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2025 Term 1 Central Queensland Secondary A

2025 Term 1 Central Queensland Secondary A – Round 7


Place Name                           Feder Loc Club                 Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Judd Carr                      CQ    824 Heights Secondary 1  7        22.5  31.5   28.0
 2-3  Adi Lili                       CQ    572 Kingsley Secondary 1 6        21.5  30.0   23.0
      Leander Jeevan                 CQ    750 Kingsley Secondary 1 6        21.0  30.0   26.0
  4   Javan Buenen                   CQ    936 CQ Homeschool Sec 1  5.5      19.5  26.0   21.0
5-11  Paul Benny Menachery           CQ    887 Chanel 1             5        24.5  34.0   24.0
      Jake Lucas                     CQ    954 Emmaus Red A         5        23.0  33.0   22.0
      Luke Roberts                   CQ    877 SBC Gold             5        22.0  31.0   21.0
      Jaxson Schravermade            CQ    734 Heights Secondary 1  5        21.5  30.5   22.0
      Samuel Prasad                  CQ    672 Heights Secondary 1  5        19.0  27.0   21.0
      Elias Honsu                    CQ        RGS Macfarlane       5        15.0  20.5   15.0
      Lucas McDougall                CQ    664 RGS Boland           5        13.5  20.0   17.0
12-14 Ranu Weerasinge (Meegahawattag CQ    685 RGS Boland           4.5      23.5  32.5   22.0
      Kenny Jeevan                   CQ    674 Kingsley Secondary 1 4.5      18.5  26.0   19.0
      Mitchell Smith                 CQ    764 Chanel 1             4.5      14.5  20.5   14.5
15-25 Owen Phillips                  CQ    649 Heights Secondary 2  4        22.5  31.5   18.0
      Aran Schravermade              CQ    956 Heights Secondary 1  4        21.5  29.5   17.0
      Jonty Melvin-Smith             CQ    603 SBC Green            4        21.5  29.5   17.0
      Charlotte Thomas               CQ    689 TCC Team 1           4        20.0  28.0   18.0
      Van Ly                         CQ    636 Heights Secondary 2  4        19.5  28.5   17.0
      Basilu Hewavithana             CQ    576 RGS Macfarlane       4        19.5  26.5   17.0
      Gloria Buenen                  CQ    689 CQ Homeschool Sec 1  4        18.5  26.5   17.5
      Bruin Carter                   CQ    656 Emmaus Red A         4        18.0  24.5   17.0
      Nash Edwards                   CQ    736 SBC Gold             4        17.0  24.5   16.0
      Arman Dharmalingam             CQ    747 TCC Team 1           4        15.5  24.0   14.0
      Jack Friel                     CQ        Chanel 1             4        15.0  20.5   12.0
26-28 Basitha Hewavithana            CQ    598 RGS Boland           3.5      21.5  29.5   16.5
      Qiancheng (Elsa) Li            CQ    600 RGS Boland           3.5      18.0  26.0   14.0
      Cooper Ballment                CQ    501 SBC Green            3.5      16.0  22.0   11.5
29-40 Kyan Milner                    CQ    528 Emmaus Red A         3        21.0  29.0   15.0
      Seth Robinson                  CQ    502 Chanel 2             3        19.0  26.0   15.0
      Joshua Platten                 CQ    525 RGS Macfarlane       3        18.0  25.0   12.0
      Darcy Collins                  CQ    541 TCC Team 1           3        17.5  25.5   13.0
      Sai Kannan                     CQ    564 Chanel 2             3        17.0  23.5   12.0
      Boshu Chen                     CQ    541 RGS Macfarlane       3        17.0  23.5   12.0
      Cadel Tanyag                   CQ    630 Chanel 2             3        16.5  23.0   13.0
      Nick Eaton                     CQ    500 SBC Gold             3        16.5  21.5   10.0
      Daniyal Barrett                CQ    500 Emmaus Red A         3        14.5  21.0   10.0
      Zac Whitehead                  CQ        SBC Gold             3        14.0  21.0   12.0
      Dylan Veach                    CQ    605 Chanel 1             3        14.0  20.0   12.0
      Rory Bourke                    CQ        Emmaus Blue A        3        14.0  19.5   10.0
41-43 Morgan Bridgeman               CQ    544 SBC Green            2.5      21.0  28.0   11.0
      Nehemiah Buenen                CQ    522 CQ Homeschool Sec 1  2.5      16.0  22.0   10.0
      Xavier Alley                   CQ    658 Kingsley Secondary 1 2.5      15.0  20.5   10.0
44-50 Arya Udayaraj                  CQ    500 RGS Palmer           2        19.0  24.0    8.0
      Liam Panis                     CQ    500 Chanel 2             2        17.5  24.0    9.0
      William Cavanagh               CQ    526 TCC Team 1           2        17.5  23.5    9.0
      Lucas Gunther                  CQ    547 Emmaus Blue A        2        15.5  23.0    8.0
      Mahi Babu                      CQ        RGS Palmer           2        12.0  16.5    6.5
      Lachlan Bell                   CQ        RGS Palmer           2        12.0  16.0    5.0
      Cameron Bell                   CQ        RGS Palmer           2        11.0  15.0    5.0
51-52 Malcolm Hunt                   CQ        Emmaus Blue A        1.5      15.0  21.5    5.0
      Samuel Thompson                CQ        Heights Secondary 2  1.5      12.5  17.5    2.5
 53   Calix Medlin                   CQ        SBC Green            1        10.5  14.5    3.0
 54   Chris Sharji                   CQ        Heights Secondary 2  0        11.0  15.0    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                           Feder Loc Club                 Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Judd Carr                      CQ    824 Heights Secondary 1  7     32:W 19:W 15:W 12:W  5:W  3:W  6:W
2  Adi Lili                       CQ    572 Kingsley Secondary 1 6     16:W 18:W  8:L 24:W  7:W 26:W 12:W
3  Leander Jeevan                 CQ    750 Kingsley Secondary 1 6     46:W 39:W 17:W  7:W 16:W  1:L  5:W
4  Javan Buenen                   CQ    936 CQ Homeschool Sec 1  5.5   47:W 15:L 27:W 22:W 19:W 12:D 16:W
5  Paul Benny Menachery           CQ    887 Chanel 1             5     41:W 22:W 13:W  8:W  1:L  9:W  3:L
6  Jake Lucas                     CQ    954 Emmaus Red A         5     33:W 11:W 12:L 15:W 13:W  8:W  1:L
7  Luke Roberts                   CQ    877 SBC Gold             5     34:W 35:W  9:W  3:L  2:L 17:W 22:W
8  Jaxson Schravermade            CQ    734 Heights Secondary 1  5     30:W 26:W  2:W  5:L 20:W  6:L 15:W
9  Samuel Prasad                  CQ    672 Heights Secondary 1  5     37:W 38:W  7:L 33:W 18:W  5:L 21:W
10 Elias Honsu                    CQ        RGS Macfarlane       5     17:L 44:L 51:W 46:W 35:W 23:W 18:W
11 Lucas McDougall                CQ    664 RGS Boland           5     51:W  6:L 29:L 44:W 41:W 31:W 36:W
12 Ranu Weerasinge (Meegahawattag CQ    685 RGS Boland           4.5   45:W 20:W  6:W  1:L 30:W  4:D  2:L
13 Kenny Jeevan                   CQ    674 Kingsley Secondary 1 4.5   36:W 29:W  5:L 17:W  6:L 41:D 26:W
14 Mitchell Smith                 CQ    764 Chanel 1             4.5   29:L 45:W 21:D 26:L 47:W 27:W 41:W
15 Owen Phillips                  CQ    649 Heights Secondary 2  4     49:W  4:W  1:L  6:L 25:W 29:W  8:L
16 Aran Schravermade              CQ    956 Heights Secondary 1  4      2:L 31:W 47:W 35:W  3:L 19:W  4:L
17 Jonty Melvin-Smith             CQ    603 SBC Green            4     10:W 23:W  3:L 13:L 45:W  7:L 38:W
18 Charlotte Thomas               CQ    689 TCC Team 1           4     44:W  2:L 34:W 29:W  9:L 20:W 10:L
19 Van Ly                         CQ    636 Heights Secondary 2  4     50:W  1:L 31:W 23:W  4:L 16:L 32:W
20 Basilu Hewavithana             CQ    576 RGS Macfarlane       4     25:W 12:L 44:W 21:W  8:L 18:L 40:W
21 Gloria Buenen                  CQ    689 CQ Homeschool Sec 1  4     28:W 27:D 14:D 20:L 34:W 32:W  9:L
22 Bruin Carter                   CQ    656 Emmaus Red A         4     53:W  5:L 46:W  4:L 31:W 30:W  7:L
23 Nash Edwards                   CQ    736 SBC Gold             4     42:W 17:L 32:W 19:L 33:W 10:L 30:W
24 Arman Dharmalingam             CQ    747 TCC Team 1           4     31:L 36:W 41:W  2:L 26:L 37:W 29:W
25 Jack Friel                     CQ        Chanel 1             4     20:L 28:L 52:W 42:W 15:L 46:W 34:W
26 Basitha Hewavithana            CQ    598 RGS Boland           3.5   48:W  8:L 28:D 14:W 24:W  2:L 13:L
27 Qiancheng (Elsa) Li            CQ    600 RGS Boland           3.5   40:W 21:D  4:L 30:L 28:W 14:L 43:W
28 Cooper Ballment                CQ    501 SBC Green            3.5   21:L 25:W 26:D 43:L 27:L 49:W 42:W
29 Kyan Milner                    CQ    528 Emmaus Red A         3     14:W 13:L 11:W 18:L 39:W 15:L 24:L
30 Seth Robinson                  CQ    502 Chanel 2             3      8:L 48:W 39:W 27:W 12:L 22:L 23:L
31 Joshua Platten                 CQ    525 RGS Macfarlane       3     24:W 16:L 19:L 48:W 22:L 11:L 45:W
32 Darcy Collins                  CQ    541 TCC Team 1           3      1:L 53:W 23:L 40:W 43:W 21:L 19:L
33 Sai Kannan                     CQ    564 Chanel 2             3      6:L 51:W 37:W  9:L 23:L 36:L 44:W
34 Boshu Chen                     CQ    541 RGS Macfarlane       3      7:L 52:W 18:L 37:W 21:L 45:W 25:L
35 Cadel Tanyag                   CQ    630 Chanel 2             3     52:W  7:L 42:W 16:L 10:L 38:L 46:W
36 Nick Eaton                     CQ    500 SBC Gold             3     13:L 24:L 54:W 39:L 50:W 33:W 11:L
37 Daniyal Barrett                CQ    500 Emmaus Red A         3      9:L 43:W 33:L 34:L 48:W 24:L 51:W
38 Zac Whitehead                  CQ        SBC Gold             3     43:W  9:L 45:L 41:L 44:W 35:W 17:L
39 Dylan Veach                    CQ    605 Chanel 1             3     54:W  3:L 30:L 36:W 29:L 40:L 47:W
40 Rory Bourke                    CQ        Emmaus Blue A        3     27:L 42:L 49:W 32:L 52:W 39:W 20:L
41 Morgan Bridgeman               CQ    544 SBC Green            2.5    5:L 50:W 24:L 38:W 11:L 13:D 14:L
42 Nehemiah Buenen                CQ    522 CQ Homeschool Sec 1  2.5   23:L 40:W 35:L 25:L 49:W 43:D 28:L
43 Xavier Alley                   CQ    658 Kingsley Secondary 1 2.5   38:L 37:L 50:W 28:W 32:L 42:D 27:L
44 Arya Udayaraj                  CQ    500 RGS Palmer           2     18:L 10:W 20:L 11:L 38:L 54:W 33:L
45 Liam Panis                     CQ    500 Chanel 2             2     12:L 14:L 38:W 47:W 17:L 34:L 31:L
46 William Cavanagh               CQ    526 TCC Team 1           2      3:L 54:W 22:L 10:L 51:W 25:L 35:L
47 Lucas Gunther                  CQ    547 Emmaus Blue A        2      4:L 49:W 16:L 45:L 14:L 50:W 39:L
48 Mahi Babu                      CQ        RGS Palmer           2     26:L 30:L 53:W 31:L 37:L 51:D 52:D
49 Lachlan Bell                   CQ        RGS Palmer           2     15:L 47:L 40:L 54:W 42:L 28:L 53:W
50 Cameron Bell                   CQ        RGS Palmer           2     19:L 41:L 43:L 53:W 36:L 47:L 54:W
51 Malcolm Hunt                   CQ        Emmaus Blue A        1.5   11:L 33:L 10:L 52:W 46:L 48:D 37:L
52 Samuel Thompson                CQ        Heights Secondary 2  1.5   35:L 34:L 25:L 51:L 40:L 53:W 48:D
53 Calix Medlin                   CQ        SBC Green            1     22:L 32:L 48:L 50:L 54:W 52:L 49:L
54 Chris Sharji                   CQ        Heights Secondary 2  0     39:L 46:L 36:L 49:L 53:L 44:L 50:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                            Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Schravermade, Aran              CQ           956 4.0/7 5.95   -20 662   712
2.  Lucas, Jake                     CQ           954 5.0/7 5.81    -8 685   843
3.  Buenen, Javan                   CQ           936 5.5/7 5.74    -2 676   906
4.  Benny Menachery, Paul           CQ           887 5.0/7 5.25    -3 693   851
5.  Roberts, Luke                   CQ           877 5.0/7 5.60    -6 632   790
6.  Carr, Judd                      CQ           824 7.0/7 4.41    26 729  1728
7.  Smith, Mitchell                 CQ           764 4.5/7 5.25    -8 572   674
8.  Jeevan, Leander                 CQ           750 6.0/7 3.43    26 754  1063
9.  Dharmalingam, Arman             CQ           747 4.0/7 5.39   -14 538   588
10. Edwards, Nash                   CQ           736 4.0/6 4.38    -4 561   686
11. Schravermade, Jaxson            CQ           734 5.0/7 4.06     9 677   835
12. Buenen, Gloria                  CQ           689 4.0/7 4.34    -3 599   649
13. Thomas, Charlotte               CQ           689 4.0/6 4.02     0 565   690
14. Weerasinge (Meegahawattag, Ranu CQ           685 4.5/7 3.43    11 695   797
15. Jeevan, Kenny                   CQ           674 4.5/7 3.64     9 659   761
16. Prasad, Samuel                  CQ           672 4.0/6 2.76    12 701   826
17. McDougall, Lucas                CQ           664 4.0/6 3.60     4 592   717
18. Alley, Xavier                   CQ           658 1.5/5 3.35   -19 533   384
19. Carter, Bruin                   CQ           656 3.0/6 2.58     4 709   709
20. Phillips, Owen                  CQ           649 2.0/5 1.50     5 795   723
21. Ly, Van                         CQ           636 3.0/6 2.04    10 753   753
22. Tanyag, Cadel                   CQ           630 2.0/4 1.52     5 720   720
23. Veach, Dylan                    CQ           605 2.0/5 2.80    -8 565   493
24. Melvin-Smith, Jonty             CQ           603 2.0/5 1.80     2 707   635
25. Li, Qiancheng (Elsa)            CQ           600 2.5/6 2.40     1 675   618
26. Hewavithana, Basitha            CQ           598 2.5/6 2.46     0 665   608
27. Hewavithana, Basilu             CQ           576 2.0/5 1.95     1 659   587
28. Lili, Adi                       CQ           572 6.0/7 1.82    42 755  1064
29. Kannan, Sai                     CQ           564 2.0/6 2.34    -3 644   519
30. Gunther, Lucas                  CQ           547 0.0/5 1.20   -12 752     0
31. Bridgeman, Morgan               CQ           544 0.5/5 1.20    -7 747   381
32. Chen, Boshu                     CQ           541 2.0/5 1.75     3 651   579
33. Collins, Darcy                  CQ           541 1.0/5 1.40    -4 709   469
34. Milner, Kyan                    CQ           528 3.0/7 2.03    10 685   635
35. Cavanagh, William               CQ           526 0.0/3 0.90    -9 679     0
36. Platten, Joshua                 CQ           525 2.0/6 1.68     3 693   568
37. Buenen, Nehemiah                CQ           522 0.5/4 1.40    -9 631   309
38. Robinson, Seth                  CQ           502 2.0/6 1.68     3 669   544
39. Ballment, Cooper                CQ           501 1.5/5 1.75    -3 613   464
40. Udayaraj, Arya                  CQ           500 0.0/4 1.32   -13 623     0
41. Panis, Liam                     CQ           500 1.0/6 2.10   -11 611   338
42. Eaton, Nick                     CQ           500 1.0/5 1.50    -5 651   411
43. Barrett, Daniyal                CQ           500 1.0/5 1.60    -6 636   396
44. Hunt, Malcolm                   CQ               0.0/4            564     0
45. Whitehead, Zac                  CQ               3.0/7            587   537
46. Medlin, Calix                   CQ               0.0/2            599     0
47. Bell, Lachlan                   CQ               0.0/4            555     0
48. Thompson, Samuel                CQ               0.0/2            586     0
49. Bell, Cameron                   CQ               0.0/5            577     0
50. Sharji, Chris                   CQ               0.0/4            533     0
51. Honsu, Elias                    CQ               4.0/6            614   639
52. Bourke, Rory                    CQ               1.0/5            569   329
53. Babu, Mahi                      CQ               0.0/4            531     0
54. Friel, Jack                     CQ               3.0/6            553   553

Club Standings

Place Name                 Score

  1   HEIGHTS SECONDARY 1  21   
 3-4  CHANEL 1             16.5 4th on Tiebreak
      RGS BOLAND           16.5 3rd on Tiebreak
 5-7  SBC GOLD             15   
      EMMAUS RED A         15   
      RGS MACFARLANE       15   
  8   TCC TEAM 1           13   
  9   CQ HOMESCHOOL SEC 1  12   
10-11 CHANEL 2             11   
      SBC GREEN            11   
 12   HEIGHTS SECONDARY 2  9.5  
 13   RGS PALMER           8    
 14   EMMAUS BLUE A        6.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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