   464
34. Liu, Eric                     SC               0.0/3            576     0
35. Chapman, Zara                 SC               1.0/4            529   336
36. Hodgson, Hawker               SC               2.5/5            587   587
37. Pettett, Isabella             SC               0.0/4            522     0
38. StClair, George               B                6.0/7            723   786
39. Finlayson, Zack               SC               3.0/7            654   604
40. Gerritse, Leon                SC               2.0/5            533   461
41. Botha, Francois               SC               1.5/4            671   584
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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