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2025 Term 1 Brisbane Primary Logan C

2025 Term 1 Brisbane Primary Logan C – Round 7


Place Name             Feder Loc Club                 Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-4  Abigail Yang     B         MacGregor 6          6        25.0  35.0   27.0
      Reece Yan        B         Warrigal Road SS 5   6        24.5  32.5   24.0
      Eugene Huang     B         Redeemer LC 3        6        23.5  33.5   23.0
      Eliana Park      B         Warrigal Road SS 5   6        18.0  25.5   26.0
 5-7  Annie Liu        B         Sunnybank Hills SS 3 5        23.0  31.5   23.0
      Ian Chen         B         Robertson SS 4       5        20.0  28.0   18.0
      Brooklyn Wong    B         MacGregor 5          5        19.0  27.5   19.0
8-11  Eshen Perera     B         St Bernardine's 1    4.5      22.0  29.5   19.5
      Jack Richardson  B         Kings LV 8           4.5      20.5  28.5   17.5
      Shuchen Zhao     B         Sunnybank Hills SS 3 4.5      20.0  28.5   22.5
      Lewis Longtime   B         Kings LV 8           4.5      19.5  27.5   19.5
12-24 Jonah Wang       B         Warrigal Road SS 5   4        23.0  32.0   20.0
      Harrison pynsent B         St Bernardine's 1    4        21.5  30.0   16.0
      Laureen Huang    B         Warrigal Road SS 5   4        20.0  28.5   16.0
      Austin Chiu      B         Robertson SS 4       4        18.5  27.5   17.5
      Chelsea LUO      B         Sunnybank Hills SS 3 4        18.0  26.0   13.0
      Evaan Arora      B         Yugumbir JETS 2      4        18.0  25.5   15.5
      Taj Matthews     B         Kings LV 10          4        18.0  23.5   15.5
      Reggie Seng      B         Kings LV 11          4        17.5  23.5   12.0
      Tania Huynh      B         MacGregor 5          4        17.0  24.0   13.0
      Mantra Savaliya  B         MacGregor 6          4        17.0  23.5   15.0
      Leonardo Li      B         Sunnybank Hills SS 3 4        17.0  23.0   13.0
      Jacob Mai        B         MacGregor 6          4        15.0  21.0   10.5
      Jacob Graham     B         MacGregor 5          4        14.0  18.5   13.0
 25   Ryan Andree      B         KIngs LV 8           3.5      18.0  26.5   16.0
26-35 Eesah Ali        B         Yugumbir JETS 2      3        19.0  27.0   18.0
      Hudson Rooney    B         St Bernardine's 1    3        18.5  26.5   16.0
      Jax Janes        B         Kings LV 12          3        18.5  26.5   11.0
      Mason Verkman    B         Kings LV 9           3        18.0  24.5   15.5
      Franklin Tan     B         MacGregor 5          3        18.0  24.0   14.0
      Izack Goh        B         St Bernardine's 1    3        16.5  22.5   15.0
      Jemima Ellis     B         Yugumbir JETS 2      3        15.5  21.0   14.5
      Natasha Chen     B         Kings LV 11          3        15.5  21.0    9.5
      Mack Traynor     B         Kings LV 11          3        13.5  19.0   12.0
      Ollie Heywood    B         Kings LV 11          3        12.5  18.5    7.5
36-39 Theo Hafsteins   B         Kings LV 12          2.5      16.5  23.0    9.5
      Ophir Curita     B         Kings LV 9           2.5      16.0  22.0   10.5
      Maximus Lee      B         Robertson SS 4       2.5      15.0  21.5    9.5
      Rafael Castillo  B         Kings LV 10          2.5      15.0  21.5    5.0
40-44 Xavier Day       B         Kings LV 10          2        16.5  22.0    9.0
      Anay Kadia       B         MacGregor 6          2        16.0  24.0    5.0
      Sienna Stirling  B         Kings LV 10          2        15.0  22.5    7.0
      Tombe Ladu       B         Kings LV 8           2        14.0  19.0    7.0
      Ariana Serrao    B         Kings LV 10          2        13.5  18.5    8.0
45-47 Isaac Gibson     B         Kings LV 9           1.5      15.0  21.0    3.0
      Nikolai Luca     B         Kings LV 12          1.5      13.0  18.0    5.0
      Abraham Muller   B         Kings LV 12          1.5      12.0  18.0    8.5

Cross Table

No Name             Feder Loc Club                 Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Abigail Yang     B         MacGregor 6          6     17:W 14:W  8:W  2:W 10:W  4:W  3:L
2  Reece Yan        B         Warrigal Road SS 5   6     42:W  7:W  3:W  1:L 15:W 10:W  5:W
3  Eugene Huang     B         Redeemer LC 3        6     16:W 13:W  2:L  6:W  8:W 12:W  1:W
4  Eliana Park      B         Warrigal Road SS 5   6     41:W 28:W 25:W  5:W 27:W  1:L 13:W
5  Annie Liu        B         Sunnybank Hills SS 3 5     43:W  6:W 31:W  4:L  9:W 11:W  2:L
6  Ian Chen         B         Robertson SS 4       5     39:W  5:L 20:W  3:L 25:W 14:W 12:W
7  Brooklyn Wong    B         MacGregor 5          5     23:W  2:L 38:W 14:W 12:L 26:W 21:W
8  Eshen Perera     B         St Bernardine's 1    4.5   20:W 47:W  1:L 18:W  3:L 30:W 11:D
9  Jack Richardson  B         Kings LV 8           4.5   13:L 23:W 21:W 15:W  5:L 27:W 10:D
10 Shuchen Zhao     B         Sunnybank Hills SS 3 4.5   35:W 37:W 12:W 26:W  1:L  2:L  9:D
11 Lewis Longtime   B         Kings LV 8           4.5   21:W 12:L 16:W 31:W 26:W  5:L  8:D
12 Jonah Wang       B         Warrigal Road SS 5   4     19:W 11:W 10:L 30:W  7:W  3:L  6:L
13 Harrison pynsent B         St Bernardine's 1    4      9:W  3:L 15:L 43:W 22:W 32:W  4:L
14 Laureen Huang    B         Warrigal Road SS 5   4     22:W  1:L 28:W  7:L 36:W  6:L 30:W
15 Austin Chiu      B         Robertson SS 4       4     32:W 29:D 13:W  9:L  2:L 33:W 17:D
16 Chelsea LUO      B         Sunnybank Hills SS 3 4      3:L 44:W 11:L 28:W 18:L 34:W 27:W
17 Evaan Arora      B         Yugumbir JETS 2      4      1:L 43:W 46:W 27:L 20:W 18:D 15:D
18 Taj Matthews     B         Kings LV 10          4      0:L 45:W 37:W  8:L 16:W 17:D 19:D
19 Reggie Seng      B         Kings LV 11          4     12:L 22:L 23:D 41:W 38:W 25:W 18:D
20 Tania Huynh      B         MacGregor 5          4      8:L 33:W  6:L 42:W 17:L 36:W 31:W
21 Mantra Savaliya  B         MacGregor 6          4     11:L 36:W  9:L 37:W 40:W 29:W  7:L
22 Leonardo Li      B         Sunnybank Hills SS 3 4     14:L 19:W 30:L 44:W 13:L 28:W 29:W
23 Jacob Mai        B         MacGregor 6          4      7:L  9:L 19:D 45:D 42:W 40:W 26:W
24 Jacob Graham     B         MacGregor 5          4     28:L 39:W 34:D 29:L 33:D 46:W 32:W
25 Ryan Andree      B         KIngs LV 8           3.5   38:W  0:W  4:L 32:D  6:L 19:L 37:W
26 Eesah Ali        B         Yugumbir JETS 2      3     30:W 27:W 29:W 10:L 11:L  7:L 23:L
27 Hudson Rooney    B         St Bernardine's 1    3     33:W 26:L 42:W 17:W  4:L  9:L 16:L
28 Jax Janes        B         Kings LV 12          3     24:W  4:L 14:L 16:L 39:W 22:L 43:W
29 Mason Verkman    B         Kings LV 9           3     36:W 15:D 26:L 24:W 32:D 21:L 22:L
30 Franklin Tan     B         MacGregor 5          3     26:L 40:W 22:W 12:L 31:W  8:L 14:L
31 Izack Goh        B         St Bernardine's 1    3     45:W 34:W  5:L 11:L 30:L 44:W 20:L
32 Jemima Ellis     B         Yugumbir JETS 2      3     15:L 41:W 47:W 25:D 29:D 13:L 24:L
33 Natasha Chen     B         Kings LV 11          3     27:L 20:L 39:W 38:D 24:D 15:L 40:W
34 Mack Traynor     B         Kings LV 11          3     40:W 31:L 24:D 36:L 37:D 16:L 41:W
35 Ollie Heywood    B         Kings LV 11          3     10:L 42:L 36:L  0:W 47:D 38:D 44:W
36 Theo Hafsteins   B         Kings LV 12          2.5   29:L 21:L 35:W 34:W 14:L 20:L 38:D
37 Ophir Curita     B         Kings LV 9           2.5   46:W 10:L 18:L 21:L 34:D 47:W 25:L
38 Maximus Lee      B         Robertson SS 4       2.5   25:L 46:W  7:L 33:D 19:L 35:D 36:D
39 Rafael Castillo  B         Kings LV 10          2.5    6:L 24:L 33:L 46:D 28:L  0:W 47:W
40 Xavier Day       B         Kings LV 10          2     34:L 30:L  0:W 47:W 21:L 23:L 33:L
41 Anay Kadia       B         MacGregor 6          2      4:L 32:L 43:L 19:L  0:W 42:W 34:L
42 Sienna Stirling  B         Kings LV 10          2      2:L 35:W 27:L 20:L 23:L 41:L 46:W
43 Tombe Ladu       B         Kings LV 8           2      0:L 17:L 41:W 13:L 44:L 45:W 28:L
44 Ariana Serrao    B         Kings LV 10          2     47:L 16:L 45:W 22:L 43:W 31:L 35:L
45 Isaac Gibson     B         Kings LV 9           1.5   31:L 18:L 44:L 23:D 46:L 43:L  0:W
46 Nikolai Luca     B         Kings LV 12          1.5   37:L 38:L 17:L 39:D 45:W 24:L 42:L
47 Abraham Muller   B         Kings LV 12          1.5   44:W  8:L 32:L 40:L 35:D 37:L 39:L

Club Standings

Place Name                 Score

  1   WARRIGAL ROAD SS 5   20   
  2   SUNNYBANK HILLS SS 3 17.5 
 3-4  MACGREGOR 6          16   3rd on Tiebreak
      MACGREGOR 5          16   4th on Tiebreak
 5-6  ST BERNARDINE'S 1    14.5 
      KINGS LV 8           14.5 
  7   KINGS LV 11          13   
  8   ROBERTSON SS 4       11.5 
  9   KINGS LV 10          10.5 
 10   YUGUMBIR JETS 2      10   
 11   KINGS LV 12          8.5  
 12   KINGS LV 9           7    
 13   REDEEMER LC 3        6    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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