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2025 Term 1 Brisbane Secondary North B

2025 Term 1 Brisbane Secondary North B

2025 Term 1 Brisbane Secondary North B – Round 7


Place Name                        Club                Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Rohail Ali                  KGSC 2              7        23.0  32.0   28.0
 2-3  Malcolm Liu                 QASMT 5             6        23.0  33.0   26.0
      Helitha Muthumuni           BBC 3               6        22.0  31.5   24.0
 4-5  Massimo Morgan              BBC 3               5.5      21.0  31.5   25.0
      Ryan Rao                    BBC 3               5.5      19.5  27.5   24.0
6-12  Eric (2013) Zhang           QASMT 4             5        21.5  29.5   21.5
      Khaliun (Myra) Sharavsampil Indooroopilly SHS 2 5        21.5  29.5   21.0
      Lucien Allan                Indooroopilly SHS 2 5        19.5  27.0   19.0
      Ethan Johannes              Nudgee 2            5        19.0  28.0   19.0
      Jordan Welling              St Patricks 2       5        19.0  26.0   18.0
      Rehan Naeem                 St Josephs GT 3     5        17.5  22.5   18.0
      Ryan Hudson                 BBC 4               5        16.5  24.0   16.5
13-17 Isaac Simon                 St Josephs GT 2     4.5      20.5  29.0   20.5
      Daniel Costello             St Josephs GT 2     4.5      20.0  28.0   20.0
      Marius Graham               St Patricks 2       4.5      20.0  28.0   18.0
      Henry Pai                   QASMT 4             4.5      20.0  27.5   17.5
      Owen Coughlan               St Josephs GT 2     4.5      17.5  26.5   19.0
18-28 Ben Arends                  KGSC 2              4        23.5  32.0   18.0
      Forrest Fang                QASMT 4             4        23.0  32.0   19.0
      Malakai Wong                BGS 5               4        22.0  30.5   19.0
      Zhen Xiao                   KGSC 2              4        20.0  27.5   19.0
      Kai Harada                  BBC 4               4        19.5  28.5   16.0
      Vrishan Saravanan           QASMT 4             4        19.0  27.0   16.0
      Leon (Jia-Le) Yang          BGS 5               4        18.5  26.5   18.0
      Seth Wakista                BBC 3               4        18.5  26.0   18.0
      Nishit Das                  KGSC 2              4        16.5  22.5   15.0
      Yang-Rui Phang              Indooroopilly SHS 2 4        15.0  21.0   16.0
      John Karpowicz              St Benedict's 1     4        13.5  18.5   13.0
29-40 Lucas Black                 Nudgee 2            3.5      23.0  31.0   18.5
      Coen Deucker                St Benedict's 1     3.5      19.0  27.0   16.0
      Willem Attiwell             STC1                3.5      18.5  25.5   12.5
      Mason Hunter                Nudgee 3            3.5      17.5  25.5   13.5
      Nathaniel Mangilit          St Patricks 2       3.5      17.5  25.0   12.5
      Flynn Otto                  BBC 4               3.5      17.5  24.0   17.0
      Lucas Zeng                  St Josephs GT 2     3.5      17.0  23.5   14.5
      Hursh Menon                 BBC 5               3.5      17.0  23.0   15.5
      Alexander Arnold            St Benedict's 1     3.5      15.5  22.0   11.5
      Hugo Elliot                 Nudgee 2            3.5      15.5  21.5   11.0
      Nilay Shirolkar             Nudgee 3            3.5      14.0  19.5   11.5
      Max Vorster                 St Josephs GT 3     3.5      11.0  16.0    9.5
41-51 Alex Liang                  BGS 5               3        20.0  27.0   15.0
      Noah Chew                   BBC 5               3        18.5  25.5   12.5
      William Griggs              Nudgee 3            3        18.0  24.0   12.0
      Rishyaan Pradeep            Indooroopilly SHS 2 3        17.5  25.0    9.0
      Pranav Prakash              QASMT 5             3        16.5  22.5   11.0
      Cormac Byrne                Nudgee 4            3        16.0  24.0   10.0
      Charlie Rienstra            Nudgee 4            3        16.0  22.0   11.0
      Finn Carton                 Nudgee 4            3        15.0  21.5   10.0
      Martin Xiao                 BBC 5               3        13.0  17.5    9.5
      Bella Liu                   QASMT 5             3        12.0  20.0   10.5
      Olllie Barnes               BBC 5               3        12.0  18.0    8.0
52-55 William Shang               St Josephs GT 3     2.5      17.0  24.0   12.5
      Abhiram Hejeebu             KGSC 3              2.5      17.0  23.0   12.0
      Boyd Boyes                  KGSC 3              2.5      16.0  21.5    9.0
      Davis Donovan               STC1                2.5      15.5  20.5    7.5
56-62 Marcus Batka                Nudgee 4            2        19.0  26.0   10.0
      Pasindu Bandula-Heva        St Josephs GT 3     2        18.0  25.0   11.0
      Amelia Chen                 QASMT 5             2        17.5  24.0    9.5
      Hemish Patel                Nudgee 3            2        17.0  22.5   10.0
      Harrison Lawther            St Patricks 2       2        15.5  20.5    8.0
      Tanush Bethala              KGSC 3              2        13.5  20.0    3.0
      Jameson Lee                 BBC 4               2        11.5  17.0    6.5
63-67 Brock Brown                 STC1                1.5      17.0  24.0    4.0
      Janav Patel                 Nudgee 2            1.5      16.5  24.5    8.5
      Max Domogala                STC1                1.5      15.0  21.5    7.0
      Albert Gurragchaa           KGSC 3              1.5      15.0  20.5    3.5
      Aiden Spencer               St Benedict's 1     1.5      12.0  17.5    6.0

Cross Table

No Name                        Feder Loc Club                Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Rohail Ali                  B     784 KGSC 2              7     50:W 22:W 17:W 29:W  5:W  2:W  4:W
2  Malcolm Liu                 B     638 QASMT 5             6     46:W 19:W 23:W  3:W 13:W  1:L 14:W
3  Helitha Muthumuni           B     850 BBC 3               6     32:W  9:W 24:W  2:L 20:W 19:W  6:W
4  Massimo Morgan              B     752 BBC 3               5.5   37:W 35:W  8:W  6:D 29:W 21:W  1:L
5  Ryan Rao                    B     785 BBC 3               5.5   61:W 64:W 20:W  7:W  1:L 14:D 13:W
6  Eric (2013) Zhang           B     688 QASMT 4             5     33:D 58:W 30:W  4:D  7:W 18:W  3:L
7  Khaliun (Myra) Sharavsampil B     616 Indooroopilly SHS 2 5     48:W 14:W 16:W  5:L  6:L 29:W 22:W
8  Lucien Allan                B     651 Indooroopilly SHS 2 5     36:W 21:W  4:L 18:L 56:W 26:W 19:W
9  Ethan Johannes              B     632 Nudgee 2            5     51:W  3:L 47:W 16:W 18:L 36:W 24:W
10 Jordan Welling              B     563 St Patricks 2       5     18:W 25:L 12:D 58:W 30:D 38:W 20:W
11 Rehan Naeem                 B     595 St Josephs GT 3     5     65:W 29:L 31:W 19:L 48:W 25:W 18:W
12 Ryan Hudson                 B     642 BBC 4               5     31:L 44:W 10:D 42:D 47:W 41:W 21:W
13 Isaac Simon                 B     802 St Josephs GT 2     4.5   52:D 31:W 42:W 23:W  2:L 15:W  5:L
14 Daniel Costello             B     688 St Josephs GT 2     4.5   62:W  7:L 59:W 27:W 36:W  5:D  2:L
15 Marius Graham               B     565 St Patricks 2       4.5   38:W 16:L 22:W 17:D 35:W 13:L 30:W
16 Henry Pai                   B     720 QASMT 4             4.5   53:W 15:W  7:L  9:L 32:D 33:W 34:W
17 Owen Coughlan               B     686 St Josephs GT 2     4.5   56:W 41:W  1:L 15:D 53:W 24:L 32:W
18 Ben Arends                  B     723 KGSC 2              4     10:L 40:W 37:W  8:W  9:W  6:L 11:L
19 Forrest Fang                B     717 QASMT 4             4     39:W  2:L 43:W 11:W 34:W  3:L  8:L
20 Malakai Wong                B     688 BGS 5               4     44:W 34:W  5:L 26:W  3:L 28:W 10:L
21 Zhen Xiao                   B     735 KGSC 2              4     59:W  8:L 52:W 35:W 25:W  4:L 12:L
22 Kai Harada                  B     676 BBC 4               4     55:W  1:L 15:L 33:W 59:W 27:W  7:L
23 Vrishan Saravanan           B     741 QASMT 4             4     43:W 27:W  2:L 13:L 26:L 56:W 39:W
24 Leon (Jia-Le) Yang          B     715 BGS 5               4     54:W 57:W  3:L 34:L 43:W 17:W  9:L
25 Seth Wakista                B     684 BBC 3               4     47:W 10:W 29:L 41:W 21:L 11:L 44:W
26 Nishit Das                  B     589 KGSC 2              4     41:L 55:W 65:W 20:L 23:W  8:L 43:W
27 Yang-Rui Phang              B     589 Indooroopilly SHS 2 4     67:W 23:L 60:W 14:L 57:W 22:L 41:W
28 John Karpowicz              B     626 St Benedict's 1     4     57:L 56:L 63:W 31:W 42:W 20:L 46:W
29 Lucas Black                 B     753 Nudgee 2            3.5   66:W 11:W 25:W  1:L  4:L  7:L 37:D
30 Coen Deucker                B     654 St Benedict's 1     3.5   42:D 49:W  6:L 50:W 10:D 34:D 15:L
31 Willem Attiwell             B     529 STC1                3.5   12:W 13:L 11:L 28:L 60:W 59:W 45:D
32 Mason Hunter                B     584 Nudgee 3            3.5    3:L 62:W 41:L 51:W 16:D 52:W 17:L
33 Nathaniel Mangilit          B     553 St Patricks 2       3.5    6:D 52:L 38:W 22:L 49:W 16:L 54:W
34 Flynn Otto                  B     590 BBC 4               3.5   60:W 20:L 57:W 24:W 19:L 30:D 16:L
35 Lucas Zeng                  B     662 St Josephs GT 2     3.5   63:W  4:L 56:W 21:L 15:L 47:W 36:D
36 Hursh Menon                 B     530 BBC 5               3.5    8:L 66:W 64:W 45:W 14:L  9:L 35:D
37 Alexander Arnold            B     572 St Benedict's 1     3.5    4:L 46:W 18:L 57:L 65:W 42:W 29:D
38 Hugo Elliot                 B     733 Nudgee 2            3.5   15:L 54:D 33:L 63:W 55:W 10:L 52:W
39 Nilay Shirolkar             B     557 Nudgee 3            3.5   19:L 60:L 55:D 61:W 45:W 53:W 23:L
40 Max Vorster                 B     500 St Josephs GT 3     3.5   58:D 18:L 45:L 54:L 63:W 64:W 53:W
41 Alex Liang                  B         BGS 5               3     26:W 17:L 32:W 25:L 58:W 12:L 27:L
42 Noah Chew                   B     530 BBC 5               3     30:D 45:W 13:L 12:D 28:L 37:L 58:W
43 William Griggs              B     568 Nudgee 3            3     23:L 51:W 19:L 46:W 24:L 57:W 26:L
44 Rishyaan Pradeep            B     554 Indooroopilly SHS 2 3     20:L 12:L 46:L  0:W 51:W 48:W 25:L
45 Pranav Prakash              B     673 QASMT 5             3     49:D 42:L 40:W 36:L 39:L 55:W 31:D
46 Cormac Byrne                B     528 Nudgee 4            3      2:L 37:L 44:W 43:L 62:W 50:W 28:L
47 Charlie Rienstra            B     541 Nudgee 4            3     25:L 61:W  9:L 64:W 12:L 35:L 60:W
48 Finn Carton                 B     500 Nudgee 4            3      7:L 59:L  0:W 62:W 11:L 44:L 67:W
49 Martin Xiao                 B     539 BBC 5               3     45:D 30:L 53:L 66:W 33:L 58:D 59:W
50 Bella Liu                   B     576 QASMT 5             3      1:L 63:D 54:W 30:L 64:D 46:L 57:W
51 Olllie Barnes               B     514 BBC 5               3      9:L 43:L 66:W 32:L 44:L 63:W 56:W
52 William Shang               B     584 St Josephs GT 3     2.5   13:D 33:W 21:L 53:L 54:W 32:L 38:L
53 Abhiram Hejeebu             B     560 KGSC 3              2.5   16:L 67:D 49:W 52:W 17:L 39:L 40:L
54 Boyd Boyes                  B     556 KGSC 3              2.5   24:L 38:D 50:L 40:W 52:L 67:W 33:L
55 Davis Donovan               B     541 STC1                2.5   22:L 26:L 39:D 67:W 38:L 45:L 64:W
56 Marcus Batka                B     546 Nudgee 4            2     17:L 28:W 35:L 60:W  8:L 23:L 51:L
57 Pasindu Bandula-Heva        B     512 St Josephs GT 3     2     28:W 24:L 34:L 37:W 27:L 43:L 50:L
58 Amelia Chen                 B     626 QASMT 5             2     40:D  6:L 67:W 10:L 41:L 49:D 42:L
59 Hemish Patel                B     567 Nudgee 3            2     21:L 48:W 14:L 65:W 22:L 31:L 49:L
60 Harrison Lawther            B         St Patricks 2       2     34:L 39:W 27:L 56:L 31:L 66:W 47:L
61 Tanush Bethala              B     581 KGSC 3              2      5:L 47:L 62:L 39:L 67:L  0:W 65:W
62 Jameson Lee                 B     548 BBC 4               2     14:L 32:L 61:W 48:L 46:L 65:D 66:D
63 Brock Brown                 B     531 STC1                1.5   35:L 50:D 28:L 38:L 40:L 51:L  0:W
64 Janav Patel                 B     629 Nudgee 2            1.5    0:W  5:L 36:L 47:L 50:D 40:L 55:L
65 Max Domogala                B         STC1                1.5   11:L  0:W 26:L 59:L 37:L 62:D 61:L
66 Albert Gurragchaa           B     575 KGSC 3              1.5   29:L 36:L 51:L 49:L  0:W 60:L 62:D
67 Aiden Spencer               B         St Benedict's 1     1.5   27:L 53:D 58:L 55:L 61:W 54:L 48:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                         Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Muthumuni, Helitha           B            850 6.0/7 5.18     8 666   975
2.  Simon, Isaac                 B            802 4.5/7 5.11    -6 625   727
3.  Rao, Ryan                    B            785 5.5/7 4.48    10 684   914
4.  Ali, Rohail                  B            784 7.0/7 4.34    27 695  1694
5.  Black, Lucas                 B            753 3.5/7 4.48   -10 654   654
6.  Morgan, Massimo              B            752 5.5/7 4.06    14 692   922
7.  Saravanan, Vrishan           B            741 4.0/7 4.69    -7 613   663
8.  Xiao, Zhen                   B            735 4.0/7 4.34    -3 649   699
9.  Elliot, Hugo                 B            733 3.5/7 5.11   -16 556   556
10. Arends, Ben                  B            723 4.0/7 4.69    -7 600   650
11. Pai, Henry                   B            720 4.5/7 4.76    -3 586   688
12. Fang, Forrest                B            717 4.0/7 4.27    -3 636   686
13. Yang, Leon (Jia-Le)          B            715 4.0/7 4.34    -3 628   678
14. Zhang, Eric (2013)           B            688 5.0/7 3.57    14 682   840
15. Costello, Daniel             B            688 4.5/7 4.27     2 610   712
16. Wong, Malakai                B            688 4.0/7 3.85     2 651   701
17. Coughlan, Owen               B            686 3.5/6 3.48     0 626   683
18. Wakista, Seth                B            684 3.0/6 3.48    -5 624   624
19. Harada, Kai                  B            676 4.0/7 4.20    -2 602   652
20. Prakash, Pranav              B            673 3.0/7 4.83   -18 532   482
21. Zeng, Lucas                  B            662 3.5/7 4.13    -6 600   600
22. Deucker, Coen                B            654 3.5/7 4.20    -7 579   579
23. Allan, Lucien                B            651 5.0/7 3.43    16 656   814
24. Hudson, Ryan                 B            642 4.0/6 3.54     5 575   700
25. Liu, Malcolm                 B            638 6.0/7 2.59    34 730  1039
26. Johannes, Ethan              B            632 5.0/7 3.29    17 656   814
27. Patel, Janav                 B            629 0.5/6 3.42   -29 579   178
28. Karpowicz, John              B            626 4.0/7 4.20    -2 552   602
29. Chen, Amelia                 B            626 1.0/5 2.95   -20 564   324
30. Sharavsampil, Khaliun (Myra) B            616 5.0/7 2.80    22 687   845
31. Naeem, Rehan                 B            595 4.0/6 2.52    15 651   776
32. Otto, Flynn                  B            590 2.5/6 2.34     2 668   611
33. Phang, Yang-Rui              B            589 1.0/4 1.64    -6 654   461
34. Das, Nishit                  B            589 3.0/5 2.15     9 638   710
35. Shang, William               B            584 2.5/7 2.87    -4 646   544
36. Hunter, Mason                B            584 3.5/6 2.46    10 650   707
37. Bethala, Tanush              B            581 0.0/4 1.84   -18 608     0
38. Liu, Bella                   B            576 3.0/7 3.29    -3 599   549
39. Gurragchaa, Albert           B            575 0.5/5 2.50   -20 577   211
40. Arnold, Alexander            B            572 2.5/6 2.52     0 633   576
41. Griggs, William              B            568 3.0/7 3.01     0 617   567
42. Patel, Hemish                B            567 1.0/6 2.64   -16 611   338
43. Graham, Marius               B            565 4.5/7 2.17    23 705   807
44. Welling, Jordan              B            563 5.0/7 2.38    26 679   837
45. Hejeebu, Abhiram             B            560 2.0/6 2.70    -7 598   473
46. Shirolkar, Nilay             B            557 3.5/6 2.34    12 636   693
47. Boyes, Boyd                  B            556 1.5/6 2.52   -10 610   417
48. Pradeep, Rishyaan            B            554 2.0/6 2.70    -7 593   468
49. Mangilit, Nathaniel          B            553 3.5/7 2.66     8 642   642
50. Lee, Jameson                 B            548 1.5/6 2.76   -13 576   383
51. Batka, Marcus                B            546 1.0/6 2.16   -12 647   374
52. Donovan, Davis               B            541 1.5/6 2.16    -7 643   450
53. Rienstra, Charlie            B            541 2.0/6 2.22    -2 638   513
54. Xiao, Martin                 B            539 3.0/7 2.87     1 601   551
55. Brown, Brock                 B            531 0.5/6 2.40   -19 602   201
56. Menon, Hursh                 B            530 3.5/7 2.38    11 644   644
57. Chew, Noah                   B            530 3.0/7 2.31     7 656   606
58. Attiwell, Willem             B            529 2.5/6 1.98     5 651   594
59. Byrne, Cormac                B            528 3.0/7 2.94     1 583   533
60. Barnes, Olllie               B            514 3.0/7 2.94     1 570   520
61. Bandula-Heva, Pasindu        B            512 2.0/7 2.59    -6 605   447
62. Vorster, Max                 B            500 3.5/7 2.38    11 614   614
63. Carton, Finn                 B            500 1.0/5 2.00   -10 576   336
64. Spencer, Aiden               B                1.5/7            565   335
65. Lawther, Harrison            B                2.0/7            561   403
66. Liang, Alex                  B                3.0/7            629   579
67. Domogala, Max                B                0.5/6            575   174

Club Standings

Place Name                Score

  1   BBC 3               21   
  2   KGSC 2              19   
  3   QASMT 4             17.5 
 4-5  ST JOSEPHS GT 2     17   
  6   ST PATRICKS 2       15   
  7   BBC 4               14.5 
  8   QASMT 5             14   
  9   NUDGEE 2            13.5 
 10   ST JOSEPHS GT 3     13   
11-12 ST BENEDICT'S 1     12.5 
      BBC 5               12.5 
 13   NUDGEE 3            12   
14-15 BGS 5               11   
      NUDGEE 4            11   
 16   STC1                9    
 17   KGSC 3              8.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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