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2025 Term 1 Far North Queensland Secondary C

2025 Term 1 Far North Queensland Secondary C – Round 7


Place Name                  Feder Loc Club                       Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Jack Turner           FNQ       Malanda State High School  6.5      25.5  34.5   25.5
 2-3  Mateo Martin          FNQ       Kuranda Chess Kings        6        21.5  29.5   25.0
      jordan Riedl          FNQ       Kuranda Chess Kings        6        21.5  29.5   25.0
 4-5  Oberon Birkbeck-McKay FNQ       Homeschool (CDE)           5.5      22.5  30.0   23.5
      Jaiya X               FNQ       Kuranda Chess Kings        5.5      20.0  30.0   21.5
 6-9  Gabriel Cipreanu      FNQ       Kuranda Chess Kings        5        22.5  33.0   24.0
      Alex Nguyen           FNQ       SMCC7                      5        19.5  27.5   22.0
      Parbat Sanyasi        FNQ       Trinity Bay 4              5        19.0  28.5   20.0
      Aidin Jerish          FNQ       SMCC5                      5        17.5  24.5   16.0
10-14 Luca Jung             FNQ       CHSS - Class 8             4.5      22.0  31.0   19.5
      James Mundy           FNQ       St Andrew's Darkwing Dex   4.5      21.0  29.0   20.0
      Tehya MCGRATH         FNQ       CHSS - Class 8             4.5      19.5  27.0   18.5
      Dexter Waldrom        FNQ       St Andrew's Darkwing Dex   4.5      18.0  25.0   15.5
      Ryan Killeen          FNQ       SMCC7                      4.5      15.5  22.0   15.5
15-24 Alfie Lebner          FNQ       Malanda State High School  4        22.0  30.5   20.0
      Alex Stallman         FNQ       CHSS - Class 7             4        21.5  31.0   20.0
      Matrix Grieves        FNQ       SMCC6                      4        20.5  28.5   17.0
      Marcus Aloi           FNQ       Trinity Bay 3              4        19.5  27.5   17.0
      Alex Chan             FNQ       Cairns SHS 6               4        18.0  25.0   17.0
      Buster Pearson        FNQ       CHSS - Class 8             4        17.5  26.0   15.0
      Hannah Malone         FNQ       SMCC4                      4        16.0  23.0   14.0
      Mace Jones            FNQ       GCC3                       4        15.5  21.0   14.5
      Leonard Hasani        FNQ       NCC Team 3                 4        15.0  22.5   12.0
      Marshal Kepper        FNQ       NCC Team 3                 4        14.5  21.0   12.0
25-32 Leejay Seiuli         FNQ       Trinity Bay 3              3.5      19.5  28.5   17.5
      Declan Scholtens      FNQ       SMCC6                      3.5      19.5  27.0   16.5
      Kobe Chen             FNQ       CHSS - Class 7             3.5      18.5  26.5   16.5
      Denan Anderson        FNQ       GCC2                       3.5      18.5  25.5   13.5
      Cameron Leeds         FNQ       CHSS - Class 8             3.5      17.0  24.0   16.0
      Thomas Tamblyn        FNQ       GCC3                       3.5      16.0  23.5   13.5
      Quinn Coates-Marnane  FNQ       NCC Team 3                 3.5      13.0  20.0   10.5
      Navreet Basra         FNQ       GCC2                       3.5      11.5  18.0   14.0
33-45 Jarrod Goodes         FNQ       GCC2                       3        21.0  26.5   15.0
      Isaac PFEIFFER        FNQ       CHSS - Class 7             3        17.5  24.0   15.0
      Ayden Maher           FNQ       St Andrew's Bishop Brigade 3        17.5  24.0   13.0
      Lachlan Ngakyunkwokka FNQ       St Andrew's Bishop Brigade 3        17.0  24.0   11.0
      Jonah DE RAADT        FNQ       CHSS - Class 7             3        16.5  23.5   14.0
      James Robertson       FNQ       NCC Team 3                 3        16.0  22.5   11.0
      River Ricks           FNQ       St Andrew's Darkwing Dex   3        16.0  21.5   11.0
      Jaspreet Singh        FNQ       GCC2                       3        15.5  23.5    9.5
      Sophia Burgoyne       FNQ       SMCC4                      3        15.5  22.5   13.0
      Declan Moffatt        FNQ       St Andrew's Darkwing Dex   3        15.5  21.5   10.0
      Ella Page             FNQ       SMCC4                      3        13.0  19.5    9.0
      Bailin Former         FNQ       SMCC7                      3        13.0  18.0    8.0
      Nadia Ouzaid          FNQ       NCC Team 4                 3        12.0  18.5    8.0
46-49 Airaa Seiuli          FNQ       Trinity Bay 4              2.5      17.0  22.0    9.5
      Harvey Smith          FNQ       Cairns SHS 6               2.5      16.5  22.5   12.0
      Lara Derksen          FNQ       Trinity Bay 4              2.5      16.0  21.5    7.5
      Seth Maisey           FNQ       SMCC6                      2.5      13.5  21.0   10.5
50-56 Williams Phillips     FNQ       Trinity Bay 3              2        17.5  25.5    7.0
      Daniel Cachia         FNQ       SMCC5                      2        17.5  24.5   10.0
      Jacob Traves          FNQ       SMCC7                      2        14.5  19.5    5.0
      Lochie Henson         FNQ       Trinity Bay 3              2        14.5  19.0    9.0
      Lachlan Maher         FNQ       St Andrew's Bishop Brigade 2        14.0  21.0    4.5
      Nate Aquilina         FNQ       Cairns SHS 6               2        14.0  20.0    5.5
      Hayden Tripovich      FNQ       SMCC6                      2        12.0  17.0    5.5
57-58 Arwin Pallan          FNQ       SMCC5                      1.5      16.5  24.5    7.0
      Shiloh Nelson         FNQ       NCC Team 4                 1.5      13.0  19.5    6.5
 59   James Tindall         FNQ       SMCC5                      1        13.0  18.5    3.0
 60   Emma Ball             FNQ       SMCC4                      0         0.0   0.0    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                  Feder Loc Club                       Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Jack Turner           FNQ       Malanda State High School  6.5   40:W 20:W  3:D  5:W  2:W  8:W  6:W
2  Mateo Martin          FNQ       Kuranda Chess Kings        6     57:W 35:W 25:W  4:W  1:L  7:W 11:W
3  jordan Riedl          FNQ       Kuranda Chess Kings        6     50:W 49:W  1:D  7:W 16:W 10:W  4:D
4  Oberon Birkbeck-McKay FNQ       Homeschool (CDE)           5.5   54:W 18:W 37:W  2:L  6:W 12:W  3:D
5  Jaiya X               FNQ       Kuranda Chess Kings        5.5   30:W 10:W 11:D  1:L 27:W 26:W 16:W
6  Gabriel Cipreanu      FNQ       Kuranda Chess Kings        5     13:W 14:W 17:W 16:W  4:L 15:W  1:L
7  Alex Nguyen           FNQ       SMCC7                      5     36:W 58:W 29:W  3:L 33:W  2:L 19:W
8  Parbat Sanyasi        FNQ       Trinity Bay 4              5     38:W 15:L 40:W 24:W 18:W  1:L 32:W
9  Aidin Jerish          FNQ       SMCC5                      5     26:L 31:W 33:L 45:W 41:W 25:W 15:W
10 Luca Jung             FNQ       CHSS - Class 8             4.5   23:W  5:L 36:W 28:W 19:W  3:L 13:D
11 James Mundy           FNQ       St Andrew's Darkwing Dex   4.5   56:W 27:D  5:D 38:W 12:D 17:W  2:L
12 Tehya MCGRATH         FNQ       CHSS - Class 8             4.5   46:W 17:L 14:W 34:W 11:D  4:L 26:W
13 Dexter Waldrom        FNQ       St Andrew's Darkwing Dex   4.5    6:L 44:W 24:L 58:W 51:W 20:W 10:D
14 Ryan Killeen          FNQ       SMCC7                      4.5   55:W  6:L 12:L 57:W 30:D 51:W 27:W
15 Alfie Lebner          FNQ       Malanda State High School  4     45:W  8:W 16:L 23:W 25:W  6:L  9:L
16 Alex Stallman         FNQ       CHSS - Class 7             4     28:W 26:W 15:W  6:L  3:L 38:W  5:L
17 Matrix Grieves        FNQ       SMCC6                      4     19:W 12:W  6:L 18:L 28:W 11:L 39:W
18 Marcus Aloi           FNQ       Trinity Bay 3              4     48:W  4:L 35:W 17:W  8:L 23:L 33:W
19 Alex Chan             FNQ       Cairns SHS 6               4     17:L 48:W 58:W 22:W 10:L 34:W  7:L
20 Buster Pearson        FNQ       CHSS - Class 8             4     33:W  1:L 23:L 46:W 36:W 13:L 42:W
21 Hannah Malone         FNQ       SMCC4                      4     24:W 37:L 28:L 44:W 38:L 48:W 34:W
22 Mace Jones            FNQ       GCC3                       4     25:L 53:W 57:W 19:L 31:D 39:D 41:W
23 Leonard Hasani        FNQ       NCC Team 3                 4     10:L 43:W 20:W 15:L 37:W 18:W  0: 
24 Marshal Kepper        FNQ       NCC Team 3                 4     21:L 50:W 13:W  8:L 35:W 33:W  0: 
25 Leejay Seiuli         FNQ       Trinity Bay 3              3.5   22:W 34:W  2:L 37:W 15:L  9:L 28:D
26 Declan Scholtens      FNQ       SMCC6                      3.5    9:W 16:L 46:D 47:W 29:W  5:L 12:L
27 Kobe Chen             FNQ       CHSS - Class 7             3.5   42:W 11:D 47:D 29:D  5:L 30:W 14:L
28 Denan Anderson        FNQ       GCC2                       3.5   16:L 42:W 21:W 10:L 17:L 36:W 25:D
29 Cameron Leeds         FNQ       CHSS - Class 8             3.5   53:W 41:W  7:L 27:D 26:L 31:L 35:W
30 Thomas Tamblyn        FNQ       GCC3                       3.5    5:L 56:W 49:W 33:L 14:D 27:L 47:W
31 Quinn Coates-Marnane  FNQ       NCC Team 3                 3.5   47:D  9:L 39:W 51:D 22:D 29:W  0: 
32 Navreet Basra         FNQ       GCC2                       3.5    0:W 57:L 51:L 55:D 52:W 47:W  8:L
33 Jarrod Goodes         FNQ       GCC2                       3     20:L 59:W  9:W 30:W  7:L 24:L 18:L
34 Isaac PFEIFFER        FNQ       CHSS - Class 7             3     39:W 25:L 41:W 12:L 53:W 19:L 21:L
35 Ayden Maher           FNQ       St Andrew's Bishop Brigade 3     59:W  2:L 18:L 42:W 24:L 37:W 29:L
36 Lachlan Ngakyunkwokka FNQ       St Andrew's Bishop Brigade 3      7:L 55:W 10:L 43:W 20:L 28:L 51:W
37 Jonah DE RAADT        FNQ       CHSS - Class 7             3     52:W 21:W  4:L 25:L 23:L 35:L 50:W
38 James Robertson       FNQ       NCC Team 3                 3      8:L 52:W 45:W 11:L 21:W 16:L  0: 
39 River Ricks           FNQ       St Andrew's Darkwing Dex   3     34:L 40:D 31:L 54:W 46:W 22:D 17:L
40 Jaspreet Singh        FNQ       GCC2                       3      1:L 39:D  8:L 52:W 47:L 55:W 43:D
41 Sophia Burgoyne       FNQ       SMCC4                      3     51:W 29:L 34:L 48:W  9:L 49:W 22:L
42 Declan Moffatt        FNQ       St Andrew's Darkwing Dex   3     27:L 28:L  0:W 35:L 56:W 53:W 20:L
43 Ella Page             FNQ       SMCC4                      3     49:L 23:L 56:W 36:L 48:D 46:W 40:D
44 Bailin Former         FNQ       SMCC7                      3     58:L 13:L 50:W 21:L 45:L 59:W 53:W
45 Nadia Ouzaid          FNQ       NCC Team 4                 3     15:L 54:W 38:L  9:L 44:W 50:W  0: 
46 Airaa Seiuli          FNQ       Trinity Bay 4              2.5   12:L  0:W 26:D 20:L 39:L 43:L 59:W
47 Harvey Smith          FNQ       Cairns SHS 6               2.5   31:D 51:D 27:D 26:L 40:W 32:L 30:L
48 Lara Derksen          FNQ       Trinity Bay 4              2.5   18:L 19:L 55:W 41:L 43:D 21:L 57:W
49 Seth Maisey           FNQ       SMCC6                      2.5   43:W  3:L 30:L 53:L 57:W 41:L 55:D
50 Williams Phillips     FNQ       Trinity Bay 3              2      3:L 24:L 44:L  0:W 58:W 45:L 37:L
51 Daniel Cachia         FNQ       SMCC5                      2     41:L 47:D 32:W 31:D 13:L 14:L 36:L
52 Jacob Traves          FNQ       SMCC7                      2     37:L 38:L 54:D 40:L 32:L  0:W 56:D
53 Lochie Henson         FNQ       Trinity Bay 3              2     29:L 22:L 59:W 49:W 34:L 42:L 44:L
54 Lachlan Maher         FNQ       St Andrew's Bishop Brigade 2      4:L 45:L 52:D 39:L 55:L 58:D  0:W
55 Nate Aquilina         FNQ       Cairns SHS 6               2     14:L 36:L 48:L 32:D 54:W 40:L 49:D
56 Hayden Tripovich      FNQ       SMCC6                      2     11:L 30:L 43:L 59:W 42:L 57:D 52:D
57 Arwin Pallan          FNQ       SMCC5                      1.5    2:L 32:W 22:L 14:L 49:L 56:D 48:L
58 Shiloh Nelson         FNQ       NCC Team 4                 1.5   44:W  7:L 19:L 13:L 50:L 54:D  0: 
59 James Tindall         FNQ       SMCC5                      1     35:L 33:L 53:L 56:L  0:W 44:L 46:L
60 Emma Ball             FNQ       SMCC4                      0      0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 

Club Standings

Place Name                       Score

  1   KURANDA CHESS KINGS        22.5 
  2   CHSS - CLASS 8             16.5 
 4-5  NCC TEAM 3                 14.5 
      SMCC7                      14.5 
  6   CHSS - CLASS 7             13.5 
  7   GCC2                       13   
  8   SMCC6                      12   
  9   TRINITY BAY 3              11.5 
11-12 SMCC4                      10   
      TRINITY BAY 4              10   
 13   SMCC5                      9.5  
 14   CAIRNS SHS 6               8.5  
 16   GCC3                       7.5  
 17   HOMESCHOOL (CDE)           5.5  
 18   NCC TEAM 4                 4.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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