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2025 Term 1 Brisbane Primary North C

2025 Term 1 Brisbane Primary North C – Round 7


Place Name                     Loc Club                     Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-2  Elena Chen                   Rainworth 4              6        21.5  30.5   25.0
      Kyle Cho                     KGSC C                   6        19.5  28.0   25.5
 3-4  Alisha Jin                   Chapel Hill State School 5        23.0  32.5   22.0
      Jimmy Thomas                 Eagle Junction 4         5        19.5  28.5   18.5
 5-7  William Sun                  SPLC 1                   4.5      21.0  30.0   18.5
      Jacob Paez Wilwer            Ascot 3                  4.5      20.0  29.0   18.5
      Anaisha Arora                Eagle Junction 3         4.5      17.5  22.5   16.5
8-11  Nathan Bidgood               Nundah SS 2              4        19.0  24.0   12.5
      James Madeley                Ascot 2                  4        17.0  26.0   14.0
      Ridaan Garg                  Mango Hill SS 2          4        15.5  22.5   15.5
      Thomas Pastars               Ascot 2                  4        15.5  21.0   15.0
12-16 Zach Voller                  Ascot 2                  3.5      22.0  31.0   18.0
      Harvey Fang                  Rainworth 4              3.5      21.0  30.5   20.0
      Henry Eedy                   KGSC C                   3.5      19.0  25.5   15.5
      Vedansh Vattikuti            Eagle Junction 4         3.5      14.5  20.5   12.0
      Ilamaaran Madhava Natraj     The Lakes 3              3.5      14.0  18.0   12.0
17-20 Mannat Motwani               Eagle Junction 3         3        19.5  26.5   11.0
      Jed Johnson                  Eagle Junction 3         3        17.5  23.5   14.0
      Isla Suereth                 Ashgrove                 3        17.0  25.0    7.0
      Jasper Cowie                 Rainworth 4              3        14.0  18.5   11.0
21-22 Lachlan(Lachy) Voller        Ascot 2                  2.5      17.5  23.5   12.5
      Isobel Veale                 Eagle Junction 3         2.5      16.5  21.5   12.0
23-24 Lewis Cass                   Eagle Junction 4         2        14.5  19.0    8.5
      Harvey Coates                Rainworth 4              2        13.0  17.0    5.0
 25   Alexander King               Ashgrove                 1        14.0  20.0    4.0
 26   Onel Degalasse               Ashgrove                 0        16.0  22.5    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                     Feder Loc Club                     Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Elena Chen               B         Rainworth 4              6     19:W  5:W 12:W  3:W  2:L  6:W  9:W
2  Kyle Cho                 B         KGSC C                   6     17:W 21:W 18:W 13:D  1:W  3:W  4:D
3  Alisha Jin               B         Chapel Hill State School 5      6:W 15:W  7:W  1:L  5:W  2:L 12:W
4  Jimmy Thomas             B         Eagle Junction 4         5      7:D  8:D 10:D 17:W 12:W 13:W  2:D
5  William Sun              B         SPLC 1                   4.5    8:W  1:L 17:W 11:W  3:L 14:W  6:D
6  Jacob Paez Wilwer        B         Ascot 3                  4.5    3:L 19:W  8:W 18:W 13:W  1:L  5:D
7  Anaisha Arora            B         Eagle Junction 3         4.5    4:D 26:W  3:L 21:D 20:W 12:D 13:W
8  Nathan Bidgood           B         Nundah SS 2              4      5:L  4:D  6:L 26:W 19:W 16:W 14:D
9  James Madeley            B         Ascot 2                  4     14:L 17:L 19:W 15:W 18:W 10:W  1:L
10 Ridaan Garg              B         Mango Hill SS 2          4     24:W 12:L  4:D 22:D 21:W  9:L 17:W
11 Thomas Pastars           B         Ascot 2                  4     25:W 18:L 16:W  5:L 14:L 22:W 20:W
12 Zach Voller              B         Ascot 2                  3.5   20:W 10:W  1:L 14:W  4:L  7:D  3:L
13 Harvey Fang              B         Rainworth 4              3.5   16:W 14:W 15:W  2:D  6:L  4:L  7:L
14 Henry Eedy               B         KGSC C                   3.5    9:W 13:L 23:W 12:L 11:W  5:L  8:D
15 Vedansh Vattikuti        B         Eagle Junction 4         3.5   22:W  3:L 13:L  9:L 24:W 21:D 25:W
16 Ilamaaran Madhava Natraj B         The Lakes 3              3.5   13:L 24:W 11:L 23:D 26:W  8:L 22:W
17 Mannat Motwani           B         Eagle Junction 3         3      2:L  9:W  5:L  4:L 23:W 25:W 10:L
18 Jed Johnson              B         Eagle Junction 3         3     23:W 11:W  2:L  6:L  9:L 20:L 26:W
19 Isla Suereth             B         Ashgrove                 3      1:L  6:L  9:L 24:W  8:L 23:W 21:W
20 Jasper Cowie             B         Rainworth 4              3     12:L 22:L 26:W 25:W  7:L 18:W 11:L
21 Lachlan(Lachy) Voller    B         Ascot 2                  2.5   26:W  2:L 22:D  7:D 10:L 15:D 19:L
22 Isobel Veale             B         Eagle Junction 3         2.5   15:L 20:W 21:D 10:D 25:D 11:L 16:L
23 Lewis Cass               B         Eagle Junction 4         2     18:L 25:W 14:L 16:D 17:L 19:L 24:D
24 Harvey Coates            B         Rainworth 4              2     10:L 16:L 25:D 19:L 15:L 26:W 23:D
25 Alexander King           B         Ashgrove                 1     11:L 23:L 24:D 20:L 22:D 17:L 15:L
26 Onel Degalasse           B         Ashgrove                 0     21:L  7:L 20:L  8:L 16:L 24:L 18:L

Club Standings

Place Name                     Score

  1   RAINWORTH 4              14.5 
  2   ASCOT 2                  14   
  3   EAGLE JUNCTION 3         13   
  4   EAGLE JUNCTION 4         10.5 
  5   KGSC C                   9.5  
 7-8  ASCOT 3                  4.5  
      SPLC 1                   4.5  
9-11  ASHGROVE                 4    
      NUNDAH SS 2              4    
      MANGO HILL SS 2          4    
 12   THE LAKES 3              3.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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