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2025 Term 1 Mackay Whitsunday Primary

2025 Term 1 Mackay Whitsunday Primary – Round 7


Place Name                     Feder Loc Club                 Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-2  Mitchell Curran          MW    593 St Mary's Knights    7        22.5  31.0   28.0
      Woodley Gould            MW    643 St Mary's Knights    7        21.5  29.0   28.0
  3   Creed Patroni            MW    606 St Mary's Knights    6        22.0  29.5   21.0
  4   Russell Halloran         MW        Beaconsfield SS 1    5.5      22.5  32.5   20.0
5-12  Liam Jacobsz             MW    570 MCC P1               5        25.5  34.5   23.0
      Kolby Ferriday           MW        St Mary's Knights    5        23.0  31.5   22.0
      Hannah Lodge             MW        MCC P1               5        22.0  32.5   22.0
      Alexander Cooper         MW        Whitsunday Anglican  5        22.0  32.0   23.0
      Jacob Romal              MW        St Mary's Charge     5        20.5  29.5   21.0
      Adam Beresford           MW        MCC P2               5        20.0  28.0   17.0
      Paulo Taboy              MW        St Mary's Bishops    5        19.5  27.5   15.0
      Kamden Dixon             MW        MCC P1               5        19.0  27.0   20.0
13-21 Samuel Steindl           MW        MCC P7               4.5      22.5  32.0   22.5
      Banjo McGowan            MW        St Mary's Charge     4.5      22.0  32.0   19.5
      Ace Pyers                MW        Beaconsfield SS 1    4.5      21.0  29.0   20.0
      Levi Mascarenhas         MW        St Mary's Bishops    4.5      20.5  28.5   18.5
      Mia Harris               MW        MCC P5               4.5      20.0  29.0   20.5
      Aaliyah Cook             MW        MCC P5               4.5      20.0  27.5   19.5
      James Steindl            MW        MCC P2               4.5      19.0  26.0   17.0
      Carah VanSchalkwyk       MW        MCC P8               4.5      18.0  26.5   17.5
      Bowen Ey                 MW        St Mary's Hot Shots  4.5      17.5  24.0   16.0
22-36 Alby Studt               MW        Beaconsfield SS 3    4        24.5  33.5   21.0
      Jasper Godfrey           MW        Northview SS 1       4        21.0  29.0   20.5
      Indie Kerr               MW        St Mary's Rooks      4        20.0  26.0   18.0
      Sierra Ayles             MW        MCC P1               4        19.5  27.5   16.0
      Miles Smith              MW        Beaconsfield SS 3    4        19.5  25.5   15.0
      Brooklyn Heller          MW        MCC P5               4        19.0  25.5   14.0
      Matthew Jurello          MW        MCC P6               4        18.5  26.0   18.5
      Harriet Turner           MW        Northview SS 1       4        18.0  25.5   16.5
      Elouise Reid             MW        St Mary's Rooks      4        17.5  25.0   15.0
      Charlie Jackson          MW        MCC P4               4        17.5  25.0   13.0
      Reid Eales               MW        Beaconsfield SS 1    4        17.5  24.5   15.0
      Damon Fiegert            MW        Beaconsfield SS 2    4        17.0  24.5   13.0
      Macey Patterson          MW        MCC P10              4        17.0  24.0   16.0
      Heidi Huntly             MW        MCC P8               4        14.5  21.0   13.0
      Rose Yarnold             MW        MCC P9               4        14.0  20.0   12.0
37-46 Toby Eastaway-Collins    MW        MCC P4               3.5      21.5  29.0   16.5
      Dilshan Singh            MW        Beaconsfield SS 2    3.5      20.0  28.5   17.0
      Mackenzie McCann         MW        Beaconsfield SS 2    3.5      17.5  24.5   14.0
      Summer Harris            MW        St Mary's Checkmates 3.5      17.0  22.0   14.5
      Camden Brownsey          MW        MCC P3               3.5      16.0  22.5   15.5
      Theo Pidgeon             MW        St Mary's Rooks      3.5      16.0  21.5   14.5
      Evan Beresford           MW        MCC P7               3.5      16.0  21.5   14.0
      Luca Rye                 MW        St Mary's Charge     3.5      15.0  22.0   10.5
      Cash Patroni             MW        St Mary's Bishops    3.5      15.0  21.5   14.0
      Declan VanMol            MW        MCC P4               3.5      14.5  20.0   11.5
47-59 Axel Snell               MW        Beaconsfield SS 3    3        19.5  26.5   17.0
      Eric Wells               MW        Beaconsfield SS 2    3        19.0  27.0   16.0
      Elena Vogler             MW        St Mary's Checkmates 3        18.5  25.0   16.5
      Beau McCallum            MW        Beaconsfield SS 4    3        18.5  25.0   11.5
      Carter Hall              MW        MCC P8               3        17.5  26.5   13.0
      Thomas O'Neil            MW        St Mary's Charge     3        16.0  23.0   11.0
      Isla Fisher              MW        Beaconsfield SS 3    3        16.0  22.5   13.0
      Fletcher Craig           MW        Beaconsfield SS 1    3        15.5  22.0   10.0
      Mia McDougall            MW        MCC P3               3        15.5  21.0   11.5
      Czachery Uy              MW        MCC P7               3        14.5  19.5    8.0
      Kadance Jackson          MW        MCC P3               3        14.0  18.5   10.0
      Alexis Trewavis          MW        St Mary's Checkmates 3        12.5  17.0    7.5
      Madison Rapley           MW        MCC P10              3        11.0  16.0    6.0
60-66 Ollie Dalglish           MW        St Mary's Hot Shots  2.5      18.0  24.5   13.5
      Jadrian duPlessis        MW        MCC P3               2.5      17.5  25.5    8.5
      Ezekiel Herrington       MW        MCC P2               2.5      17.0  23.0   10.0
      Nathan Lee               MW        MCC P2               2.5      17.0  23.0    9.5
      Meyer Ferrera            MW        MCC P10              2.5      16.0  22.0   13.0
      Fred Steindl             MW        MCC P5               2.5      15.0  21.0    9.5
      Violet Fairbairn         MW        St Mary's Rooks      2.5      15.0  20.0    9.5
67-75 Jacob Jackson-Ward       MW        MCC P6               2        18.0  23.0    8.0
      Ronan Meyer              MW        MCC P6               2        17.0  23.5    6.0
      Jasmine Davis            MW        St Mary's Hot Shots  2        15.5  21.5    9.0
      Lirinda duPlessis        MW        MCC P9               2        15.5  21.5    5.0
      Hunter Mapp              MW        St Mary's Hot Shots  2        15.5  21.0   11.0
      Kieran Labuschange       MW        MCC P4               2        15.5  21.0   11.0
      Stella Goodwill          MW        St Mary's Bishops    2        15.5  20.5    7.0
      Amy O'connor             MW        MCC P9               2        13.5  18.0    8.0
      Brayden Eastaway-Collins MW        MCC P7               2        13.0  18.5   10.0
76-77 Jackson Sinclair         MW        MCC P6               1.5      13.0  18.5    5.5
      Robert Sullivan          MW        Beaconsfield SS 4    1.5      12.5  18.0    5.0
78-79 Robinson Ruby            MW        MCC P10              1        14.5  20.5    3.0
      Kellan-James Munt        MW        Beaconsfield SS 4    1        11.0  16.0    2.0
 80   Shekina Mulongwe         MW        MCC P9               0.5      14.5  19.0    2.5

Cross Table

No Name                     Feder Loc Club                 Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Mitchell Curran          MW    593 St Mary's Knights    7     11:W 16:W 38:W 22:W 17:W 13:W  5:W
2  Woodley Gould            MW    643 St Mary's Knights    7     61:W 51:W 14:W  5:W  8:W 22:W  7:W
3  Creed Patroni            MW    606 St Mary's Knights    6      4:L 68:W 61:W 10:W 12:W  9:W 18:W
4  Russell Halloran         MW        Beaconsfield SS 1    5.5    3:W  5:L 33:W 29:D 20:W 17:W 13:W
5  Liam Jacobsz             MW    570 MCC P1               5     68:W  4:W  9:W  2:L 48:W  6:W  1:L
6  Kolby Ferriday           MW        St Mary's Knights    5     10:W 41:W  7:W  8:L 24:W  5:L 23:W
7  Hannah Lodge             MW        MCC P1               5     31:W 43:W  6:L 37:W 14:W  8:W  2:L
8  Alexander Cooper         MW        Whitsunday Anglican  5     26:W 24:W 47:W  6:W  2:L  7:L 25:W
9  Jacob Romal              MW        St Mary's Charge     5     29:W 32:W  5:L 39:W 47:W  3:L 24:W
10 Adam Beresford           MW        MCC P2               5      6:L 70:W 30:W  3:L 31:W 47:W 22:W
11 Paulo Taboy              MW        St Mary's Bishops    5      1:L 19:L 78:W 52:W 33:W 26:W 28:W
12 Kamden Dixon             MW        MCC P1               5     70:W 30:W 22:L 43:W  3:L 37:W 29:W
13 Samuel Steindl           MW        MCC P7               4.5   27:W 63:W 17:D 23:W 15:W  1:L  4:L
14 Banjo McGowan            MW        St Mary's Charge     4.5   19:W 53:W  2:L 25:W  7:L 27:W 15:D
15 Ace Pyers                MW        Beaconsfield SS 1    4.5   18:D 42:W 37:W 20:W 13:L 23:D 14:D
16 Levi Mascarenhas         MW        St Mary's Bishops    4.5   79:W  1:L 27:W 32:W 22:L 35:W 19:D
17 Mia Harris               MW        MCC P5               4.5   44:W 60:W 13:D 49:W  1:L  4:L 42:W
18 Aaliyah Cook             MW        MCC P5               4.5   15:D 76:W 28:D 26:W 23:D 41:W  3:L
19 James Steindl            MW        MCC P2               4.5   14:L 11:W 50:D 51:W 60:W 28:D 16:D
20 Carah VanSchalkwyk       MW        MCC P8               4.5   54:D 59:W 45:W 15:L  4:L 39:W 38:W
21 Bowen Ey                 MW        St Mary's Hot Shots  4.5   64:W 37:L 40:L 44:W 36:W 38:D 41:W
22 Alby Studt               MW        Beaconsfield SS 3    4     56:W 67:W 12:W  1:L 16:W  2:L 10:L
23 Jasper Godfrey           MW        Northview SS 1       4     40:W 55:W 34:W 13:L 18:D 15:D  6:L
24 Indie Kerr               MW        St Mary's Rooks      4     78:W  8:L 52:W 34:W  6:L 49:W  9:L
25 Sierra Ayles             MW        MCC P1               4     37:L 58:W 31:W 14:L 43:W 30:W  8:L
26 Miles Smith              MW        Beaconsfield SS 3    4      8:L 78:W 55:W 18:L 34:W 11:L 52:W
27 Brooklyn Heller          MW        MCC P5               4     13:L 36:W 16:L 67:W 50:W 14:L 51:W
28 Matthew Jurello          MW        MCC P6               4     58:W 49:D 18:D 64:D 42:W 19:D 11:L
29 Harriet Turner           MW        Northview SS 1       4      9:L 73:W 67:W  4:D 49:D 48:W 12:L
30 Elouise Reid             MW        St Mary's Rooks      4     62:W 12:L 10:L 61:W 45:W 25:L 65:W
31 Charlie Jackson          MW        MCC P4               4      7:L 62:W 25:L 54:W 10:L 63:W 48:W
32 Reid Eales               MW        Beaconsfield SS 1    4     73:W  9:L 46:W 16:L 38:L 55:W 49:W
33 Damon Fiegert            MW        Beaconsfield SS 2    4     67:L 56:W  4:L 46:W 11:L 73:W 40:W
34 Macey Patterson          MW        MCC P10              4     57:W 48:W 23:L 24:L 26:L 50:W 47:W
35 Heidi Huntly             MW        MCC P8               4     38:L 50:L 56:W 68:W 71:W 16:L 57:W
36 Rose Yarnold             MW        MCC P9               4     63:L 27:L 77:W 69:W 21:L 54:W 53:W
37 Toby Eastaway-Collins    MW        MCC P4               3.5   25:W 21:W 15:L  7:L 62:W 12:L 45:D
38 Dilshan Singh            MW        Beaconsfield SS 2    3.5   35:W 69:W  1:L 47:L 32:W 21:D 20:L
39 Mackenzie McCann         MW        Beaconsfield SS 2    3.5   42:D 46:D 71:W  9:L 40:D 20:L 64:W
40 Summer Harris            MW        St Mary's Checkmates 3.5   23:L 80:W 21:W 48:L 39:D 64:W 33:L
41 Camden Brownsey          MW        MCC P3               3.5   66:D  6:L 76:W 72:W 64:W 18:L 21:L
42 Theo Pidgeon             MW        St Mary's Rooks      3.5   39:D 15:L 79:W 75:W 28:L 60:W 17:L
43 Evan Beresford           MW        MCC P7               3.5   80:W  7:L 63:W 12:L 25:L 62:D 60:W
44 Luca Rye                 MW        St Mary's Charge     3.5   17:L 65:W 48:L 21:L 63:D 61:W 62:W
45 Cash Patroni             MW        St Mary's Bishops    3.5   72:D 66:W 20:L 50:D 30:L 71:W 37:D
46 Declan VanMol            MW        MCC P4               3.5   76:D 39:D 32:L 33:L 70:W 65:D 66:W
47 Axel Snell               MW        Beaconsfield SS 3    3     74:W 71:W  8:L 38:W  9:L 10:L 34:L
48 Eric Wells               MW        Beaconsfield SS 2    3     52:W 34:L 44:W 40:W  5:L 29:L 31:L
49 Elena Vogler             MW        St Mary's Checkmates 3     65:W 28:D 72:W 17:L 29:D 24:L 32:L
50 Beau McCallum            MW        Beaconsfield SS 4    3     53:L 35:W 19:D 45:D 27:L 34:L 74:W
51 Carter Hall              MW        MCC P8               3     59:W  2:L 53:D 19:L 55:D 74:W 27:L
52 Thomas O'Neil            MW        St Mary's Charge     3     48:L 57:W 24:L 11:L 67:W 75:W 26:L
53 Isla Fisher              MW        Beaconsfield SS 3    3     50:W 14:L 51:D 60:L 57:D 56:W 36:L
54 Fletcher Craig           MW        Beaconsfield SS 1    3     20:D 72:L 66:D 31:L 58:W 36:L 71:W
55 Mia McDougall            MW        MCC P3               3     75:W 23:L 26:L 65:D 51:D 32:L 69:W
56 Czachery Uy              MW        MCC P7               3     22:L 33:L 35:L 78:W 69:W 53:L 72:W
57 Kadance Jackson          MW        MCC P3               3     34:L 52:L 74:D 80:W 53:D 72:W 35:L
58 Alexis Trewavis          MW        St Mary's Checkmates 3     28:L 25:L 80:D 77:D 54:L 68:W 75:W
59 Madison Rapley           MW        MCC P10              3     51:L 20:L 68:L 70:L 80:W 67:W 73:W
60 Ollie Dalglish           MW        St Mary's Hot Shots  2.5    0:W 17:L 75:D 53:W 19:L 42:L 43:L
61 Jadrian duPlessis        MW        MCC P3               2.5    2:L 79:W  3:L 30:L 66:D 44:L 77:W
62 Ezekiel Herrington       MW        MCC P2               2.5   30:L 31:L 70:W 66:W 37:L 43:D 44:L
63 Nathan Lee               MW        MCC P2               2.5   36:W 13:L 43:L 71:L 44:D 31:L 76:W
64 Meyer Ferrera            MW        MCC P10              2.5   21:L 77:W 69:W 28:D 41:L 40:L 39:L
65 Fred Steindl             MW        MCC P5               2.5   49:L 44:L 73:W 55:D 74:D 46:D 30:L
66 Violet Fairbairn         MW        St Mary's Rooks      2.5   41:D 45:L 54:D 62:L 61:D 77:W 46:L
67 Jacob Jackson-Ward       MW        MCC P6               2     33:W 22:L 29:L 27:L 52:L 59:L 79:W
68 Ronan Meyer              MW        MCC P6               2      5:L  3:L 59:W 35:L 73:L 58:L 80:W
69 Jasmine Davis            MW        St Mary's Hot Shots  2      0:W 38:L 64:L 36:L 56:L 70:W 55:L
70 Lirinda duPlessis        MW        MCC P9               2     12:L 10:L 62:L 59:W 46:L 69:L 78:W
71 Hunter Mapp              MW        St Mary's Hot Shots  2     77:W 47:L 39:L 63:W 35:L 45:L 54:L
72 Kieran Labuschange       MW        MCC P4               2     45:D 54:W 49:L 41:L 75:D 57:L 56:L
73 Stella Goodwill          MW        St Mary's Bishops    2     32:L 29:L 65:L 79:W 68:W 33:L 59:L
74 Amy O'connor             MW        MCC P9               2     47:L 75:L 57:D 76:W 65:D 51:L 50:L
75 Brayden Eastaway-Collins MW        MCC P7               2     55:L 74:W 60:D 42:L 72:D 52:L 58:L
76 Jackson Sinclair         MW        MCC P6               1.5   46:D 18:L 41:L 74:L 77:L 78:W 63:L
77 Robert Sullivan          MW        Beaconsfield SS 4    1.5   71:L 64:L 36:L 58:D 76:W 66:L 61:L
78 Robinson Ruby            MW        MCC P10              1     24:L 26:L 11:L 56:L 79:W 76:L 70:L
79 Kellan-James Munt        MW        Beaconsfield SS 4    1     16:L 61:L 42:L 73:L 78:L 80:W 67:L
80 Shekina Mulongwe         MW        MCC P9               .5    43:L 40:L 58:D 57:L 59:L 79:L 68:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                      Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Gould, Woodley            MW           643 1.0/1 0.60     4 570  1569
2.  Patroni, Creed            MW           606                    0     0
3.  Curran, Mitchell          MW           593 1.0/1 0.53     5 570  1569
4.  Jacobsz, Liam             MW           570 0.0/2 0.86    -9 618     0
5.  Rapley, Madison           MW                                  0     0
6.  Fiegert, Damon            MW                                  0     0
7.  Fisher, Isla              MW                                  0     0
8.  Sinclair, Jackson         MW                                  0     0
9.  Munt, Kellan-James        MW                                  0     0
10. Turner, Harriet           MW                                  0     0
11. Steindl, James            MW                                  0     0
12. Studt, Alby               MW               0.0/2            618     0
13. Huntly, Heidi             MW                                  0     0
14. Eales, Reid               MW                                  0     0
15. Heller, Brooklyn          MW                                  0     0
16. Davis, Jasmine            MW                                  0     0
17. Sullivan, Robert          MW                                  0     0
18. Steindl, Fred             MW                                  0     0
19. Lee, Nathan               MW                                  0     0
20. Eastaway-Collins, Brayden MW                                  0     0
21. Ey, Bowen                 MW                                  0     0
22. Pyers, Ace                MW                                  0     0
23. Ayles, Sierra             MW                                  0     0
24. Harris, Mia               MW               0.0/1            593     0
25. Brownsey, Camden          MW                                  0     0
26. McCann, Mackenzie         MW                                  0     0
27. Mulongwe, Shekina         MW                                  0     0
28. Snell, Axel               MW                                  0     0
29. Patroni, Cash             MW                                  0     0
30. Jurello, Matthew          MW                                  0     0
31. Craig, Fletcher           MW                                  0     0
32. Godfrey, Jasper           MW                                  0     0
33. Lodge, Hannah             MW               0.0/1            643     0
34. Smith, Miles              MW                                  0     0
35. Herrington, Ezekiel       MW                                  0     0
36. Kerr, Indie               MW                                  0     0
37. Dixon, Kamden             MW               0.0/1            606     0
38. Wells, Eric               MW               0.0/1            570     0
39. Beresford, Adam           MW               0.0/1            606     0
40. Jackson, Kadance          MW                                  0     0
41. duPlessis, Jadrian        MW               0.0/2            625     0
42. Halloran, Russell         MW               1.0/2            588   588
43. Taboy, Paulo              MW               0.0/1            593     0
44. Meyer, Ronan              MW               0.0/2            588     0
45. Hall, Carter              MW               0.0/1            643     0
46. Jackson-Ward, Jacob       MW                                  0     0
47. McCallum, Beau            MW                                  0     0
48. VanMol, Declan            MW                                  0     0
49. Mascarenhas, Levi         MW               0.0/1            593     0
50. Romal, Jacob              MW               0.0/2            588     0
51. McGowan, Banjo            MW               0.0/1            643     0
52. Uy, Czachery              MW                                  0     0
53. Singh, Dilshan            MW               0.0/1            593     0
54. Goodwill, Stella          MW                                  0     0
55. Steindl, Samuel           MW               0.0/1            593     0
56. Dalglish, Ollie           MW                                  0     0
57. Mapp, Hunter              MW                                  0     0
58. Vogler, Elena             MW                                  0     0
59. Yarnold, Rose             MW                                  0     0
60. McDougall, Mia            MW                                  0     0
61. Ferrera, Meyer            MW                                  0     0
62. Cook, Aaliyah             MW               0.0/1            606     0
63. Eastaway-Collins, Toby    MW                                  0     0
64. Rye, Luca                 MW                                  0     0
65. Fairbairn, Violet         MW                                  0     0
66. Pidgeon, Theo             MW                                  0     0
67. Beresford, Evan           MW                                  0     0
68. O'connor, Amy             MW                                  0     0
69. Labuschange, Kieran       MW                                  0     0
70. Trewavis, Alexis          MW                                  0     0
71. VanSchalkwyk, Carah       MW                                  0     0
72. Harris, Summer            MW                                  0     0
73. Jackson, Charlie          MW                                  0     0
74. Cooper, Alexander         MW               0.0/1            643     0
75. Reid, Elouise             MW                                  0     0
76. Ruby, Robinson            MW                                  0     0
77. duPlessis, Lirinda        MW                                  0     0
78. O'Neil, Thomas            MW                                  0     0
79. Ferriday, Kolby           MW               0.0/1            570     0
80. Patterson, Macey          MW                                  0     0

Club Standings

Place Name                 Score

  1   ST MARY'S KNIGHTS    25   
  2   MCC P1               19   
  3   BEACONSFIELD SS 1    17   
  4   ST MARY'S CHARGE     16   
  5   MCC P5               15.5 
  6   ST MARY'S BISHOPS    15   
  7   MCC P2               14.5 
8-10  ST MARY'S ROOKS      14   
      BEACONSFIELD SS 2    14   
      BEACONSFIELD SS 3    14   
11-12 MCC P4               13   
      MCC P7               13   
 13   MCC P3               12   
 14   MCC P8               11.5 
 15   ST MARY'S HOT SHOTS  11   
 16   MCC P10              10.5 
17-18 MCC P6               9.5  
 19   MCC P9               8.5  
 20   NORTHVIEW SS 1       8    
 21   BEACONSFIELD SS 4    5.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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  • Chad (Tchad)+235
  • Chile+56
  • China (中国)+86
  • Christmas Island+61
  • Cocos (Keeling) Islands+61
  • Colombia+57
  • Comoros (‫جزر القمر‬‎)+269
  • Congo (DRC) (Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo)+243
  • Congo (Republic) (Congo-Brazzaville)+242
  • Cook Islands+682
  • Costa Rica+506
  • Côte d’Ivoire+225
  • Croatia (Hrvatska)+385
  • Cuba+53
  • Curaçao+599
  • Cyprus (Κύπρος)+357
  • Czech Republic (Česká republika)+420
  • Denmark (Danmark)+45
  • Djibouti+253
  • Dominica+1
  • Dominican Republic (República Dominicana)+1
  • Ecuador+593
  • Egypt (‫مصر‬‎)+20
  • El Salvador+503
  • Equatorial Guinea (Guinea Ecuatorial)+240
  • Eritrea+291
  • Estonia (Eesti)+372
  • Eswatini+268
  • Ethiopia+251
  • Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)+500
  • Faroe Islands (Føroyar)+298
  • Fiji+679
  • Finland (Suomi)+358
  • France+33
  • French Guiana (Guyane française)+594
  • French Polynesia (Polynésie française)+689
  • Gabon+241
  • Gambia+220
  • Georgia (საქართველო)+995
  • Germany (Deutschland)+49
  • Ghana (Gaana)+233
  • Gibraltar+350
  • Greece (Ελλάδα)+30
  • Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)+299
  • Grenada+1
  • Guadeloupe+590
  • Guam+1
  • Guatemala+502
  • Guernsey+44
  • Guinea (Guinée)+224
  • Guinea-Bissau (Guiné Bissau)+245
  • Guyana+592
  • Haiti+509
  • Honduras+504
  • Hong Kong (香港)+852
  • Hungary (Magyarország)+36
  • Iceland (Ísland)+354
  • India (भारत)+91
  • Indonesia+62
  • Iran (‫ایران‬‎)+98
  • Iraq (‫العراق‬‎)+964
  • Ireland+353
  • Isle of Man+44
  • Israel (‫ישראל‬‎)+972
  • Italy (Italia)+39
  • Jamaica+1
  • Japan (日本)+81
  • Jersey+44
  • Jordan (‫الأردن‬‎)+962
  • Kazakhstan (Казахстан)+7
  • Kenya+254
  • Kiribati+686
  • Kosovo+383
  • Kuwait (‫الكويت‬‎)+965
  • Kyrgyzstan (Кыргызстан)+996
  • Laos (ລາວ)+856
  • Latvia (Latvija)+371
  • Lebanon (‫لبنان‬‎)+961
  • Lesotho+266
  • Liberia+231
  • Libya (‫ليبيا‬‎)+218
  • Liechtenstein+423
  • Lithuania (Lietuva)+370
  • Luxembourg+352
  • Macau (澳門)+853
  • Madagascar (Madagasikara)+261
  • Malawi+265
  • Malaysia+60
  • Maldives+960
  • Mali+223
  • Malta+356
  • Marshall Islands+692
  • Martinique+596
  • Mauritania (‫موريتانيا‬‎)+222
  • Mauritius (Moris)+230
  • Mayotte+262
  • Mexico (México)+52
  • Micronesia+691
  • Moldova (Republica Moldova)+373
  • Monaco+377
  • Mongolia (Монгол)+976
  • Montenegro (Crna Gora)+382
  • Montserrat+1
  • Morocco (‫المغرب‬‎)+212
  • Mozambique (Moçambique)+258
  • Myanmar (Burma) (မြန်မာ)+95
  • Namibia (Namibië)+264
  • Nauru+674
  • Nepal (नेपाल)+977
  • Netherlands (Nederland)+31
  • New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)+687
  • New Zealand+64
  • Nicaragua+505
  • Niger (Nijar)+227
  • Nigeria+234
  • Niue+683
  • Norfolk Island+672
  • North Korea (조선 민주주의 인민 공화국)+850
  • North Macedonia (Северна Македонија)+389
  • Northern Mariana Islands+1
  • Norway (Norge)+47
  • Oman (‫عُمان‬‎)+968
  • Pakistan (‫پاکستان‬‎)+92
  • Palau+680
  • Palestine (‫فلسطين‬‎)+970
  • Panama (Panamá)+507
  • Papua New Guinea+675
  • Paraguay+595
  • Peru (Perú)+51
  • Philippines+63
  • Poland (Polska)+48
  • Portugal+351
  • Puerto Rico+1
  • Qatar (‫قطر‬‎)+974
  • Réunion (La Réunion)+262
  • Romania (România)+40
  • Russia (Россия)+7
  • Rwanda+250
  • Saint Barthélemy+590
  • Saint Helena+290
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis+1
  • Saint Lucia+1
  • Saint Martin (Saint-Martin (partie française))+590
  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)+508
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines+1
  • Samoa+685
  • San Marino+378
  • São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé e Príncipe)+239
  • Saudi Arabia (‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‎)+966
  • Senegal (Sénégal)+221
  • Serbia (Србија)+381
  • Seychelles+248
  • Sierra Leone+232
  • Singapore+65
  • Sint Maarten+1
  • Slovakia (Slovensko)+421
  • Slovenia (Slovenija)+386
  • Solomon Islands+677
  • Somalia (Soomaaliya)+252
  • South Africa+27
  • South Korea (대한민국)+82
  • South Sudan (‫جنوب السودان‬‎)+211
  • Spain (España)+34
  • Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව)+94
  • Sudan (‫السودان‬‎)+249
  • Suriname+597
  • Svalbard and Jan Mayen+47
  • Sweden (Sverige)+46
  • Switzerland (Schweiz)+41
  • Syria (‫سوريا‬‎)+963
  • Taiwan (台灣)+886
  • Tajikistan+992
  • Tanzania+255
  • Thailand (ไทย)+66
  • Timor-Leste+670
  • Togo+228
  • Tokelau+690
  • Tonga+676
  • Trinidad and Tobago+1
  • Tunisia (‫تونس‬‎)+216
  • Turkey (Türkiye)+90
  • Turkmenistan+993
  • Turks and Caicos Islands+1
  • Tuvalu+688
  • U.S. Virgin Islands+1
  • Uganda+256
  • Ukraine (Україна)+380
  • United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)+971
  • United Kingdom+44
  • United States+1
  • Uruguay+598
  • Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)+998
  • Vanuatu+678
  • Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)+39
  • Venezuela+58
  • Vietnam (Việt Nam)+84
  • Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)+681
  • Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)+212
  • Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)+967
  • Zambia+260
  • Zimbabwe+263
  • Åland Islands+358
