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2024 Term 1 Central QLD Secondary A

Central Queensland Secondary A Term 1 2024 – Round 8


Place Name                    Loc Club                        Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Alex Eaton              828 St Brendan's - GOLD         8        31.5  41.0   36.0
  2   Jake Lucas              945 Emmaus - Team Archer        7        31.0  41.0   31.0
 3-5  Javan Buenen            975 CQ Homeschool White Knights 6        31.5  42.5   31.0
      Judd Carr               547 Heights Secondary 1         6        30.0  41.0   27.0
      James Toman             777 Emmaus - Team Archer        6        29.5  40.5   29.0
6-10  Shivam Karthikeyan      846 RGS Team Boland             5.5      32.5  44.5   28.5
      Keenan VanMoorsel       695 Emmaus - Team Archer        5.5      31.5  41.5   29.5
      Luke Roberts                St Brendan's - GOLD         5.5      29.0  39.5   26.0
      Leander Jeevan          592 Kingsley Secondary 1        5.5      27.5  36.0   23.5
      Duy Mai                 591 TCC Team 1                  5.5      22.5  29.5   22.5
11-20 Brendan Wu              700 RGS Team Macfarlane         5        29.0  39.0   24.0
      Arman Dharmalingam      777 TCC Team 1                  5        28.0  37.0   23.0
      Samuel Prasad           629 Heights Secondary 1         5        27.0  35.5   24.0
      Charlotte Thomas        624 TCC Team 1                  5        26.5  35.5   23.5
      Matthew Campbell        739 St Brendan's - GOLD         5        26.5  35.5   23.0
      Angelo Enriquez         826 Emmaus - Team Archer        5        26.0  36.0   24.0
      Connor Alley            613 Kingsley Secondary 1        5        25.5  34.0   23.0
      Nash Edwards            668 St Brendan's - GREEN        5        25.0  36.0   22.0
      Siyuan Liu              695 RGS Team Boland             5        23.5  30.0   22.0
      Gloria Beunen               CQ Homeschool White Knights 5        22.0  29.0   18.0
21-24 Christian Masefield     523 Emmaus - Team Fitzroy       4.5      24.0  32.0   16.0
      Qiancheng (Elsa) Li     575 RGS Team Macfarlane         4.5      24.0  30.5   22.5
      Xavier Alley            539 Kingsley Secondary 1        4.5      20.5  28.5   16.5
      Thomas Cappellone       741 CQ Homeschool White Knights 4.5      18.5  24.5   13.0
25-35 Ranu Weerasinge         762 RGS Team Boland             4        29.0  38.5   23.0
      Corey Bowdren           503 TCC Team 1                  4        28.5  38.5   22.0
      Lachlan Duggan          536 CQ Homeschool White Knights 4        27.5  34.5   20.0
      Eric John Dennis        617 RGS Team Macfarlane         4        26.5  34.5   21.0
      Kenny Jeevan            587 Kingsley Secondary 1        4        26.0  34.5   21.0
      James Silang            500 Heights Secondary 2         4        25.5  32.5   16.0
      Jonty Melvin-Smith          St Brendan's Duo            4        24.5  33.0   20.0
      Samuel Limpus           500 Heights Secondary 1         4        24.0  32.0   17.0
      Michael Amedee          690 St Brendan's - GOLD         4        22.5  31.0   18.0
      William Whiting         598 Emmaus - Team Fitzroy       4        19.5  26.0   16.0
      Samuel Hawkins          653 Heights Secondary 1         4        18.5  26.0   17.0
36-42 Hayden Whyte                Emmaus - Team Kershaw       3.5      23.5  34.0   15.0
      Bruin Carter            656 Emmaus - Team Fitzroy       3.5      23.5  32.0   16.0
      Morgan Bridgeman        564 St Brendan's - GREEN        3.5      23.5  31.5   17.0
      Kian Antillon           661 Emmaus - Team Fitzroy       3.5      23.0  31.0   17.0
      Nehemiah Buenen         519 CQ Homeschool Black Knights 3.5      22.0  28.5   16.0
      Ethan Grant             570 St Brendan's - GREEN        3.5      20.0  26.5   12.5
      Prahas Pedireddy            RGS Team Palmer             3.5      20.0  25.0   14.0
43-51 Alexander Harris            RGS Team Palmer             3        25.5  34.5   17.0
      William Cappellone      682 RGS Team Boland             3        24.5  33.0   18.0
      Zachariah Parnell           CQ Homeschool Black Knights 3        24.5  32.5   15.0
      Lachlan Profke              Heights Secondary 2         3        23.0  30.0   11.0
      Christopher Ludlow          Emmaus - Team Kershaw       3        21.5  30.0   11.5
      Christian Pileri        554 Emmaus - Team Kershaw       3        21.0  28.5   13.0
      Mitchell Brown              Heights Secondary 2         3        19.5  25.5   10.0
      Rohan Vasoya                RGS Team Palmer             3        18.5  24.5   12.0
      Benjamin Amedee         532 RGS Team Palmer             3        15.0  22.5    9.0
52-53 Nick Eaton                  St Brendan's - GREEN        2.5      22.5  30.5   13.5
      Cooper Ballment             St Brendan's Duo            2.5      19.0  25.0    9.0
54-58 Dave Adove                  Emmaus - Team Kershaw       2        23.5  30.0   11.0
      Emma Joubert                CQ Homeschool Black Knights 2        22.5  30.5    7.0
      Jack Sutton                 Heights Secondary 2         2        21.0  26.5    8.0
      Abenaya Suntharavadivel 500 RGS Team Macfarlane         2        18.5  25.5    9.0
      Lachlan Bell                RGS Team Woolcock           2        17.0  21.5    6.0
 59   Abigail Joubert         500 CQ Homeschool Black Knights 1        19.5  26.0    3.0

Cross Table

No Name                    Feder Loc Club                        Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  

1  Alex Eaton              CQ    828 St Brendan's - GOLD         8     37:W 18:W 36:W  5:W  6:W  3:W  7:W  4:W
2  Jake Lucas              CQ    945 Emmaus - Team Archer        7      4:W 13:W 33:W  6:L 26:W 15:W  3:W  8:W
3  Javan Buenen            CQ    975 CQ Homeschool White Knights 6     48:W 35:W 11:W 16:W  7:W  1:L  2:L 19:W
4  Judd Carr               CQ    547 Heights Secondary 1         6      2:L 47:W 19:W 44:W 12:W 25:W  5:W  1:L
5  James Toman             CQ    777 Emmaus - Team Archer        6     51:W  9:W 44:W  1:L 11:W 13:W  4:L 17:W
6  Shivam Karthikeyan      CQ    846 RGS Team Boland             5.5   23:W 17:W 29:W  2:W  1:L  7:L 14:W  9:D
7  Keenan VanMoorsel       CQ    695 Emmaus - Team Archer        5.5   57:W 30:W 12:W  8:W  3:L  6:W  1:L 10:D
8  Luke Roberts            CQ        St Brendan's - GOLD         5.5   14:D 24:W 39:W  7:L 27:W 12:W 11:W  2:L
9  Leander Jeevan          CQ    592 Kingsley Secondary 1        5.5   49:W  5:L 20:W 15:L 33:W 32:W 25:W  6:D
10 Duy Mai                 CQ    591 TCC Team 1                  5.5   46:W 11:L 31:L 55:W 44:W 43:W 13:W  7:D
11 Brendan Wu              CQ    700 RGS Team Macfarlane         5     32:W 10:W  3:L 29:W  5:L 27:W  8:L 26:W
12 Arman Dharmalingam      CQ    777 TCC Team 1                  5     21:W 22:W  7:L 28:W  4:L  8:L 45:W 27:W
13 Samuel Prasad           CQ    629 Heights Secondary 1         5     56:W  2:L 40:W 43:W 16:W  5:L 10:L 29:W
14 Charlotte Thomas        CQ    624 TCC Team 1                  5      8:D 38:W 25:L 36:W 39:W 16:W  6:L 18:D
15 Matthew Campbell        CQ    739 St Brendan's - GOLD         5     30:L 57:W 41:W  9:W 31:W  2:L 17:L 22:W
16 Angelo Enriquez         CQ    826 Emmaus - Team Archer        5     27:W 28:W 26:W  3:L 13:L 14:L 32:W 25:W
17 Connor Alley            CQ    613 Kingsley Secondary 1        5     52:W  6:L 32:W 25:L 45:W 26:W 15:W  5:L
18 Nash Edwards            CQ    668 St Brendan's - GREEN        5     47:W  1:L 48:W 27:L 30:W 22:D 21:W 14:D
19 Siyuan Liu              CQ    695 RGS Team Boland             5     59:W 26:L  4:L 56:W 34:W 29:W 28:W  3:L
20 Gloria Beunen           CQ        CQ Homeschool White Knights 5     41:W 39:L  9:L 30:L 55:W 48:W 34:W 28:W
21 Christian Masefield     CQ    523 Emmaus - Team Fitzroy       4.5   12:L 43:L 47:D 24:W 42:W 23:W 18:L 38:W
22 Qiancheng (Elsa) Li     CQ    575 RGS Team Macfarlane         4.5   54:W 12:L 50:W 33:W 25:L 18:D 38:W 15:L
23 Xavier Alley            CQ    539 Kingsley Secondary 1        4.5    6:L 52:D 45:W 37:L 46:W 21:L 36:W 42:W
24 Thomas Cappellone       CQ    741 CQ Homeschool White Knights 4.5   26:L  8:L 53:D 21:L 59:W 54:W 52:W 37:W
25 Ranu Weerasinge         CQ    762 RGS Team Boland             4     40:W 29:L 14:W 17:W 22:W  4:L  9:L 16:L
26 Corey Bowdren           CQ    503 TCC Team 1                  4     24:W 19:W 16:L 35:W  2:L 17:L 44:W 11:L
27 Lachlan Duggan          CQ    536 CQ Homeschool White Knights 4     16:L 56:W 37:W 18:W  8:L 11:L 31:W 12:L
28 Eric John Dennis        CQ    617 RGS Team Macfarlane         4     43:W 16:L 30:W 12:L 40:W 31:W 19:L 20:L
29 Kenny Jeevan            CQ    587 Kingsley Secondary 1        4     45:W 25:W  6:L 11:L 35:W 19:L 43:W 13:L
30 James Silang            CQ    500 Heights Secondary 2         4     15:W  7:L 28:L 20:W 18:L 37:L 54:W 45:W
31 Jonty Melvin-Smith      CQ        St Brendan's Duo            4     34:W 33:L 10:W 38:W 15:L 28:L 27:L 48:W
32 Samuel Limpus           CQ    500 Heights Secondary 1         4     11:L 46:W 17:L 50:W 41:W  9:L 16:L 44:W
33 Michael Amedee          CQ    690 St Brendan's - GOLD         4     55:W 31:W  2:L 22:L  9:L 40:L 57:W 43:W
34 William Whiting         CQ    598 Emmaus - Team Fitzroy       4     31:L 55:W 43:L 57:W 19:L 49:W 20:L 47:W
35 Samuel Hawkins          CQ    653 Heights Secondary 1         4     58:W  3:L 54:W 26:L 29:L 45:L 46:W 40:W
36 Hayden Whyte            CQ        Emmaus - Team Kershaw       3.5   39:D 42:W  1:L 14:L 38:L 41:W 23:L 52:W
37 Bruin Carter            CQ    656 Emmaus - Team Fitzroy       3.5    1:L 59:W 27:L 23:W 43:L 30:W 40:D 24:L
38 Morgan Bridgeman        CQ    564 St Brendan's - GREEN        3.5   42:D 14:L 51:W 31:L 36:W 39:W 22:L 21:L
39 Kian Antillon           CQ    661 Emmaus - Team Fitzroy       3.5   36:D 20:W  8:L 52:W 14:L 38:L 42:L 53:W
40 Nehemiah Buenen         CQ    519 CQ Homeschool Black Knights 3.5   25:L 49:W 13:L 54:W 28:L 33:W 37:D 35:L
41 Ethan Grant             CQ    570 St Brendan's - GREEN        3.5   20:L 53:W 15:L 46:D 32:L 36:L 49:W 54:W
42 Prahas Pedireddy        CQ        RGS Team Palmer             3.5   38:D 36:L 52:L 59:W 21:L 53:W 39:W 23:L
43 Alexander Harris        CQ        RGS Team Palmer             3     28:L 21:W 34:W 13:L 37:W 10:L 29:L 33:L
44 William Cappellone      CQ    682 RGS Team Boland             3     53:W 50:W  5:L  4:L 10:L 52:W 26:L 32:L
45 Zachariah Parnell       CQ        CQ Homeschool Black Knights 3     29:L 51:W 23:L 48:W 17:L 35:W 12:L 30:L
46 Lachlan Profke          CQ        Heights Secondary 2         3     10:L 32:L  0:W 41:D 23:L 47:D 35:L 58:W
47 Christopher Ludlow      CQ        Emmaus - Team Kershaw       3     18:L  4:L 21:D 53:W 52:L 46:D 51:W 34:L
48 Christian Pileri        CQ    554 Emmaus - Team Kershaw       3      3:L 58:W 18:L 45:L 56:W 20:L 50:W 31:L
49 Mitchell Brown          CQ        Heights Secondary 2         3      9:L 40:L 55:L  0:W 51:W 34:L 41:L 59:W
50 Rohan Vasoya            CQ        RGS Team Palmer             3      0:W 44:L 22:L 32:L 53:L 58:W 48:L 57:W
51 Benjamin Amedee         CQ    532 RGS Team Palmer             3      5:L 45:L 38:L 58:W 49:L 55:W 47:L 56:W
52 Nick Eaton              CQ        St Brendan's - GREEN        2.5   17:L 23:D 42:W 39:L 47:W 44:L 24:L 36:L
53 Cooper Ballment         CQ        St Brendan's Duo            2.5   44:L 41:L 24:D 47:L 50:W 42:L 55:W 39:L
54 Dave Adove              CQ        Emmaus - Team Kershaw       2     22:L  0:W 35:L 40:L 57:W 24:L 30:L 41:L
55 Emma Joubert            CQ        CQ Homeschool Black Knights 2     33:L 34:L 49:W 10:L 20:L 51:L 53:L  0:W
56 Jack Sutton             CQ        Heights Secondary 2         2     13:L 27:L 59:W 19:L 48:L 57:L  0:W 51:L
57 Abenaya Suntharavadivel CQ    500 RGS Team Macfarlane         2      7:L 15:L 58:W 34:L 54:L 56:W 33:L 50:L
58 Lachlan Bell            CQ        RGS Team Woolcock           2     35:L 48:L 57:L 51:L  0:W 50:L 59:W 46:L
59 Abigail Joubert         CQ    500 CQ Homeschool Black Knights 1     19:L 37:L 56:L 42:L 24:L  0:W 58:L 49:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                     Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Buenen, Javan            CQ           975 6.0/8 6.40    -4 737   930
2.  Lucas, Jake              CQ           945 6.0/7 5.60     4 704  1013
3.  Karthikeyan, Shivam      CQ           846 5.5/8 5.76    -3 678   819
4.  Eaton, Alex              CQ           828 7.0/7 4.34    27 738  1737
5.  Enriquez, Angelo         CQ           826 5.0/8 5.92    -9 643   738
6.  Toman, James             CQ           777 6.0/8 5.44     6 640   833
7.  Dharmalingam, Arman      CQ           777 4.0/6 4.50    -5 582   707
8.  Weerasinge, Ranu         CQ           762 4.0/8 5.60   -16 610   610
9.  Cappellone, Thomas       CQ           741 2.0/4 3.00   -10 546   546
10. Campbell, Matthew        CQ           739 4.0/7 4.69    -7 614   664
11. Wu, Brendan              CQ           700 5.0/7 4.13     9 638   796
12. Liu, Siyuan              CQ           695 4.0/7 4.27    -3 618   668
13. VanMoorsel, Keenan       CQ           695 4.5/7 3.29    12 717   819
14. Amedee, Michael          CQ           690 1.0/5 2.95   -20 626   386
15. Cappellone, William      CQ           682 0.0/5 3.15   -32 584     0
16. Edwards, Nash            CQ           668 4.0/7 4.27    -3 591   641
17. Antillon, Kian           CQ           661 0.0/2 1.18   -12 594     0
18. Carter, Bruin            CQ           656 3.5/7 4.06    -6 595   595
19. Hawkins, Samuel          CQ           653 1.0/4 2.04   -10 646   453
20. Prasad, Samuel           CQ           629 3.0/6 2.34     7 708   708
21. Thomas, Charlotte        CQ           624 3.5/6 2.22    13 721   778
22. John Dennis, Eric        CQ           617 2.0/5 2.20    -2 663   591
23. Alley, Connor            CQ           613 3.0/6 2.40     6 688   688
24. Whiting, William         CQ           598 1.0/2 1.00     0 598   598
25. Jeevan, Leander          CQ           592 3.5/6 1.98    15 719   776
26. Mai, Duy                 CQ           591 2.5/4 1.52    10 677   772
27. Jeevan, Kenny            CQ           587 2.0/6 1.98     0 714   589
28. Li, Qiancheng (Elsa)     CQ           575 2.5/6 1.98     5 700   643
29. Grant, Ethan             CQ           570 0.0/2 0.86    -9 620     0
30. Bridgeman, Morgan        CQ           564 2.0/5 2.35    -4 583   511
31. Pileri, Christian        CQ           554 0.0/2 0.34    -3 822     0
32. Carr, Judd               CQ           547 5.0/7 1.47    35 781   939
33. Alley, Xavier            CQ           539 0.0/3 0.96   -10 675     0
34. Duggan, Lachlan          CQ           536 2.0/5 1.25     8 725   653
35. Amedee, Benjamin         CQ           532 0.0/2 0.62    -6 671     0
36. Masefield, Christian     CQ           523 3.0/5 1.60    14 658   730
37. Buenen, Nehemiah         CQ           519 1.5/6 1.80    -3 668   475
38. Bowdren, Corey           CQ           503 4.0/8 1.68    23 732   732
39. Limpus, Samuel           CQ           500 2.0/6 1.68     3 664   539
40. Silang, James            CQ           500 1.0/5 1.35    -4 675   435
41. Suntharavadivel, Abenaya CQ           500 0.0/4 1.04   -10 681     0
42. Joubert, Abigail         CQ           500 0.0/3 0.75    -8 697     0
43. Ludlow, Christopher      CQ               1.5/5            574   425
44. Parnell, Zachariah       CQ               3.0/8            594   507
45. Pedireddy, Prahas        CQ               2.5/5            557   557
46. Ballment, Cooper         CQ               0.5/4            664   342
47. Harris, Alexander        CQ               3.0/8            611   524
48. Bell, Lachlan            CQ               1.0/5            548   308
49. Vasoya, Rohan            CQ               1.0/5            562   322
50. Adove, Dave              CQ               1.0/7            580   271
51. Eaton, Nick              CQ               0.5/5            647   281
52. Sutton, Jack             CQ               1.0/7            564   255
53. Melvin-Smith, Jonty      CQ               4.0/8            611   611
54. Whyte, Hayden            CQ               1.5/6            631   438
55. Brown, Mitchell          CQ               2.0/6            552   427
56. Profke, Lachlan          CQ               0.5/5            571   205
57. Joubert, Emma            CQ               0.0/4            603     0
58. Beunen, Gloria           CQ               4.0/7            585   598
59. Roberts, Luke            CQ               5.5/8            710   748

Club Standings

Place Name                        Score

  1   EMMAUS - TEAM ARCHER        23.5 
  2   ST BRENDAN'S - GOLD         22.5 
      TCC TEAM 1                  19.5 
 5-6  KINGSLEY SECONDARY 1        19   
      HEIGHTS SECONDARY 1         19   
  7   RGS TEAM BOLAND             17.5 
 8-9  EMMAUS - TEAM FITZROY       15.5 
      RGS TEAM MACFARLANE         15.5 
 10   ST BRENDAN'S - GREEN        14.5 
 11   RGS TEAM PALMER             12.5 
 12   HEIGHTS SECONDARY 2         12   
 13   EMMAUS - TEAM KERSHAW       11.5 
 15   ST BRENDAN'S DUO            6.5  
 16   RGS TEAM WOOLCOCK           2    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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