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2024 Term 2 Brisbane North Primary C

2024 Term 2 Brisbane Primary North C

2024 Term 2 Brisbane Primary North C – Round 7


Place Name                   Club                   Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Jacob Lee              Ironside 1             7        22.0  29.5   28.0
  2   Yuval Koifman          Ironside 1             6.5      21.5  27.5   25.5
  3   Rishyaan Pradeep       Ironside 1             6        21.0  27.0   22.0
 4-5  Jack Lawrence          EJ 3                   5.5      21.5  31.0   21.5
      James Andersen         OLA 2                  5.5      18.5  25.5   20.5
6-13  Niki Bhuimbar          OLA 2                  5        22.5  32.5   23.0
      Fraser Coates          Rainworth 3            5        22.5  32.0   22.0
      Henry Zhao             SPLC 3                 5        21.5  30.0   23.0
      Toren Farquhar         St Paul's 1            5        21.0  31.0   17.0
      Cohen Farquhar         St Paul's 1            5        20.5  29.0   24.0
      Remy Williams          EJ 3                   5        19.5  27.0   20.0
      Fletcher Nicholls      Windsor SS Senior Team 5        18.0  25.0   17.0
      Joel Tristram          Windsor SS Senior Team 5        16.0  24.5   20.0
14-19 Lochan Vignesh         BBC 5                  4.5      25.0  35.0   22.5
      Joe Heaton             EJ 3                   4.5      21.0  29.5   21.5
      Dhruvdeep Sujesh       Northgate SS           4.5      18.5  25.5   18.0
      Jack Aimer             Northgate SS           4.5      18.5  25.5   18.0
      Victoria Liu           Ironside 2             4.5      17.0  25.0   18.5
      Jacob Shaw             Windsor SS Year 4 Team 4.5      17.0  23.0   18.5
20-34 Nianfu Guo             BBC 5                  4        23.0  32.0   17.0
      ELLIOT OGBEIFUN        St Eugenes 2           4        22.5  31.5   17.0
      Jinisha Thapa          Nundah 3               4        21.5  30.0   19.0
      Charlie Ford           Windsor SS Senior Team 4        21.0  29.0   19.5
      TAYLOR HODGES          St Eugenes 2           4        20.5  30.5   19.5
      William Sun            SPLC 3                 4        20.5  28.5   14.0
      Ryker Wilson           Windsor SS Senior Team 4        20.0  27.5   17.5
      Kristof Oberhardt      POP Team 3             4        20.0  27.0   14.0
      Darcy Morrow           Milton 5               4        17.0  23.5   17.0
      Blake Shi              Milton 5               4        16.5  23.5   13.0
      Russell Suereth        Ashgrove Team 3        4        16.0  23.0   17.0
      Matthew Sutormin       Hilder Rd SS           4        15.5  22.0   16.0
      Pranav Rao             St Paul's 1            4        15.0  22.0   14.0
      Jack Yorke-Barber      Ashgrove Team 3        4        15.0  21.0   12.0
      Theo Bentley           BBC 5                  4        14.0  19.0   11.5
35-41 Fedra Simic            Nundah 3               3.5      20.0  26.0   15.5
      Jackson Packer         POP Team 2             3.5      19.0  27.0   18.0
      Hana Chen-Wahyudi      Ironside 2             3.5      18.5  24.5   15.5
      Maxwell Rataj          Windsor SS Year 4 Team 3.5      16.5  23.5   15.0
      Nick Moynihan          Rainworth 3            3.5      16.5  22.5   14.5
      Gita Nugroho           Ironside 2             3.5      15.5  21.0   10.5
      Atharva Mamillapalli   Ironside 2             3.5      15.0  21.0   14.0
42-56 Xavier Dean            POP Team 2             3        21.5  30.5   17.0
      Christian Parolin      St Agatha's 2          3        18.5  28.0   14.5
      Ethan Oertel           Nudgee 3               3        18.5  26.5   15.0
      Wyatt Doolan           POP Team 3             3        18.0  25.5   15.0
      Patrick Homewood       OLA 2                  3        18.0  25.0   13.0
      Hilton Wishart         EJ 3                   3        17.0  22.0   12.0
      Benjamin Pincus        Windsor SS Year 4 Team 3        16.0  23.5   11.0
      NithilaSree Subrayan   Nundah 3               3        16.0  23.0   12.0
      Annabel Hu             SPLC 3                 3        15.5  22.0   11.0
      Thomas Limpus          Milton 5               3        15.0  21.5    8.0
      Seb Pedreros           POP Team 4             3        14.5  21.0    8.0
      William Macdonald      OLA 2                  3        14.5  20.0   10.0
      Azjargal Bayarjavkhlan Milton 5               3        13.5  19.0    8.5
      Darsh Agrawal          Nundah 3               3        13.0  17.5    9.5
      Arlo Crestani          Windsor SS Year 4 Team 3        12.5  18.5   10.5
57-64 James Madeley          Ascot 4                2.5      17.5  23.5   12.0
      William Polley         St Agatha's 2          2.5      16.0  23.5   11.5
      Alexis Jones           POP Team 2             2.5      16.0  21.5    9.5
      Marco Xie              BBC 5                  2.5      15.5  23.0   10.5
      Vanessa Yang           SPLC 3                 2.5      15.0  20.5   11.0
      Thomas Ingerson        Nudgee 3               2.5      14.0  21.0    8.0
      JASPER BROWN           St Eugenes 2           2.5      13.5  22.0    8.5
      Thomas Singleton       Rainworth 3            2.5      13.5  18.5    7.5
65-70 Ben Isles              POP Team 3             2        18.0  25.0    9.0
      Dashiel Mahabal        Ashgrove Team 3        2        17.5  24.0   12.0
      Fletcher Boldiston     POP Team 4             2        17.0  25.0    8.0
      James Barden           Rainworth 3            2        16.5  21.5    3.0
      Daisy Chau             Ironside 1             2        14.5  19.5    5.5
      EDISON SPENCER         St Eugenes 2           2        14.0  19.0    7.0
71-74 Archer Nicol           POP Team 2             1.5      16.0  22.0    6.5
      Oliver De Brabander    POP Team 3             1.5      15.0  22.5    4.0
      Yee Shin Liew          POP Team 4             1.5      15.0  21.0    5.0
      Abiola Akosile         Ashgrove Team 3        1.5      14.5  21.0    5.0
 75   Harrison Bolger        POP Team 4             1        14.5  22.0    4.0
 76   Leo Lazdins            St Paul's 1            0         0.0   0.0    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                   Club                   Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Jacob Lee              Ironside 1             7     63:W  9:W 43:W 15:W  8:W 14:W  6:W
2  Yuval Koifman          Ironside 1             6.5   72:W 21:W 14:D 24:W 23:W  7:W 10:W
3  Rishyaan Pradeep       Ironside 1             6     75:W  7:L 62:W 12:W 20:W 15:W 13:W
4  Jack Lawrence          EJ 3                   5.5   27:W 22:W  6:L 21:W  5:D 23:W 14:W
5  James Andersen         OLA 2                  5.5   67:W 42:L 32:W 43:W  4:D 18:W 20:W
6  Niki Bhuimbar          OLA 2                  5     31:W 45:W  4:W 10:L 42:W 11:W  1:L
7  Fraser Coates          Rainworth 3            5     35:W  3:W 42:W  8:L 30:W  2:L 21:W
8  Henry Zhao             SPLC 3                 5     74:W 29:W 37:W  7:W  1:L 10:L 26:W
9  Toren Farquhar         St Paul's 1            5     12:W  1:L 20:L 33:W 46:W 25:W 27:W
10 Cohen Farquhar         St Paul's 1            5     52:W 66:W 44:W  6:W 14:L  8:W  2:L
11 Remy Williams          EJ 3                   5     62:W 37:L 25:W 17:W 24:W  6:L 28:W
12 Fletcher Nicholls      Windsor SS Senior Team 5      9:L 73:W 48:W  3:L 50:W 45:W 22:W
13 Joel Tristram          Windsor SS Senior Team 5     46:L 51:W 60:W 58:W 36:W 22:W  3:L
14 Lochan Vignesh         BBC 5                  4.5   54:W 38:W  2:D 16:W 10:W  1:L  4:L
15 Joe Heaton             EJ 3                   4.5   71:W 49:W 17:W  1:L 35:W  3:L 19:D
16 Dhruvdeep Sujesh       Northgate SS           4.5   51:W 23:D 33:W 14:L 25:L 57:W 41:W
17 Jack Aimer             Northgate SS           4.5    0:W 47:W 15:L 11:L 66:W 34:D 36:W
18 Victoria Liu           Ironside 2             4.5   56:D 59:W 26:W 20:L 57:W  5:L 38:W
19 Jacob Shaw             Windsor SS Year 4 Team 4.5   59:D 71:W 53:W 23:L 26:D 35:W 15:D
20 Nianfu Guo             BBC 5                  4     21:L 27:W  9:W 18:W  3:L 42:W  5:L
21 ELLIOT OGBEIFUN        St Eugenes 2           4     20:W  2:L 29:W  4:L 60:W 31:W  7:L
22 Jinisha Thapa          Nundah 3               4     25:W  4:L 56:W 39:W 31:W 13:L 12:L
23 Charlie Ford           Windsor SS Senior Team 4     70:W 16:D 61:W 19:W  2:L  4:L 24:D
24 TAYLOR HODGES          St Eugenes 2           4     34:W 28:W 36:W  2:L 11:L 41:D 23:D
25 William Sun            SPLC 3                 4     22:L 34:W 11:L 53:W 16:W  9:L 45:W
26 Ryker Wilson           Windsor SS Senior Team 4     48:W 61:D 18:L 29:W 19:D 32:W  8:L
27 Kristof Oberhardt      POP Team 3             4      4:L 20:L 68:W 40:W 37:W 30:W  9:L
28 Darcy Morrow           Milton 5               4     69:W 24:L 49:W 35:L 43:W 39:W 11:L
29 Blake Shi              Milton 5               4     57:W  8:L 21:L 26:L 53:W 65:W 48:W
30 Russell Suereth        Ashgrove Team 3        4     65:W 36:L 50:W 44:W  7:L 27:L 57:W
31 Matthew Sutormin       Hilder Rd SS           4      6:L 64:W 74:W 66:W 22:L 21:L 44:W
32 Pranav Rao             St Paul's 1            4     44:L 68:W  5:L 52:W 65:W 26:L 46:W
33 Jack Yorke-Barber      Ashgrove Team 3        4     47:L 65:W 16:L  9:L 73:W 59:W 42:W
34 Theo Bentley           BBC 5                  4     24:L 25:L 75:D 69:W 67:W 17:D 49:W
35 Fedra Simic            Nundah 3               3.5    7:L 75:W 41:W 28:W 15:L 19:L 40:D
36 Jackson Packer         POP Team 2             3.5   40:W 30:W 24:L 45:W 13:L 38:D 17:L
37 Hana Chen-Wahyudi      Ironside 2             3.5   73:W 11:W  8:L 42:L 27:L 47:W 39:D
38 Maxwell Rataj          Windsor SS Year 4 Team 3.5   50:W 14:L 58:L 64:W 55:W 36:D 18:L
39 Nick Moynihan          Rainworth 3            3.5   66:L 52:W 47:W 22:L 44:W 28:L 37:D
40 Gita Nugroho           Ironside 2             3.5   36:L 58:L 51:W 27:L 70:W 50:W 35:D
41 Atharva Mamillapalli   Ironside 2             3.5   42:L 67:W 35:L 70:W 47:W 24:D 16:L
42 Xavier Dean            POP Team 2             3     41:W  5:W  7:L 37:W  6:L 20:L 33:L
43 Christian Parolin      St Agatha's 2          3     55:W 46:W  1:L  5:L 28:L 54:D 60:D
44 Ethan Oertel           Nudgee 3               3     32:W 53:W 10:L 30:L 39:L 56:W 31:L
45 Wyatt Doolan           POP Team 3             3     64:W  6:L 46:W 36:L 58:W 12:L 25:L
46 Patrick Homewood       OLA 2                  3     13:W 43:L 45:L 49:W  9:L 66:W 32:L
47 Hilton Wishart         EJ 3                   3     33:W 17:L 39:L 62:W 41:L 37:L 72:W
48 Benjamin Pincus        Windsor SS Year 4 Team 3     26:L 55:W 12:L 60:L 62:W 58:W 29:L
49 NithilaSree Subrayan   Nundah 3               3     58:W 15:L 28:L 46:L 64:W 60:W 34:L
50 Annabel Hu             SPLC 3                 3     38:L 54:W 30:L 71:W 12:L 40:L 67:W
51 Thomas Limpus          Milton 5               3     16:L 13:L 40:L 68:W 71:D 63:W 55:D
52 Seb Pedreros           POP Team 4             3     10:L 39:L 63:D 32:L 68:W 71:W 54:D
53 William Macdonald      OLA 2                  3     68:W 44:L 19:L 25:L 29:L 75:W 65:W
54 Azjargal Bayarjavkhlan Milton 5               3     14:L 50:L 65:L 72:W 61:W 43:D 52:D
55 Darsh Agrawal          Nundah 3               3     43:L 48:L 72:W 67:D 38:L 61:W 51:D
56 Arlo Crestani          Windsor SS Year 4 Team 3     18:D 69:D 22:L 65:L 74:W 44:L 66:W
57 James Madeley          Ascot 4                2.5   29:L 74:D 59:W 61:W 18:L 16:L 30:L
58 William Polley         St Agatha's 2          2.5   49:L 40:W 38:W 13:L 45:L 48:L 63:D
59 Alexis Jones           POP Team 2             2.5   19:D 18:L 57:L 75:W 63:D 33:L 64:D
60 Marco Xie              BBC 5                  2.5   61:L 63:W 13:L 48:W 21:L 49:L 43:D
61 Vanessa Yang           SPLC 3                 2.5   60:W 26:D 23:L 57:L 54:L 55:L 71:W
62 Thomas Ingerson        Nudgee 3               2.5   11:L 72:W  3:L 47:L 48:L 67:D 74:W
63 JASPER BROWN           St Eugenes 2           2.5    1:L 60:L 52:D 74:W 59:D 51:L 58:D
64 Thomas Singleton       Rainworth 3            2.5   45:L 31:L 73:W 38:L 49:L 69:W 59:D
65 Ben Isles              POP Team 3             2     30:L 33:L 54:W 56:W 32:L 29:L 53:L
66 Dashiel Mahabal        Ashgrove Team 3        2     39:W 10:L 70:W 31:L 17:L 46:L 56:L
67 Fletcher Boldiston     POP Team 4             2      5:L 41:L  0:W 55:D 34:L 62:D 50:L
68 James Barden           Rainworth 3            2     53:L 32:L 27:L 51:L 52:L  0:W 75:W
69 Daisy Chau             Ironside 1             2     28:L 56:D 71:L 34:L 75:D 64:L  0:W
70 EDISON SPENCER         St Eugenes 2           2     23:L  0:W 66:L 41:L 40:L 74:L 73:W
71 Archer Nicol           POP Team 2             1.5   15:L 19:L 69:W 50:L 51:D 52:L 61:L
72 Oliver De Brabander    POP Team 3             1.5    2:L 62:L 55:L 54:L  0:W 73:D 47:L
73 Yee Shin Liew          POP Team 4             1.5   37:L 12:L 64:L  0:W 33:L 72:D 70:L
74 Abiola Akosile         Ashgrove Team 3        1.5    8:L 57:D 31:L 63:L 56:L 70:W 62:L
75 Harrison Bolger        POP Team 4             1      3:L 35:L 34:D 59:L 69:D 53:L 68:L
76 Leo Lazdins            St Paul's 1            0      0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 

Club Standings

Place Name                   Score

  1   IRONSIDE 1             21.5 
      EJ 3                   18   
  4   OLA 2                  16.5 
 5-6  IRONSIDE 2             15   
      BBC 5                  15   
  7   SPLC 3                 14.5 
8-10  ST PAUL'S 1            14   
      MILTON 5               14   
      WINDSOR SS YEAR 4 TEAM 14   
 11   NUNDAH 3               13.5 
 12   RAINWORTH 3            13   
 13   ST EUGENES 2           12.5 
 14   ASHGROVE TEAM 3        11.5 
15-16 POP TEAM 3             10.5 
      POP TEAM 2             10.5 
 17   NORTHGATE SS           9    
 18   POP TEAM 4             7.5  
19-20 ST AGATHA'S 2          5.5  
      NUDGEE 3               5.5  
 21   HILDER RD SS           4    
 22   ASCOT 4                2.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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