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2024 Term 1 Brisbane Primary North A

2024 Brisbane Primary NorthTerm 1 A – Round 7


Place Name                  Feder Loc  Club           Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-2  Elvis WU              B     1387 BGS 1          7        23.0  30.5   28.0
      Xianzhe LIN           B     1445 BGS 1          7        22.0  30.0   28.0
  3   Charlie WANG          B     838  BGS 1          6        21.5  30.5   25.0
  4   Isaac Godinho         B     834  Ascot 1        5.5      18.5  26.0   20.0
 5-9  Vivaan Sud            B     905  Ascot 1        5        24.5  34.0   23.0
      Joshua Ren            B     846  KGSC           5        24.5  34.0   23.0
      Oliver HA             B     802  BGS 2          5        24.0  34.0   22.0
      Ethan KAO             B     738  BGS 2          5        20.0  27.0   17.0
      Junzhe (Alan) Liu     B     671  The Lakes 1    5        19.0  27.5   20.0
10-17 Nicholas Chen         B     900  Rainworth solo 4.5      22.0  32.0   21.5
      Justin He             B     677  The Lakes 1    4.5      20.0  30.0   18.5
      Lucas (BGS) WANG      B     975  BGS 1          4.5      20.0  28.5   21.0
      Elijah Wright         B     702  Kenmore 1      4.5      20.0  28.0   15.5
      Junzhi (Brian) Hou    B     638  The Lakes 1    4.5      19.5  28.0   18.5
      He-Mu Lin             B     582  Chapel Hill 1  4.5      19.5  24.0   15.5
      Josh (BGS) SMITH      B     687  BGS 3          4.5      19.0  26.0   21.0
      Leon (St Peters) Yang B     616  SPLC 1         4.5      15.5  22.5   16.5
18-29 Lewis ZHU             B     790  BGS 2          4        21.5  31.5   20.0
      Ehan Sharif           B     747  ISS A Team     4        20.0  27.5   20.0
      Chris LI              B     625  BGS 3          4        19.0  25.5   18.0
      Omar Shakeel          B     774  KGSC           4        17.5  24.5   16.0
      Herrick ZHOU          B     677  BGS 3          4        17.5  24.0   19.0
      Jerald (2012) Xie     B     658  ISS A Team     4        17.5  24.0   18.0
      Brandon Deng-Xia      B     648  BBC 1          4        17.5  23.5   15.0
      Mohammed Srour        B     710  Kenmore 1      4        17.0  27.0   17.0
      Rohan Bishnoi         B     591  Nundah 1       4        17.0  25.0   13.0
      Leon (Jia-Le) Yang    B     639  Wilston 1      4        16.0  24.5   15.0
      Grace Wang            B     718  KGSC           4        15.0  20.0   15.0
      Iris Wang             B     954  SPLC 1         4        14.0  21.0   13.5
30-37 Jacques DeVilliers    B     784  Australian CC  3.5      20.0  28.5   18.5
      Aaron Zhu             B     695  KGSC           3.5      20.0  27.5   12.5
      George Song           B     686  Moggill        3.5      19.5  27.5   18.0
      Abhiram Hejeebu       B     525  Nundah 1       3.5      17.0  23.5   11.0
      Ryan Hudson           B     549  BBC 1          3.5      16.0  22.5   12.5
      Spencer Chen          B     570  BBC 1          3.5      15.0  22.5   11.5
      Thoma Bogatyrev       B     668  SPLC 1         3.5      15.0  19.5   12.0
      Oscar LAW             B     591  BGS 4          3.5      14.0  20.5   11.5
38-46 Julian Lee            B     500  Wilston 1      3        20.5  28.5   16.0
      Archie Spurr          B     669  Nudgee 1       3        20.0  27.5   16.0
      Noah (2016) Park      B     500  Kenmore 1      3        20.0  27.5   13.0
      Eric Lu               B     589  ISS A Team     3        19.0  27.0   11.5
      Vivaash Sud           B     616  Ascot 1        3        15.5  23.0   13.0
      Daniel (B) WANG       B     591  BGS 4          3        15.5  21.0   10.5
      Emerson Zhao          B     581  ISS A Team     3        15.0  21.0   10.0
      Rabindranath Jouffroy B     512  Wilston 1      3        13.5  19.5    6.0
      Lewis VanBoeckel      B     603  OLA solo       3        12.5  17.5    9.0
47-54 Ethan MILFORD         B     725  BGS 2          2.5      19.0  27.0   12.5
      Harrison Nguyen       B     536  Wilston 1      2.5      17.5  23.5   12.5
      Samuel Wu             B     599  SPLC 1         2.5      17.0  23.5    8.0
      Gaurav Thammini       B     524  Nundah 1       2.5      16.5  22.5   10.5
      Raieed Almus          B          Nundah 1       2.5      15.0  19.5    6.5
      Dwij Tripathy         B     581  Ascot 1        2.5      14.5  18.5    9.5
      Finn Carton           B          Nudgee 1       2.5      13.5  18.0    7.0
      John Karpowicz        B     610  Holy Spirit    2.5      11.5  18.5    7.0
55-60 Teddy Denver-fedder   B     500  Nudgee 1       2        18.5  25.5    9.0
      Samuel Beck           B     538  BGS 4          2        18.0  26.0   12.0
      Lucas Zhang           B     600  POP Team 1     2        16.0  21.5    8.0
      Jameson Lee           B     513  BBC 1          2        15.0  21.5    8.5
      Lucas Li              B          Kenmore 1      2        12.0  16.5    5.0
      Theodore MOORE        B     618  BGS 3          2        12.0  15.5    3.0
 61   Lucas Burns           B          Nudgee 1       1.5      14.5  20.0    8.0
62-63 Eli Etherington       B          POP Team 1     1        16.0  22.0    7.0
      Max Thygesen          B          POP Team 1     1        13.5  19.0    3.0
 64   Elijah Diver          B          POP Team 1     0        13.0  19.5    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                  Feder Loc  Club           Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Elvis WU              B     1387 BGS 1          7     54:W 11:W 25:W  6:W  5:W  7:W 14:W
2  Xianzhe LIN           B     1445 BGS 1          7     42:W  9:W 30:W 18:W 10:W  5:W  6:W
3  Charlie WANG          B     838  BGS 1          6     26:W 27:W 22:W 19:W  7:L  9:W 10:W
4  Isaac Godinho         B     834  Ascot 1        5.5   37:W  6:L 41:W 32:D 47:W 23:W 12:W
5  Vivaan Sud            B     905  Ascot 1        5     49:W 21:W 16:W  7:W  1:L  2:L 22:W
6  Joshua Ren            B     846  KGSC           5     47:W  4:W 29:W  1:L 19:W 18:W  2:L
7  Oliver HA             B     802  BGS 2          5     41:W 17:W 20:W  5:L  3:W  1:L 16:W
8  Ethan KAO             B     738  BGS 2          5     35:D 13:L 49:W 26:W 14:D 27:W 20:W
9  Junzhe (Alan) Liu     B     671  The Lakes 1    5     55:W  2:L 31:W 56:W 32:W  3:L 19:W
10 Nicholas Chen         B     900  Rainworth solo 4.5   43:W 23:W 32:D 24:W  2:L 11:W  3:L
11 Justin He             B     677  The Lakes 1    4.5   40:W  1:L 34:W 20:W 18:D 10:L 28:W
12 Lucas (BGS) WANG      B     975  BGS 1          4.5   46:W 36:W 19:L 21:W 22:W 16:D  4:L
13 Elijah Wright         B     702  Kenmore 1      4.5   31:L  8:W 15:L 36:W 41:W 24:W 17:D
14 Junzhi (Brian) Hou    B     638  The Lakes 1    4.5   38:L 35:W 61:W 15:W  8:D 30:W  1:L
15 He-Mu Lin             B     582  Chapel Hill 1  4.5   18:L 64:W 13:W 14:L 21:D 33:W 30:W
16 Josh (BGS) SMITH      B     687  BGS 3          4.5   33:W 59:W  5:L 40:W 38:W 12:D  7:L
17 Leon (St Peters) Yang B     616  SPLC 1         4.5   53:W  7:L 38:L 55:W 40:W 47:W 13:D
18 Lewis ZHU             B     790  BGS 2          4     15:W 31:W 39:W  2:L 11:D  6:L 23:D
19 Ehan Sharif           B     747  ISS A Team     4     52:W 56:W 12:W  3:L  6:L 39:W  9:L
20 Chris LI              B     625  BGS 3          4     59:  33:W  7:L 11:L 56:W 25:W  8:L
21 Omar Shakeel          B     774  KGSC           4     45:W  5:L 55:W 12:L 15:D 48:W 41:D
22 Herrick ZHOU          B     677  BGS 3          4     58:W 62:W  3:L 39:W 12:L 38:W  5:L
23 Jerald (2012) Xie     B     658  ISS A Team     4     63:W 10:L 50:W 42:W 30:D  4:L 18:D
24 Brandon Deng-Xia      B     648  BBC 1          4     61:L 44:W 28:W 10:L 42:W 13:L 40:W
25 Mohammed Srour        B     710  Kenmore 1      4     34:W 38:W  1:L 30:L 44:W 20:L 42:W
26 Rohan Bishnoi         B     591  Nundah 1       4      3:L 45:W 48:D  8:L 31:D 55:W 39:W
27 Leon (Jia-Le) Yang    B     639  Wilston 1      4     51:W  3:L 40:L 53:W 52:W  8:L 43:W
28 Grace Wang            B     718  KGSC           4     39:L 57:W 24:L 62:W 49:W 32:W 11:L
29 Iris Wang             B     954  SPLC 1         4     57:W 39:L  6:L 31:D 50:D 52:W 48:W
30 Jacques DeVilliers    B     784  Australian CC  3.5   44:W 61:W  2:L 25:W 23:D 14:L 15:L
31 Aaron Zhu             B     695  KGSC           3.5   13:W 18:L  9:L 29:D 26:D 36:D 54:W
32 George Song           B     686  Moggill        3.5   50:W 48:W 10:D  4:D  9:L 28:L 34:D
33 Abhiram Hejeebu       B     525  Nundah 1       3.5   16:L 20:L 60:W 43:D 37:W 15:L 57:W
34 Ryan Hudson           B     549  BBC 1          3.5   25:L 60:W 11:L 37:W 39:L 57:W 32:D
35 Spencer Chen          B     570  BBC 1          3.5    8:D 14:L 53:W 38:L 48:L 49:W 47:W
36 Thoma Bogatyrev       B     668  SPLC 1         3.5   64:W 12:L 56:L 13:L 51:W 31:D 38:W
37 Oscar LAW             B     591  BGS 4          3.5    4:L 63:W 47:D 34:L 33:L 58:W 50:W
38 Julian Lee            B     500  Wilston 1      3     14:W 25:L 17:W 35:W 16:L 22:L 36:L
39 Archie Spurr          B     669  Nudgee 1       3     28:W 29:W 18:L 22:L 34:W 19:L 26:L
40 Noah (2016) Park      B     500  Kenmore 1      3     11:L 43:W 27:W 16:L 17:L 46:W 24:L
41 Eric Lu               B     589  ISS A Team     3      7:L 51:W  4:L 46:W 13:L 50:D 21:D
42 Vivaash Sud           B     616  Ascot 1        3      2:L 58:W 62:W 23:L 24:L 56:W 25:L
43 Daniel (B) WANG       B     591  BGS 4          3     10:L 40:L 63:W 33:D 58:D 44:W 27:L
44 Emerson Zhao          B     581  ISS A Team     3     30:L 24:L 51:W 57:W 25:L 43:L 55:W
45 Rabindranath Jouffroy B     512  Wilston 1      3     21:L 26:L 46:L 51:L 60:W 59:W 58:W
46 Lewis VanBoeckel      B     603  OLA solo       3     12:L 55:L 45:W 41:L 62:W 40:L 56:W
47 Ethan MILFORD         B     725  BGS 2          2.5    6:L 52:W 37:D 48:W  4:L 17:L 35:L
48 Harrison Nguyen       B     536  Wilston 1      2.5   60:W 32:L 26:D 47:L 35:W 21:L 29:L
49 Samuel Wu             B     599  SPLC 1         2.5    5:L 53:D  8:L 60:W 28:L 35:L 61:W
50 Gaurav Thammini       B     524  Nundah 1       2.5   32:L 54:W 23:L 58:D 29:D 41:D 37:L
51 Raieed Almus          B          Nundah 1       2.5   27:L 41:L 44:L 45:W 36:L 62:W 52:D
52 Dwij Tripathy         B     581  Ascot 1        2.5   19:L 47:L 64:W 61:W 27:L 29:L 51:D
53 Finn Carton           B          Nudgee 1       2.5   17:L 49:D 35:L 27:L 63:W 54:L 64:W
54 John Karpowicz        B     610  Holy Spirit    2.5    1:L 50:L 58:L 63:D 64:W 53:W 31:L
55 Teddy Denver-fedder   B     500  Nudgee 1       2      9:L 46:W 21:L 17:L 59:W 26:L 44:L
56 Samuel Beck           B     538  BGS 4          2      0:W 19:L 36:W  9:L 20:L 42:L 46:L
57 Lucas Zhang           B     600  POP Team 1     2     29:L 28:L 59:W 44:L 61:W 34:L 33:L
58 Jameson Lee           B     513  BBC 1          2     22:L 42:L 54:W 50:D 43:D 37:L 45:L
59 Lucas Li              B          Kenmore 1      2     20:L 16:L 57:L 64:W 55:L 45:L 63:W
60 Theodore MOORE        B     618  BGS 3          2     48:L 34:L 33:L 49:L 45:L 64:W 62:W
61 Lucas Burns           B          Nudgee 1       1.5   24:W 30:L 14:L 52:L 57:L 63:D 49:L
62 Eli Etherington       B          POP Team 1     1      0:W 22:L 42:L 28:L 46:L 51:L 60:L
63 Max Thygesen          B          POP Team 1     1     23:L 37:L 43:L 54:D 53:L 61:D 59:L
64 Elijah Diver          B          POP Team 1     0     36:L 15:L 52:L 59:L 54:L 60:L 53:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                   Feder Loc Id Loc  Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  LIN, Xianzhe           B            1445 7.0/7 6.93     1 787  1786
2.  WU, Elvis              B            1387 7.0/7 6.93     1 741  1740
3.  WANG, Lucas (BGS)      B            975  4.5/7 5.74   -12 713   815
4.  Wang, Iris             B            954  4.0/7 6.09   -21 636   686
5.  Sud, Vivaan            B            905  5.0/7 3.43    16 910  1068
6.  Chen, Nicholas         B            900  4.5/7 4.55    -1 792   894
7.  Ren, Joshua            B            846  5.0/7 2.24    28 983  1141
8.  WANG, Charlie          B            838  6.0/7 4.62    14 718  1027
9.  Godinho, Isaac         B            834  5.5/7 4.55    10 724   954
10. HA, Oliver             B            802  5.0/7 3.43    16 807   965
11. ZHU, Lewis             B            790  4.0/7 3.43     6 796   846
12. DeVilliers, Jacques    B            784  2.5/6 3.12    -6 769   712
13. Shakeel, Omar          B            774  4.0/7 4.62    -6 657   707
14. Sharif, Ehan           B            747  4.0/7 3.64     4 731   781
15. KAO, Ethan             B            738  5.0/7 4.62     4 623   781
16. MILFORD, Ethan         B            725  2.5/7 4.20   -17 653   551
17. Wang, Grace            B            718  3.0/6 3.60    -6 647   647
18. Srour, Mohammed        B            710  4.0/7 3.43     6 720   770
19. Wright, Elijah         B            702  4.5/7 4.06     4 648   750
20. Zhu, Aaron             B            695  3.5/7 3.36     1 712   712
21. SMITH, Josh (BGS)      B            687  3.5/6 2.88     6 701   758
22. Song, George           B            686  3.5/7 3.57    -1 676   676
23. ZHOU, Herrick          B            677  3.0/6 2.52     5 733   733
24. He, Justin             B            677  4.5/7 2.52    20 781   883
25. Liu, Junzhe (Alan)     B            671  5.0/7 2.45    26 778   936
26. Spurr, Archie          B            669  3.0/7 3.01     0 718   668
27. Bogatyrev, Thoma       B            668  1.5/5 2.40    -9 682   533
28. Xie, Jerald (2012)     B            658  3.0/6 2.34     7 741   741
29. Deng-Xia, Brandon      B            648  4.0/6 2.82    12 670   795
30. Yang, Leon (Jia-Le)    B            639  2.0/5 2.40    -4 650   578
31. Hou, Junzhi (Brian)    B            638  3.5/6 1.98    15 760   817
32. LI, Chris              B            625  3.0/6 2.64     4 665   665
33. MOORE, Theodore        B            618  0.0/5 3.00   -30 544     0
34. Sud, Vivaash           B            616  2.0/6 1.92     1 752   627
35. Yang, Leon (St Peters) B            616  3.5/6 2.94     6 622   679
36. Karpowicz, John        B            610  0.0/4 1.12   -11 780     0
37. VanBoeckel, Lewis      B            603  2.0/6 3.00   -10 602   477
38. Zhang, Lucas           B            600  0.0/5 2.05   -21 665     0
39. Wu, Samuel             B            599  1.0/5 1.75    -8 710   470
40. Bishnoi, Rohan         B            591  4.0/7 3.01    10 641   691
41. LAW, Oscar             B            591  2.5/6 2.82    -3 612   555
42. WANG, Daniel (B)       B            591  2.0/6 2.82    -8 610   485
43. Lu, Eric               B            589  2.0/6 2.04     0 707   582
44. Lin, He-Mu             B            582  3.5/6 2.04    15 702   759
45. Zhao, Emerson          B            581  2.0/6 2.52    -5 639   514
46. Tripathy, Dwij         B            581  0.0/4 1.04   -10 766     0
47. Chen, Spencer          B            570  2.5/6 2.58    -1 623   566
48. Hudson, Ryan           B            549  3.5/7 2.52    10 650   650
49. Beck, Samuel           B            538  1.0/6 2.04   -10 655   382
50. Nguyen, Harrison       B            536  2.5/7 1.96     5 703   601
51. Hejeebu, Abhiram       B            525  3.5/7 2.66     8 613   613
52. Thammini, Gaurav       B            524  2.5/7 2.24     3 657   555
53. Lee, Jameson           B            513  2.0/7 2.80    -8 589   431
54. Jouffroy, Rabindranath B            512  2.0/5 1.75     3 620   548
55. Park, Noah (2016)      B            500  3.0/7 2.24     8 637   587
56. Lee, Julian            B            500  3.0/7 2.10     9 652   602
57. Denver-fedder, Teddy   B            500  1.0/6 1.86    -9 639   366
58. Almus, Raieed          B                 1.5/6            595   402
59. Carton, Finn           B                 0.5/5            607   241
60. Diver, Elijah          B                 0.0/5            612     0
61. Etherington, Eli       B                 0.0/5            646     0
62. Li, Lucas              B                 0.0/5            585     0
63. Burns, Lucas           B                 1.0/6            642   369
64. Thygesen, Max          B                 0.5/4            613   291

Club Standings

Place Name           Score

  1   BGS 1          24.5 
 2-3  BGS 2          16.5  (2nd on tiebreak)
      KGSC           16.5  (3rd on tiebreak)
  4   ASCOT 1        16   
 5-6  SPLC 1         14.5 
      BGS 3          14.5 
 7-8  ISS A TEAM     14   
      THE LAKES 1    14   
  9   KENMORE 1      13.5 
 10   BBC 1          13   
11-12 WILSTON 1      12.5 
      NUNDAH 1       12.5 
 13   NUDGEE 1       9    
 14   BGS 4          8.5  
15-16 RAINWORTH SOLO 4.5  
      CHAPEL HILL 1  4.5  
 17   POP TEAM 1     4    
18-19 AUSTRALIAN CC  3.5  
      MOGGILL        3.5  
 20   OLA SOLO       3    
 21   HOLY SPIRIT    2.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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