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2024 T3 Brisbane Primary North A

2024 Term 3 Brisbane Primary North A

2024 Term 3 Brisbane Primary North A – Round 7


Place Name                  Feder Loc Club            Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Jacob (B) Lee         B     500 Ironside Eagles 7        23.5  32.5   28.0
  2   George Song           B     849 Moggill SS      6        21.0  31.0   25.0
 3-4  Lewis VanBoeckel      B     601 OLA 1           5.5      22.0  31.0   23.5
      Justin He             B     758 The Lakes 1     5.5      21.5  31.0   21.0
 5-9  Kristina Sutormina    B     707 Hilder Road SS  5        22.0  31.0   23.0
      Elijah Wright         B     730 Kenmore SS 1    5        21.5  29.5   21.0
      Leon (Jia-Le) Yang    B     674 Wilston SS 1    5        21.0  30.5   23.0
      Seojin Lee            B     556 KGSC Team 2     5        21.0  27.5   22.0
      Henry LEE             B     517 BGS 6           5        17.0  22.5   17.0
10-14 Mohammed Srour        B     751 Kenmore SS 1    4.5      21.0  30.5   20.5
      Andrew Wei            B     533 BBC 2           4.5      19.5  28.0   17.5
      Julian Lee            B     606 Wilston SS 1    4.5      18.5  27.5   18.5
      Oscar LAW             B     563 BGS 5           4.5      17.0  23.5   18.0
      Jefferson Su          B     634 Milton 1        4.5      15.0  20.5   15.0
15-23 Tusanda Costa         B     564 Milton 1        4        21.5  28.5   19.0
      Ethan MILFORD         B     720 BGS 3           4        21.5  28.5   16.0
      Sijia (Jonny) Chen    B     653 Ironside Eagles 4        20.0  28.0   18.0
      John Song             B         Kenmore SS 1    4        20.0  27.5   17.0
      Herrick ZHOU          B     688 BGS 3           4        19.5  29.0   17.0
      Samuel BECK           B     558 BGS 5           4        19.5  27.0   16.5
      Marcus So             B     507 BBC 2           4        19.0  27.0   18.0
      Nishad-Noor Dewan     B     544 The Lakes 1     4        17.0  23.5   14.0
      George LING           B     529 BGS 6           4        17.0  23.5   13.0
24-31 Rishaan Koppolu       B     523 The Lakes 1     3.5      21.0  29.0   14.5
      Niki Bhuimbar         B         OLA 1           3.5      20.5  28.5   18.5
      Dylan Pu              B     803 The Lakes 1     3.5      18.0  25.5   13.5
      Edward XU             B     620 BGS 4           3.5      17.0  24.5   15.5
      Ryan CAO              B     520 BGS 6           3.5      17.0  23.5   13.5
      Dwij Tripathy         B     587 Ascot SS 2      3.5      15.5  23.5   12.5
      Theodore MOORE        B     564 BGS 5           3.5      15.5  21.5   13.0
      Ryan Aumuller         B     577 Northside CC    3.5      14.5  21.5   12.0
32-41 Chris LI              B     628 BGS 3           3        19.0  26.0   16.0
      Yuval Koifman         B         Ironside Eagles 3        17.5  25.5   14.0
      Zerui WU              B     615 BGS 4           3        16.5  23.0   12.5
      Ovee Jagtap           B     500 KGSC Team 2     3        16.5  23.0    9.0
      Max (2014) WANG       B     551 BGS 6           3        16.5  22.5   13.0
      Austen Jin            B     500 Ascot SS 2      3        14.5  20.0   11.5
      Harrison Nguyen       B     530 Wilston SS 1    3        14.0  21.0    9.0
      Alan GAI              B     552 BGS 5           3        14.0  20.5   12.0
      Maayan NALLAINATHAN   B     596 BGS 4           3        13.5  22.0    9.0
      Daniel (B) WANG       B     645 BGS 3           3        11.5  18.5    7.5
42-49 Jameson Lee           B     521 BBC 2           2.5      17.0  24.0   10.0
      Noah (2016) Park      B     523 Kenmore SS 1    2.5      17.0  23.5   10.5
      Elizabeth Shao        B         Ascot SS 2      2.5      16.5  22.5    7.5
      Jamie Ng              B         KGSC Team 2     2.5      16.5  21.5    6.5
      Albert ElZoghbi       B     560 OLA 1           2.5      15.5  22.0   13.0
      Caitlyn Davidson      B         Ironside Eagles 2.5      15.5  21.0    7.5
      George Karageozis     B         Ascot SS 2      2.5      14.0  19.5    8.5
      Gilmat ZHANG          B     591 BGS 4           2.5      12.5  16.5    5.5
50-53 Lucas Gu              B     505 BBC 2           2        15.5  23.0    9.0
      James Anderson        B     507 OLA 1           2        15.0  22.0    9.0
      Kinoli Costa          B     515 Milton 1        2        14.0  19.5    6.5
      Luka Omura-Vana       B     516 KGSC Team 2     2        11.5  18.0    8.0
 54   Rabindranath Jouffroy B     517 Wilston SS 1    1.5      17.0  23.5    8.5
 55   Ashton Rajasingham    B         Milton 1        1        16.5  23.5    6.0

Cross Table

No Name                  Feder Loc Club            Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Jacob (B) Lee         B     500 Ironside Eagles 7     40:W 12:W 19:W 10:W  2:W  3:W  7:W
2  George Song           B     849 Moggill SS      6     39:W 29:W 27:W  7:W  1:L 17:W  8:W
3  Lewis VanBoeckel      B     601 OLA 1           5.5   50:W 33:W 10:D  4:W  5:W  1:L 16:W
4  Justin He             B     758 The Lakes 1     5.5   11:W 20:D 16:W  3:L 21:W 12:W 10:W
5  Kristina Sutormina    B     707 Hilder Road SS  5     24:W 21:W  8:W 15:W  3:L  7:L 17:W
6  Elijah Wright         B     730 Kenmore SS 1    5     38:W  9:W 15:L 20:W 13:W  8:L 21:W
7  Leon (Jia-Le) Yang    B     674 Wilston SS 1    5     42:W 37:W 25:W  2:L 15:W  5:W  1:L
8  Seojin Lee            B     556 KGSC Team 2     5     55:W 16:W  5:L 19:W 32:W  6:W  2:L
9  Henry LEE             B     517 BGS 6           5     41:W  6:L 32:L 55:W 26:W 15:W 31:W
10 Mohammed Srour        B     751 Kenmore SS 1    4.5   22:W 46:W  3:D  1:L 34:W 25:W  4:L
11 Andrew Wei            B     533 BBC 2           4.5    4:L 35:W 26:W 27:W 17:L 19:W 13:D
12 Julian Lee            B     606 Wilston SS 1    4.5   51:W  1:L 43:W 18:W 25:D  4:L 24:W
13 Oscar LAW             B     563 BGS 5           4.5   45:D 18:D 54:W 24:W  6:L 33:W 11:D
14 Jefferson Su          B     634 Milton 1        4.5   54:L 23:W 24:L 53:W 43:W 18:D 25:W
15 Tusanda Costa         B     564 Milton 1        4     47:W 26:W  6:W  5:L  7:L  9:L 35:W
16 Ethan MILFORD         B     720 BGS 3           4     23:W  8:L  4:L 54:W 22:W 36:W  3:L
17 Sijia (Jonny) Chen    B     653 Ironside Eagles 4     28:L 45:W 38:W 22:W 11:W  2:L  5:L
18 John Song             B         Kenmore SS 1    4     30:W 13:D 20:D 12:L 39:W 14:D 26:D
19 Herrick ZHOU          B     688 BGS 3           4     43:W 28:W  1:L  8:L 30:W 11:L 36:W
20 Samuel BECK           B     558 BGS 5           4     48:W  4:D 18:D  6:L 24:D 34:W 23:D
21 Marcus So             B     507 BBC 2           4     34:W  5:L 36:W 46:W  4:L 32:W  6:L
22 Nishad-Noor Dewan     B     544 The Lakes 1     4     10:L 44:W 37:W 17:L 16:L 40:W 32:W
23 George LING           B     529 BGS 6           4     16:L 14:L 44:W 47:W 27:D 30:W 20:D
24 Rishaan Koppolu       B     523 The Lakes 1     3.5    5:L 41:W 14:W 13:L 20:D 27:W 12:L
25 Niki Bhuimbar         B         OLA 1           3.5    0:W 32:W  7:L 29:W 12:D 10:L 14:L
26 Dylan Pu              B     803 The Lakes 1     3.5   36:W 15:L 11:L 42:W  9:L 43:W 18:D
27 Edward XU             B     620 BGS 4           3.5   52:W 54:W  2:L 11:L 23:D 24:L 33:W
28 Ryan CAO              B     520 BGS 6           3.5   17:W 19:L 29:D 30:L 42:W 31:L 46:W
29 Dwij Tripathy         B     587 Ascot SS 2      3.5   35:W  2:L 28:D 25:L 31:L 52:W 42:W
30 Theodore MOORE        B     564 BGS 5           3.5   18:L 52:D 45:W 28:W 19:L 23:L 44:W
31 Ryan Aumuller         B     577 Northside CC    3.5   33:L 50:D 42:L 45:W 29:W 28:W  9:L
32 Chris LI              B     628 BGS 3           3     53:W 25:L  9:W 39:W  8:L 21:L 22:L
33 Yuval Koifman         B         Ironside Eagles 3     31:W  3:L 34:L 38:W 46:W 13:L 27:L
34 Zerui WU              B     615 BGS 4           3     21:L 42:D 33:W 50:W 10:L 20:L 37:D
35 Ovee Jagtap           B     500 KGSC Team 2     3     29:L 11:L 40:L 49:W 38:W 39:W 15:L
36 Max (2014) WANG       B     551 BGS 6           3     26:L 47:W 21:L 37:W 51:W 16:L 19:L
37 Austen Jin            B     500 Ascot SS 2      3     49:W  7:L 22:L 36:L 55:W 46:D 34:D
38 Harrison Nguyen       B     530 Wilston SS 1    3      6:L 48:W 17:L 33:L 35:L 47:W 51:W
39 Alan GAI              B     552 BGS 5           3      2:L 51:W 55:W 32:L 18:L 35:L 50:W
40 Maayan NALLAINATHAN   B     596 BGS 4           3      1:L 43:L 35:W 51:L 50:W 22:L 54:W
41 Daniel (B) WANG       B     645 BGS 3           3      9:L 24:L 51:L 52:W 44:D 50:D 48:W
42 Jameson Lee           B     521 BBC 2           2.5    7:L 34:D 31:W 26:L 28:L 51:W 29:L
43 Noah (2016) Park      B     523 Kenmore SS 1    2.5   19:L 40:W 12:L 48:W 14:L 26:L 49:D
44 Elizabeth Shao        B         Ascot SS 2      2.5   46:L 22:L 23:L  0:W 41:D 53:W 30:L
45 Jamie Ng              B         KGSC Team 2     2.5   13:D 17:L 30:L 31:L 52:L  0:W 55:W
46 Albert ElZoghbi       B     560 OLA 1           2.5   44:W 10:L 53:W 21:L 33:L 37:D 28:L
47 Caitlyn Davidson      B         Ironside Eagles 2.5   15:L 36:L 49:W 23:L 54:D 38:L  0:W
48 George Karageozis     B         Ascot SS 2      2.5   20:L 38:L  0:W 43:L 53:D 54:W 41:L
49 Gilmat ZHANG          B     591 BGS 4           2.5   37:L 53:L 47:L 35:L  0:W 55:W 43:D
50 Lucas Gu              B     505 BBC 2           2      3:L 31:D 52:W 34:L 40:L 41:D 39:L
51 James Anderson        B     507 OLA 1           2     12:L 39:L 41:W 40:W 36:L 42:L 38:L
52 Kinoli Costa          B     515 Milton 1        2     27:L 30:D 50:L 41:L 45:W 29:L 53:D
53 Luka Omura-Vana       B     516 KGSC Team 2     2     32:L 49:W 46:L 14:L 48:D 44:L 52:D
54 Rabindranath Jouffroy B     517 Wilston SS 1    1.5   14:W 27:L 13:L 16:L 47:D 48:L 40:L
55 Ashton Rajasingham    B         Milton 1        1      8:L  0:W 39:L  9:L 37:L 49:L 45:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                   Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Song, George           B            849 6.0/7 5.74     3 592   901
2.  Pu, Dylan              B            803 3.0/6 4.98   -20 535   535
3.  He, Justin             B            758 5.5/7 4.90     6 611   841
4.  Srour, Mohammed        B            751 3.5/6 4.26    -8 596   653
5.  Wright, Elijah         B            730 5.0/7 5.18    -2 542   700
6.  MILFORD, Ethan         B            720 4.0/7 4.83    -8 579   629
7.  Sutormina, Kristina    B            707 5.0/7 4.69     3 583   741
8.  ZHOU, Herrick          B            688 4.0/7 4.90    -9 535   585
9.  Yang, Leon (Jia-Le)    B            674 4.0/6 3.54     5 607   732
10. Chen, Sijia (Jonny)    B            653 3.0/6 3.30    -3 614   614
11. WANG, Daniel (B)       B            645 1.5/5 3.40   -19 513   364
12. Su, Jefferson          B            634 3.0/5 3.25    -3 522   594
13. LI, Chris              B            628 3.0/6 3.78    -8 532   532
14. XU, Edward             B            620 2.5/6 3.36    -9 578   521
15. WU, Zerui              B            615 2.0/6 3.48   -15 557   432
16. Lee, Julian            B            606 3.0/5 2.80     2 562   634
17. VanBoeckel, Lewis      B            601 4.5/6 2.52    20 657   850
18. NALLAINATHAN, Maayan   B            596 3.0/7 4.27   -13 514   464
19. ZHANG, Gilmat          B            591 0.5/4 2.44   -19 510   188
20. Tripathy, Dwij         B            587 3.5/6 3.06     4 580   637
21. Aumuller, Ryan         B            577 2.5/5 2.85    -4 530   530
22. MOORE, Theodore        B            564 1.5/4 2.00    -5 563   476
23. Costa, Tusanda         B            564 3.0/6 2.28     7 655   655
24. LAW, Oscar             B            563 2.5/4 1.92     6 576   671
25. ElZoghbi, Albert       B            560 1.5/5 2.50   -10 559   410
26. BECK, Samuel           B            558 2.5/5 2.00     5 631   631
27. Lee, Seojin            B            556 4.0/6 1.68    23 720   845
28. GAI, Alan              B            552 2.0/5 2.20    -2 598   526
29. WANG, Max (2014)       B            551 2.0/6 2.40    -4 621   496
30. Dewan, Nishad-Noor     B            544 3.0/6 2.22     8 641   641
31. Wei, Andrew            B            533 4.5/7 2.31    22 655   757
32. Nguyen, Harrison       B            530 1.0/4 1.64    -6 598   405
33. LING, George           B            529 2.0/5 1.90     1 619   547
34. Koppolu, Rishaan       B            523 3.5/7 2.59     9 619   619
35. Park, Noah (2016)      B            523 1.5/6 1.92    -4 653   460
36. Lee, Jameson           B            521 2.5/7 2.66    -2 612   510
37. CAO, Ryan              B            520 3.5/7 2.80     7 593   593
38. LEE, Henry             B            517 4.0/6 1.86    21 658   783
39. Jouffroy, Rabindranath B            517 1.0/5 1.75    -8 627   387
40. Omura-Vana, Luka       B            516 1.5/5 2.00    -5 586   437
41. Costa, Kinoli          B            515 1.0/6 2.52   -15 573   300
42. So, Marcus             B            507 4.0/7 2.17    18 650   700
43. Anderson, James        B            507 2.0/7 2.87    -9 572   414
44. Gu, Lucas              B            505 2.0/7 2.73    -7 586   428
45. Lee, Jacob (B)         B            500 7.0/7 1.82    52 681  1680
46. Jin, Austen            B            500 2.0/6 2.28    -3 589   464
47. Jagtap, Ovee           B            500 3.0/7 2.87     1 565   515
48. Koifman, Yuval         B                3.0/7            581   531
49. Song, John             B                4.0/7            611   624
50. Davidson, Caitlyn      B                1.5/6            547   354
51. Ng, Jamie              B                0.5/5            574   208
52. Shao, Elizabeth        B                1.5/6            560   367
53. Karageozis, George     B                1.5/6            548   355
54. Rajasingham, Ashton    B                0.0/5            543     0
55. Bhuimbar, Niki         B                2.5/6            647   590

Club Standings

Place Name            Score

 1-2  THE LAKES 1     16.5 
  3   KENMORE SS 1    16   
  4   BGS 6           15.5 
  5   BGS 5           15   
 6-7  BGS 3           14   
      WILSTON SS 1    14   
  8   OLA 1           13.5 
  9   BBC 2           13   
 10   KGSC TEAM 2     12.5 
 11   BGS 4           12   
12-13 MILTON 1        11.5 
      ASCOT SS 2      11.5 
 14   MOGGILL SS      6    
 15   HILDER ROAD SS  5    
 16   NORTHSIDE CC    3.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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