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2025 Term 1 Far North Queensland Secondary A

2025 Term 1 Far North Queensland Secondary A – Round 7


Place Name                   Feder Loc  Club                    Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Dexter Newcombe        FNQ   950  Woree State High School 7        22.0  31.0   28.0
  2   Joshua Wall            FNQ   884  Trinity Bay 1           6        24.0  32.5   25.0
 3-4  David Ball             FNQ   808  SMCC 1                  5.5      20.5  28.5   22.5
      Zander Hocking         FNQ   687  SMCC 1                  5.5      18.5  28.0   22.5
5-10  Hayden Coombs          FNQ   995  TAS WRS Mohammad        5        23.5  34.0   23.0
      Aiki Amamoto           FNQ   1052 Cairns SHS 1            5        23.5  32.5   22.0
      Shivansh Pandey        FNQ   636  TAS WRS Raiyaan         5        21.0  28.5   20.0
      William Parkinson      FNQ   797  St Augustine's 1        5        19.5  26.0   22.0
      Thomas Fenner          FNQ   868  St Stephen's 1          5        19.0  27.0   20.5
      Asato Nakagawa         FNQ   734  Cairns SHS 1            5        19.0  26.5   18.5
11-17 Patrick McCarthy       FNQ   820  St Stephen's 1          4.5      21.5  29.5   18.0
      Mohammad Romies        FNQ   1224 TAS WRS Mohammad        4.5      21.0  29.5   19.5
      Angus Carpenter        FNQ   944  Cairns SHS 1            4.5      21.0  29.0   19.5
      Harvey Nguyen          FNQ   786  TAS WRS Raiyaan         4.5      20.5  28.0   20.0
      Kai Furche             FNQ   544  Cairns SHS 2            4.5      19.0  26.5   16.5
      Noah Clegg             FNQ   725  Cairns SHS 1            4.5      17.5  24.5   17.0
      Kyle Hiranuma          FNQ   775  St Augustine's 1        4.5      16.0  21.5   16.5
18-28 Methum Wickramasinghe  FNQ   867  TAS WRS Mohammad        4        21.5  31.5   19.0
      Kaito Zalkalns         FNQ   864  TAS WRS Raiyaan         4        21.5  29.5   19.0
      Sami Abdalla           FNQ   967  St Augustine's 1        4        19.5  27.5   19.0
      Angus Cahill           FNQ   587  St Stephen's 2          4        18.0  24.5   14.0
      Raiyaan Baig           FNQ   855  TAS WRS Raiyaan         4        17.0  23.0   17.0
      Takumi Nakamura        FNQ   766  Trinity Bay 1           4        16.5  23.0   13.0
      Dean Coombs            FNQ   758  St Augustine's 1        4        16.0  23.0   14.0
      Rohan Volker           FNQ   745  Cairns SHS 2            4        15.5  21.5   16.0
      Joshua Barry           FNQ   675  TAS WRS Joshua          4        15.5  21.0   13.0
      Albert Chan            FNQ   617  Cairns SHS 3            4        14.5  20.0   12.0
      Edward Robinson        FNQ   721  Trinity Bay 1           4        13.5  20.0   12.5
29-34 Jack Lennon            FNQ   749  St Stephen's 2          3.5      21.0  28.0   18.5
      Axel Grieves           FNQ   564  SMCC 1                  3.5      20.5  28.0   17.0
      Treyton Muirhead       FNQ   800  TAS WRS Mohammad        3.5      20.0  28.5   16.0
      Alessio Mogorovich     FNQ        SMCC 1                  3.5      18.0  25.0   15.0
      Moritz Bujok           FNQ        Trinity Bay 1           3.5      16.5  24.5   12.5
      Thomas Lockett         FNQ   724  Cairns SHS 2            3.5      14.0  20.0   12.5
35-44 Ashley King            FNQ   637  St Stephen's 2          3        19.5  29.5   14.0
      Christian Salvetti     FNQ   753  St Stephen's 1          3        18.5  28.0   14.0
      Larry Dang             FNQ   680  TAS WRS Joshua          3        18.0  24.5   13.0
      Ruben Longakit         FNQ        St Stephen's 1          3        17.5  24.5   10.0
      Mathew Deede           FNQ        Cairns SHS 3            3        17.5  24.0   12.0
      Ben Dobson             FNQ   656  NCC Team 1              3        16.5  23.0   11.0
      Ziggy Barker           FNQ   709  St Augustine's 2        3        16.5  22.5   14.0
      Jennifer Nguyen        FNQ   537  SMCC 3                  3        16.0  22.0   10.0
      Lillian Zhang          FNQ   721  TAS WRS Joshua          3        13.0  19.5   11.0
      Jake Cook              FNQ   568  St Stephen's 2          3        11.0  18.0    7.0
45-51 Nicholas Maynard       FNQ        St Augustine's 2        2.5      19.5  27.5   14.0
      Bryce Gardiner         FNQ        Cairns SHS 3            2.5      16.5  23.0   12.5
      Hugh Yu                FNQ   625  TAS WRS Hugh            2.5      16.0  22.0    7.5
      Girija Tambade         FNQ   640  TAS WRS Joshua          2.5      15.5  22.5   10.0
      Ashton Kelley          FNQ   539  Cairns SHS 2            2.5      15.0  19.5    9.0
      Jase Daniels           FNQ        St Augustine's 2        2.5      14.0  21.0   11.0
      Caitlin Wong           FNQ   530  NCC Team 1              2.5      14.0  21.0    8.0
52-57 Autpisit Lam-On        FNQ        SMCC 3                  2        16.0  23.5   11.5
      Gitanjali Yongyuen     FNQ   544  Cairns SHS 3            2        15.5  20.5    4.0
      Lachlan Baker          FNQ   536  TAS WRS Hugh            2        15.0  21.0    6.0
      Eeligh Gill-Schipanski FNQ   560  SMCC 3                  2        14.5  21.0    7.0
      Sean Stievano          FNQ   581  St Augustine's 2        2        14.5  19.0    7.0
      Mario Molinari         FNQ   711  NCC Team 1              2        14.0  19.0    7.0
58-59 Riley Peppler          FNQ   572  SMCC 3                  1.5      14.0  20.0    3.5
      Viyaan Jindal          FNQ   631  TAS WRS Hugh            1.5      10.5  17.5    3.5
60-61 Mateo Kazal            FNQ   500  NCC Team 1              1        15.0  21.5    5.0
      Albert Jindra          FNQ   544  TAS WRS Hugh            1        14.5  20.5    4.0

Cross Table

No Name                   Feder Loc  Club                    Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Dexter Newcombe        FNQ   950  Woree State High School 7     35:W 36:W 11:W 18:W  2:W  4:W  5:W
2  Joshua Wall            FNQ   884  Trinity Bay 1           6     59:W 10:W 14:W  5:W  1:L 12:W  7:W
3  David Ball             FNQ   808  SMCC 1                  5.5   44:W 51:W  6:D  9:W 12:L 31:W 14:W
4  Zander Hocking         FNQ   687  SMCC 1                  5.5   33:D 50:W 45:W 29:W  6:W  1:L 20:W
5  Hayden Coombs          FNQ   995  TAS WRS Mohammad        5     40:W 24:W 19:W  2:L 13:W  8:W  1:L
6  Aiki Amamoto           FNQ   1052 Cairns SHS 1            5     26:W 17:W  3:D  8:W  4:L 29:W 12:D
7  Shivansh Pandey        FNQ   636  TAS WRS Raiyaan         5     13:L 54:W 24:W 11:W 18:W 20:W  2:L
8  William Parkinson      FNQ   797  St Augustine's 1        5     55:W 52:W 13:W  6:L 19:W  5:L 21:W
9  Thomas Fenner          FNQ   868  St Stephen's 1          5     47:W 43:W 29:D  3:L 30:W 10:D 25:W
10 Asato Nakagawa         FNQ   734  Cairns SHS 1            5     60:W  2:L 15:D 39:W 45:W  9:D 19:W
11 Patrick McCarthy       FNQ   820  St Stephen's 1          4.5   58:W 15:W  1:L  7:L 26:W 16:D 30:W
12 Mohammad Romies        FNQ   1224 TAS WRS Mohammad        4.5   37:W 14:L 57:W 36:W  3:W  2:L  6:D
13 Angus Carpenter        FNQ   944  Cairns SHS 1            4.5    7:W 34:W  8:L 35:W  5:L 41:W 17:D
14 Harvey Nguyen          FNQ   786  TAS WRS Raiyaan         4.5   53:W 12:W  2:L 30:D 32:W 18:W  3:L
15 Kai Furche             FNQ   544  Cairns SHS 2            4.5   23:W 11:L 10:D 57:W 31:L 33:W 29:W
16 Noah Clegg             FNQ   725  Cairns SHS 1            4.5   38:W 18:L 51:W 19:L 39:W 11:D 31:W
17 Kyle Hiranuma          FNQ   775  St Augustine's 1        4.5   61:W  6:L 40:L 47:W 48:W 37:W 13:D
18 Methum Wickramasinghe  FNQ   867  TAS WRS Mohammad        4     27:W 16:W 30:W  1:L  7:L 14:L 41:W
19 Kaito Zalkalns         FNQ   864  TAS WRS Raiyaan         4     21:W 41:W  5:L 16:W  8:L 35:W 10:L
20 Sami Abdalla           FNQ   967  St Augustine's 1        4     48:W 29:L 41:W 25:W 22:W  7:L  4:L
21 Angus Cahill           FNQ   587  St Stephen's 2          4     19:L 46:L 53:W 28:W 23:W 40:W  8:L
22 Raiyaan Baig           FNQ   855  TAS WRS Raiyaan         4     56:W 30:L 37:W 40:W 20:L 25:L 32:W
23 Takumi Nakamura        FNQ   766  Trinity Bay 1           4     15:L 56:W 35:L 27:W 21:L 48:W 37:W
24 Dean Coombs            FNQ   758  St Augustine's 1        4     49:W  5:L  7:L 56:W 40:L 55:W 35:W
25 Rohan Volker           FNQ   745  Cairns SHS 2            4     51:L 58:W 60:W 20:L 42:W 22:W  9:L
26 Joshua Barry           FNQ   675  TAS WRS Joshua          4      6:L 61:W 31:L 60:W 11:L 39:W 36:W
27 Albert Chan            FNQ   617  Cairns SHS 3            4     18:L 38:W 36:L 23:L 60:W 57:W 49:W
28 Edward Robinson        FNQ   721  Trinity Bay 1           4     50:D 45:D 32:L 21:L 49:W 42:W 38:W
29 Jack Lennon            FNQ   749  St Stephen's 2          3.5   54:W 20:W  9:D  4:L 46:W  6:L 15:L
30 Axel Grieves           FNQ   564  SMCC 1                  3.5   31:W 22:W 18:L 14:D  9:L 45:W 11:L
31 Treyton Muirhead       FNQ   800  TAS WRS Mohammad        3.5   30:L 33:W 26:W 32:D 15:W  3:L 16:L
32 Alessio Mogorovich     FNQ        SMCC 1                  3.5   41:L  0:W 28:W 31:D 14:L 46:W 22:L
33 Moritz Bujok           FNQ        Trinity Bay 1           3.5    4:D 31:L 49:W 46:L 34:W 15:L 45:W
34 Thomas Lockett         FNQ   724  Cairns SHS 2            3.5   39:W 13:L 52:D 45:L 33:L 47:W 46:W
35 Ashley King            FNQ   637  St Stephen's 2          3      1:L 42:W 23:W 13:L 36:W 19:L 24:L
36 Christian Salvetti     FNQ   753  St Stephen's 1          3     42:W  1:L 27:W 12:L 35:L 50:W 26:L
37 Larry Dang             FNQ   680  TAS WRS Joshua          3     12:L 55:W 22:L 51:W 50:W 17:L 23:L
38 Ruben Longakit         FNQ        St Stephen's 1          3     16:L 27:L  0:W 48:L 44:W 43:W 28:L
39 Mathew Deede           FNQ        Cairns SHS 3            3     34:L 47:W 43:W 10:L 16:L 26:L 59:W
40 Ben Dobson             FNQ   656  NCC Team 1              3      5:L 53:W 17:W 22:L 24:W 21:L  0: 
41 Ziggy Barker           FNQ   709  St Augustine's 2        3     32:W 19:L 20:L 54:W 52:W 13:L 18:L
42 Jennifer Nguyen        FNQ   537  SMCC 3                  3     36:L 35:L 44:W 43:W 25:L 28:L 56:W
43 Lillian Zhang          FNQ   721  TAS WRS Joshua          3     46:W  9:L 39:L 42:L 54:W 38:L 55:W
44 Jake Cook              FNQ   568  St Stephen's 2          3      3:L 57:L 42:L 53:W 38:L 60:W 52:W
45 Nicholas Maynard       FNQ        St Augustine's 2        2.5   57:W 28:D  4:L 34:W 10:L 30:L 33:L
46 Bryce Gardiner         FNQ        Cairns SHS 3            2.5   43:L 21:W 48:D 33:W 29:L 32:L 34:L
47 Hugh Yu                FNQ   625  TAS WRS Hugh            2.5    9:L 39:L 55:W 17:L 51:D 34:L 58:W
48 Girija Tambade         FNQ   640  TAS WRS Joshua          2.5   20:L 49:D 46:D 38:W 17:L 23:L 50:D
49 Ashton Kelley          FNQ   539  Cairns SHS 2            2.5   24:L 48:D 33:L 58:W 28:L 61:W 27:L
50 Jase Daniels           FNQ        St Augustine's 2        2.5   28:D  4:L 59:W 52:D 37:L 36:L 48:D
51 Caitlin Wong           FNQ   530  NCC Team 1              2.5   25:W  3:L 16:L 37:L 47:D 52:W  0: 
52 Autpisit Lam-On        FNQ        SMCC 3                  2      0:W  8:L 34:D 50:D 41:L 51:L 44:L
53 Gitanjali Yongyuen     FNQ   544  Cairns SHS 3            2     14:L 40:L 21:L 44:L  0:W 59:L 61:W
54 Lachlan Baker          FNQ   536  TAS WRS Hugh            2     29:L  7:L 58:W 41:L 43:L 56:L  0:W
55 Eeligh Gill-Schipanski FNQ   560  SMCC 3                  2      8:L 37:L 47:L 59:W 56:W 24:L 43:L
56 Sean Stievano          FNQ   581  St Augustine's 2        2     22:L 23:L 61:W 24:L 55:L 54:W 42:L
57 Mario Molinari         FNQ   711  NCC Team 1              2     45:L 44:W 12:L 15:L 61:W 27:L  0: 
58 Riley Peppler          FNQ   572  SMCC 3                  1.5   11:L 25:L 54:L 49:L 59:D  0:W 47:L
59 Viyaan Jindal          FNQ   631  TAS WRS Hugh            1.5    2:L 60:L 50:L 55:L 58:D 53:W 39:L
60 Mateo Kazal            FNQ   500  NCC Team 1              1     10:L 59:W 25:L 26:L 27:L 44:L  0: 
61 Albert Jindra          FNQ   544  TAS WRS Hugh            1     17:L 26:L 56:L  0:W 57:L 49:L 53:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                    Feder Loc Id Loc  Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Romies, Mohammad        FNQ          1224 4.5/7 6.30   -18 865   967
2.  Amamoto, Aiki           FNQ          1052 5.0/7 5.60    -6 816   974
3.  Coombs, Hayden          FNQ          995  5.0/7 4.97     0 836   994
4.  Abdalla, Sami           FNQ          967  4.0/7 5.67   -17 717   767
5.  Newcombe, Dexter        FNQ          950  7.0/7 4.83    22 806  1805
6.  Carpenter, Angus        FNQ          944  4.5/7 5.25    -8 753   855
7.  Wall, Joshua            FNQ          884  6.0/7 3.85    22 851  1160
8.  Fenner, Thomas          FNQ          868  5.0/7 4.97     0 707   865
9.  Wickramasinghe, Methum  FNQ          867  4.0/7 4.97   -10 712   762
10. Zalkalns, Kaito         FNQ          864  4.0/7 4.69    -7 741   791
11. Baig, Raiyaan           FNQ          855  3.0/6 4.26   -13 699   699
12. McCarthy, Patrick       FNQ          820  4.5/7 4.90    -4 667   769
13. Ball, David             FNQ          808  5.5/7 3.29    22 833  1063
14. Muirhead, Treyton       FNQ          800  2.0/5 3.40   -14 663   591
15. Parkinson, William      FNQ          797  4.0/6 2.70    13 834   959
16. Nguyen, Harvey          FNQ          786  3.5/6 2.76     7 815   872
17. Hiranuma, Kyle          FNQ          775  4.5/7 3.92     6 734   836
18. Nakamura, Takumi        FNQ          766  4.0/7 4.97   -10 612   662
19. Coombs, Dean            FNQ          758  4.0/7 4.48    -5 658   708
20. Salvetti, Christian     FNQ          753  2.0/6 2.82    -8 773   648
21. Lennon, Jack            FNQ          749  2.5/6 2.76    -3 776   719
22. Volker, Rohan           FNQ          745  4.0/7 4.06    -1 690   740
23. Nakagawa, Asato         FNQ          734  3.0/5 2.50     5 732   804
24. Clegg, Noah             FNQ          725  2.5/5 2.15     4 776   776
25. Lockett, Thomas         FNQ          724  1.0/2 0.84     2 785   785
26. Robinson, Edward        FNQ          721  2.0/3 2.16    -2 554   679
27. Zhang, Lillian          FNQ          721  2.0/4 2.52    -5 625   625
28. Molinari, Mario         FNQ          711  2.0/5 2.60    -6 697   625
29. Barker, Ziggy           FNQ          709  1.0/5 1.65    -7 836   596
30. Hocking, Zander         FNQ          687  3.0/4 0.80    22 930  1123
31. Dang, Larry             FNQ          680  2.0/6 2.22    -2 778   653
32. Barry, Joshua           FNQ          675  3.0/6 2.40     6 745   745
33. Dobson, Ben             FNQ          656  3.0/6 2.22     8 752   752
34. Tambade, Girija         FNQ          640  0.5/4 1.32    -8 762   440
35. King, Ashley            FNQ          637  3.0/7 2.03    10 796   746
36. Pandey, Shivansh        FNQ          636  5.0/7 1.75    33 825   983
37. Jindal, Viyaan          FNQ          631  1.5/5 2.65   -12 612   463
38. Yu, Hugh                FNQ          625  2.5/6 2.58    -1 672   615
39. Chan, Albert            FNQ          617  3.0/6 2.40     6 689   689
40. Cahill, Angus           FNQ          587  4.0/6 1.86    21 725   850
41. Stievano, Sean          FNQ          581  2.0/7 2.80    -8 651   493
42. Peppler, Riley          FNQ          572  0.5/6 2.34   -18 649   248
43. Cook, Jake              FNQ          568  2.0/5 2.15    -2 620   548
44. Grieves, Axel           FNQ          564  2.5/6 1.02    15 833   776
45. Gill-Schipanski, Eeligh FNQ          560  2.0/7 2.31    -3 685   527
46. Yongyuen, Gitanjali     FNQ          544  1.0/6 2.28   -13 629   356
47. Jindra, Albert          FNQ          544  0.0/6 2.22   -22 638     0
48. Furche, Kai             FNQ          544  3.5/6 1.32    22 763   820
49. Kelley, Ashton          FNQ          539  2.5/6 2.16     3 642   585
50. Nguyen, Jennifer        FNQ          537  3.0/7 2.17     8 675   625
51. Baker, Lachlan          FNQ          536  1.0/6 1.98   -10 661   388
52. Wong, Caitlin           FNQ          530  1.5/5 1.30     2 717   568
53. Kazal, Mateo            FNQ          500  1.0/6 1.74    -7 662   389
54. Longakit, Ruben         FNQ               2.0/6            665   540
55. Deede, Mathew           FNQ               3.0/7            691   641
56. Daniels, Jase           FNQ               2.0/6            685   560
57. Gardiner, Bryce         FNQ               1.5/5            684   535
58. Maynard, Nicholas       FNQ               2.5/6            690   633
59. Bujok, Moritz           FNQ               2.5/5            659   659
60. Mogorovich, Alessio     FNQ               1.5/5            774   625
61. Lam-On, Autpisit        FNQ               0.5/5            666   300

Club Standings

Place Name                    Score

  1   CAIRNS SHS 1            19   
  2   SMCC 1                  18   
 3-5  TRINITY BAY 1           17.5 
      ST AUGUSTINE'S 1        17.5 
      TAS WRS RAIYAAN         17.5 
  6   TAS WRS MOHAMMAD        17   
  7   ST STEPHEN'S 1          15.5 
  8   CAIRNS SHS 2            14.5 
  9   ST STEPHEN'S 2          13.5 
 10   TAS WRS JOSHUA          12.5 
 11   CAIRNS SHS 3            11.5 
 12   ST AUGUSTINE'S 2        10   
13-14 NCC TEAM 1              8.5  
      SMCC 3                  8.5  
15-16 TAS WRS HUGH            7    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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