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2025 Term 1 Gympie Primary B

2025 Term 1 Gympie Primary B – Round 7


Place Name                 Feder Loc Club                Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Donovan Vaughan      WB        Victory Queens      7        21.5  28.5   28.0
  2   Piper Lamb           WB        OMSS5               6        22.5  32.5   26.0
 3-4  Enya Janarthanan     WB        St Patrick's Prim 3 5.5      21.5  29.0   22.5
      Oscar Holliss        WB        Victory Rooks       5.5      20.5  27.0   22.0
 5-9  John Dawson          WB        OMSS6               5        21.5  31.5   23.5
      Alex Green           WB        OMSS4               5        20.5  29.5   20.0
      Murphy Mewburn       WB        Gympie South 4      5        20.5  29.0   21.0
      Noah Pomerenke       WB        Gympie South 3      5        20.5  28.0   22.0
      Christian Marks      WB        Victory Check Mates 5        18.0  24.0   15.0
10-18 Lachlan Van Straten  WB        Gympie South 4      4.5      23.5  34.0   20.5
      Bryce Kirkpatrick    WB        St Patrick's Prim 3 4.5      22.0  28.5   21.0
      Isla Mcintosh        WB        Victory Queens      4.5      20.5  28.5   22.5
      William Hooper       WB        Victory Rooks       4.5      20.0  28.0   18.0
      James Fleming        WB        Victory Pawns       4.5      18.5  26.0   17.5
      Jacob Tranter        WB        OMSS6               4.5      17.0  24.5   17.5
      ANON                 WB        ANON                4.5      17.0  24.5   13.0
      Louis Joy            WB        OMSS4               4.5      16.5  23.0   15.5
      Freya Denby          WB        Victory Pawns       4.5      15.0  21.0   15.0
19-24 Miles Easton         WB        St Patrick's Prim 2 4        20.5  29.0   17.0
      Layla Houston        WB        Gympie South 4      4        20.5  28.5   18.0
      Ameilia Milham       WB        Victory Pawns       4        19.5  28.0   17.5
      Jackson Thrupp       WB        Victory Queens      4        18.0  26.0   17.0
      Stuart Wooley        WB        Gympie South 3      4        18.0  25.5   18.0
      Oaklyn Hocking       WB        Victory Rooks       4        17.0  24.0   14.0
25-33 Dasha Goodman        WB        Victory Castles     3.5      19.0  27.0   17.0
      Isaac Bryant         WB        OMSS5               3.5      18.0  25.0   14.0
      Fletcher O'Keffe     WB        OMSS6               3.5      18.0  24.0   15.0
      Jaxon Klung          WB        St Patrick's Prim 3 3.5      17.5  24.0   16.5
      Hugo Bray            WB        Victory Pawns       3.5      16.5  23.0   13.0
      Stella Bracken       WB        OMSS5               3.5      16.0  22.0   12.0
      Carlisle Jones       WB        Gympie South 6      3.5      15.5  21.5   13.0
      Izzy Flynn           WB        St Patrick's Prim 2 3.5      15.0  23.0    8.0
      Connor Plukaard      WB        OMSS4               3.5      15.0  20.5   14.5
34-45 Imogen Verhage       WB        OMSS6               3        19.5  26.5   13.0
      Skyla Green          WB        Victory Castles     3        19.0  26.5   12.0
      Indi Huth            WB        St Patrick's Prim 3 3        18.5  26.5   15.5
      Koby Matthewson      WB        Victory Solo        3        17.0  23.5   15.0
      Mackenzie Anderson   WB        Gympie South 4      3        16.5  24.0   11.0
      Florence Broadfoot   WB        OMSS5               3        16.5  23.5   13.0
      Zachary Burr         WB        OMSS4               3        16.0  23.0   13.0
      Ella Bailey          WB        St Patrick's Prim 2 3        16.0  22.5   12.0
      Georgie Curtis       WB        Victory Castles     3        16.0  22.0   10.5
      Roman Baker          WB        Gympie South 5      3        16.0  21.0   11.0
      Mabel O'Sullivan     WB        Gympie South 7      3        13.5  18.5   11.0
      Sophia Hose          WB        Gympie South 5      3        13.0  18.0    8.0
46-51 Charlie Fox          WB        Gympie South 6      2.5      16.5  23.5   12.0
      Gemma Bartlett       WB        Victory Check Mates 2.5      15.5  22.0    9.5
      Claire cullen        WB        Victory Queens      2.5      15.0  21.0    9.5
      Flynn Urena          WB        Victory Rooks       2.5      12.5  17.0   10.0
      Mathew Phillip-Lewis WB        Gympie South 6      2.5      12.0  17.0    6.5
      Fynn Mulholland      WB        Victory Check Mates 2.5       9.5  15.0    4.5
52-55 Everly Vaughan       WB        Victory Castles     2        21.5  30.0   13.0
      Nova-Lee Caroll      WB        Gympie South 5      2        16.0  22.0    5.0
      Lucy McBride         WB        Gympie South 7      2        15.0  21.0    8.5
      Huxley Stevenson     WB        Victory Check Mates 2        14.5  20.0   10.0
56-57 Wylder Jannidea      WB        Gympie South 3      1.5      16.0  24.0    6.5
      Layla Goldbert       WB        Gympie South 5      1.5      14.5  22.5    5.5
58-60 Jake Peter-Todd      WB        Gympie South 3      1        16.5  22.5    3.5
      Zechariah Driver     WB        Gympie South 6      1        15.0  21.0    4.0
      Lilly Kenman         WB        Gympie South 7      1        12.5  18.0    2.0
61-62 Lindsay Kahler       WB        Gympie South 7      0         4.5   4.5    0.0
      Charlet Novley       WB        St Patrick's Prim 4 0         0.5   0.5    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                 Feder Loc Club                Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Donovan Vaughan      WB        Victory Queens      7     32:W 57:W 20:W 10:W  5:W  2:W  6:W
2  Piper Lamb           WB        OMSS5               6      0:W 38:W 23:W  3:W  8:W  1:L 11:W
3  Enya Janarthanan     WB        St Patrick's Prim 3 5.5   17:W 29:W 52:W  2:L 15:D 14:W 12:W
4  Oscar Holliss        WB        Victory Rooks       5.5   56:W 19:W 10:L 20:W  7:W 21:D 22:W
5  John Dawson          WB        OMSS6               5     61:+ 28:W 37:W  7:W  1:L 11:D  8:D
6  Alex Green           WB        OMSS4               5     52:L  9:W 29:W 34:W 10:W 12:W  1:L
7  Murphy Mewburn       WB        Gympie South 4      5     35:W 13:W 11:W  5:L  4:L 36:W 21:W
8  Noah Pomerenke       WB        Gympie South 3      5     53:W 21:W 12:D 40:W  2:L 15:W  5:D
9  Christian Marks      WB        Victory Check Mates 5     14:L  6:L 53:W 58:W 24:W 25:W 20:W
10 Lachlan Van Straten  WB        Gympie South 4      4.5   18:W 22:W  4:W  1:L  6:L 28:W 13:D
11 Bryce Kirkpatrick    WB        St Patrick's Prim 3 4.5   58:W 24:W  7:L 17:W 19:W  5:D  2:L
12 Isla Mcintosh        WB        Victory Queens      4.5   47:W 34:W  8:D 25:W 23:W  6:L  3:L
13 William Hooper       WB        Victory Rooks       4.5   16:W  7:L 41:W 27:D 25:D 23:W 10:D
14 James Fleming        WB        Victory Pawns       4.5    9:W 52:L 35:D 30:W 33:W  3:L 28:W
15 Jacob Tranter        WB        OMSS6               4.5   38:L 53:W 48:W 37:W  3:D  8:L 33:W
16 ANON                 WB        ANON                4.5   13:L 35:L 32:W 29:D 34:W 30:W 27:W
17 Louis Joy            WB        OMSS4               4.5    3:L 60:W 42:W 11:L 39:D 46:W 26:W
18 Freya Denby          WB        Victory Pawns       4.5   10:L 51:W 19:L 56:W 52:W 26:D 40:W
19 Miles Easton         WB        St Patrick's Prim 2 4     27:W  4:L 18:W 22:W 11:L 20:L 36:W
20 Layla Houston        WB        Gympie South 4      4     59:W 48:W  1:L  4:L 31:W 19:W  9:L
21 Ameilia Milham       WB        Victory Pawns       4     45:W  8:L 36:D 44:W 27:W  4:D  7:L
22 Jackson Thrupp       WB        Victory Queens      4     51:W 10:L 26:W 19:L 43:W 39:W  4:L
23 Stuart Wooley        WB        Gympie South 3      4     54:W 41:W  2:L 36:W 12:L 13:L 43:W
24 Oaklyn Hocking       WB        Victory Rooks       4     31:W 11:L 34:L 45:W  9:L 35:W 52:W
25 Dasha Goodman        WB        Victory Castles     3.5   30:W 36:D 38:W 12:L 13:D  9:L 31:D
26 Isaac Bryant         WB        OMSS5               3.5   34:L 33:W 22:L 47:W 37:W 18:D 17:L
27 Fletcher O'Keffe     WB        OMSS6               3.5   19:L 56:W 39:W 13:D 21:L 49:W 16:L
28 Jaxon Klung          WB        St Patrick's Prim 3 3.5   43:W  5:L 44:D 55:W 46:W 10:L 14:L
29 Hugo Bray            WB        Victory Pawns       3.5   60:W  3:L  6:L 16:D 59:W 33:L 46:W
30 Stella Bracken       WB        OMSS5               3.5   25:L 46:D 57:W 14:L 42:W 16:L 49:W
31 Carlisle Jones       WB        Gympie South 6      3.5   24:L 43:W 55:D 42:D 20:L 54:W 25:D
32 Izzy Flynn           WB        St Patrick's Prim 2 3.5    1:  47:L 16:L 50:D 58:W 48:W 37:W
33 Connor Plukaard      WB        OMSS4               3.5   57:D 26:L 58:W 52:W 14:L 29:W 15:L
34 Imogen Verhage       WB        OMSS6               3     26:W 12:L 24:W  6:L 16:L 40:L 54:W
35 Skyla Green          WB        Victory Castles     3      7:L 16:W 14:D 46:L 38:W 24:L 39:D
36 Indi Huth            WB        St Patrick's Prim 3 3     42:W 25:D 21:D 23:L 40:W  7:L 19:L
37 Koby Matthewson      WB        Victory Solo        3     46:W 39:W  5:L 15:L 26:L 55:W 32:L
38 Mackenzie Anderson   WB        Gympie South 4      3     15:W  2:L 25:L 54:D 35:L 50:D 41:W
39 Florence Broadfoot   WB        OMSS5               3     50:W 37:L 27:L 41:W 17:D 22:L 35:D
40 Zachary Burr         WB        OMSS4               3     41:L 54:W 47:W  8:L 36:L 34:W 18:L
41 Ella Bailey          WB        St Patrick's Prim 2 3     40:W 23:L 13:L 39:L 45:W 52:W 38:L
42 Georgie Curtis       WB        Victory Castles     3     36:L 45:W 17:L 31:D 30:L 56:W 44:D
43 Roman Baker          WB        Gympie South 5      3     28:L 31:L 59:W 48:W 22:L 47:W 23:L
44 Mabel O'Sullivan     WB        Gympie South 7      3     48:L 59:W 28:D 21:L 49:L 53:W 42:D
45 Sophia Hose          WB        Gympie South 5      3     21:L 42:L 60:W 24:L 41:L 59:W 55:W
46 Charlie Fox          WB        Gympie South 6      2.5   37:L 30:D 49:W 35:W 28:L 17:L 29:L
47 Gemma Bartlett       WB        Victory Check Mates 2.5   12:L 32:W 40:L 26:L 53:W 43:L 50:D
48 Claire cullen        WB        Victory Queens      2.5   44:W 20:L 15:L 43:L 56:D 32:L 57:W
49 Flynn Urena          WB        Victory Rooks       2.5   55:L 58:D 46:L 57:W 44:W 27:L 30:L
50 Mathew Phillip-Lewis WB        Gympie South 6      2.5   39:L 55:L 56:L 32:D 57:W 38:D 47:D
51 Fynn Mulholland      WB        Victory Check Mates 2.5   22:L 18:L 54:L 59:L 60:D 58:W 56:W
52 Everly Vaughan       WB        Victory Castles     2      6:W 14:W  3:L 33:L 18:L 41:L 24:L
53 Nova-Lee Caroll      WB        Gympie South 5      2      8:L 15:L  9:L 60:W 47:L 44:L 59:W
54 Lucy McBride         WB        Gympie South 7      2     23:L 40:L 51:W 38:D 55:D 31:L 34:L
55 Huxley Stevenson     WB        Victory Check Mates 2     49:L 50:W 31:D 28:L 54:D 37:L 45:L
56 Wylder Jannidea      WB        Gympie South 3      1.5    4:L 27:L 50:W 18:L 48:D 42:L 51:L
57 Layla Goldbert       WB        Gympie South 5      1.5   33:D  1:L 30:L 49:L 50:L 60:W 48:L
58 Jake Peter-Todd      WB        Gympie South 3      1     11:L 49:D 33:L  9:L 32:L 51:L 60:D
59 Zechariah Driver     WB        Gympie South 6      1     20:L 44:L 43:L 51:W 29:L 45:L 53:L
60 Lilly Kenman         WB        Gympie South 7      1     29:L 17:L 45:L 53:L 51:D 57:L 58:D
61 Lindsay Kahler       WB        Gympie South 7      0      5:-  0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 
62 Charlet Novley       WB        St Patrick's Prim 4 0      0:L  0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 

Club Standings

Place Name                Score

  1   VICTORY QUEENS      18   
 2-5  VICTORY PAWNS       16.5 5th on Tiebreak
      GYMPIE SOUTH 4      16.5 2nd on tiebreak
      ST PATRICK'S PRIM 3 16.5 3rd on Tiebreak
      VICTORY ROOKS       16.5 4th on Tiebreak
 6-8  OMSS4               16   
      OMSS5               16   
      OMSS6               16   
  9   ST PATRICK'S PRIM 2 15   
11-12 GYMPIE SOUTH 3      11.5 
      VICTORY CASTLES     11.5 
13-14 GYMPIE SOUTH 6      9.5  
      GYMPIE SOUTH 5      9.5  
 15   GYMPIE SOUTH 7      6    
 16   VICTORY SOLO        3    
 17   ST PATRICK'S PRIM 4 0    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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