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2025 Term 1 Brisbane Primary Logan B

2025 Term 1 Brisbane Primary Logan B – Round 7


Place Name                  Feder Loc Club               Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-2  Patrick Wei           B         MacGregor 4        6        23.0  32.0   25.0
      Riaan Gurung          B         Kings LV 4         6        22.5  29.5   24.0
  3   Johnathan Whaikawa    B         Kings LV 3         5.5      24.0  34.0   25.5
 4-6  Tobin Andrews         B         Kings LV 3         5        24.0  33.0   22.0
      Newton Kuang          B         MacGregor 4        5        20.0  28.0   19.0
      Ray Yu                B         Robertson SS 3     5        20.0  28.0   18.0
7-10  Ryan Chapatwala       B         Robertson SS 3     4.5      22.0  31.5   18.5
      Leo Lee               B         Kings LV 4         4.5      22.0  30.5   18.0
      Lexter Lin            B         Warrigal Road SS 4 4.5      21.0  29.0   17.5
      Samuel Robakowski     B         Kings LV 3         4.5      19.5  26.5   19.5
11-19 Johnson Wu            B         MacGregor 3        4        21.0  28.5   21.0
      Dharun Jatheeshan     B         MacGregor 3        4        18.0  25.0   18.0
      Mila Hennessey        B         Kings LV 4         4        18.0  25.0   14.0
      Jeffraaz Singh Bhangu B         Kings LV 6         4        17.5  25.0   13.0
      Nilay Lanting         B         Kings LV 3         4        17.5  24.0   17.0
      Levi Southerton       B         Kings LV 6         4        17.0  23.5   13.0
      Aaron Toh             B         Yugumbir JETS 1    4        16.0  24.0   18.0
      Leonardo Gajda        B         MacGregor 3        4        16.0  23.0   17.5
      Amelia Van Breemen    B         Kings LV 5         4        14.5  20.5   12.0
20-22 Smaran Kaushik        B         MacGregor 3        3.5      17.0  24.0   10.0
      Harrie Kim            B         Warrigal Road SS 4 3.5      15.0  21.0   12.0
      Hezekiah Tiumalu      B         Kings LV 5         3.5      13.0  18.5   15.0
23-28 Chitak Kwok           B         Warrigal Road SS 4 3        20.5  27.5   14.0
      Mukul Patteboyina     B         Yugumbir JETS 1    3        18.0  25.0   16.0
      Asher Serrao          B         Kings LV 5         3        17.5  24.5   13.0
      Sebastian Hafsteins   B         Kings LV 5         3        17.0  23.0   11.0
      Aiden Hargreaves      B         Kings LV 4         3        16.0  21.5   10.0
      Zubair Majoka         B         Robertson SS 3     3        16.0  21.0   10.0
29-31 Ethan Lu              B         Warrigal Road SS 4 2.5      18.0  24.0   12.0
      William Hopes         B         Kings LV 6         2.5      17.5  24.0    9.5
      Bailey Feng           B         Robertson SS 3     2.5      17.5  22.5   15.0
32-34 Curtis Ding           B         Kings LV 6         2        15.0  20.0    8.0
      Louis Kuo             B         MacGregor 4        2        14.5  20.0    6.0
      Indie Alapaki         B         Kings LV 7         2        14.0  19.0    5.0
35-37 Charlote Coleman      B         Yugumbir JETS 1    1.5      17.5  26.0    5.0
      Zoe deBruyn           B         MacGregor 4        1.5      14.0  19.0    4.5
      Oliver Fox            B         Yugumbir JETS 1    1.5      14.0  18.5    5.5

Cross Table

No Name                  Feder Loc Club               Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Patrick Wei           B         MacGregor 4        6      9:W 23:W  4:W  2:W  3:L 12:W 18:W
2  Riaan Gurung          B         Kings LV 4         6     35:W 25:W 17:W  1:L  5:W  3:W  4:W
3  Johnathan Whaikawa    B         Kings LV 3         5.5   16:W  5:W  7:W 11:W  1:W  2:L  8:D
4  Tobin Andrews         B         Kings LV 3         5     26:W  6:W  1:L  7:W  9:W 11:W  2:L
5  Newton Kuang          B         MacGregor 4        5     20:W  3:L 14:W 30:W  2:L 23:W 11:W
6  Ray Yu                B         Robertson SS 3     5     19:W  4:L 23:W  8:L 21:W 16:W 12:W
7  Ryan Chapatwala       B         Robertson SS 3     4.5    8:W 18:W  3:L  4:L 14:W 15:W  9:D
8  Leo Lee               B         Kings LV 4         4.5    7:L 16:W 26:W  6:W 10:D 18:D  3:D
9  Lexter Lin            B         Warrigal Road SS 4 4.5    1:L 33:W 13:W 25:W  4:L 10:W  7:D
10 Samuel Robakowski     B         Kings LV 3         4.5   27:W 13:W 11:L 24:W  8:D  9:L 17:W
11 Johnson Wu            B         MacGregor 3        4     32:W 15:W 10:W  3:L 31:W  4:L  5:L
12 Dharun Jatheeshan     B         MacGregor 3        4     29:L 36:W 28:W 17:W 15:W  1:L  6:L
13 Mila Hennessey        B         Kings LV 4         4     14:W 10:L  9:L 20:W 23:L 25:W 29:W
14 Jeffraaz Singh Bhangu B         Kings LV 6         4     13:L 27:W  5:L 22:W  7:L 28:W 24:W
15 Nilay Lanting         B         Kings LV 3         4     33:W 11:L 21:W 31:W 12:L  7:L 22:W
16 Levi Southerton       B         Kings LV 6         4      3:L  8:L 34:W 35:W 25:W  6:L 27:W
17 Aaron Toh             B         Yugumbir JETS 1    4     30:W 32:W  2:L 12:L 26:W 31:W 10:L
18 Leonardo Gajda        B         MacGregor 3        4     36:W  7:L 30:D 29:W 24:W  8:D  1:L
19 Amelia Van Breemen    B         Kings LV 5         4      6:L 35:D 20:L 27:W 29:W 24:D 23:W
20 Smaran Kaushik        B         MacGregor 3        3.5    5:L 26:L 19:W 13:L 33:W 21:D 31:W
21 Harrie Kim            B         Warrigal Road SS 4 3.5   25:L 37:W 15:L 28:W  6:L 20:D 33:W
22 Hezekiah Tiumalu      B         Kings LV 5         3.5   34:W 29:D 31:L 14:L 30:W 32:W 15:L
23 Chitak Kwok           B         Warrigal Road SS 4 3     28:W  1:L  6:L 37:W 13:W  5:L 19:L
24 Mukul Patteboyina     B         Yugumbir JETS 1    3      0:W 31:D 29:W 10:L 18:L 19:D 14:L
25 Asher Serrao          B         Kings LV 5         3     21:W  2:L 35:W  9:L 16:L 13:L 34:W
26 Sebastian Hafsteins   B         Kings LV 5         3      4:L 20:W  8:L 32:W 17:L 27:L 35:W
27 Aiden Hargreaves      B         Kings LV 4         3     10:L 14:L 36:W 19:L 37:W 26:W 16:L
28 Zubair Majoka         B         Robertson SS 3     3     23:L  0:W 12:L 21:L 35:W 14:L 32:W
29 Ethan Lu              B         Warrigal Road SS 4 2.5   12:W 22:D 24:L 18:L 19:L 30:W 13:L
30 William Hopes         B         Kings LV 6         2.5   17:L 34:W 18:D  5:L 22:L 29:L  0:W
31 Bailey Feng           B         Robertson SS 3     2.5   37:W 24:D 22:W 15:L 11:L 17:L 20:L
32 Curtis Ding           B         Kings LV 6         2     11:L 17:L 33:W 26:L 36:W 22:L 28:L
33 Louis Kuo             B         MacGregor 4        2     15:L  9:L 32:L 34:W 20:L 37:W 21:L
34 Indie Alapaki         B         Kings LV 7         2     22:L 30:L 16:L 33:L  0:W 36:W 25:L
35 Charlote Coleman      B         Yugumbir JETS 1    1.5    2:L 19:D 25:L 16:L 28:L  0:W 26:L
36 Zoe deBruyn           B         MacGregor 4        1.5   18:L 12:L 27:L  0:W 32:L 34:L 37:D
37 Oliver Fox            B         Yugumbir JETS 1    1.5   31:L 21:L  0:W 23:L 27:L 33:L 36:D

Club Standings

Place Name               Score

  1   KINGS LV 3         19   
  2   KINGS LV 4         17.5 
  3   MACGREGOR 3        15.5 
  4   ROBERTSON SS 3     15   
  5   MACGREGOR 4        14.5 
 6-7  WARRIGAL ROAD SS 4 13.5 
      KINGS LV 5         13.5 
  8   KINGS LV 6         12.5 
  9   YUGUMBIR JETS 1    10   
 10   KINGS LV 7         2    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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