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2025 Term 1 Brisbane Primary Logan A

2025 Term 1 Brisbane Primary Logan A – Round 7


Place Name                Feder Loc  Club                 Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Terrence Li         B     1681 Sunnybank Hills SS 1 7        22.0  29.0   28.0
  2   Mason (Zixuan) Xie  B     1012 Sunnybank Hills SS 1 5.5      20.5  29.0   22.5
 3-7  Allen Yang          B     903  Redeemer LC 1        5        23.0  34.0   23.0
      Theyjal Rathnayaka  B     545  MacGregor 1          5        21.0  28.0   20.0
      Marlon Chen         B     1070 Redeemer LC 1        5        20.5  29.5   21.0
      Jason (Zihan) Xie   B     1060 Sunnybank Hills SS 1 5        20.0  28.5   19.0
      Eleanor Wu          B     869  Redeemer LC 1        5        18.5  27.5   19.0
8-11  Tianyu Zhang        B     624  MacGregor 1          4.5      21.0  31.5   20.0
      Kevin Chen          B     570  Robertson SS 2       4.5      18.5  26.0   18.0
      Kai-Lin Hsieh       B     699  Sunnybank Hills SS 1 4.5      17.0  24.5   17.5
      Isaac Ryu           B     765  Warrigal Road SS 1   4.5      17.0  24.0   15.5
12-16 Bethany Choe        B     737  Warrigal Road SS 1   4        22.5  32.0   22.0
      Lauchlan Wang       B     679  Robertson SS 1       4        19.5  27.5   17.0
      Hao Han Ong         B     639  MacGregor 1          4        19.0  25.5   16.0
      Austin Wang         B     638  Warrigal Road SS 1   4        19.0  24.5   17.0
      Shao-Yue(Jayden) Ng B     540  Warrigal Road SS 2   4        18.0  25.5   13.0
17-26 Alden Shen          B     663  Robertson SS 1       3.5      20.0  29.5   17.0
      Aarav Singh         B     530  Kings LV 1           3.5      20.0  28.0   15.5
      Jason (Zixin) Jia   B     567  Sunnybank Hills SS 2 3.5      19.0  27.5   14.5
      Shaan Sunil         B     695  MacGregor 1          3.5      19.0  26.5   17.0
      Andrew Shu          B     656  Robertson SS 1       3.5      19.0  26.0   15.0
      Ziyi (Zoe B) Wang   B     678  Redeemer LC 2        3.5      18.5  25.5   15.5
      Brian Yang          B     734  Redeemer LC 1        3.5      17.0  24.5   14.0
      Eston Teo           B     571  Warrigal Road SS 1   3.5      16.5  20.5   13.5
      Avyukt Doshi        B          MacGregor 2          3.5      16.0  23.0   12.0
      Luca Hendriksen     B     500  Kings LV 2           3.5      12.5  19.0   10.0
27-32 Liam Xie            B     598  Robertson SS 1       3        20.0  27.5   16.0
      Stella Law          B     500  Warrigal Road SS 3   3        17.0  23.5   12.0
      Kai Van Breemen     B     505  Kings LV 2           3        15.0  20.5   10.0
      Eugene Joung        B     504  MacGregor 2          3        14.5  19.0    7.0
      Nate Adams          B     503  Kings LV 2           3        14.0  18.5   10.0
      William Glasson     B     521  Kings LV 2           3        13.0  18.0   11.0
33-36 Shawn Huang         B     539  Robertson SS 2       2.5      16.5  21.5   10.0
      Max Longtime        B     532  Kings LV 1           2.5      15.0  21.0    9.5
      Oliver Long         B     500  Warrigal Road SS 2   2.5      14.5  18.5    5.5
      Nathan Li           B     514  Warrigal Road SS 2   2.5      13.5  17.5   10.0
37-39 Lucas Rivero        B     549  Kings LV 1           2        17.0  23.5    8.0
      Hannah Man          B     551  Sunnybank Hills SS 2 2        16.5  26.0   10.0
      Elicia Yan          B     500  Warrigal Road SS 2   2        15.0  20.5    4.0
40-41 Ben Ngo             B          Robertson SS 2       1        15.0  20.5    5.0
      Usher Kapoor        B     500  Kings LV 1           1        14.0  19.5    4.0

Cross Table

No Name                Feder Loc  Club                 Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Terrence Li         B     1681 Sunnybank Hills SS 1 7     38:W 17:W  8:W  5:W 12:W  7:W  3:W
2  Mason (Zixuan) Xie  B     1012 Sunnybank Hills SS 1 5.5    0:D 19:W 18:W 20:W  5:W  3:L  4:W
3  Allen Yang          B     903  Redeemer LC 1        5      4:W 14:W 10:W 12:L 13:W  2:W  1:L
4  Theyjal Rathnayaka  B     545  MacGregor 1          5      3:L 39:W 21:W 22:W  6:W 12:W  2:L
5  Marlon Chen         B     1070 Redeemer LC 1        5     37:W 21:W 20:W  1:L  2:L 14:W 12:W
6  Jason (Zihan) Xie   B     1060 Sunnybank Hills SS 1 5      0:D 16:W 11:D 14:W  4:L 22:W 15:W
7  Eleanor Wu          B     869  Redeemer LC 1        5     16:L 29:W 37:W 15:W 27:W  1:L  8:W
8  Tianyu Zhang        B     624  MacGregor 1          4.5   26:W 11:W  1:L 23:D  9:W 17:W  7:L
9  Kevin Chen          B     570  Robertson SS 2       4.5   25:W 13:W 12:L 17:D  8:L 18:W 20:W
10 Kai-Lin Hsieh       B     699  Sunnybank Hills SS 1 4.5   32:W 15:W  3:L 27:L 18:D 34:W 21:W
11 Isaac Ryu           B     765  Warrigal Road SS 1   4.5   33:W  8:L  6:D 19:L 37:W 27:W 17:W
12 Bethany Choe        B     737  Warrigal Road SS 1   4     34:W 27:W  9:W  3:W  1:L  4:L  5:L
13 Lauchlan Wang       B     679  Robertson SS 1       4     29:W  9:L 16:W 18:W  3:L 15:L 19:W
14 Hao Han Ong         B     639  MacGregor 1          4     39:W  3:L 25:W  6:L 32:W  5:L 29:W
15 Austin Wang         B     638  Warrigal Road SS 1   4     41:W 10:L 33:W  7:L 28:W 13:W  6:L
16 Shao-Yue(Jayden) Ng B     540  Warrigal Road SS 2   4      7:W  6:L 13:L 28:L 30:W 31:W 27:W
17 Alden Shen          B     663  Robertson SS 1       3.5   31:W  1:L 32:W  9:D 23:W  8:L 11:L
18 Aarav Singh         B     530  Kings LV 1           3.5   23:W 22:W  2:L 13:L 10:D  9:L 33:W
19 Jason (Zixin) Jia   B     567  Sunnybank Hills SS 2 3.5    0:D  2:L 28:W 11:W 22:L 23:W 13:L
20 Shaan Sunil         B     695  MacGregor 1          3.5   36:W 24:W  5:L  2:L 38:W 21:D  9:L
21 Andrew Shu          B     656  Robertson SS 1       3.5   35:W  5:L  4:L 36:W 24:W 20:D 10:L
22 Ziyi (Zoe B) Wang   B     678  Redeemer LC 2        3.5   30:W 18:L 38:W  4:L 19:W  6:L 24:D
23 Brian Yang          B     734  Redeemer LC 1        3.5   18:L 30:W 24:W  8:D 17:L 19:L 28:W
24 Eston Teo           B     571  Warrigal Road SS 1   3.5   40:W 20:L 23:L 29:W 21:L 25:W 22:D
25 Avyukt Doshi        B          MacGregor 2          3.5    9:L  0:W 14:L 33:D 31:W 24:L 36:W
26 Luca Hendriksen     B     500  Kings LV 2           3.5    8:L 33:L 30:W 38:L 35:W 36:D 34:W
27 Liam Xie            B     598  Robertson SS 1       3     28:W 12:L 36:W 10:W  7:L 11:L 16:L
28 Stella Law          B     500  Warrigal Road SS 3   3     27:L 34:W 19:L 16:W 15:L 32:W 23:L
29 Kai Van Breemen     B     505  Kings LV 2           3     13:L  7:L 39:W 24:L 40:W 38:W 14:L
30 Eugene Joung        B     504  MacGregor 2          3     22:L 23:L 26:L 35:W 16:L 40:W 37:W
31 Nate Adams          B     503  Kings LV 2           3     17:L 38:L 41:W 37:W 25:L 16:L  0:W
32 William Glasson     B     521  Kings LV 2           3     10:L 41:W 17:L 40:W 14:L 28:L 38:W
33 Shawn Huang         B     539  Robertson SS 2       2.5   11:L 26:W 15:L 25:D 34:L 41:W 18:L
34 Max Longtime        B     532  Kings LV 1           2.5   12:L 28:L 35:D 39:W 33:W 10:L 26:L
35 Oliver Long         B     500  Warrigal Road SS 2   2.5   21:L 37:L 34:D 30:L 26:L  0:W 40:W
36 Nathan Li           B     514  Warrigal Road SS 2   2.5   20:L 40:W 27:L 21:L 41:W 26:D 25:L
37 Lucas Rivero        B     549  Kings LV 1           2      5:L 35:W  7:L 31:L 11:L 39:W 30:L
38 Hannah Man          B     551  Sunnybank Hills SS 2 2      1:L 31:W 22:L 26:W 20:L 29:L 32:L
39 Elicia Yan          B     500  Warrigal Road SS 2   2     14:L  4:L 29:L 34:L  0:W 37:L 41:W
40 Ben Ngo             B          Robertson SS 2       1     24:L 36:L  0:W 32:L 29:L 30:L 35:L
41 Usher Kapoor        B     500  Kings LV 1           1     15:L 32:L 31:L  0:W 36:L 33:L 39:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                 Feder Loc Id Loc  Score Exp. Chg*K  Rav Rprfm

1.  Li, Terrence         B            1681 7.0/7 6.44     6 1281  2280
2.  Chen, Marlon         B            1070 5.0/7 5.39    -4  861  1019
3.  Xie, Jason (Zihan)   B            1060 4.5/6 5.46   -10  681   874
4.  Xie, Mason (Zixuan)  B            1012 5.0/6 4.92     1  751  1024
5.  Yang, Allen          B            903  5.0/7 4.34     7  816   974
6.  Wu, Eleanor          B            869  5.0/7 5.18    -2  689   847
7.  Ryu, Isaac           B            765  4.5/7 4.55    -1  657   759
8.  Choe, Bethany        B            737  4.0/7 3.08     9  779   829
9.  Yang, Brian          B            734  3.5/7 5.04   -15  566   566
10. Hsieh, Kai-Lin       B            699  4.5/7 4.20     3  625   727
11. Sunil, Shaan         B            695  3.5/7 3.36     1  706   706
12. Wang, Lauchlan       B            679  4.0/7 4.20    -2  608   658
13. Wang, Ziyi (Zoe B)   B            678  3.5/7 4.06    -6  618   618
14. Shen, Alden          B            663  3.5/7 3.15     4  697   697
15. Shu, Andrew          B            656  3.5/7 3.50     0  656   656
16. Ong, Hao Han         B            639  3.0/6 2.04    10  760   760
17. Wang, Austin         B            638  4.0/7 2.94    11  692   742
18. Zhang, Tianyu        B            624  4.5/7 2.31    22  746   848
19. Xie, Liam            B            598  3.0/7 2.87     1  661   611
20. Teo, Eston           B            571  1.5/5 1.95    -5  654   505
21. Chen, Kevin          B            570  3.5/6 2.28    12  655   712
22. Jia, Jason (Zixin)   B            567  3.0/6 1.74    13  728   728
23. Man, Hannah          B            551  2.0/7 2.66    -7  636   478
24. Rivero, Lucas        B            549  2.0/7 2.38    -4  670   512
25. Rathnayaka, Theyjal  B            545  5.0/7 1.40    36  790   948
26. Ng, Shao-Yue(Jayden) B            540  4.0/7 2.24    18  670   720
27. Huang, Shawn         B            539  2.0/6 2.70    -7  578   453
28. Longtime, Max        B            532  2.5/7 3.15    -7  568   466
29. Singh, Aarav         B            530  3.5/7 1.89    16  702   702
30. Glasson, William     B            521  2.0/6 2.40    -4  592   467
31. Li, Nathan           B            514  1.5/5 2.00    -5  590   441
32. Van Breemen, Kai     B            505  2.0/6 1.92     1  635   510
33. Joung, Eugene        B            504  2.0/6 2.34    -3  584   459
34. Adams, Nate          B            503  2.0/5 2.10    -1  561   489
35. Long, Oliver         B            500  0.5/5 2.15   -17  548   182
36. Yan, Elicia          B            500  1.0/6 2.64   -16  545   272
37. Kapoor, Usher        B            500  0.0/6 2.70   -27  536     0
38. Hendriksen, Luca     B            500  3.5/7 3.15     4  538   538
39. Law, Stella          B            500  3.0/7 2.66     3  590   540
40. Ngo, Ben             B                 0.0/6             519     0
41. Doshi, Avyukt        B                 2.5/6             556   499

Club Standings

Place Name                 Score

  1   SUNNYBANK HILLS SS 1 22   
  2   REDEEMER LC 1        18.5 
  3   MACGREGOR 1          17   
  4   WARRIGAL ROAD SS 1   16   
  5   ROBERTSON SS 1       14   
  6   KINGS LV 2           12.5 
  7   WARRIGAL ROAD SS 2   11   
  8   KINGS LV 1           9    
  9   ROBERTSON SS 2       8    
 10   MACGREGOR 2          6.5  
 11   SUNNYBANK HILLS SS 2 5.5  
 12   REDEEMER LC 2        3.5  
 13   WARRIGAL ROAD SS 3   3    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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