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2025 Term 1 Brisbane Primary West A


2025 Brisbane Primary West Term 1 A – Round 9


Place Name                    Feder Loc  Club              Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Ezekiel George          B     864  Home              8.5      40.5  52.5   43.5
  2   Nikesh Karthikeyan      B     824  Springfield Lakes 8        38.0  50.5   40.0
  3   Hamsini Dudipalli       B     1260 Spring Mountain 1 7.5      37.0  46.5   37.5
 4-5  Sanvi Krovvidi          B     904  Spring Mountain 1 6        38.0  50.5   31.0
      Reuben Jacob-Puthangady B     519  Grand Avenue 1    6        38.0  50.5   31.0
 6-7  Vedang Nandaki          B     641  Grand Avenue 1    5.5      36.0  46.0   30.0
      Saathvik Chindam        B     593  Spring Mountain 1 5.5      32.5  45.0   29.0
8-13  Naksh Nidhin            B     753  Grand Avenue 1    5        41.0  53.5   28.0
      Jingxiao (Charles) Yi   B     595  Graceville        5        38.5  47.0   29.0
      Rithvik Chindam         B     602  Spring Mountain 1 5        32.5  43.5   26.0
      Sophie Turkington       B     661  Fernvale Green    5        32.5  43.0   24.0
      Dallas Spall            B     639  Fernvale Green    5        26.5  33.5   20.0
      Archer Spall            B     608  Fernvale White    5        24.5  32.5   22.0
 14   Laker Johnston          B     561  Fernvale White    4.5      27.5  34.0   20.0
15-23 Lincoln Harley          B     743  Fernvale Green    4        33.0  44.5   23.0
      Nathanael George        B     528  Home              4        32.5  38.5   22.0
      Joshua Berting          B     534  Grand Avenue 1    4        32.0  42.5   21.0
      Ava Saunders            B     551  Fernvale Yellow   4        31.0  39.5   21.0
      Giancarlo Scott         B     554  Fernvale White    4        29.5  38.5   19.0
      Violet Davenport        B          Fernvale Orange   4        27.5  34.0   16.0
      Harper Saunders         B     508  Fernvale Yellow   4        26.5  33.0   17.0
      London Hagan            B     547  Fernvale Yellow   4        26.5  32.5   17.0
      Thorin Dale             B     676  Fernvale Green    4        25.5  34.0   19.0
 24   Noah Penny              B     503  Fernvale Orange   3        26.0  32.0   12.5
 25   Harriet Finan           B     500  Fernvale Orange   2.5      28.5  35.0   16.0
 26   Aaliyah Doyle           B     511  Fernvale Yellow   1.5      28.0  34.0    7.0
 27   Rodrigo Scott           B     584  Fernvale White    1        26.5  34.5    5.0
 28   Porter Hagan            B     500  Fernvale Orange   0.5      27.0  33.0    3.5

Cross Table

No Name                    Feder Loc  Club              Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9  

1  Ezekiel George          B     864  Home              8.5   19:W 10:W  6:W  8:W  2:W  4:W  3:D  5:W  7:W
2  Nikesh Karthikeyan      B     824  Springfield Lakes 8     18:W 17:W  9:W  3:W  1:L 11:W  8:W  4:W  6:W
3  Hamsini Dudipalli       B     1260 Spring Mountain 1 7.5   27:W 13:W  8:W  2:L  5:W  9:W  1:D 15:W 23:W
4  Sanvi Krovvidi          B     904  Spring Mountain 1 6     14:W  9:L  5:W 17:W  6:W  1:L 15:W  2:L  8:W
5  Reuben Jacob-Puthangady B     519  Grand Avenue 1    6     11:W 12:W  4:L 10:W  3:L 14:W  9:W  1:L 21:W
6  Vedang Nandaki          B     641  Grand Avenue 1    5.5   26:W 16:W  1:L 25:W  4:L  7:D 13:W  9:W  2:L
7  Saathvik Chindam        B     593  Spring Mountain 1 5.5   20:W  8:L 15:W 11:W  9:L  6:D 18:W 16:W  1:L
8  Naksh Nidhin            B     753  Grand Avenue 1    5     22:W  7:W  3:L  1:L 19:W 10:W  2:L 11:W  4:L
9  Jingxiao (Charles) Yi   B     595  Graceville        5     28:W  4:W  2:L 19:W  7:W  3:L  5:L  6:L 15:W
10 Rithvik Chindam         B     602  Spring Mountain 1 5     25:W  1:L 16:W  5:L 17:W  8:L 23:W 14:W 12:L
11 Sophie Turkington       B     661  Fernvale Green    5      5:L 21:W 18:W  7:L 25:W  2:L 17:W  8:L 16:W
12 Dallas Spall            B     639  Fernvale Green    5     21:W  5:L 17:L 16:L 26:W 20:L 27:W 19:W 10:W
13 Archer Spall            B     608  Fernvale White    5     24:W  3:L 25:L 22:W 18:L 26:W  6:L 28:W 20:W
14 Laker Johnston          B     561  Fernvale White    4.5    4:L 24:D 26:W 15:L 21:W  5:L 28:W 10:L 18:W
15 Lincoln Harley          B     743  Fernvale Green    4     17:L 22:W  7:L 14:W 16:W 18:W  4:L  3:L  9:L
16 Nathanael George        B     528  Home              4     23:W  6:L 10:L 12:W 15:L 28:W 22:W  7:L 11:L
17 Joshua Berting          B     534  Grand Avenue 1    4     15:W  2:L 12:W  4:L 10:L 24:W 11:L 20:L 25:W
18 Ava Saunders            B     551  Fernvale Yellow   4      2:L 28:W 11:L 23:W 13:W 15:L  7:L 24:W 14:L
19 Giancarlo Scott         B     554  Fernvale White    4      1:L 20:W 23:W  9:L  8:L 21:L 25:W 12:L 28:W
20 Violet Davenport        B          Fernvale Orange   4      7:L 19:L 27:W 21:L 22:L 12:W 26:W 17:W 13:L
21 Harper Saunders         B     508  Fernvale Yellow   4     12:L 11:L 28:D 20:W 14:L 19:W 24:D 27:W  5:L
22 London Hagan            B     547  Fernvale Yellow   4      8:L 15:L 24:W 13:L 20:W 25:W 16:L 23:L 27:W
23 Thorin Dale             B     676  Fernvale Green    4     16:L 26:W 19:L 18:L 24:W 27:W 10:L 22:W  3:L
24 Noah Penny              B     503  Fernvale Orange   3     13:L 14:D 22:L 27:W 23:L 17:L 21:D 18:L 26:W
25 Harriet Finan           B     500  Fernvale Orange   2.5   10:L 27:W 13:W  6:L 11:L 22:L 19:L 26:D 17:L
26 Aaliyah Doyle           B     511  Fernvale Yellow   1.5    6:L 23:L 14:L 28:W 12:L 13:L 20:L 25:D 24:L
27 Rodrigo Scott           B     584  Fernvale White    1      3:L 25:L 20:L 24:L 28:W 23:L 12:L 21:L 22:L
28 Porter Hagan            B     500  Fernvale Orange   .5     9:L 18:L 21:D 26:L 27:L 16:L 14:L 13:L 19:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                     Feder Loc Id Loc  Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Dudipalli, Hamsini       B            1260 7.5/9 8.82   -13 685   958
2.  Krovvidi, Sanvi          B            904  6.0/9 7.11   -11 670   795
3.  George, Ezekiel          B            864  8.5/9 6.03    25 739  1183
4.  Karthikeyan, Nikesh      B            824  8.0/9 5.40    26 751  1102
5.  Nidhin, Naksh            B            753  5.0/9 4.41     6 757   800
6.  Harley, Lincoln          B            743  4.0/9 5.31   -13 675   632
7.  Dale, Thorin             B            676  4.0/9 5.13   -11 627   584
8.  Turkington, Sophie       B            661  5.0/9 5.40    -4 590   633
9.  Nandaki, Vedang          B            641  5.5/9 4.23    13 659   739
10. Spall, Dallas            B            639  5.0/8 5.04     0 543   638
11. Spall, Archer            B            608  4.0/8 3.76     2 627   627
12. Chindam, Rithvik         B            602  5.0/9 4.32     7 619   662
13. Yi, Jingxiao (Charles)   B            595  5.0/9 2.88    21 726   769
14. Chindam, Saathvik        B            593  4.5/8 3.20    13 667   710
15. Scott, Rodrigo           B            584  1.0/8 3.36   -24 642   320
16. Johnston, Laker          B            561  4.5/9 4.14     4 593   593
17. Scott, Giancarlo         B            554  3.0/8 3.20    -2 629   542
18. Saunders, Ava            B            551  4.0/9 3.51     5 630   587
19. Hagan, London            B            547  3.0/8 3.28    -3 612   525
20. Berting, Joshua          B            534  4.0/8 2.48    15 672   672
21. George, Nathanael        B            528  4.0/9 3.33     7 622   579
22. Jacob-Puthangady, Reuben B            519  6.0/9 2.07    39 733   858
23. Doyle, Aaliyah           B            511  1.5/8 3.28   -18 579   328
24. Saunders, Harper         B            508  3.0/8 3.36    -4 565   478
25. Penny, Noah              B            503  3.0/9 3.78    -8 564   439
26. Finan, Harriet           B            500  2.5/9 3.51   -10 582   416
27. Hagan, Porter            B            500  0.5/9 3.78   -33 556   112
28. Davenport, Violet        B                 4.0/9            564   521

Club Standings

Place Name              Score

  1   SPRING MOUNTAIN 1 24   
  2   GRAND AVENUE 1    20.5 
  3   FERNVALE GREEN    18   
  4   FERNVALE WHITE    14.5 
  5   FERNVALE YELLOW   13.5 
  6   HOME              12.5 
  7   FERNVALE ORANGE   10   
  9   GRACEVILLE        5    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com


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