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2024 Term 2 Brisbane Primary North A

2024 Term 2 Brisbane Primary North A – Round 7


Place Name                    Feder Loc  Club                     Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Xianzhe LIN             B     1474 BGS 1                    7        22.5  30.5   28.0
 2-3  Isaac Godinho           B     949  Ascot 1                  6        24.0  33.0   24.0
      Elvis WU                B     1335 BGS 1                    6        23.0  32.0   26.0
 4-5  Charlie WANG            B     877  BGS 2                    5.5      20.0  28.0   21.5
      Joshua Ren              B     968  KGSC 1                   5.5      19.0  26.0   20.0
6-14  Brandon Deng-Xia        B     690  BBC 1                    5        24.0  31.5   21.0
      ChengYi Xia             B     1191 Aspley SS                5        23.5  33.0   23.0
      Joshua SMITH            B     697  BGS 3                    5        23.5  32.5   21.0
      John Stanton            B     961  EJ 1                     5        23.0  33.0   24.0
      Vivaan Sud              B     959  Ascot 1                  5        22.5  33.5   22.0
      Zack (Chubo) Wang       B     810  Indooroopilly SS         5        20.0  28.0   21.0
      Oliver HA               B     879  BGS 1                    5        19.0  27.0   19.0
      Nicholas Chen           B     1031 Rainworth 1              5        18.5  27.5   19.0
      Archie Spurr            B     707  Nudgee 1                 5        17.5  24.0   19.5
15-23 Ethan Joseph            B     624  EJ 1                     4.5      21.5  29.0   18.5
      Iris Wang               B     870  SPLC 1                   4.5      20.5  30.5   22.5
      Jia-LeLeon Yang         B     628  Wilston 1                4.5      20.5  28.5   17.5
      Lucas WANG              B     962  BGS 1                    4.5      20.0  26.5   18.5
      Ethan MILFORD           B     701  BGS 2                    4.5      19.5  28.0   18.0
      Andrew Mossman          B     746  Ascot 1                  4.5      19.0  27.5   21.0
      Grace Wang              B     715  KGSC 1                   4.5      19.0  27.5   19.5
      Samuel BECK             B     534  BGS 5                    4.5      17.0  23.5   14.0
      Aaron Zhu               B     720  KGSC 1                   4.5      16.5  23.0   16.5
24-39 Lewis ZHU               B     823  BGS 2                    4        22.5  32.5   19.0
      Omar Shakeel            B     762  KGSC 1                   4        21.0  27.0   18.0
      Jerald (2012) Xie       B     758  Indooroopilly SS         4        19.5  27.5   18.0
      Justin He               B     705  The Lakes College 1      4        19.5  26.0   18.0
      George Song             B     756  Moggill SS               4        19.0  26.5   19.0
      Ethan KAO               B     752  BGS 2                    4        18.5  25.5   19.0
      Julian Lee              B     568  Wilston 1                4        18.0  25.0   15.0
      Herrick ZHOU            B     683  BGS 3                    4        17.5  25.0   16.0
      He-Mu Lin               B     599  Chapel Hill State School 4        17.0  24.0   16.0
      Leon (St Peters) Yang   B     626  SPLC 1                   4        16.5  23.5   17.0
      Jefferson Su            B     634  Milton 1                 4        16.5  23.5   16.0
      Daniel WANG             B     643  BGS 3                    4        16.5  23.5   14.5
      Jacques deVilliers      B     795  Australian CC            4        16.0  24.0   16.0
      Kristina Sutormina      B     707  Hilder Road              4        15.0  24.0   13.0
      Ryan Hudson             B     561  BBC 1                    4        15.0  20.5   12.0
      Ayush Mandhan           B     525  OLA 1                    4        14.5  20.0   11.0
40-45 Jiajun Wang             B     647  McDowal                  3.5      21.0  28.5   17.5
      Teddy Denver-fedder     B     500  Nudgee 1                 3.5      19.5  28.0   14.5
      Rohan Bishnoi           B     606  Nundah 1                 3.5      19.5  26.5   15.5
      Zerui WU                B     613  BGS 3                    3.5      18.0  25.5   16.5
      Edward XU               B     600  BGS 4                    3.5      17.0  25.0   14.5
      Dwij Tripathy           B     573  Ascot 2                  3.5      15.5  22.5   12.0
46-65 Rishaan Koppolu         B     510  The Lakes College 1      3        20.5  28.5   14.0
      Tusanda Costa           B     564  Milton 1                 3        20.5  27.5   14.0
      Andrew Wei              B          BBC 2                    3        19.5  27.5   13.5
      Albert ElZoghbi         B     546  OLA 1                    3        19.5  26.5   13.0
      Hemish Patel            B          Nudgee 1                 3        18.0  25.5   13.5
      Cormac Byrne            B          Nudgee 1                 3        18.0  25.0   11.5
      Abhiram Hejeebu         B     536  Nundah 1                 3        17.5  23.5   11.0
      Xavier Vayanos          B          Wilston 1                3        17.5  23.0   14.0
      Jameson Lee             B     510  BBC 1                    3        17.0  24.5   12.0
      Max WANG                B     540  BGS 5                    3        17.0  24.0   12.0
      Oscar LAW               B     561  BGS 4                    3        16.5  23.5   11.0
      Spencer Chen            B     586  BBC 1                    3        16.5  23.0   12.0
      Liam Chand              B          OLA 1                    3        16.0  22.5    9.0
      Lewis VanBoeckel        B     593  OLA 1                    3        16.0  22.0   14.0
      Vivaash Sud             B     615  Ascot 1                  3        16.0  21.5   13.0
      Aaron Gu                B          SPLC 1                   3        15.5  21.5   10.0
      THOMAS PERALES          B     506  St Eugenes 1             3        15.5  21.5    9.0
      Eric Lu                 B     589  Indooroopilly SS         3        14.0  22.5    8.0
      Kinoli Costa            B     515  Milton 1                 3        14.0  19.0    8.0
      Alan GAI                B     553  BGS 4                    3        13.5  20.0   10.0
66-67 NishadNoor Dewan        B          The Lakes College 1      2.5      18.0  24.0   10.5
      Lucas Gu                B     508  BBC 2                    2.5      15.0  20.5    9.0
68-79 Zachary Wu              B          Indooroopilly SS         2        18.5  23.5   10.0
      Gaurav Thammini         B     534  Nundah 1                 2        16.0  21.5   10.0
      Zachary Anthonisz       B     500  EJ 1                     2        15.5  22.5    5.0
      Esha Siriwickramasinghe B     510  EJ 1                     2        15.5  21.5    8.0
      Mark Luan               B          SPLC 1                   2        15.5  21.0    5.0
      Henry Hammond           B          Milton 1                 2        14.5  19.5    8.0
      Marcus So               B     500  BBC 2                    2        14.0  20.0    8.0
      RAIDEN WHITBY           B     565  St Eugenes 1             2        14.0  20.0    7.0
      Ryan CAO                B     522  BGS 5                    2        13.5  19.0    6.0
      Keita Ly                B          Wilston 1                2        13.0  18.0    8.0
      Lucas Ren               B     519  BBC 2                    2        12.5  17.5    6.0
      Henry LEE               B     531  BGS 5                    2        10.5  15.5    5.0
 80   Theodore MOORE          B     591  BGS 4                    1.5      12.0  16.5    5.0
81-83 HUDSON CREELY           B     507  St Eugenes 1             1        15.5  21.5    2.0
      LENNOX MAKUARE          B     526  St Eugenes 1             1        12.0  18.0    4.0
      James Elfverson         B          The Lakes College 1      1        12.0  17.5    4.0

Cross Table

No Name                    Feder Loc  Club                     Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Xianzhe LIN             B     1474 BGS 1                    7     63:W 37:W 24:W 10:W 16:W 13:W  9:W
2  Isaac Godinho           B     949  Ascot 1                  6     65:W 15:W 21:W  3:L  6:W 11:W  8:W
3  Elvis WU                B     1335 BGS 1                    6     57:W 27:W 36:W  2:W  9:W  8:L  7:W
4  Charlie WANG            B     877  BGS 2                    5.5   55:W 44:W  6:L 31:W 40:D 15:W 18:W
5  Joshua Ren              B     968  KGSC 1                   5.5   75:W  6:L 48:W 19:D 44:W 28:W 20:W
6  Brandon Deng-Xia        B     690  BBC 1                    5     70:W  5:W  4:W  9:L  2:L 32:W 25:W
7  ChengYi Xia             B     1191 Aspley SS                5     45:W 19:W 11:W 16:L 20:W 10:W  3:L
8  Joshua SMITH            B     697  BGS 3                    5     41:W 10:L 46:W 12:W 24:W  3:W  2:L
9  John Stanton            B     961  EJ 1                     5     56:W 40:W 25:W  6:W  3:L 16:W  1:L
10 Vivaan Sud              B     959  Ascot 1                  5     38:W  8:W 26:W  1:L 27:W  7:L 17:W
11 Zack (Chubo) Wang       B     810  Indooroopilly SS         5     69:W 33:W  7:L 60:W 34:W  2:L 27:W
12 Oliver HA               B     879  BGS 1                    5     49:W 31:W 29:L  8:L 47:W 35:W 28:W
13 Nicholas Chen           B     1031 Rainworth 1              5     30:L 17:W 75:W 76:W 29:W  1:L 26:W
14 Archie Spurr            B     707  Nudgee 1                 5     71:W 48:D 43:W 18:L 15:D 46:W 24:W
15 Ethan Joseph            B     624  EJ 1                     4.5   72:W  2:L 51:W 23:W 14:D  4:L 42:W
16 Iris Wang               B     870  SPLC 1                   4.5   52:W 60:W 47:W  7:W  1:L  9:L 23:D
17 Jia-LeLeon Yang         B     628  Wilston 1                4.5   42:D 13:L 62:W 45:W 36:W 21:W 10:L
18 Lucas WANG              B     962  BGS 1                    4.5   47:L 82:W 57:W 14:W 21:D 19:W  4:L
19 Ethan MILFORD           B     701  BGS 2                    4.5   62:W  7:L 52:W  5:D 42:W 18:L 43:W
20 Andrew Mossman          B     746  Ascot 1                  4.5   64:W 50:D 42:W 29:W  7:L 40:W  5:L
21 Grace Wang              B     715  KGSC 1                   4.5   54:W 66:W  2:L 47:W 18:D 17:L 33:W
22 Samuel BECK             B     534  BGS 5                    4.5   24:L 58:W 27:L 51:D 66:W 30:W 40:W
23 Aaron Zhu               B     720  KGSC 1                   4.5   46:L 79:W 55:W 15:L 49:W 59:W 16:D
24 Lewis ZHU               B     823  BGS 2                    4     22:W 59:W  1:L 33:W  8:L 31:W 14:L
25 Omar Shakeel            B     762  KGSC 1                   4     82:W 30:W  9:L 32:L 38:W 34:W  6:L
26 Jerald (2012) Xie       B     758  Indooroopilly SS         4     39:W 61:W 10:L 34:L 56:W 43:W 13:L
27 Justin He               B     705  The Lakes College 1      4     81:W  3:L 22:W 75:W 10:L 53:W 11:L
28 George Song             B     756  Moggill SS               4     76:W 47:L 30:W 49:W 32:W  5:L 12:L
29 Ethan KAO               B     752  BGS 2                    4     78:W 68:W 12:W 20:L 13:L 33:L 49:W
30 Julian Lee              B     568  Wilston 1                4     13:W 25:L 28:L 68:W 50:W 22:L 48:W
31 Herrick ZHOU            B     683  BGS 3                    4     74:W 12:L 71:W  4:L 52:W 24:L 41:W
32 He-Mu Lin               B     599  Chapel Hill State School 4     61:L 78:W 53:W 25:W 28:L  6:L 50:W
33 Leon (St Peters) Yang   B     626  SPLC 1                   4     73:W 11:L 68:W 24:L 69:W 29:W 21:L
34 Jefferson Su            B     634  Milton 1                 4     66:L 76:W 54:W 26:W 11:L 25:L 55:W
35 Daniel WANG             B     643  BGS 3                    4     68:L 39:W 41:D 56:D 55:W 12:L 46:W
36 Jacques deVilliers      B     795  Australian CC            4     79:W 46:W  3:L 40:L 17:L 69:W 65:W
37 Kristina Sutormina      B     707  Hilder Road              4     67:W  1:L 49:L 41:L 71:W 52:W 54:W
38 Ryan Hudson             B     561  BBC 1                    4     10:L 41:L 81:W 58:W 25:L 73:W 59:W
39 Ayush Mandhan           B     525  OLA 1                    4     26:L 35:L 72:W 53:L 70:W 60:W 57:W
40 Jiajun Wang             B     647  McDowal                  3.5   51:W  9:L 69:W 36:W  4:D 20:L 22:L
41 Teddy Denver-fedder     B     500  Nudgee 1                 3.5    8:L 38:W 35:D 37:W 43:L 44:W 31:L
42 Rohan Bishnoi           B     606  Nundah 1                 3.5   17:D 53:W 20:L 48:W 19:L 51:W 15:L
43 Zerui WU                B     613  BGS 3                    3.5   50:D 64:W 14:L 66:W 41:W 26:L 19:L
44 Edward XU               B     600  BGS 4                    3.5   58:W  4:L 66:D 50:W  5:L 41:L 67:W
45 Dwij Tripathy           B     573  Ascot 2                  3.5    7:L 67:D 61:W 17:L 48:D 68:W 51:D
46 Rishaan Koppolu         B     510  The Lakes College 1      3     23:W 36:L  8:L 63:W 60:W 14:L 35:L
47 Tusanda Costa           B     564  Milton 1                 3     18:W 28:W 16:L 21:L 12:L 50:L 68:W
48 Andrew Wei              B          BBC 2                    3      0:W 14:D  5:L 42:L 45:D 66:W 30:L
49 Albert ElZoghbi         B     546  OLA 1                    3     12:L 74:W 37:W 28:L 23:L 62:W 29:L
50 Hemish Patel            B          Nudgee 1                 3     43:D 20:D 59:W 44:L 30:L 47:W 32:L
51 Cormac Byrne            B          Nudgee 1                 3     40:L 65:W 15:L 22:D 67:W 42:L 45:D
52 Abhiram Hejeebu         B     536  Nundah 1                 3     16:L 73:W 19:L 61:W 31:L 37:L 72:W
53 Xavier Vayanos          B          Wilston 1                3     80:W 42:L 32:L 39:W 57:W 27:L 60:L
54 Jameson Lee             B     510  BBC 1                    3     21:L 63:W 34:L 65:W 59:L 56:W 37:L
55 Max WANG                B     540  BGS 5                    3      4:L 72:W 23:L 74:W 35:L 58:W 34:L
56 Oscar LAW               B     561  BGS 4                    3      9:L 62:D 67:W 35:D 26:L 54:L 73:W
57 Spencer Chen            B     586  BBC 1                    3      3:L 81:W 18:L 71:W 53:L 64:W 39:L
58 Liam Chand              B          OLA 1                    3     44:L 22:L  0:W 38:L 78:W 55:L 79:W
59 Lewis VanBoeckel        B     593  OLA 1                    3     77:W 24:L 50:L 78:W 54:W 23:L 38:L
60 Vivaash Sud             B     615  Ascot 1                  3     83:W 16:L 77:W 11:L 46:L 39:L 53:W
61 Aaron Gu                B          SPLC 1                   3     32:W 26:L 45:L 52:L 64:L 76:W 71:W
62 THOMAS PERALES          B     506  St Eugenes 1             3     19:L 56:D 17:L 80:D 63:W 49:L 69:W
63 Eric Lu                 B     589  Indooroopilly SS         3      1:L 54:L 64:W 46:L 62:L 70:W 74:W
64 Kinoli Costa            B     515  Milton 1                 3     20:L 43:L 63:L 81:W 61:W 57:L 77:W
65 Alan GAI                B     553  BGS 4                    3      2:L 51:L 70:W 54:L 83:W 74:W 36:L
66 NishadNoor Dewan        B          The Lakes College 1      2.5   34:W 21:L 44:D 43:L 22:L 48:L 80:W
67 Lucas Gu                B     508  BBC 2                    2.5   37:L 45:D 56:L 73:W 51:L 80:W 44:L
68 Zachary Wu              B          Indooroopilly SS         2     35:W 29:L 33:L 30:L 82:W 45:L 47:L
69 Gaurav Thammini         B     534  Nundah 1                 2     11:L 83:W 40:L 77:W 33:L 36:L 62:L
70 Zachary Anthonisz       B     500  EJ 1                     2      6:L 75:L 65:L 79:W 39:L 63:L  0:W
71 Esha Siriwickramasinghe B     510  EJ 1                     2     14:L 80:W 31:L 57:L 37:L 82:W 61:L
72 Mark Luan               B          SPLC 1                   2     15:L 55:L 39:L 82:L  0:W 75:W 52:L
73 Henry Hammond           B          Milton 1                 2     33:L 52:L 82:W 67:L 76:W 38:L 56:L
74 Marcus So               B     500  BBC 2                    2     31:L 49:L 79:W 55:L 75:W 65:L 63:L
75 RAIDEN WHITBY           B     565  St Eugenes 1             2      5:L 70:W 13:L 27:L 74:L 72:L 83:W
76 Ryan CAO                B     522  BGS 5                    2     28:L 34:L 83:W 13:L 73:L 61:L 81:W
77 Keita Ly                B          Wilston 1                2     59:L  0:W 60:L 69:L 80:L 78:W 64:L
78 Lucas Ren               B     519  BBC 2                    2     29:L 32:L 80:W 59:L 58:L 77:L 82:W
79 Henry LEE               B     531  BGS 5                    2     36:L 23:L 74:L 70:L 81:W 83:W 58:L
80 Theodore MOORE          B     591  BGS 4                    1.5   53:L 71:L 78:L 62:D 77:W 67:L 66:L
81 HUDSON CREELY           B     507  St Eugenes 1             1     27:L 57:L 38:L 64:L 79:L  0:W 76:L
82 LENNOX MAKUARE          B     526  St Eugenes 1             1     25:L 18:L 73:L 72:W 68:L 71:L 78:L
83 James Elfverson         B          The Lakes College 1      1     60:L 69:L 76:L  0:W 65:L 79:L 75:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                     Feder Loc Id Loc  Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  LIN, Xianzhe             B            1474 7.0/7 6.93     1 849  1848
2.  WU, Elvis                B            1335 6.0/7 6.72    -7 841  1150
3.  Xia, ChengYi             B            1191 5.0/7 6.16   -12 856  1014
4.  Chen, Nicholas           B            1031 5.0/7 5.88    -9 752   910
5.  Ren, Joshua              B            968  4.5/6 5.10    -6 676   869
6.  WANG, Lucas              B            962  4.5/7 5.95   -15 668   770
7.  Stanton, John            B            961  5.0/7 4.06     9 906  1064
8.  Sud, Vivaan              B            959  5.0/7 4.48     5 859  1017
9.  Godinho, Isaac           B            949  6.0/7 5.11     9 775  1084
10. HA, Oliver               B            879  5.0/7 5.46    -5 663   821
11. WANG, Charlie            B            877  5.5/7 5.32     2 678   908
12. Wang, Iris               B            870  4.5/7 3.57     9 866   968
13. ZHU, Lewis               B            823  4.0/7 4.13    -1 759   809
14. Wang, Zack (Chubo)       B            810  5.0/7 4.06     9 751   909
15. deVilliers, Jacques      B            795  4.0/7 4.62    -6 677   727
16. Shakeel, Omar            B            762  4.0/7 4.62    -6 648   698
17. Xie, Jerald (2012)       B            758  3.0/6 3.30    -3 721   721
18. Song, George             B            756  4.0/7 4.41    -4 664   714
19. KAO, Ethan               B            752  3.0/6 3.24    -2 725   725
20. Mossman, Andrew          B            746  4.0/6 2.70    13 780   905
21. Zhu, Aaron               B            720  4.5/7 4.62    -1 602   704
22. Wang, Grace              B            715  3.5/6 3.06     4 707   764
23. Spurr, Archie            B            707  4.5/6 3.30    12 674   867
24. Sutormina, Kristina      B            707  4.0/7 3.99     0 655   705
25. He, Justin               B            705  3.0/6 2.34     7 785   785
26. MILFORD, Ethan           B            701  4.5/7 2.87    16 769   871
27. SMITH, Joshua            B            697  5.0/7 2.03    30 851  1009
28. Deng-Xia, Brandon        B            690  5.0/7 2.45    26 802   960
29. ZHOU, Herrick            B            683  4.0/7 3.71     3 661   711
30. Wang, Jiajun             B            647  2.5/6 2.22     3 741   684
31. WANG, Daniel             B            643  4.0/6 3.48     5 586   711
32. Su, Jefferson            B            634  4.0/6 2.88    11 650   775
33. Yang, Leon (St Peters)   B            626  2.0/5 1.80     2 727   655
34. Joseph, Ethan            B            624  2.5/5 1.50    10 772   772
35. Sud, Vivaash             B            615  0.0/4 1.64   -16 679     0
36. WU, Zerui                B            613  2.0/5 2.35    -4 636   564
37. Bishnoi, Rohan           B            606  0.5/4 1.60   -11 675   353
38. XU, Edward               B            600  1.0/4 1.40    -4 713   520
39. Lin, He-Mu               B            599  2.0/4 1.56     4 682   682
40. VanBoeckel, Lewis        B            593  2.0/5 2.25    -3 627   555
41. MOORE, Theodore          B            591  0.5/4 2.44   -19 511   189
42. Lu, Eric                 B            589  3.0/7 2.94     1 645   595
43. Chen, Spencer            B            586  3.0/6 1.86    11 726   726
44. Tripathy, Dwij           B            573  0.5/3 0.72    -2 776   503
45. Lee, Julian              B            568  1.0/4 0.96     0 771   578
46. WHITBY, RAIDEN           B            565  1.0/5 1.35    -4 741   501
47. Costa, Tusanda           B            564  2.0/5 0.85    12 836   764
48. LAW, Oscar               B            561  2.0/6 2.28    -3 648   523
49. Hudson, Ryan             B            561  2.0/5 1.80     2 664   592
50. GAI, Alan                B            553  2.0/5 1.85     2 651   579
51. ElZoghbi, Albert         B            546  3.0/7 2.17     8 689   639
52. WANG, Max                B            540  1.0/5 1.60    -6 675   435
53. Hejeebu, Abhiram         B            536  0.0/4 0.96   -10 740     0
54. BECK, Samuel             B            534  2.0/4 1.20     8 686   686
55. Thammini, Gaurav         B            534  0.0/5 1.55   -16 677     0
56. LEE, Henry               B            531  1.0/5 2.00   -10 604   364
57. MAKUARE, LENNOX          B            526  0.0/4 1.16   -12 688     0
58. Mandhan, Ayush           B            525  3.0/5 1.85    12 620   692
59. CAO, Ryan                B            522  1.0/4 0.92     1 732   539
60. Ren, Lucas               B            519  2.0/5 1.85     2 612   540
61. Costa, Kinoli            B            515  1.0/5 1.85    -9 608   368
62. Koppolu, Rishaan         B            510  3.0/7 1.89    11 681   631
63. Lee, Jameson             B            510  3.0/7 2.45     6 622   572
64. Siriwickramasinghe, Esha B            510  2.0/6 1.98     0 633   508
65. Gu, Lucas                B            508  1.5/5 1.85    -4 606   457
66. CREELY, HUDSON           B            507  0.0/6 2.46   -25 570     0
67. PERALES, THOMAS          B            506  3.0/7 2.66     3 593   543
68. Denver-fedder, Teddy     B            500  3.5/7 2.17    13 643   643
69. Anthonisz, Zachary       B            500  1.0/6 2.40   -14 576   303
70. So, Marcus               B            500  2.0/7 2.80    -8 572   414
71. Byrne, Cormac            B                 3.0/7            578   528
72. Wu, Zachary              B                 2.0/7            607   449
73. Dewan, NishadNoor        B                 2.5/6            615   558
74. Luan, Mark               B                 1.0/6            553   280
75. Hammond, Henry           B                 2.0/7            549   391
76. Elfverson, James         B                 0.0/6            553     0
77. Patel, Hemish            B                 3.0/7            612   562
78. Yang, Jia-LeLeon         B            628  4.5/7 2.45    21 741   843
79. Chand, Liam              B                 2.0/6            548   423
80. Gu, Aaron                B                 3.0/7            573   523
81. Ly, Keita                B                 1.0/6            561   288
82. Vayanos, Xavier          B                 3.0/7            604   554
83. Wei, Andrew              B                 1.0/5            684   444

Club Standings

Place Name                     Score

  1   BGS 1                    22.5 
 2-3  ASCOT 1                  18.5  (2nd by tiebreak)
      KGSC 1                   18.5  (3rd by tiebreak)
  4   BGS 2                    18   
  5   BGS 3                    16.5 
  6   BBC 1                    15   
  7   NUDGEE 1                 14.5 
  8   INDOOROOPILLY SS         14   
9-11  EJ 1                     13.5 
      SPLC 1                   13.5 
      WILSTON 1                13.5 
 12   OLA 1                    13   
 13   MILTON 1                 12   
 14   BGS 5                    11.5 
 15   BGS 4                    11   
 16   THE LAKES COLLEGE 1      10.5 
 17   BBC 2                    9.5  
 18   NUNDAH 1                 8.5  
 19   ST EUGENES 1             7    
20-21 RAINWORTH 1              5    
      ASPLEY SS                5    
22-25 HILDER ROAD              4    
      MOGGILL SS               4    
      AUSTRALIAN CC            4    
26-27 MCDOWAL                  3.5  
      ASCOT 2                  3.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

Event Registration

Event Name:

Please select registration type
School Registration
Individual Registration
Individual Registration

Registration for individuals is via our iClassPro app, and is only available on selected tournaments.

For all questions please contact our Events team on [email protected]

Teacher & Coordinator Registration

Please Note: This form is for School Teachers and Coordinators ONLY. Individual registration links are available for schools where there is no chess coordinator or official school entries. Please email [email protected] for further information.

Step One: Download the spreadsheet below and complete all details. For all questions please contact our events team on [email protected]

Step Two: Complete the form below and upload the spreadsheet.

School Event Registration
