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2024 Term 3 Gold Coast Secondary Premier

2024 T3 GC Secondary Premier Teams – Round 7


Place Name           Feder Loc Club Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Kings RC Yang                 25       60.5  87.0   96.0
  2   Kings RC Hart                 21.5     60.5  90.5   78.5
  3   Somerset 1                    18       64.0  94.0   78.0
  4   TSS 1                         16       66.0  96.0   58.0
  5   Emmanuel                      11.5     70.5 100.5   48.5
  6   TSS 2                         8        74.0 104.0   34.0
  7   AB Paterson 1                 7        75.0 105.0   31.0
  8   Benowa SHS 1                  5        75.0 107.0   24.0

Cross Table

by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com
No Name Feder Loc Club Total #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
1 Kings RC Yang 25.0 * 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
2 Kings RC Hart 21.5 1.0 * 2.5 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0
3 Somerset 1 18.0 1.0 1.5 * 1.5 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0
4 TSS 1 16.0 0.0 1.0 2.5 * 3.0 3.5 3.0 3.0
5 Emmanuel 11.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 * 3.0 2.5 4.0
6 TSS 2 8.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 .5 1.0 * 2.5 3.0
7 AB Paterson 1 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 * 3.0
8 Benowa SHS 1 5.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 *

2024 T3 GC Secondary Premier Individual – Round 7


Place Name                      Feder Rtg Loc  Club          Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Micah Young                     2   1829 Kings RC Yang 7        14.5  21.0   28.0
 2-4  Edwin Choi                      3   1604 Kings RC Yang 6.5      15.5  21.5   26.0
      Luka Hart                       1   1575 Kings RC Hart 6.5      15.0  21.5   24.5
      WooJoon Ki                      4   1422 Kings RC Hart 6.5      14.0  21.5   24.5
 5-6  Ray Zhai                        3   1276 TSS 1         6        15.5  22.0   22.0
      Joshua Cooper                   4   1646 Kings RC Yang 6        14.0  22.0   22.5
 7-8  Bryan Yang                      1   1861 Kings RC Yang 5.5      15.0  22.5   19.5
      Elijah Hadikusumo               2   1293 Somerset      5.5      14.5  22.5   22.5
  9   Oscar Credland-Ballantyne       3   1125 Somerset      5        16.5  23.0   22.5
 10   William Cameron                 3   1505 Kings RC Hart 4.5      17.0  23.5   15.5
11-13 Eason Wang                      1   1533 Somerset      4        16.5  24.0   20.0
      Luke Hu                         4   1192 TSS 1         4        16.0  24.0   14.0
      Kotaro Inukai                   2   1541 Kings RC Hart 4        16.0  24.0   14.0
 14   Sophia Ahern                    4   1115 Somerset      3.5      16.5  24.5   13.0
15-20 Noah Schmidt                    3   831  Emmanuel      3        18.5  25.0   14.0
      Calen Tang                      1   1673 TSS 1         3        17.5  25.0   14.0
      Noah Rose                       1   1521 Emmanuel      3        17.5  25.0   13.0
      Abigail Rowe                    1   1225 Benowa SHS 1  3        17.5  25.0   11.0
      Morgan Lawson                   2   1148 Emmanuel      3        17.0  25.0   11.0
      Raphael Atia                    2   1295 TSS 1         3        17.0  25.0    8.0
21-22 Thomas Xu                       2   1104 TSS 2         2.5      17.5  25.5   10.5
      Ashton Bellchambers             4   687  TSS 2         2.5      17.5  25.5   10.5
23-27 Ethan Ong                       3   988  TSS 2         2        19.5  26.0    7.0
      Rocky Liu                       1   991  AB Paterson 1 2        18.5  26.0    4.0
      Deniz Magden                    2   983  AB Paterson 1 2        18.0  26.0   12.0
      Austin Lai                      4   701  AB Paterson 1 2        18.0  26.0   10.0
      Xavier Thompson                 4   632  Benowa SHS 1  2        18.0  26.0    8.0
 28   Joshua Rose                     4   903  Emmanuel      1.5      18.0  26.5    9.5
29-31 Kevin Zhao                      3   934  AB Paterson 1 1        20.5  27.0    5.0
      Dejun Sun                       1   1186 TSS 2         1        18.5  27.0    6.0
      Eden Skinner                    2   1129 Benowa SHS 1  1        18.0  27.0    6.0
 32   Aidan Jose                      3   765  Benowa SHS 1  0        20.5  28.0    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                      Feder Rtg Loc  Club          Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Micah Young                     2   1829 Kings RC Yang 7     13:W 20:W 19:W  8:W 31:W 25:W 21:W
2  Edwin Choi                      3   1604 Kings RC Yang 6.5   10:W  5:W 15:W  9:D 32:W 29:W 23:W
3  Luka Hart                       1   1575 Kings RC Hart 6.5    7:D 18:W 16:W 24:W 17:W 30:W 11:W
4  WooJoon Ki                      4   1422 Kings RC Hart 6.5    6:D 27:W 12:W 26:W 28:W 22:W 14:W
5  Ray Zhai                        3   1276 TSS 1         6     23:W  2:L 10:W 15:W  9:W 32:W 29:W
6  Joshua Cooper                   4   1646 Kings RC Yang 6      4:D 12:W 28:W 14:D 27:W 26:W 22:W
7  Bryan Yang                      1   1861 Kings RC Yang 5.5    3:D 16:W 17:L 11:W 18:W 24:W 30:W
8  Elijah Hadikusumo               2   1293 Somerset      5.5   31:W 25:W 21:W  1:L 20:D 19:W 13:W
9  Oscar Credland-Ballantyne       3   1125 Somerset      5     32:W 29:W 23:W  2:D  5:L 15:W 10:D
10 William Cameron                 3   1505 Kings RC Hart 4.5    2:L 32:W  5:L 29:W 15:W 23:W  9:D
11 Eason Wang                      1   1533 Somerset      4     18:W 24:W 30:W  7:L 16:L 17:W  3:L
12 Luke Hu                         4   1192 TSS 1         4     22:W  6:L  4:L 28:W 14:L 27:W 26:W
13 Kotaro Inukai                   2   1541 Kings RC Hart 4      1:L 31:L 20:W 25:W 19:W 21:W  8:L
14 Sophia Ahern                    4   1115 Somerset      3.5   27:L 26:W 22:L  6:D 12:W 28:W  4:L
15 Noah Schmidt                    3   831  Emmanuel      3     29:W 23:W  2:L  5:L 10:L  9:L 32:W
16 Calen Tang                      1   1673 TSS 1         3     30:W  7:L  3:L 17:W 11:W 18:L 24:L
17 Noah Rose                       1   1521 Emmanuel      3     24:W 30:L  7:W 16:L  3:L 11:L 18:W
18 Abigail Rowe                    1   1225 Benowa SHS 1  3     11:L  3:L 24:W 30:W  7:L 16:W 17:L
19 Morgan Lawson                   2   1148 Emmanuel      3     25:L 21:W  1:L 20:W 13:L  8:L 31:W
20 Raphael Atia                    2   1295 TSS 1         3     21:D  1:L 13:L 19:L  8:D 31:W 25:W
21 Thomas Xu                       2   1104 TSS 2         2.5   20:D 19:L  8:L 31:W 25:W 13:L  1:L
22 Ashton Bellchambers             4   687  TSS 2         2.5   12:L 28:L 14:W 27:W 26:D  4:L  6:L
23 Ethan Ong                       3   988  TSS 2         2      5:L 15:L  9:L 32:W 29:W 10:L  2:L
24 Rocky Liu                       1   991  AB Paterson 1 2     17:L 11:L 18:L  3:L 30:W  7:L 16:W
25 Deniz Magden                    2   983  AB Paterson 1 2     19:W  8:L 31:W 13:L 21:L  1:L 20:L
26 Austin Lai                      4   701  AB Paterson 1 2     28:D 14:L 27:W  4:L 22:D  6:L 12:L
27 Xavier Thompson                 4   632  Benowa SHS 1  2     14:W  4:L 26:L 22:L  6:L 12:L 28:W
28 Joshua Rose                     4   903  Emmanuel      1.5   26:D 22:W  6:L 12:L  4:L 14:L 27:L
29 Kevin Zhao                      3   934  AB Paterson 1 1     15:L  9:L 32:W 10:L 23:L  2:L  5:L
30 Dejun Sun                       1   1186 TSS 2         1     16:L 17:W 11:L 18:L 24:L  3:L  7:L
31 Eden Skinner                    2   1129 Benowa SHS 1  1      8:L 13:W 25:L 21:L  1:L 20:L 19:L
32 Aidan Jose                      3   765  Benowa SHS 1  0      9:L 10:L 29:L 23:L  2:L  5:L 15:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                      Feder Loc Id Loc  Score Exp. Chg*K  Rav Rprfm

1.  Bryan Yang                             1861 5.5/7 6.65   -12 1386  1616
2.  Micah Young                            1829 7.0/7 6.86     1 1213  2212
3.  Edwin Choi                             1604 6.5/7 6.79    -3 1061  1483
4.  Joshua Cooper                          1646 6.0/7 6.93    -9  950  1259
5.  Calen Tang                             1673 3.0/7 5.74   -27 1413  1363
6.  Raphael Atia                           1295 3.0/7 3.57    -6 1290  1240
7.  Ray Zhai                               1276 6.0/7 5.04    10 1107  1416
8.  Luke Hu                                1192 4.0/7 5.11   -11 1015  1065
9.  Noah Rose                              1521 3.0/7 4.34   -13 1435  1385
10. Morgan Lawson                          1148 3.0/7 1.96    10 1311  1261
11. Noah Schmidt                           831  3.0/7 0.84    22 1171  1121
12. Joshua Rose                            903  1.5/7 2.10    -6 1056   826
13. Eason Wang                             1533 4.0/7 4.48    -5 1433  1483
14. Elijah Hadikusumo                      1293 5.5/7 3.50    20 1290  1520
15. Oscar Credland-Ballantyne              1125 5.0/7 3.43    16 1129  1287
16. Sophia Ahern                           1115 3.5/7 4.34    -8 1026  1026
17. Abigail Rowe                           1225 3.0/7 1.33    17 1477  1427
18. Eden Skinner                           1129 1.0/7 1.82    -8 1313  1004
19. Aidan Jose                             765  0.0/7 0.49    -5 1180   181
20. Xavier Thompson                        632  2.0/7 0.35    17 1095   937
21. Rocky Liu                              991  2.0/7 0.21    18 1511  1353
22. Deniz Magden                           983  2.0/7 0.77    12 1334  1176
23. Kevin Zhao                             934  1.0/7 1.54    -5 1156   847
24. Austin Lai                             701  2.0/7 0.63    14 1085   927
25. Dejun Sun                              1186 1.0/7 1.05    -1 1483  1174
26. Thomas Xu                              1104 2.5/7 1.61     9 1317  1215
27. Ethan Ong                              988  2.0/7 2.03     0 1149   991
28. Ashton Bellchambers                    687  2.5/7 0.56    19 1087   985
29. Luka Hart                              1575 6.5/7 4.90    16 1427  1849
30. Kotaro Inukai                          1541 4.0/7 5.88   -19 1254  1304
31. William Cameron                        1505 4.5/7 6.51   -20 1075  1177
32. WooJoon Ki                             1422 6.5/7 6.58    -1  982  1404
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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