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2025 Term 1 Central Queensland Primary A

2025 Term 1 Central Queensland Primary A – Round 7


Place Name                Feder Loc Club                 Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-3  Bahar Hosseininejad CQ    605 RGS Prim 1           6        23.0  32.0   26.5
      Declan Carige       CQ    522 Heights Primary 1    6        19.5  28.0   23.0
      Chase Tippett       CQ    606 RGS Prim 1           6        19.0  27.0   23.0
 4-7  Samuel Cappellone   CQ    641 CQ Homeschool Prim 1 5        24.0  33.0   24.0
      Pranav Karthikeyan  CQ    688 Frenchville A        5        22.5  31.0   22.0
      Rudra Harjai        CQ        Frenchville B        5        21.5  30.0   19.0
      Eugene Choi         CQ    540 Frenchville A        5        19.0  27.0   19.0
8-12  Frazer Wilkes       CQ    532 St Mary's 1          4.5      21.5  30.5   19.0
      Kemith Kalutara     CQ    691 Frenchville A        4.5      20.0  28.5   19.5
      Ben Hanrahan        CQ    568 St Peters 1          4.5      19.0  27.5   20.5
      Dev Patel           CQ        Heights Primary 1    4.5      18.5  25.5   17.5
      Charlie Schavermade CQ        Heights Primary 2    4.5      17.5  25.0   17.0
13-20 Rishi Roopireddy    CQ        RGS Prim 2           4        22.5  31.0   20.0
      Krish Rathi         CQ        RGS Prim 1           4        22.5  30.0   19.0
      Elizabeth Buenen    CQ    500 CQ Homeschool Prim 1 4        20.0  28.0   15.5
      Dhrubo  Roy         CQ        Frenchville B        4        19.5  27.0   17.0
      Tristan Roy         CQ        St Peters 1          4        17.0  24.0   13.0
      Bayen Sinnamon      CQ        St Peters 1          4        16.5  23.5   15.0
      Ben Rea             CQ        St Mary's 2          4        16.5  23.0   14.5
      Harper McMillan     CQ        RGS Prim 1           4        16.0  23.0   15.0
21-25 Joshua Darby        CQ        St Peters 1          3.5      19.0  26.5   14.5
      Joshua Laird        CQ        Frenchville B        3.5      18.5  25.0   15.0
      Wesley Lutton       CQ        Heights Primary 1    3.5      17.0  24.0   14.5
      Sam Lucas           CQ        St Mary's 1          3.5      16.0  21.0   12.5
      Richie Simpson      CQ        RGS Prim 2           3.5      14.0  20.0   11.5
26-32 ANON                CQ        ANON                 3        22.0  31.5   16.0
      Joel Hughes         CQ        Heights Primary 1    3        19.5  24.5   13.5
      Ishika Rathi        CQ        RGS Prim 2           3        17.0  25.5   11.0
      Tyler Webber        CQ        Frenchville B        3        17.0  24.5   10.0
      Cadence Schick      CQ        CQ Homeschool Prim 1 3        17.0  23.5   12.0
      Sebastian Johnston  CQ        Frenchville A        3        14.5  20.0   11.0
      Alexander Knowles   CQ        RGS Prim 2           3        14.0  21.5   11.0
33-38 Ashlyn Buenen       CQ    579 CQ Homeschool Prim 1 2.5      20.5  27.0   15.5
      William Smyth       CQ        St Mary's 2          2.5      17.5  24.0    9.0
      Flynn Gorman        CQ        St Mary's 1          2.5      17.0  23.5    9.5
      Zack Donnelly       CQ        St Benedict's 1      2.5      15.5  23.0   11.5
      Sebastian Tickner   CQ        St Mary's 2          2.5      13.0  18.0    7.5
      Luke Bowman         CQ        St Mary's 1          2.5      13.0  17.0    8.5
39-40 Lincoln Palmer      CQ        St Mary's 2          2        15.0  20.5    7.0
      Aviv Bhat           CQ        Heights Primary 2    2        12.5  17.0    6.0
41-42 Sonny Hingston      CQ        St Benedict's 1      1.5      13.5  18.0    4.5
      Remy Priddle        CQ        Heights Primary 2    1.5      12.5  17.0    2.5
43-44 Oliver Webber       CQ        Heights Primary 2    0.5      12.0  16.0    1.5
      Harlan Semple       CQ        St Benedict's 1      0.5      11.5  15.0    1.5

Cross Table

No Name                Feder Loc Club                 Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Bahar Hosseininejad CQ    605 RGS Prim 1           6     29:W 22:W  2:W  5:W  4:W  8:D  7:D
2  Declan Carige       CQ    522 Heights Primary 1    6     35:W 26:W  1:L 21:W 16:W  9:W  8:W
3  Chase Tippett       CQ    606 RGS Prim 1           6     28:W 32:W 13:L  9:W 26:W 10:W  4:W
4  Samuel Cappellone   CQ    641 CQ Homeschool Prim 1 5     31:W  6:W 14:W 13:W  1:L  5:W  3:L
5  Pranav Karthikeyan  CQ    688 Frenchville A        5     34:W 16:W 10:W  1:L  6:W  4:L 13:W
6  Rudra Harjai        CQ        Frenchville B        5      8:W  4:L 19:W 15:W  5:L 23:W 18:W
7  Eugene Choi         CQ    540 Frenchville A        5     39:W 14:L 15:D 17:W 36:W 12:W  1:D
8  Frazer Wilkes       CQ    532 St Mary's 1          4.5    6:L 29:W 27:W 23:W 13:W  1:D  2:L
9  Kemith Kalutara     CQ    691 Frenchville A        4.5   21:W 27:W 33:D  3:L 22:W  2:L 14:W
10 Ben Hanrahan        CQ    568 St Peters 1          4.5   37:W 30:W  5:L 33:W 14:W  3:L 11:D
11 Dev Patel           CQ        Heights Primary 1    4.5   25:W 15:L 20:W 16:L 34:W 26:W 10:D
12 Charlie Schavermade CQ        Heights Primary 2    4.5   14:L 28:W 24:W 22:D 33:W  7:L 21:W
13 Rishi Roopireddy    CQ        RGS Prim 2           4     18:W 19:W  3:W  4:L  8:L 33:W  5:L
14 Krish Rathi         CQ        RGS Prim 1           4     12:W  7:W  4:L 36:W 10:L 16:W  9:L
15 Elizabeth Buenen    CQ    500 CQ Homeschool Prim 1 4     24:D 11:W  7:D  6:L 27:D 17:D 31:W
16 Dhrubo  Roy         CQ        Frenchville B        4     42:W  5:L 30:W 11:W  2:L 14:L 26:W
17 Tristan Roy         CQ        St Peters 1          4     20:L 34:D 40:W  7:L 24:W 15:D 27:W
18 Bayen Sinnamon      CQ        St Peters 1          4     13:L 35:W 26:L 39:W 30:W 20:W  6:L
19 Ben Rea             CQ        St Mary's 2          4     41:W 13:L  6:L 29:W 21:D 27:D 28:W
20 Harper McMillan     CQ        RGS Prim 1           4     17:W 33:L 11:L 37:W 35:W 18:L 29:W
21 Joshua Darby        CQ        St Peters 1          3.5    9:L 41:W 38:W  2:L 19:D 22:W 12:L
22 Joshua Laird        CQ        Frenchville B        3.5   43:W  1:L 25:W 12:D  9:L 21:L 34:W
23 Wesley Lutton       CQ        Heights Primary 1    3.5   26:L 39:W 32:W  8:L 28:W  6:L 25:D
24 Sam Lucas           CQ        St Mary's 1          3.5   15:D 43:W 12:L 26:L 17:L 37:W 33:W
25 Richie Simpson      CQ        RGS Prim 2           3.5   11:L 42:W 22:L 35:L 41:W 30:W 23:D
26 ANON                CQ        ANON                 3     23:W  2:L 18:W 24:W  3:L 11:L 16:L
27 Joel Hughes         CQ        Heights Primary 1    3     44:W  9:L  8:L 32:W 15:D 19:D 17:L
28 Ishika Rathi        CQ        RGS Prim 2           3      3:L 12:L 34:W 38:W 23:L 35:W 19:L
29 Tyler Webber        CQ        Frenchville B        3      1:L  8:L 41:W 19:L 39:W 36:W 20:L
30 Cadence Schick      CQ        CQ Homeschool Prim 1 3     36:W 10:L 16:L 31:W 18:L 25:L 40:W
31 Sebastian Johnston  CQ        Frenchville A        3      4:L 44:W 36:L 30:L 40:W 32:W 15:L
32 Alexander Knowles   CQ        RGS Prim 2           3     38:W  3:L 23:L 27:L 42:W 31:L 39:W
33 Ashlyn Buenen       CQ    579 CQ Homeschool Prim 1 2.5   40:W 20:W  9:D 10:L 12:L 13:L 24:L
34 William Smyth       CQ        St Mary's 2          2.5    5:L 17:D 28:L 42:W 11:L 38:W 22:L
35 Flynn Gorman        CQ        St Mary's 1          2.5    2:L 18:L 43:W 25:W 20:L 28:L 36:D
36 Zack Donnelly       CQ        St Benedict's 1      2.5   30:L 37:W 31:W 14:L  7:L 29:L 35:D
37 Sebastian Tickner   CQ        St Mary's 2          2.5   10:L 36:L 44:W 20:L 38:D 24:L 43:W
38 Luke Bowman         CQ        St Mary's 1          2.5   32:L 40:W 21:L 28:L 37:D 34:L 44:W
39 Lincoln Palmer      CQ        St Mary's 2          2      7:L 23:L 42:W 18:L 29:L 43:W 32:L
40 Aviv Bhat           CQ        Heights Primary 2    2     33:L 38:L 17:L 44:W 31:L 41:W 30:L
41 Sonny Hingston      CQ        St Benedict's 1      1.5   19:L 21:L 29:L 43:W 25:L 40:L 42:D
42 Remy Priddle        CQ        Heights Primary 2    1.5   16:L 25:L 39:L 34:L 32:L 44:W 41:D
43 Oliver Webber       CQ        Heights Primary 2    .5    22:L 24:L 35:L 41:L 44:D 39:L 37:L
44 Harlan Semple       CQ        St Benedict's 1      .5    27:L 31:L 37:L 40:L 43:D 42:L 38:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                 Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Kalutara, Kemith     CQ           691 0.5/3 2.01   -15 569   296
2.  Karthikeyan, Pranav  CQ           688 1.0/3 1.83    -8 605   480
3.  Cappellone, Samuel   CQ           641 1.0/3 1.53    -5 633   508
4.  Tippett, Chase       CQ           606 3.0/3 1.38    16 633  1632
5.  Hosseininejad, Bahar CQ           605 4.0/5 2.65    14 585   825
6.  Buenen, Ashlyn       CQ           579 0.5/2 0.86    -4 630   437
7.  Hanrahan, Ben        CQ           568 1.0/3 1.26    -3 624   499
8.  Choi, Eugene         CQ           540 1.0/2 0.96     0 553   553
9.  Wilkes, Frazer       CQ           532 0.5/2 0.92    -4 564   371
10. Carige, Declan       CQ           522 2.0/3 1.14     9 609   734
11. Buenen, Elizabeth    CQ           500 0.5/1 0.44     1 540   540
12. Schavermade, Charlie CQ               1.0/2            560   560
13. Webber, Oliver       CQ                                  0     0
14. Bowman, Luke         CQ                                  0     0
15. Donnelly, Zack       CQ               0.0/1            540     0
16. Rea, Ben             CQ                                  0     0
17. Roy, Dhrubo          CQ               0.0/2            605     0
18. Lutton, Wesley       CQ               0.0/1            532     0
19. McMillan, Harper     CQ               0.0/1            579     0
20. Sinnamon, Bayen      CQ                                  0     0
21. Simpson, Richie      CQ                                  0     0
22. Hughes, Joel         CQ               0.5/3            574   301
23. Darby, Joshua        CQ               0.0/2            607     0
24. Smyth, William       CQ               0.0/1            688     0
25. Johnston, Sebastian  CQ               0.0/2            571     0
26. Rathi, Ishika        CQ               0.0/1            606     0
27. Webber, Tyler        CQ               0.0/2            569     0
28. Bhat, Aviv           CQ               0.0/1            579     0
29. Tickner, Sebastian   CQ               0.0/1            568     0
30. Palmer, Lincoln      CQ               0.0/1            540     0
31. Gorman, Flynn        CQ               0.0/1            522     0
32. Harjai, Rudra        CQ               2.0/4            590   590
33. Lucas, Sam           CQ               1.5/2            540   553
34. Rathi, Krish         CQ               1.0/4            610   417
35. Laird, Joshua        CQ               0.0/2            648     0
36. Knowles, Alexander   CQ               0.0/1            606     0
37. Schick, Cadence      CQ               0.0/1            568     0
38. Hingston, Sonny      CQ                                  0     0
39. Priddle, Remy        CQ                                  0     0
40. ANON                 CQ               0.0/2            564     0
41. Roy, Tristan         CQ               0.5/2            520   327
42. Roopireddy, Rishi    CQ               2.0/5            609   537
43. Patel, Dev           CQ               0.5/2            534   341
44. Semple, Harlan       CQ                                  0     0

Club Standings

Place Name                 Score

  1   RGS PRIM 1           20   
  2   FRENCHVILLE A        17.5 
  3   HEIGHTS PRIMARY 1    17   
  4   ST PETERS 1          16   
  5   FRENCHVILLE B        15.5 
  6   CQ HOMESCHOOL PRIM 1 14.5 
  7   RGS PRIM 2           13.5 
  8   ST MARY'S 1          13   
  9   ST MARY'S 2          11   
 10   HEIGHTS PRIMARY 2    8.5  
 11   ST BENEDICT'S 1      7.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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