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2025 Term 1 Brisbane Secondary North A

2025 Term 1 Brisbane Secondary North A

2025 Term 1 Brisbane Secondary North A – Round 7


Place Name                Loc  Club                Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-3  Jeeva Praveen       1835 BGS 1               6        25.0  34.0   27.0
      Austin (2008) Chen  1777 BBC 1               6        24.5  33.5   24.0
      Lachlan Wang        2032 BGS 1               6        23.5  33.0   26.0
 4-5  Gordon (B) Chen     1427 BGS 2               5.5      22.5  31.5   24.5
      Colin (B) Lam       1419 St Josephs GT 1     5.5      20.5  29.5   21.0
6-11  Kaiden Doran        1676 QASMT 1             5        22.5  31.5   22.0
      Henry Liu           1633 QASMT 1             5        22.5  31.5   22.0
      Elvis Wu            1486 BGS 2               5        22.0  31.0   21.0
      Xianzhe Lin         1597 BGS 1               5        20.0  28.0   22.0
      Zev Geffen          933  BGS 4               5        18.5  22.5   16.0
      Alexander Feldblyum 1287 BGS 2               5        17.0  24.5   19.0
12-16 Rossi Barnes        1344 Indooroopilly SHS 1 4.5      20.5  28.0   19.0
      Khiem Nguyen        816  BGS 4               4.5      18.0  26.0   16.5
      Senuda Ananda       849  St Josephs GT 1     4.5      17.5  25.0   17.5
      Philip Sangster     780  BGS 4               4.5      14.5  21.0   14.5
      Alfred Lu           968  BGS 3               4.5      13.5  21.0   13.0
17-27 Alvin Shen          1183 BGS 3               4        22.5  31.5   17.0
      Daniil Yelkhovsky   1617 BBC 1               4        21.0  30.0   17.0
      Suvan Nag           1364 BBC 1               4        21.0  28.5   20.0
      Charles Zhang       912  BGS 4               4        21.0  28.5   18.5
      Aidan Park          971  BBC 2               4        20.5  28.5   19.0
      Lucas (Ziyi) Qi     958  BBC 2               4        20.5  27.0   14.0
      Zachary Pedros      1298 KGSC 1              4        18.0  25.0   17.0
      Ben Sandstrom       997  St Josephs GT 1     4        16.5  21.5   17.0
      Mike Liu            1350 BGS 2               4        16.0  22.5   15.0
      Martin Chen         1299 BBC 1               4        14.5  20.5   14.0
      Emma Ye             1045 QASMT 2             4        14.0  21.5   14.0
28-31 Zander Mikeleit     1003 QASMT 2             3.5      19.0  27.5   16.0
      Simon Yousafi       1143 KGSC 1              3.5      17.0  24.5   10.5
      Ometh Perera        1125 BBC 2               3.5      17.0  23.5   14.5
      Maxwell Zhou        1176 QASMT 1             3.5      15.5  21.5   16.0
32-46 Austin Hu           1096 BGS 3               3        20.5  27.5   14.5
      David Huang         1119 QASMT 2             3        20.5  27.5   13.0
      Charles Fu          1668 BGS 1               3        20.0  27.5   16.0
      Bryan Kang          936  BBC 2               3        19.0  26.0   12.0
      Oliver Lossberg     960  KGSC 1              3        17.5  25.0   12.0
      Deo Wongkar         683  Indooroopilly SHS 1 3        17.5  23.5   11.0
      Thomas Freshney     904  Marist              3        17.0  24.5   10.0
      Reyansh Ahuja       1106 QASMT 2             3        16.5  23.0   13.0
      Oliver Allen        887  St Patricks 1       3        16.0  24.0   11.0
      Nikola Maljkovic    1378 QASMT 1             3        16.0  22.0   14.0
      Alex (2009) Chen    968  BGS 3               3        15.5  22.5   11.0
      Michael Cusack      751  Nudgee 1            3        14.5  18.5    9.0
      Vivaan Sud          986  St Josephs GT 1     3        14.0  21.5   12.0
      Hamish Darr              Marist              3        13.5  18.5    9.0
      Mitchell McCormick  694  Marist              3        13.0  18.0    9.0
47-49 Matthew Stower      848  Marist              2.5      16.5  23.0    8.5
      Ojal Khare          699  Indooroopilly SHS 1 2.5      15.0  19.5    9.5
      William Jones       871  St Patricks 1       2.5      14.5  19.5    7.5
50-56 Ali Rahim           874  QASMT 3             2        19.0  26.0   13.0
      Tejas Ashok         839  Nudgee 1            2        18.5  26.5   12.0
      Tiffany Tran        920  QASMT 3             2        17.5  24.5    9.0
      Ethan Cockburn      942  Nudgee 1            2        14.5  19.5   10.0
      Flynn Light         566  St Patricks 1       2        12.5  18.5    3.0
      Bryden Chen         763  QASMT 3             2        11.5  16.5    5.0
      Ngoc Le             697  Indooroopilly SHS 1 2        11.0  14.0    6.0
57-58 Dylan Pu            818  KGSC 1              1.5      17.0  24.0    7.0
      Archie Spurr        806  Nudgee 1            1.5      14.5  19.0    3.5
 59   Tejas Sudarsan      820  QASMT 3             1        13.5  17.5    5.0
 60   Braydan Thompson    681  St Patricks 1       0        13.0  19.0    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                Feder Loc  Club                Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Jeeva Praveen       B     1835 BGS 1               6     42:W 17:W  5:W  7:W  8:W  4:W  2:L
2  Austin (2008) Chen  B     1777 BBC 1               6     36:W 11:W  9:W  4:L 23:W  6:W  1:W
3  Lachlan Wang        B     2032 BGS 1               6     16:W 23:W 18:W  6:W  4:D  7:W  8:D
4  Gordon (B) Chen     B     1427 BGS 2               5.5   38:W 44:W 34:W  2:W  3:D  1:L 14:W
5  Colin (B) Lam       B     1419 St Josephs GT 1     5.5   40:W 27:W  1:L 20:D 28:W 18:W  9:W
6  Kaiden Doran        B     1676 QASMT 1             5     22:W 33:W 19:W  3:L 12:W  2:L 24:W
7  Henry Liu           B     1633 QASMT 1             5     35:W 32:W 12:W  1:L 11:W  3:L 21:W
8  Elvis Wu            B     1486 BGS 2               5     20:D 15:W 39:W 34:W  1:L 13:W  3:D
9  Xianzhe Lin         B     1597 BGS 1               5     52:W 28:W  2:L 33:W 17:W 21:W  5:L
10 Zev Geffen          B     933  BGS 4               5     18:L 60:W 17:L 29:W 33:W 23:W 19:W
11 Alexander Feldblyum B     1287 BGS 2               5     57:W  2:L 36:W 51:W  7:L 35:W 22:W
12 Rossi Barnes        B     1344 Indooroopilly SHS 1 4.5   47:W 21:W  7:L 24:W  6:L 31:D 20:W
13 Khiem Nguyen        B     816  BGS 4               4.5   17:L 22:W 32:D 39:W 30:W  8:L 28:W
14 Senuda Ananda       B     849  St Josephs GT 1     4.5   25:L 54:W 30:D 37:W 32:W 19:W  4:L
15 Philip Sangster     B     780  BGS 4               4.5   29:D  8:L 57:W 32:L 51:W 33:W 34:W
16 Alfred Lu           B     968  BGS 3               4.5    3:L 57:D 48:L 58:W 37:W 39:W 31:W
17 Alvin Shen          B     1183 BGS 3               4     13:W  1:L 10:W 18:W  9:L 20:L 40:W
18 Daniil Yelkhovsky   B     1617 BBC 1               4     10:W 30:W  3:L 17:L 42:W  5:L 32:W
19 Suvan Nag           B     1364 BBC 1               4     49:W 24:W  6:L 31:W 20:W 14:L 10:L
20 Charles Zhang       B     912  BGS 4               4      8:D 29:W 50:W  5:D 19:L 17:W 12:L
21 Aidan Park          B     971  BBC 2               4     45:W 12:L 25:W 26:W 41:W  9:L  7:L
22 Lucas (Ziyi) Qi     B     958  BBC 2               4      6:L 13:L 58:W 43:W 26:W 25:W 11:L
23 Zachary Pedros      B     1298 KGSC 1              4     59:W  3:L 53:W 50:W  2:L 10:L 38:W
24 Ben Sandstrom       B     997  St Josephs GT 1     4     60:W 19:L 45:W 12:L 50:W 34:W  6:L
25 Mike Liu            B     1350 BGS 2               4     14:W 50:L 21:L 52:W 36:W 22:L 35:W
26 Martin Chen         B     1299 BBC 1               4     51:L 47:W 42:W 21:L 22:L 52:W 36:W
27 Emma Ye             B     1045 QASMT 2             4     46:W  5:L 51:L 38:W 35:L 50:W 41:W
28 Zander Mikeleit     B     1003 QASMT 2             3.5   37:W  9:L 43:W 41:D  5:L 30:W 13:L
29 Simon Yousafi       B     1143 KGSC 1              3.5   15:D 20:L 37:D 10:L 47:D 49:W 46:W
30 Ometh Perera        B     1125 BBC 2               3.5   55:W 18:L 14:D 48:W 13:L 28:L 47:W
31 Maxwell Zhou        B     1176 QASMT 1             3.5   58:W 34:L 52:W 19:L 53:W 12:D 16:L
32 Austin Hu           B     1096 BGS 3               3     56:W  7:L 13:D 15:W 14:L 41:D 18:L
33 David Huang         B     1119 QASMT 2             3     43:W  6:L 40:W  9:L 10:L 15:L 50:W
34 Charles Fu          B     1668 BGS 1               3     53:W 31:W  4:L  8:L 44:W 24:L 15:L
35 Bryan Kang          B     936  BBC 2               3      7:L 43:L 55:W 45:W 27:W 11:L 25:L
36 Oliver Lossberg     B     960  KGSC 1              3      2:L 58:W 11:L 47:W 25:L 51:W 26:L
37 Deo Wongkar         B     683  Indooroopilly SHS 1 3     28:L 38:W 29:D 14:L 16:L 57:W 39:D
38 Thomas Freshney     B     904  Marist              3      4:L 37:L 56:W 27:L 43:W 44:W 23:L
39 Reyansh Ahuja       B     1106 QASMT 2             3     48:D 51:W  8:L 13:L 57:W 16:L 37:D
40 Oliver Allen        B     887  St Patricks 1       3      5:L 46:W 33:L 44:L 48:W 42:W 17:L
41 Nikola Maljkovic    B     1378 QASMT 1             3     50:L 48:W 44:W 28:D 21:L 32:D 27:L
42 Alex (2009) Chen    B     968  BGS 3               3      1:L 59:W 26:L 49:W 18:L 40:L 55:W
43 Michael Cusack      B     751  Nudgee 1            3     33:L 35:W 28:L 22:L 38:L 60:W 52:W
44 Vivaan Sud          B     986  St Josephs GT 1     3     54:W  4:L 41:L 40:W 34:L 38:L 51:W
45 Hamish Darr         B          Marist              3     21:L 49:W 24:L 35:L 52:L 59:W 53:W
46 Mitchell McCormick  B     694  Marist              3     27:L 40:L 49:L 54:W 59:W 53:W 29:L
47 Matthew Stower      B     848  Marist              2.5   12:L 26:L 54:W 36:L 29:D 48:W 30:L
48 Ojal Khare          B     699  Indooroopilly SHS 1 2.5   39:D 41:L 16:W 30:L 40:L 47:L 60:W
49 William Jones       B     871  St Patricks 1       2.5   19:L 45:L 46:W 42:L 56:D 29:L 59:W
50 Ali Rahim           B     874  QASMT 3             2     41:W 25:W 20:L 23:L 24:L 27:L 33:L
51 Tejas Ashok         B     839  Nudgee 1            2     26:W 39:L 27:W 11:L 15:L 36:L 44:L
52 Tiffany Tran        B     920  QASMT 3             2      9:L 56:W 31:L 25:L 45:W 26:L 43:L
53 Ethan Cockburn      B     942  Nudgee 1            2     34:L 55:W 23:L 59:W 31:L 46:L 45:L
54 Flynn Light         B     566  St Patricks 1       2     44:L 14:L 47:L 46:L 55:L 56:W 57:W
55 Bryden Chen         B     763  QASMT 3             2     30:L 53:L 35:L 57:L 54:W 58:W 42:L
56 Ngoc Le             B     697  Indooroopilly SHS 1 2     32:L 52:L 38:L 60:W 49:D 54:L 58:D
57 Dylan Pu            B     818  KGSC 1              1.5   11:L 16:D 15:L 55:W 39:L 37:L 54:L
58 Archie Spurr        B     806  Nudgee 1            1.5   31:L 36:L 22:L 16:L 60:W 55:L 56:D
59 Tejas Sudarsan      B     820  QASMT 3             1     23:L 42:L 60:W 53:L 46:L 45:L 49:L
60 Braydan Thompson    B     681  St Patricks 1       0     24:L 10:L 59:L 56:L 58:L 43:L 48:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                 Feder Loc Id Loc  Score Exp. Chg*K  Rav Rprfm

1.  Wang, Lachlan        B            2032 6.0/7 6.44    -4 1638  1947
2.  Praveen, Jeeva       B            1835 6.0/7 6.09    -1 1519  1828
3.  Chen, Austin (2008)  B            1777 6.0/7 5.67     3 1524  1833
4.  Doran, Kaiden        B            1676 5.0/7 5.32    -3 1478  1636
5.  Fu, Charles          B            1668 3.0/7 6.23   -32 1322  1272
6.  Liu, Henry           B            1633 5.0/7 5.11    -1 1457  1615
7.  Yelkhovsky, Daniil   B            1617 4.0/7 5.67   -17 1362  1412
8.  Lin, Xianzhe         B            1597 5.0/7 5.88    -9 1312  1470
9.  Wu, Elvis            B            1486 5.0/7 4.27     7 1408  1566
10. Chen, Gordon (B)     B            1427 5.5/7 3.08    24 1470  1700
11. Lam, Colin (B)       B            1419 5.5/7 4.55    10 1307  1537
12. Maljkovic, Nikola    B            1378 3.0/7 6.30   -33 1009   959
13. Nag, Suvan           B            1364 4.0/7 5.74   -17 1101  1151
14. Liu, Mike            B            1350 4.0/7 6.44   -24  956  1006
15. Barnes, Rossi        B            1344 4.5/7 4.90    -4 1192  1294
16. Chen, Martin         B            1299 4.0/7 6.30   -23  939   989
17. Pedros, Zachary      B            1298 4.0/7 4.76    -8 1164  1214
18. Feldblyum, Alexander B            1287 5.0/7 4.83     2 1148  1306
19. Shen, Alvin          B            1183 4.0/7 3.29     7 1206  1256
20. Zhou, Maxwell        B            1176 3.5/7 3.78    -3 1145  1145
21. Yousafi, Simon       B            1143 3.5/7 6.02   -25  833   833
22. Perera, Ometh        B            1125 3.5/7 5.11   -16  946   946
23. Huang, David         B            1119 3.0/7 4.06   -11 1063  1013
24. Ahuja, Reyansh       B            1106 3.0/7 5.32   -23  906   856
25. Hu, Austin           B            1096 3.0/7 3.43    -4 1102  1052
26. Ye, Emma             B            1045 4.0/7 3.85     2 1006  1056
27. Mikeleit, Zander     B            1003 3.5/7 2.59     9 1096  1096
28. Sandstrom, Ben       B            997  3.0/6 1.38    16 1210  1210
29. Sud, Vivaan          B            986  3.0/7 2.66     3 1072  1022
30. Park, Aidan          B            971  3.0/6 0.42    26 1386  1386
31. Lu, Alfred           B            968  4.5/7 3.50    10  965  1067
32. Chen, Alex (2009)    B            968  3.0/7 2.38     6 1082  1032
33. Lossberg, Oliver     B            960  3.0/7 1.96    10 1127  1077
34. Qi, Lucas (Ziyi)     B            958  4.0/7 2.10    19 1110  1160
35. Cockburn, Ethan      B            942  2.0/6 2.28    -3 1032   907
36. Kang, Bryan          B            936  2.0/6 1.68     3 1105   980
37. Geffen, Zev          B            933  5.0/7 1.40    36 1174  1332
38. Tran, Tiffany        B            920  1.0/6 1.50    -5 1116   843
39. Zhang, Charles       B            912  4.0/7 0.84    32 1247  1297
40. Freshney, Thomas     B            904  3.0/7 2.73     3  981   931
41. Allen, Oliver        B            887  3.0/7 2.38     6 1005   955
42. Rahim, Ali           B            874  2.0/7 1.12     9 1156   998
43. Jones, William       B            871  2.5/6 2.34     2  948   891
44. Ananda, Senuda       B            849  4.5/7 1.54    30 1074  1176
45. Stower, Matthew      B            848  2.5/7 1.89     6 1019   917
46. Ashok, Tejas         B            839  2.0/7 1.47     5 1066   908
47. Sudarsan, Tejas      B            820  1.0/6 2.28   -13  909   636
48. Pu, Dylan            B            818  1.5/7 2.94   -14  879   649
49. Nguyen, Khiem        B            816  4.5/7 1.05    35 1112  1214
50. Spurr, Archie        B            806  1.5/7 2.73   -12  886   656
51. Sangster, Philip     B            780  4.5/7 1.05    35 1082  1184
52. Chen, Bryden         B            763  2.0/7 2.38    -4  880   722
53. Cusack, Michael      B            751  3.0/7 1.82    12  932   882
54. Khare, Ojal          B            699  2.5/7 1.19    13  973   871
55. Le, Ngoc             B            697  2.0/7 2.17    -2  835   677
56. McCormick, Mitchell  B            694  3.0/7 1.68    13  896   846
57. Wongkar, Deo         B            683  3.0/7 1.12    19  970   920
58. Thompson, Braydan    B            681  0.0/7 2.24   -22  815     0
59. Light, Flynn         B            566  2.0/7 1.40     6  808   650
60. Darr, Hamish         B                 3.0/7             922   872

Club Standings

Place Name                Score

  1   BGS 1               20   
  2   BGS 2               19.5 
 3-4  BBC 1               18   
      BGS 4               18   
  5   ST JOSEPHS GT 1     17   
  6   QASMT 1             16.5 
 7-8  BBC 2               14.5 
      BGS 3               14.5 
  9   QASMT 2             13.5 
10-11 KGSC 1              12   
 12   MARIST              11.5 
 13   NUDGEE 1            8.5  
 14   ST PATRICKS 1       7.5  
 15   QASMT 3             7    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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