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2025 Term 1 Gympie Primary A

2025 Term 1 Gympie Primary A – Round 7


Place Name                   Feder Loc Club                Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   George Radecker        WB    625 OMSS1               6.5      21.5  29.5   27.5
  2   Olly Brennocks         WB        OMSS1               5.5      20.0  28.0   21.0
 3-5  Leah Robson            WB        Victory Knights     5        21.5  31.0   23.0
      Stanley Summerville    WB        St Patrick's Prim 1 5        18.0  27.0   19.0
      Kynan Bell-Greer       WB        OMSS1               5        17.0  23.5   19.0
 6-7  Oliver Pirkopf-Hinkley WB        OMSS2               4.5      21.5  30.5   20.0
      Amelia O'Sullivan      WB        Gympie South 2      4.5      16.5  24.0   15.5
8-14  Logan Davis            WB        OMSS2               4        21.5  29.0   18.0
      Ziggy Baldwin          WB        OMSS2               4        20.5  30.0   17.0
      Max Cole               WB        Gympie South 1      4        20.0  27.5   16.0
      Luke Thompson          WB        OMSS1               4        18.5  24.5   21.0
      Josiah Jones           WB        OMSS3               4        17.0  24.5   16.0
      Seth Ditton            WB        OMSS3               4        14.5  20.5   13.0
      Chase Monk             WB        St Patrick's Prim 1 4        13.5  21.0   10.0
15-16 Max Myers              WB        Gympie South 1      3.5      20.0  26.0   12.5
      Leighton Summerville   WB        St Patrick's Prim 1 3.5      15.0  21.5   13.0
17-21 Dimitri Franz          WB        OMSS2               3        23.5  33.0   17.0
      Boston Isaaks          WB        Victory Knights     3        17.5  25.0   13.0
      Hudson Blacker         WB        OMSS3               3        17.5  23.5   12.5
      Cameron Hendricks      WB        Gympie South 1      3        17.5  23.5   11.0
      Dean Price-Wilson      WB        Gympie South 1      3        15.5  23.0   13.0
22-23 Nina Dixon             WB        Gympie South 2      2.5      17.0  22.5   10.0
      Tex Thorne             WB        OMSS3               2.5      16.0  22.0    8.0
24-25 Memphis Penfold        WB        Gympie South 2      2        16.0  21.0    8.0
      Arthur Holliss         WB        Victory Knights     2        13.5  19.5    7.0
26-28 Thomas Greensill       WB        St Patrick's Prim 1 1        14.5  19.5    2.0
      Addy Carrol            WB        Gympie South 2      1        13.5  18.0    5.0
      Jack Lewry             WB        Victory Knights     1        12.5  17.5    4.0

Cross Table

No Name                   Feder Loc Club                Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  George Radecker        WB    625 OMSS1               6.5   10:W 21:W  4:W  6:W  3:W  8:W  9:D
2  Olly Brennocks         WB        OMSS1               5.5   14:W  6:D 16:W 17:L 12:W  3:W  8:W
3  Leah Robson            WB        Victory Knights     5     15:W  7:W 17:W 11:W  1:L  2:L 10:W
4  Stanley Summerville    WB        St Patrick's Prim 1 5     23:W  9:W  1:L  8:L 19:W 17:W 11:W
5  Kynan Bell-Greer       WB        OMSS1               5     25:W 17:L 20:W 10:W  8:L 18:W  6:W
6  Oliver Pirkopf-Hinkley WB        OMSS2               4.5   22:W  2:D 12:W  1:L 21:W 11:W  5:L
7  Amelia O'Sullivan      WB        Gympie South 2      4.5   19:D  3:L 23:W 20:W  9:L 15:W 17:W
8  Logan Davis            WB        OMSS2               4     20:L 26:W 21:W  4:W  5:W  1:L  2:L
9  Ziggy Baldwin          WB        OMSS2               4     18:W  4:L 15:D 16:W  7:W 10:L  1:D
10 Max Cole               WB        Gympie South 1      4      1:L 28:W 25:W  5:L 13:W  9:W  3:L
11 Luke Thompson          WB        OMSS1               4     26:W 20:W 19:W  3:L 17:W  6:L  4:L
12 Josiah Jones           WB        OMSS3               4     24:W 16:D  6:L 15:W  2:L 22:D 18:W
13 Seth Ditton            WB        OMSS3               4     17:L 22:W 18:L 24:W 10:L 20:W 21:W
14 Chase Monk             WB        St Patrick's Prim 1 4      2:L 15:L 24:L 23:W 25:W 19:W 22:W
15 Max Myers              WB        Gympie South 1      3.5    3:L 14:W  9:D 12:L 16:W  7:L 26:W
16 Leighton Summerville   WB        St Patrick's Prim 1 3.5   27:W 12:D  2:L  9:L 15:L 28:W 23:W
17 Dimitri Franz          WB        OMSS2               3     13:W  5:W  3:L  2:W 11:L  4:L  7:L
18 Boston Isaaks          WB        Victory Knights     3      9:L 23:D 13:W 19:D 22:W  5:L 12:L
19 Hudson Blacker         WB        OMSS3               3      7:D 24:W 11:L 18:D  4:L 14:L 27:W
20 Cameron Hendricks      WB        Gympie South 1      3      8:W 11:L  5:L  7:L 27:W 13:L 28:W
21 Dean Price-Wilson      WB        Gympie South 1      3     28:W  1:L  8:L 27:W  6:L 24:W 13:L
22 Nina Dixon             WB        Gympie South 2      2.5    6:L 13:L 26:W 25:W 18:L 12:D 14:L
23 Tex Thorne             WB        OMSS3               2.5    4:L 18:D  7:L 14:L 26:W 27:W 16:L
24 Memphis Penfold        WB        Gympie South 2      2     12:L 19:L 14:W 13:L 28:W 21:L 25:L
25 Arthur Holliss         WB        Victory Knights     2      5:L 27:W 10:L 22:L 14:L 26:L 24:W
26 Thomas Greensill       WB        St Patrick's Prim 1 1     11:L  8:L 22:L 28:L 23:L 25:W 15:L
27 Addy Carrol            WB        Gympie South 2      1     16:L 25:L 28:W 21:L 20:L 23:L 19:L
28 Jack Lewry             WB        Victory Knights     1     21:L 10:L 27:L 26:W 24:L 16:L 20:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                    Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Radecker, George        WB           625                    0     0
2.  Greensill, Thomas       WB                                  0     0
3.  Penfold, Memphis        WB                                  0     0
4.  Blacker, Hudson         WB                                  0     0
5.  Summerville, Leighton   WB                                  0     0
6.  Hendricks, Cameron      WB                                  0     0
7.  Holliss, Arthur         WB                                  0     0
8.  Thorne, Tex             WB                                  0     0
9.  Franz, Dimitri          WB                                  0     0
10. Baldwin, Ziggy          WB               0.5/1            625   625
11. Dixon, Nina             WB                                  0     0
12. Brennocks, Olly         WB                                  0     0
13. Myers, Max              WB                                  0     0
14. Price-Wilson, Dean      WB               0.0/1            625     0
15. Cole, Max               WB               0.0/1            625     0
16. Thompson, Luke          WB                                  0     0
17. O'Sullivan, Amelia      WB                                  0     0
18. Carrol, Addy            WB                                  0     0
19. Jones, Josiah           WB                                  0     0
20. Davis, Logan            WB               0.0/1            625     0
21. Bell-Greer, Kynan       WB                                  0     0
22. Ditton, Seth            WB                                  0     0
23. Summerville, Stanley    WB               0.0/1            625     0
24. Isaaks, Boston          WB                                  0     0
25. Pirkopf-Hinkley, Oliver WB               0.0/1            625     0
26. Monk, Chase             WB                                  0     0
27. Robson, Leah            WB               0.0/1            625     0
28. Lewry, Jack             WB                                  0     0

Club Standings

Place Name                Score

  1   OMSS1               21   
  2   OMSS2               15.5 
 3-5  ST PATRICK'S PRIM 1 13.5 5th on Tiebreak
      OMSS3               13.5 4th on Tiebreak
      GYMPIE SOUTH 1      13.5 3rd on Tiebreak
  6   VICTORY KNIGHTS     11   
  7   GYMPIE SOUTH 2      10   
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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