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2025 Term 1 Gold Coast Hinterland B

2025 Term 1 Gold Coast Hinterland B – Round 7


Place Name                   Feder Loc Club           Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-2  Ethan Zhang            GC        Somerset 5     6        23.5  32.5   26.0
      Angie He               GC    500 Somerset 6     6        22.0  31.0   22.0
 3-4  Annie Zhao             GC    585 Clover Hill 1  5.5      24.5  33.5   24.5
      Mason Venville         GC    585 Hillcrest 2    5.5      22.0  30.0   23.5
 5-7  Felani Fa'avale        GC    561 King's RC Rees 5        21.0  30.0   19.0
      Charlie Aramworapaisan GC        Somerset 8     5        18.0  23.0   18.5
      Samuel Dawson          GC        Somerset 10    5        17.5  23.0   17.0
8-11  Cameron Ding           GC        Somerset 7     4.5      21.0  29.0   19.0
      Jayden Wei             GC    500 Clover Hill 1  4.5      19.5  28.0   20.5
      Kobe Cassidy           GC        ASAS 2         4.5      19.5  28.0   16.5
      Soren Pierce           GC        Somerset 9     4.5      14.5  22.0   17.5
12-19 Isaac Nematalla        GC        ASAS 2         4        21.5  29.0   19.0
      Denzel Huang           GC    500 Somerset 5     4        21.0  29.0   18.0
      Alexa Jacobs           GC    527 King's RC Rees 4        20.5  29.5   19.0
      Xavier Saunders        GC        Somerset 5     4        19.0  26.5   14.0
      Kyle ToriiKron         GC        ASAS 2         4        18.0  26.0   17.5
      Nathan Liu             GC        Somerset 7     4        18.0  25.5   15.0
      Amelia Shum            GC    500 Somerset 6     4        16.5  21.0   13.0
      Jonathan Rees          GC    594 King's RC Rees 4        15.5  22.0   14.0
20-23 Ethan Huang            GC        Somerset 9     3.5      19.5  24.5   16.0
      Harvey McGuire         GC    500 Hillcrest 2    3.5      19.0  25.5   18.0
      Arissa Wei             GC    500 Clover Hill 1  3.5      18.5  24.0   15.0
      Jacob GOLDSTONE        GC        Somerset 10    3.5      15.0  21.5   12.5
24-32 Rex Xiao               GC        King's RC Rees 3        20.0  26.5   14.0
      Kelly Lau              GC    500 Somerset 6     3        19.5  27.5   16.0
      Jan Van Der Molen      GC        Hillcrest 2    3        17.0  24.5   10.0
      Zayn Abedian           GC        ASAS 2         3        16.5  23.5   12.0
      Anson Kang             GC        Hillcrest 2    3        16.5  22.0   11.0
      Evelyn Hoare           GC        Somerset 6     3        16.0  23.0   12.0
      Jeremy Feng            GC        Somerset 7     3        15.0  21.0    9.0
      Isabella Jennings      GC        Somerset 9     3        13.0  18.5   12.0
      Harry Scarr            GC        Somerset 10    3        11.0  15.5    8.0
33-36 Lincoln Price          GC        Hillcrest 3    2.5      19.5  27.0   13.0
      Alan Zeng              GC    500 Somerset 5     2.5      16.5  23.0    9.5
      Laurel O'Keefe         GC        Clover Hill 1  2.5      16.5  22.5    6.0
      Felix Micheletti       GC        Hillcrest 3    2.5      14.0  20.5    8.0
37-39 Ezra Farrell           GC        Somerset 7     2        16.5  23.0    9.0
      Hamish Logan           GC        Somerset 8     2        15.0  21.5   11.5
      Benjamin Blashki       GC        Somerset 8     2        13.5  18.0    5.0
40-41 Hunter Chong-O'Neil    GC        Hillcrest 3    1        16.5  22.5    4.0
      Albert Zheng           GC        Hillcrest 3    1        16.0  22.5    3.0

Cross Table

No Name                   Feder Loc Club           Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Ethan Zhang            GC        Somerset 5     6      5:W  2:W 25:W 21:W  3:D 14:W  4:D
2  Angie He               GC    500 Somerset 6     6     26:W  1:L 15:W 10:W 12:W  3:W  9:W
3  Annie Zhao             GC    585 Clover Hill 1  5.5   30:W 10:W  8:W  4:W  1:D  2:L 11:W
4  Mason Venville         GC    585 Hillcrest 2    5.5   35:W 27:W 12:W  3:L  9:W  5:W  1:D
5  Felani Fa'avale        GC    561 King's RC Rees 5      1:L 26:W 30:W 16:W  8:W  4:L 12:W
6  Charlie Aramworapaisan GC        Somerset 8     5     41:W  8:L 34:W 22:D 13:D 15:W 14:W
7  Samuel Dawson          GC        Somerset 10    5     17:L 28:W 37:W 14:L 31:W 13:W 21:W
8  Cameron Ding           GC        Somerset 7     4.5   36:W  6:W  3:L 19:W  5:L 20:D 22:W
9  Jayden Wei             GC    500 Clover Hill 1  4.5   24:D 23:W 33:W 13:W  4:L 21:W  2:L
10 Kobe Cassidy           GC        ASAS 2         4.5    0:W  3:L 17:W  2:L 24:D 33:W 20:W
11 Soren Pierce           GC        Somerset 9     4.5   34:D 24:L 35:W 33:W 22:W 25:W  3:L
12 Isaac Nematalla        GC        ASAS 2         4     37:W 14:W  4:L 25:W  2:L 17:W  5:L
13 Denzel Huang           GC    500 Somerset 5     4     20:W 17:W 16:D  9:L  6:D  7:L 24:W
14 Alexa Jacobs           GC    527 King's RC Rees 4     32:W 12:L 27:W  7:W 20:W  1:L  6:L
15 Xavier Saunders        GC        Somerset 5     4     25:L 39:W  2:L 18:W 19:W  6:L 28:W
16 Kyle ToriiKron         GC        ASAS 2         4     22:W 18:W 13:D  5:L 21:L 24:D 25:W
17 Nathan Liu             GC        Somerset 7     4      7:W 13:L 10:L 27:W 26:W 12:L 34:W
18 Amelia Shum            GC    500 Somerset 6     4     28:W 16:L 20:L 15:L 40:W 26:W 27:W
19 Jonathan Rees          GC    594 King's RC Rees 4     33:L 32:W 38:W  8:L 15:L 23:W 29:W
20 Ethan Huang            GC        Somerset 9     3.5   13:L 41:W 18:W 23:W 14:L  8:D 10:L
21 Harvey McGuire         GC    500 Hillcrest 2    3.5   40:W 33:D 24:W  1:L 16:W  9:L  7:L
22 Arissa Wei             GC    500 Clover Hill 1  3.5   16:L 40:W 31:W  6:D 11:L 29:W  8:L
23 Jacob GOLDSTONE        GC        Somerset 10    3.5   38:D  9:L 36:W 20:L 34:W 19:L 33:W
24 Rex Xiao               GC        King's RC Rees 3      9:D 11:W 21:L 38:D 10:D 16:D 13:L
25 Kelly Lau              GC    500 Somerset 6     3     15:W 31:W  1:L 12:L 38:W 11:L 16:L
26 Jan Van Der Molen      GC        Hillcrest 2    3      2:L  5:L 39:W 37:W 17:L 18:L 36:W
27 Zayn Abedian           GC        ASAS 2         3     29:W  4:L 14:L 17:L 35:W 37:W 18:L
28 Anson Kang             GC        Hillcrest 2    3     18:L  7:L 41:W 30:W 29:L 31:W 15:L
29 Evelyn Hoare           GC        Somerset 6     3     27:L 30:L  0:W 32:W 28:W 22:L 19:L
30 Jeremy Feng            GC        Somerset 7     3      3:L 29:W  5:L 28:L 36:L 40:W 38:W
31 Isabella Jennings      GC        Somerset 9     3     39:W 25:L 22:L 35:W  7:L 28:L 41:W
32 Harry Scarr            GC        Somerset 10    3     14:L 19:L 40:W 29:L 33:L 41:W 37:W
33 Lincoln Price          GC        Hillcrest 3    2.5   19:W 21:D  9:L 11:L 32:W 10:L 23:L
34 Alan Zeng              GC    500 Somerset 5     2.5   11:D 38:L  6:L 36:W 23:L 39:W 17:L
35 Laurel O'Keefe         GC        Clover Hill 1  2.5    4:L 36:D 11:L 31:L 27:L  0:W 40:W
36 Felix Micheletti       GC        Hillcrest 3    2.5    8:L 35:D 23:L 34:L 30:W 38:W 26:L
37 Ezra Farrell           GC        Somerset 7     2     12:L  0:W  7:L 26:L 39:W 27:L 32:L
38 Hamish Logan           GC        Somerset 8     2     23:D 34:W 19:L 24:D 25:L 36:L 30:L
39 Benjamin Blashki       GC        Somerset 8     2     31:L 15:L 26:L 41:W 37:L 34:L  0:W
40 Hunter Chong-O'Neil    GC        Hillcrest 3    1     21:L 22:L 32:L  0:W 18:L 30:L 35:L
41 Albert Zheng           GC        Hillcrest 3    1      6:L 20:L 28:L 39:L  0:W 32:L 31:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                    Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Rees, Jonathan          GC           594                    0     0
2.  Zhao, Annie             GC           585 1.0/2 1.12    -1 543   543
3.  Venville, Mason         GC           585 2.0/3 1.65     4 549   674
4.  Fa'avale, Felani        GC           561 0.0/1 0.47    -5 585     0
5.  Jacobs, Alexa           GC           527                    0     0
6.  He, Angie               GC           500 2.0/2 0.88    11 543  1542
7.  McGuire, Harvey         GC           500 0.0/1 0.50    -5 500     0
8.  Zeng, Alan              GC           500                    0     0
9.  Shum, Amelia            GC           500                    0     0
10. Lau, Kelly              GC           500                    0     0
11. Huang, Denzel           GC           500 0.0/1 0.50    -5 500     0
12. Wei, Arissa             GC           500                    0     0
13. Wei, Jayden             GC           500 2.0/4 1.88     1 521   521
14. Ding, Cameron           GC               2.0/4            560   560
15. Dawson, Samuel          GC               2.0/3            509   522
16. Blashki, Benjamin       GC               0.0/1            500     0
17. Cassidy, Kobe           GC               0.0/2            543     0
18. Zheng, Albert           GC                                  0     0
19. Abedian, Zayn           GC               0.0/3            537     0
20. GOLDSTONE, Jacob        GC               1.0/3            531   406
21. Nematalla, Isaac        GC               2.0/5            535   463
22. Price, Lincoln          GC               1.5/3            531   531
23. O'Keefe, Laurel         GC               0.0/1            585     0
24. Feng, Jeremy            GC               0.0/2            573     0
25. Zhang, Ethan            GC               6.0/7            537   600
26. Scarr, Harry            GC               0.0/2            561     0
27. Van Der Molen, Jan      GC               0.0/3            520     0
28. Chong-O'Neil, Hunter    GC               0.0/3            500     0
29. Pierce, Soren           GC               2.5/4            521   534
30. Kang, Anson             GC               0.0/1            500     0
31. Saunders, Xavier        GC               2.0/4            524   524
32. Huang, Ethan            GC               1.0/3            509   384
33. ToriiKron, Kyle         GC               3.5/6            510   523
34. Xiao, Rex               GC               0.5/3            500   227
35. Micheletti, Felix       GC               0.0/1            500     0
36. Liu, Nathan             GC               1.0/2            500   500
37. Jennings, Isabella      GC               0.0/2            500     0
38. Aramworapaisan, Charlie GC               3.0/4            507   532
39. Hoare, Evelyn           GC               0.0/2            547     0
40. Logan, Hamish           GC               1.0/3            531   406
41. Farrell, Ezra           GC                                  0     0

Club Standings

Place Name           Score

  1   SOMERSET 5     16.5 
 2-4  CLOVER HILL 1  16   
      SOMERSET 6     16   
      KING'S RC REES 16   
  5   ASAS 2         15.5 
  6   HILLCREST 2    15   
  7   SOMERSET 7     13.5 
  8   SOMERSET 10    11.5 
  9   SOMERSET 9     11   
 10   SOMERSET 8     9    
 11   HILLCREST 3    7    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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