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2025 Term 1 Gold Coast Secondary B

2025 Term 1 Gold Coast Secondary B – Round 7


Place Name                     Feder Loc Club                 Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-2  Alvin Chen               GC    559 ABP 2                6        24.0  33.0   24.5
      Edward Pearce            GC    556 TSS6                 6        23.5  33.0   26.0
 3-5  Vyan Prabhu              GC    647 Benowa SHS 2         5.5      20.0  28.0   23.0
      Hiram Liang              GC    606 TSS5                 5.5      18.5  24.5   22.5
      Addison Scheuber         GC    635 Benowa SHS 2         5.5      18.0  26.5   21.0
 6-7  Joshua Zacaropoulos      GC    678 Assisi Solo          5        20.0  28.0   17.0
      Sree-Krishna Vemulapalli GC    529 Somerset 3           5        18.5  26.0   19.0
8-14  Euan Bamford-Finnie      GC    652 McAuley 1            4.5      23.5  32.0   21.0
      Alexander McIver         GC    567 McAuley 1            4.5      22.0  30.5   20.0
      Harrison Milne           GC    529 Benowa SHS 2         4.5      19.5  29.0   18.5
      Ryan Dariz               GC    605 Miami Gold           4.5      19.5  28.0   21.0
      Cannon Moy               GC    550 Miami Gold           4.5      19.5  28.0   16.0
      Tyler Wu                 GC    637 ABP 2                4.5      18.0  26.0   17.0
      Andrew Francesconi       GC    590 ABP 2                4.5      17.5  23.5   17.0
15-19 Emilio Zengoski          GC    649 Kings Pimpama Team 1 4        21.0  29.0   20.0
      Parker Cunneen           GC    613 TSS5                 4        18.0  26.0   14.0
      Jacob Yuan               GC    530 Emmanuel C           4        17.5  24.0   13.0
      Alan Zheng               GC    566 TSS6                 4        17.0  25.0   14.0
      Asher Haines             GC    593 Kings Pimpama Team 1 4        15.5  20.5   16.0
20-29 Mohavi Broadbent         GC    601 TSS5                 3.5      24.0  33.0   19.0
      Ryan Terhorst            GC    634 Kings Pimpama Team 1 3.5      20.5  28.5   17.0
      Arshaan Ameer            GC    502 TSS7                 3.5      19.5  27.5   16.0
      Hrishi Kadiyala          GC    544 Somerset 3           3.5      19.5  26.0   13.5
      Samuel Mu                GC    586 TSS6                 3.5      18.0  25.5   15.5
      Aya Cowland-Cooper       GC    601 Foxwell              3.5      16.0  22.5   11.0
      Mathias Devlin           GC    502 TSS7                 3.5      15.5  21.5   13.5
      Evan Britton             GC    603 Kings Pimpama Team 1 3.5      15.0  22.0   11.5
      Lachlan Symons           GC    500 Emmanuel D           3.5      14.0  20.5   11.5
      Roman Rimiskiy           GC        SSC 1                3.5      14.0  19.0   14.5
30-36 Marley Sowman            GC    698 Miami Gold           3        20.0  28.5   15.0
      Arjun Rai                GC    512 Somerset 4           3        19.0  26.5   14.0
      Alex Peereboom           GC    576 TSS6                 3        18.0  26.5   16.0
      Hayden Simper            GC    531 Miami Gold           3        18.0  24.0   11.5
      Poojith Kadiyala         GC    500 Somerset 4           3        16.5  23.0   12.0
      Eamon Bamford-Finnie     GC    500 McAuley 1            3        14.0  20.5    9.0
      Egor Chindin             GC        SSC 1                3        13.5  18.0   10.0
37-38 Gary Fei                 GC    572 Somerset 3           2.5      15.0  21.0   11.5
      Archer Ross              GC    544 TSS7                 2.5      11.5  17.0    5.0
39-45 Jethro Ellis             GC    548 TSS7                 2        18.5  26.0   11.0
      Dominic Dean             GC    556 McAuley 1            2        16.5  22.5    7.0
      Aiden Li                 GC    587 TSS5                 2        15.0  21.5    6.0
      Sree-Roja Vemulapalli    GC    559 Somerset 3           2        15.0  18.5    7.0
      Izaiah Smith             GC    546 Emmanuel C           2        14.5  21.0    7.0
      Emily Wong               GC    544 ABP 2                2        13.5  17.5    4.0
      Kobi Marshall            GC    595 Emmanuel C           2        13.0  18.0    8.0
46-47 Hugh Meade               GC    512 Emmanuel C           1.5      16.0  23.5    9.5
      Benjamin Burling         GC    507 SSC 1                1.5      11.0  15.5    5.0
 48   Ben McEntee              GC    538 Emmanuel D           0        13.5  20.5    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                     Feder Loc Club                 Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Alvin Chen               GC    559 ABP 2                6     30:W  5:D 22:W  6:W  8:W  2:W  4:D
2  Edward Pearce            GC    556 TSS6                 6      6:W 13:W 21:W 15:W  3:W  1:L 10:W
3  Vyan Prabhu              GC    647 Benowa SHS 2         5.5   39:W  9:W 32:W  8:D  2:L 20:W 11:W
4  Hiram Liang              GC    606 TSS5                 5.5   48:W 46:W  8:L 12:W 30:W  7:W  1:D
5  Addison Scheuber         GC    635 Benowa SHS 2         5.5   38:W  1:D 31:W 20:L 22:W 24:W  9:W
6  Joshua Zacaropoulos      GC    678 Assisi Solo          5      2:L 43:W 18:W  1:L 39:W 16:W 19:W
7  Sree-Krishna Vemulapalli GC    529 Somerset 3           5     20:L 41:W 27:W 19:W 21:W  4:L 15:W
8  Euan Bamford-Finnie      GC    652 McAuley 1            4.5   12:W 37:W  4:W  3:D  1:L 10:L 24:W
9  Alexander McIver         GC    567 McAuley 1            4.5   28:W  3:L 34:W 13:W 15:W 11:D  5:L
10 Harrison Milne           GC    529 Benowa SHS 2         4.5   25:D 24:W 20:L 26:W 14:W  8:W  2:L
11 Ryan Dariz               GC    605 Miami Gold           4.5   17:W 23:W 15:L 31:W 20:W  9:D  3:L
12 Cannon Moy               GC    550 Miami Gold           4.5    8:L 35:W 16:W  4:L 36:W 13:D 21:W
13 Tyler Wu                 GC    637 ABP 2                4.5   43:W  2:L 40:W  9:L 23:W 12:D 22:W
14 Andrew Francesconi       GC    590 ABP 2                4.5   47:W 31:L 23:W 21:D 10:L 17:W 20:W
15 Emilio Zengoski          GC    649 Kings Pimpama Team 1 4     40:W 18:W 11:W  2:L  9:L 32:W  7:L
16 Parker Cunneen           GC    613 TSS5                 4     23:L 17:W 12:L 33:W 31:W  6:L 34:W
17 Jacob Yuan               GC    530 Emmanuel C           4     11:L 16:L 44:W 40:W 18:W 14:L 32:W
18 Alan Zheng               GC    566 TSS6                 4     36:W 15:L  6:L 35:W 17:L 31:W 30:W
19 Asher Haines             GC    593 Kings Pimpama Team 1 4     46:L 48:W 33:W  7:L 34:W 30:W  6:L
20 Mohavi Broadbent         GC    601 TSS5                 3.5    7:W 22:D 10:W  5:W 11:L  3:L 14:L
21 Ryan Terhorst            GC    634 Kings Pimpama Team 1 3.5   44:W 33:W  2:L 14:D  7:L 26:W 12:L
22 Arshaan Ameer            GC    502 TSS7                 3.5   41:W 20:D  1:L 37:W  5:L 29:W 13:L
23 Hrishi Kadiyala          GC    544 Somerset 3           3.5   16:W 11:L 14:L 45:W 13:L 36:W 27:D
24 Samuel Mu                GC    586 TSS6                 3.5   26:D 10:L 41:W 39:W 29:W  5:L  8:L
25 Aya Cowland-Cooper       GC    601 Foxwell              3.5   10:D 26:L 29:D 28:L 40:W 33:D 37:W
26 Mathias Devlin           GC    502 TSS7                 3.5   24:D 25:W 30:L 10:L 46:W 21:L 42:W
27 Evan Britton             GC    603 Kings Pimpama Team 1 3.5   33:L 44:W  7:L 34:L 37:W 35:W 23:D
28 Lachlan Symons           GC    500 Emmanuel D           3.5    9:L 39:L 38:W 25:W 32:L 42:W 33:D
29 Roman Rimiskiy           GC        SSC 1                3.5   42:W 32:L 25:D 46:W 24:L 22:L 39:W
30 Marley Sowman            GC    698 Miami Gold           3      1:L 38:W 26:W 32:W  4:L 19:L 18:L
31 Arjun Rai                GC    512 Somerset 4           3     45:W 14:W  5:L 11:L 16:L 18:L 43:W
32 Alex Peereboom           GC    576 TSS6                 3     34:W 29:W  3:L 30:L 28:W 15:L 17:L
33 Hayden Simper            GC    531 Miami Gold           3     27:W 21:L 19:L 16:L 45:W 25:D 28:D
34 Poojith Kadiyala         GC    500 Somerset 4           3     32:L 42:W  9:L 27:W 19:L 39:W 16:L
35 Eamon Bamford-Finnie     GC    500 McAuley 1            3     37:L 12:L 42:W 18:L 41:W 27:L 45:W
36 Egor Chindin             GC        SSC 1                3     18:L 40:L 48:W 43:W 12:L 23:L 41:W
37 Gary Fei                 GC    572 Somerset 3           2.5   35:W  8:L 46:D 22:L 27:L 47:W 25:L
38 Archer Ross              GC    544 TSS7                 2.5    5:L 30:L 28:L 47:D 44:L 48:W 46:W
39 Jethro Ellis             GC    548 TSS7                 2      3:L 28:W 45:W 24:L  6:L 34:L 29:L
40 Dominic Dean             GC    556 McAuley 1            2     15:L 36:W 13:L 17:L 25:L 43:L 47:W
41 Aiden Li                 GC    587 TSS5                 2     22:L  7:L 24:L 44:W 35:L 46:W 36:L
42 Sree-Roja Vemulapalli    GC    559 Somerset 3           2     29:L 34:L 35:L 48:W 43:W 28:L 26:L
43 Izaiah Smith             GC    546 Emmanuel C           2     13:L  6:L 47:W 36:L 42:L 40:W 31:L
44 Emily Wong               GC    544 ABP 2                2     21:L 27:L 17:L 41:L 38:W 45:L 48:W
45 Kobi Marshall            GC    595 Emmanuel C           2     31:L 47:W 39:L 23:L 33:L 44:W 35:L
46 Hugh Meade               GC    512 Emmanuel C           1.5   19:W  4:L 37:D 29:L 26:L 41:L 38:L
47 Benjamin Burling         GC    507 SSC 1                1.5   14:L 45:L 43:L 38:D 48:W 37:L 40:L
48 Ben McEntee              GC    538 Emmanuel D           0      4:L 19:L 36:L 42:L 47:L 38:L 44:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                      Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Sowman, Marley            GC           698 3.0/7 4.76   -18 564   514
2.  Zacaropoulos, Joshua      GC           678 5.0/7 4.55     5 569   727
3.  Bamford-Finnie, Euan      GC           652 4.5/7 4.20     3 578   680
4.  Zengoski, Emilio          GC           649 4.0/7 4.34    -3 565   615
5.  Prabhu, Vyan              GC           647 5.5/7 4.06    14 586   816
6.  Wu, Tyler                 GC           637 4.5/7 4.34     2 546   648
7.  Scheuber, Addison         GC           635 5.5/7 4.27    12 553   783
8.  Terhorst, Ryan            GC           634 3.5/7 4.34    -8 543   543
9.  Cunneen, Parker           GC           613 4.0/7 4.13    -1 549   599
10. Liang, Hiram              GC           606 5.5/7 3.78    17 577   807
11. Dariz, Ryan               GC           605 4.5/7 3.78     7 579   681
12. Britton, Evan             GC           603 3.5/7 4.20    -7 531   531
13. Cowland-Cooper, Aya       GC           601 3.0/6 3.60    -6 532   532
14. Broadbent, Mohavi         GC           601 3.5/7 3.71    -2 577   577
15. Marshall, Kobi            GC           595 2.0/7 4.13   -21 527   369
16. Haines, Asher             GC           593 4.0/7 3.71     3 569   619
17. Francesconi, Andrew       GC           590 4.5/7 3.85     7 551   653
18. Li, Aiden                 GC           587 2.0/6 3.48   -15 529   404
19. Mu, Samuel                GC           586 2.5/6 3.06    -6 576   519
20. Peereboom, Alex           GC           576 2.0/6 2.88    -9 587   462
21. Fei, Gary                 GC           572 2.5/7 3.71   -12 554   452
22. McIver, Alexander         GC           567 4.5/7 3.22    13 596   698
23. Zheng, Alan               GC           566 3.0/6 2.76     2 595   595
24. Vemulapalli, Sree-Roja    GC           559 2.0/6 3.36   -14 514   389
25. Chen, Alvin               GC           559 6.0/7 2.94    31 618   927
26. Pearce, Edward            GC           556 6.0/7 2.87    31 619   928
27. Dean, Dominic             GC           556 1.0/6 2.82   -18 578   305
28. Moy, Cannon               GC           550 3.5/6 2.52    10 607   664
29. Ellis, Jethro             GC           548 2.0/6 2.70    -7 584   459
30. Smith, Izaiah             GC           546 2.0/6 2.76    -8 575   450
31. Ross, Archer              GC           544 2.5/7 3.29    -8 562   460
32. Wong, Emily               GC           544 2.0/7 3.22   -12 576   418
33. Kadiyala, Hrishi          GC           544 2.5/6 2.46     0 607   550
34. McEntee, Ben              GC           538 0.0/6 2.82   -28 559     0
35. Simper, Hayden            GC           531 3.0/7 2.94     1 591   541
36. Yuan, Jacob               GC           530 4.0/7 3.01    10 579   629
37. Milne, Harrison           GC           529 4.5/7 2.94    16 584   686
38. Vemulapalli, Sree-Krishna GC           529 5.0/7 2.73    23 610   768
39. Rai, Arjun                GC           512 3.0/7 2.73     3 593   543
40. Meade, Hugh               GC           512 1.5/6 2.52   -10 567   374
41. Burling, Benjamin         GC           507 1.5/7 2.94   -14 563   333
42. Ameer, Arshaan            GC           502 2.5/6 2.22     3 599   542
43. Devlin, Mathias           GC           502 3.5/7 2.66     8 588   588
44. Kadiyala, Poojith         GC           500 3.0/7 2.73     3 580   530
45. Bamford-Finnie, Eamon     GC           500 3.0/7 2.80     2 576   526
46. Symons, Lachlan           GC           500 3.5/7 2.94     6 561   561
47. Chindin, Egor             GC               3.0/7            555   505
48. Rimiskiy, Roman           GC               3.5/7            555   555

Club Standings

Place Name                 Score

  1   ABP 2                17   
  2   TSS6                 16.5 
  3   BENOWA SHS 2         15.5 
 4-6  TSS5                 15   
      KINGS PIMPAMA TEAM 1 15   
      MIAMI GOLD           15   
  7   MCAULEY 1            14   
  8   SOMERSET 3           13   
  9   TSS7                 11.5 
 10   EMMANUEL C           9.5  
 11   SSC 1                8    
 12   SOMERSET 4           6    
 13   ASSISI SOLO          5    
14-15 FOXWELL              3.5  
      EMMANUEL D           3.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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