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2025 Term 1 Gympie Secondary

2025 Term 1 Gympie Secondary – Round 7


Place Name                    Feder Loc Club               Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Georgia Douglas         WB    754 Victory Kings      7        22.0  31.0   28.0
  2   Cohen Bailey            WB    998 St Patrick's Sec 1 6        22.5  32.5   23.0
 3-5  James Roberts           WB    841 James Nash 1       5        24.0  34.5   23.0
      Jonathon Wilcox         WB    718 James Nash 1       5        20.5  30.0   22.5
      Max Venz                WB    699 Victory Kings      5        20.0  26.0   20.5
6-11  Dominic Pirkoph-Hinkley WB    885 James Nash 1       4.5      22.5  32.5   21.5
      Jayce Nipperness        WB    686 Gympie SHS 1       4.5      21.5  30.5   19.5
      Michael Boaden          WB    775 Gympie SHS 1       4.5      21.0  30.0   20.5
      Tyler Large             WB    749 James Nash 1       4.5      20.5  28.0   19.0
      Emilia Bell             WB    586 Gympie SHS 1       4.5      19.0  26.5   16.5
      Dallas Drury            WB        Victory Bishops    4.5      19.0  24.5   17.5
12-15 Patrick Macdonald       WB    500 Victory Bishops    4        21.0  31.0   18.5
      Sonny Hogan             WB    609 Gympie SHS 1       4        19.0  27.5   15.0
      Ethan Bailey            WB        St Patrick's Sec 1 4        18.5  25.5   16.0
      Kyan Walker             WB        Victory Kings      4        17.0  22.5   14.0
16-20 Chris Binu              WB        St Patrick's Sec 1 3.5      20.0  27.5   15.0
      Billie Woodhouse-Black  WB        Victory Bishops    3.5      19.0  24.5   17.0
      Xavier Gleeson          WB    536 St Patrick's Sec 1 3.5      16.5  23.5   14.0
      Maynard Denby           WB        Victory Kings      3.5      16.0  22.5   14.0
      Dallan Jones            WB    505 Gympie SHS 2       3.5      15.5  25.0   13.0
21-26 Finn Pomerenke          WB    590 James Nash 2       3        18.0  24.5   15.0
      Jackson Cole            WB        James Nash 2       3        16.5  24.0   13.0
      Zack Bromley            WB        Victory Panthers   3        16.5  22.5   11.0
      Zoe Mahoney             WB        St Patrick's Sec 2 3        14.0  19.5    9.0
      Casey Taylor            WB        St Patrick's Sec 2 3        12.5  18.0    6.0
      Jakob Rehbein           WB        St Patrick's Sec 2 3        10.5  17.0    6.0
27-31 Travis James            WB        James Nash 2       2.5      17.0  24.0   10.0
      Tyler Ditzel            WB        Victory Panthers   2.5      16.0  21.5   10.0
      Thomas Reeves           WB        St Patrick's Sec 2 2.5      15.0  20.5    9.5
      Jensen Schirok          WB        Victory Bishops    2.5      14.5  20.0    8.5
      Ryan Cullen             WB        Victory Panthers   2.5      14.0  20.0    9.0
32-33 Jyles Searle            WB        Gympie SHS 2       2        16.0  22.0   11.0
      Ryan James              WB        James Nash 2       2        14.0  18.5    6.0
34-36 Nathan Christensen      WB        Gympie SHS 2       1        15.5  21.0    6.0
      Alana Gordon            WB        Victory Panthers   1        13.5  19.0    1.0
      Henry Holliss           WB        Victory Solo       1        13.0  17.5    5.0

Cross Table

No Name                    Feder Loc Club               Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Georgia Douglas         WB    754 Victory Kings      7     22:W 20:W  2:W  3:W  4:W  6:W 12:W
2  Cohen Bailey            WB    998 St Patrick's Sec 1 6     26:W 13:W  1:L  6:W  7:W  8:W  3:W
3  James Roberts           WB    841 James Nash 1       5     11:W 10:W  5:W  1:L 17:W 13:W  2:L
4  Jonathon Wilcox         WB    718 James Nash 1       5     28:W 19:W  8:W  5:D  1:L 21:W  7:D
5  Max Venz                WB    699 Victory Kings      5     35:W 32:W  3:L  4:D 10:W  9:W  8:D
6  Dominic Pirkoph-Hinkley WB    885 James Nash 1       4.5   16:W 21:W  7:W  2:L 12:W  1:L 11:D
7  Jayce Nipperness        WB    686 Gympie SHS 1       4.5   24:W 17:W  6:L  9:W  2:L 14:W  4:D
8  Michael Boaden          WB    775 Gympie SHS 1       4.5   23:W 18:W  4:L 16:W 14:W  2:L  5:D
9  Tyler Large             WB    749 James Nash 1       4.5   27:W 12:D 13:W  7:L 11:W  5:L 16:W
10 Emilia Bell             WB    586 Gympie SHS 1       4.5   14:W  3:L 12:D 27:W  5:L 29:W 17:W
11 Dallas Drury            WB        Victory Bishops    4.5    3:L 25:W 34:W 21:W  9:L 15:W  6:D
12 Patrick Macdonald       WB    500 Victory Bishops    4     15:W  9:D 10:D 19:W  6:L 22:W  1:L
13 Sonny Hogan             WB    609 Gympie SHS 1       4     25:W  2:L  9:L 28:W 19:W  3:L 22:W
14 Ethan Bailey            WB        St Patrick's Sec 1 4     10:L 26:W 20:W 31:W  8:L  7:L 23:W
15 Kyan Walker             WB        Victory Kings      4     12:L 35:W 16:L 23:W 18:W 11:L 21:W
16 Chris Binu              WB        St Patrick's Sec 1 3.5    6:L 24:W 15:W  8:L 20:W 17:D  9:L
17 Billie Woodhouse-Black  WB        Victory Bishops    3.5   34:W  7:L 23:W 18:W  3:L 16:D 10:L
18 Xavier Gleeson          WB    536 St Patrick's Sec 1 3.5   31:W  8:L 22:W 17:L 15:L 19:D 29:W
19 Maynard Denby           WB        Victory Kings      3.5   33:W  4:L 32:W 12:L 13:L 18:D 28:W
20 Dallan Jones            WB    505 Gympie SHS 2       3.5   29:W  1:L 14:L 24:W 16:L 28:D 27:W
21 Finn Pomerenke          WB    590 James Nash 2       3     30:W  6:L 28:W 11:L 32:W  4:L 15:L
22 Jackson Cole            WB        James Nash 2       3      1:L 29:W 18:L 34:W 30:W 12:L 13:L
23 Zack Bromley            WB        Victory Panthers   3      8:L 30:W 17:L 15:L 27:W 32:W 14:L
24 Zoe Mahoney             WB        St Patrick's Sec 2 3      7:L 16:L 33:W 20:L 36:W 27:L 30:W
25 Casey Taylor            WB        St Patrick's Sec 2 3     13:L 11:L 31:L 30:L 33:W 35:W 32:W
26 Jakob Rehbein           WB        St Patrick's Sec 2 3      2:L 14:L 27:L 33:L 35:W 34:W 36:W
27 Travis James            WB        James Nash 2       2.5    9:L 31:D 26:W 10:L 23:L 24:W 20:L
28 Tyler Ditzel            WB        Victory Panthers   2.5    4:L 33:W 21:L 13:L 34:W 20:D 19:L
29 Thomas Reeves           WB        St Patrick's Sec 2 2.5   20:L 22:L 30:D 35:W 31:W 10:L 18:L
30 Jensen Schirok          WB        Victory Bishops    2.5   21:L 23:L 29:D 25:W 22:L 31:W 24:L
31 Ryan Cullen             WB        Victory Panthers   2.5   18:L 27:D 25:W 14:L 29:L 30:L 33:W
32 Jyles Searle            WB        Gympie SHS 2       2      0:W  5:L 19:L 36:W 21:L 23:L 25:L
33 Ryan James              WB        James Nash 2       2     19:L 28:L 24:L 26:W 25:L 36:W 31:L
34 Nathan Christensen      WB        Gympie SHS 2       1     17:L  0:W 11:L 22:L 28:L 26:L 35:L
35 Alana Gordon            WB        Victory Panthers   1      5:L 15:L 36:L 29:L 26:L 25:L 34:W
36 Henry Holliss           WB        Victory Solo       1      0:   0:  35:W 32:L 24:L 33:L 26:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                     Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Bailey, Cohen            WB           998 5.0/6 4.80     2 758  1031
2.  Pirkoph-Hinkley, Dominic WB           885 3.0/5 3.65    -7 706   778
3.  Roberts, James           WB           841 3.0/5 3.25    -3 729   801
4.  Boaden, Michael          WB           775 1.5/4 2.20    -7 738   651
5.  Douglas, Georgia         WB           754 6.0/6 3.12    29 741  1740
6.  Large, Tyler             WB           749 1.5/4 2.68   -12 624   537
7.  Wilcox, Jonathon         WB           718 3.0/5 2.60     4 701   773
8.  Venz, Max                WB           699 3.0/5 2.25     8 734   806
9.  Nipperness, Jayce        WB           686 1.5/4 1.20     3 838   751
10. Hogan, Sonny             WB           609 0.0/3 0.57    -6 863     0
11. Pomerenke, Finn          WB           590 0.0/2 0.46    -5 802     0
12. Bell, Emilia             WB           586 0.5/3 1.11    -6 680   407
13. Gleeson, Xavier          WB           536 0.0/1 0.20    -2 775     0
14. Jones, Dallan            WB           505 0.0/1 0.19    -2 754     0
15. Macdonald, Patrick       WB           500 1.0/4 0.80     2 744   551
16. Denby, Maynard           WB               0.5/4            591   269
17. Rehbein, Jakob           WB               0.0/1            998     0
18. Binu, Chris              WB               1.0/4            729   536
19. Drury, Dallas            WB               1.5/4            766   679
20. Bromley, Zack            WB               0.0/1            775     0
21. Searle, Jyles            WB               0.0/2            645     0
22. Cole, Jackson            WB               0.0/4            600     0
23. James, Travis            WB               0.0/3            613     0
24. Ditzel, Tyler            WB               0.5/4            606   284
25. Gordon, Alana            WB               0.0/1            699     0
26. Mahoney, Zoe             WB               0.0/2            596     0
27. Taylor, Casey            WB               0.0/1            609     0
28. Schirok, Jensen          WB               0.0/1            590     0
29. Bailey, Ethan            WB               1.0/4            638   445
30. Cullen, Ryan             WB               0.0/1            536     0
31. Reeves, Thomas           WB               0.0/3            542     0
32. Walker, Kyan             WB               2.0/3            542   555
33. James, Ryan              WB                                  0     0
34. Christensen, Nathan      WB                                  0     0
35. Woodhouse-Black, Billie  WB               1.0/4            662   469
36. Holliss, Henry           WB                                  0     0

Club Standings

Place Name               Score

  1   VICTORY KINGS      19.5 
  2   JAMES NASH 1       19   
  3   GYMPIE SHS 1       17.5 
  4   ST PATRICK'S SEC 1 17   
  5   VICTORY BISHOPS    14.5 
  6   ST PATRICK'S SEC 2 11.5 
  7   JAMES NASH 2       10.5 
  8   VICTORY PANTHERS   9    
  9   GYMPIE SHS 2       6.5  
 10   VICTORY SOLO       1    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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