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2025 Term 1 Brisbane Secondary North C

2025 Term 1 Brisbane Secondary North C

2025 Term 1 Brisbane Secondary North C – Round 7


Place Name                    Feder Loc Club                Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Akshana Sireeranhan     B         KGSC 6              6.5      22.0  31.5   25.0
 2-3  Mason Stibbs            B         Bray Park 2         6        21.5  30.5   27.0
      Tyler Liu               B         Indooroopilly SHS 4 6        20.0  28.0   21.0
 4-6  Carl Sherman            B         Nudgee 5            5.5      22.0  31.0   21.5
      Aksayan Thayalan        B         Indooroopilly SHS 4 5.5      20.5  27.0   24.0
      Aadi Jhamb              B         Bray Park 3         5.5      20.0  28.0   21.5
7-10  Griffin Thomas          B     500 Nudgee 5            5        23.0  31.0   22.0
      Cooper Dennis           B         Indooroopilly SHS 4 5        21.0  29.0   21.0
      Jacob Blyth             B         St Patricks 3       5        17.5  26.0   17.0
      Franklin Sun            B     533 Indooroopilly SHS 3 5        17.0  23.5   20.0
11-19 Ashish Suresh Babu      B         KGSC 5              4.5      23.5  31.5   22.5
      William Waller          B         St Josephs GT 5     4.5      22.5  32.0   20.5
      Elijah Merrell-Knowles  B         KGSC 5              4.5      22.0  30.5   20.5
      Yan Lok-Ho              B     500 KGSC 4              4.5      22.0  30.5   18.5
      Henry Torrens           B         St Josephs GT 4     4.5      21.0  28.0   19.5
      Pranaviyer Pradeep      B         KGSC 7              4.5      20.5  29.0   18.5
      James Wang              B         Indooroopilly SHS 3 4.5      20.0  28.5   19.5
      Dmitriy Churilov        B         KGSC 6              4.5      18.0  25.0   16.5
      Nishika Prasanna        B         Indooroopilly SHS 3 4.5      17.5  25.0   17.5
20-32 Bowie Ellis             B     516 STC2                4        23.0  31.5   19.0
      Kye Kingston-Casserly   B         STC2                4        20.5  29.0   17.0
      Jeet Riar               B         St Benedict's 4     4        20.0  28.0   17.0
      Tom Burton              B         St Patricks 3       4        20.0  26.5   16.0
      William Holstein        B         STC4                4        19.5  28.0   17.0
      Myles Staunton          B         St Josephs GT 5     4        19.0  26.0   18.0
      Reuben Jeffs            B         QASMT 6             4        18.5  27.0   15.0
      Ho Yin Lam              B         KGSC 5              4        17.0  25.0   16.0
      Louise Villaruel        B         Bray Park 2         4        16.5  22.0   16.0
      James Brown             B         Nudgee 5            4        16.5  22.0   14.0
      Mahil Mohamed           B     500 QASMT 6             4        15.5  22.5   14.0
      AnHo Khor               B         Bray Park 2         4        15.0  21.5   14.0
      Harry Landers           B         Bray Park 2         4        14.0  18.5   13.0
33-36 Kevin (QuangHuy) Nguyen B     501 KGSC 4              3.5      21.5  30.5   17.0
      Hugh Rowell             B         St Josephs GT 4     3.5      18.5  27.0   14.0
      Thomas LaBan            B         KGSC 5              3.5      18.5  26.0   15.0
      Augustus Sepulcri       B         St Josephs GT 4     3.5      18.0  25.0   14.5
37-51 Calin Lightfoot         B         St Benedict's 2     3        21.5  28.0   18.0
      Vinay Alajpur           B         St Benedict's 2     3        19.5  27.0   13.5
      Chirag Pateelu          B     504 KGSC 4              3        18.5  24.5   12.5
      Amelia Mitchell         B         STC3                3        18.0  26.0   11.0
      Vivek Alajpur           B         St Benedict's 3     3        18.0  25.0   14.0
      Pak-Kiu Ng              B         KGSC 6              3        18.0  23.5   11.0
      Met Pathirathna         B         St Josephs GT 5     3        17.0  23.5   11.5
      Jesse Bradshaw          B         St Benedict's 4     3        17.0  23.5   10.0
      Lucas Vickers           B         Bray Park 1         3        17.0  22.5   12.0
      Nizaar Dowlut           B         STC2                3        16.0  22.0   13.0
      Charles Eats            B         Nudgee 6            3        15.5  22.0   10.0
      Isaiah Omany                      Nudgee 5            3        15.5  21.5   10.0
      Ayansh Tandon           B         Indooroopilly SHS 3 3        15.0  22.0   14.0
      Bruce Ni                B         St Josephs GT 5     3        14.5  19.5   10.0
      Phillip Parry           B         Bray Park 1         3        13.0  18.5   10.0
52-56 Thomas Parry            B         Bray Park 1         2.5      16.5  23.0    9.5
      Brogan Gargaro          B         St Benedict's 2     2.5      15.0  20.5   10.5
      Seoyeon Park            B         KGSC 4              2.5      14.5  21.0    8.0
      Arshveer Rai            B         St Benedict's 3     2.5      13.5  18.5    7.0
      HinHang (Jonathan) Lee  B         KGSC 6              2.5      13.0  18.5    7.0
57-63 Ethan Oertel            B         Nudgee 6            2        17.5  25.5   11.0
      Aidan Wagner            B         St Benedict's 2     2        15.0  20.5   10.0
      Kaiyu Hu                B         STC3                2        14.5  20.5    5.0
      Arnav Kapoor            B         St Benedict's 3     2        14.0  18.5    6.0
      Taliya Porter           B         St Benedict's 4     2        12.5  16.5    5.0
      James Hannant           B         Bray Park 1         2        12.0  18.5    6.0
      Kurt Tejada             B         STC4                2        10.5  15.0    5.5
64-65 Stirling Williamson     B         STC3                1.5      15.0  21.5    4.0
      Ricardo Stanway         B         STC2                1.5      14.5  20.5    8.0
66-67 Phoenix Atkinson        B         St Benedict's 3     1        16.0  22.0    5.0
      Jesse Maggs             B         STC3                1        14.5  21.5    4.0
 68   Oliver Needs            B         St Benedict's 4     0         0.0   0.0    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                    Feder Loc Club                Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Akshana Sireeranhan     B         KGSC 6              6.5    0:W 12:D 34:W 17:W  7:W 11:W  2:W
2  Mason Stibbs            B         Bray Park 2         6     40:W 27:W 15:W 37:W 11:W  5:W  1:L
3  Tyler Liu               B         Indooroopilly SHS 4 6      4:L 47:W 54:W 14:W 21:W 20:W 16:W
4  Carl Sherman            B         Nudgee 5            5.5    3:W 22:L 40:W  9:W 37:W 12:W  6:D
5  Aksayan Thayalan        B         Indooroopilly SHS 4 5.5   67:W 26:W 49:W  7:D 20:W  2:L 17:W
6  Aadi Jhamb              B         Bray Park 3         5.5   41:W 14:L 44:W 24:W 23:W 13:W  4:D
7  Griffin Thomas          B     500 Nudgee 5            5     62:W 16:W 13:W  5:D  1:L 15:D 24:W
8  Cooper Dennis           B         Indooroopilly SHS 4 5     23:W 33:W 14:W 11:L 12:L 25:W 30:W
9  Jacob Blyth             B         St Patricks 3       5     45:L 42:W 51:W  4:L 31:W 35:W 28:W
10 Franklin Sun            B     533 Indooroopilly SHS 3 5     42:W 45:W 37:L 57:W 13:L 22:W 21:W
11 Ashish Suresh Babu      B         KGSC 5              4.5   57:W 24:W 25:W  8:W  2:L  1:L 15:D
12 William Waller          B         St Josephs GT 5     4.5   21:W  1:D 35:W 33:D  8:W  4:L 14:D
13 Elijah Merrell-Knowles  B         KGSC 5              4.5   30:W 28:W  7:L 41:W 10:W  6:L 20:D
14 Yan Lok-Ho              B     500 KGSC 4              4.5   56:W  6:W  8:L  3:L 40:W 26:W 12:D
15 Henry Torrens           B         St Josephs GT 4     4.5   64:W 18:W  2:L 27:D 39:W  7:D 11:D
16 Pranaviyer Pradeep      B         KGSC 7              4.5   44:W  7:L 39:D 34:W 19:W 18:W  3:L
17 James Wang              B         Indooroopilly SHS 3 4.5   20:D 52:W 36:W  1:L 35:W 33:W  5:L
18 Dmitriy Churilov        B         KGSC 6              4.5   43:D 15:L 52:W 38:W 25:W 16:L 36:W
19 Nishika Prasanna        B         Indooroopilly SHS 3 4.5   36:D 43:W 38:W 20:L 16:L 34:W 33:W
20 Bowie Ellis             B     516 STC2                4     17:D 53:W 22:W 19:W  5:L  3:L 13:D
21 Kye Kingston-Casserly   B         STC2                4     12:L 55:W 26:W 22:W  3:L 41:W 10:L
22 Jeet Riar               B         St Benedict's 4     4     54:W  4:W 20:L 21:L 29:W 10:L 47:W
23 Tom Burton              B         St Patricks 3       4      8:L 64:W 29:W 31:W  6:L 28:L 45:W
24 William Holstein        B         STC4                4     48:W 11:L 28:W  6:L 42:W 46:W  7:L
25 Myles Staunton          B         St Josephs GT 5     4     60:W 29:W 11:L 49:W 18:L  8:L 37:W
26 Reuben Jeffs            B         QASMT 6             4     51:W  5:L 21:L 47:W 32:W 14:L 42:W
27 Ho Yin Lam              B         KGSC 5              4     46:W  2:L 58:W 15:D 33:L 38:D 48:W
28 Louise Villaruel        B         Bray Park 2         4     63:W 13:L 24:L 66:W 57:W 23:W  9:L
29 James Brown             B         Nudgee 5            4     59:W 25:L 23:L 44:W 22:L 43:W 38:W
30 Mahil Mohamed           B     500 QASMT 6             4     13:L 38:L 62:W 60:W 49:W 37:W  8:L
31 AnHo Khor               B         Bray Park 2         4     33:L 59:W 65:W 23:L  9:L 39:W 46:W
32 Harry Landers           B         Bray Park 2         4     39:L 66:W 33:L 54:W 26:L 58:W 41:W
33 Kevin (QuangHuy) Nguyen B     501 KGSC 4              3.5   31:W  8:L 32:W 12:D 27:W 17:L 19:L
34 Hugh Rowell             B         St Josephs GT 4     3.5   47:W 35:D  1:L 16:L 50:W 19:L 53:W
35 Thomas LaBan            B         KGSC 5              3.5   55:W 34:D 12:L 36:W 17:L  9:L 52:W
36 Augustus Sepulcri       B         St Josephs GT 4     3.5   19:D 50:W 17:L 35:L 52:W 53:W 18:L
37 Calin Lightfoot         B         St Benedict's 2     3     66:W 39:W 10:W  2:L  4:L 30:L 25:L
38 Vinay Alajpur           B         St Benedict's 2     3     50:D 30:W 19:L 18:L 51:W 27:D 29:L
39 Chirag Pateelu          B     504 KGSC 4              3     32:W 37:L 16:D 43:D 15:L 31:L 61:W
40 Amelia Mitchell         B         STC3                3      2:L 60:W  4:L 48:W 14:L 42:L 62:W
41 Vivek Alajpur           B         St Benedict's 3     3      6:L 56:W 45:W 13:L 65:W 21:L 32:L
42 Pak-Kiu Ng              B         KGSC 6              3     10:L  9:L 67:W 58:W 24:L 40:W 26:L
43 Met Pathirathna         B         St Josephs GT 5     3     18:D 19:L 53:W 39:D 46:L 29:L 58:W
44 Jesse Bradshaw          B         St Benedict's 4     3     16:L  0:W  6:L 29:L 60:W 47:L 64:W
45 Lucas Vickers           B         Bray Park 1         3      9:W 10:L 41:L 46:L 66:W 57:W 23:L
46 Nizaar Dowlut           B         STC2                3     27:L 63:W 57:L 45:W 43:W 24:L 31:L
47 Charles Eats            B         Nudgee 6            3     34:L  3:L 61:W 26:L 67:W 44:W 22:L
48 Isaiah Omany                      Nudgee 5            3     24:L 57:L 50:W 40:L 55:W 49:W 27:L
49 Ayansh Tandon           B         Indooroopilly SHS 3 3     65:W 58:W  5:L 25:L 30:L 48:L 57:W
50 Bruce Ni                B         St Josephs GT 5     3     38:D 36:L 48:L 55:W 34:L 65:W 56:D
51 Phillip Parry           B         Bray Park 1         3     26:L 67:W  9:L 65:D 38:L 56:D 63:W
52 Thomas Parry            B         Bray Park 1         2.5   53:D 17:L 18:L 56:W 36:L 60:W 35:L
53 Brogan Gargaro          B         St Benedict's 2     2.5   52:D 20:L 43:L 59:W 54:W 36:L 34:L
54 Seoyeon Park            B         KGSC 4              2.5   22:L 61:W  3:L 32:L 53:L 55:D 66:W
55 Arshveer Rai            B         St Benedict's 3     2.5   35:L 21:L 64:W 50:L 48:L 54:D 65:W
56 HinHang (Jonathan) Lee  B         KGSC 6              2.5   14:L 41:L 59:D 52:L 64:W 51:D 50:D
57 Ethan Oertel            B         Nudgee 6            2     11:L 48:W 46:W 10:L 28:L 45:L 49:L
58 Aidan Wagner            B         St Benedict's 2     2     61:W 49:L 27:L 42:L 62:W 32:L 43:L
59 Kaiyu Hu                B         STC3                2     29:L 31:L 56:D 53:L 63:D 62:L  0:W
60 Arnav Kapoor            B         St Benedict's 3     2     25:L 40:L 63:W 30:L 44:L 52:L 67:W
61 Taliya Porter           B         St Benedict's 4     2     58:L 54:L 47:L 62:L  0:W 67:W 39:L
62 James Hannant           B         Bray Park 1         2      7:L 65:L 30:L 61:W 58:L 59:W 40:L
63 Kurt Tejada             B         STC4                2     28:L 46:L 60:L 64:D 59:D 66:W 51:L
64 Stirling Williamson     B         STC3                1.5   15:L 23:L 55:L 63:D 56:L  0:W 44:L
65 Ricardo Stanway         B         STC2                1.5   49:L 62:W 31:L 51:D 41:L 50:L 55:L
66 Phoenix Atkinson        B         St Benedict's 3     1     37:L 32:L  0:W 28:L 45:L 63:L 54:L
67 Jesse Maggs             B         STC3                1      5:L 51:L 42:L  0:W 47:L 61:L 60:L
68 Oliver Needs            B         St Benedict's 4     0      0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 

Club Standings

Place Name                Score

  1   BRAY PARK 2         18   
  2   NUDGEE 5            17.5 
      KGSC 6              16.5 
      KGSC 5              16.5 
  7   ST JOSEPHS GT 5     14.5 
  8   KGSC 4              13.5 
  9   STC2                12.5 
 10   ST JOSEPHS GT 4     11.5 
11-12 BRAY PARK 1         10.5 
      ST BENEDICT'S 2     10.5 
13-14 ST PATRICKS 3       9    
      ST BENEDICT'S 4     9    
 15   ST BENEDICT'S 3     8.5  
 16   QASMT 6             8    
 17   STC3                7.5  
 18   STC4                6    
 19   BRAY PARK 3         5.5  
 20   NUDGEE 6            5    
 21   KGSC 7              4.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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