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2024 T2 Brisbane Secondary North Premier

2024 Term 2 Brisbane Secondary North Premier – Round 7


Place Name                Feder Loc  Club                 Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Leo Guo             B     1614 BBC 1                6        21.5  29.5   25.0
  2   Max Phillips        B     1645 St Patrick's A       5.5      22.0  30.0   24.0
 3-5  Lachlan Wang        B     1893 BGS 1                5        23.5  33.5   20.5
      Jeeva Praveen       B     1851 BGS 1                5        22.5  31.5   21.0
      Austin (2008) Chen  B     1745 BBC 1                5        19.0  27.0   21.0
6-10  Grace (Tingwen) Yin B     1494 Indooroopilly SHS 1  4.5      23.0  30.5   20.5
      Kaiden Doran        B     1565 QASMT 1              4.5      21.5  29.5   19.5
      William Tu          B     1220 BBC 1                4.5      19.0  26.5   16.5
      Suvan Nag           B     1377 BBC 1                4.5      19.0  25.0   19.0
      Gordon Chen         B     1381 BGS 2                4.5      18.5  24.0   17.0
11-14 Zachary Pedros      B     1082 KGSC 1               4        20.0  28.5   17.0
      Lucas Han           B     1450 BGS 2                4        19.5  28.0   19.0
      Henry Liu           B     1254 QASMT 1              4        19.5  28.0   16.0
      Malakai Maher       B     721  St Patrick's A       4        17.5  24.5   15.0
15-19 Neil Fu             B     1615 BGS 1                3.5      21.0  29.0   16.5
      Ben Mead            B     769  Marist College Opens 3.5      17.5  24.0   13.5
      Charles Fu          B     1547 BGS 1                3.5      16.0  21.5   15.5
      Alexander Feldblyum B     1275 BGS 2                3.5      16.0  21.0   12.5
      Will Waring         B     1225 Marist College Opens 3.5      15.0  22.0   12.5
20-23 Shawn Simonetti     B     990  Marist College Opens 3        18.0  25.5   13.0
      Oliver Lossberg     B     947  KGSC 1               3        17.0  25.0   12.0
      Daniil Yelkhovsky   B     1179 Indooroopilly SHS 1  3        16.0  21.5   10.0
      Alex Apelt          B     790  Marist College Opens 3        12.5  17.5    9.0
24-28 Adam Leong          B     992  KGSC 1               2.5      16.5  24.0    8.5
      Nikola Maljkovic    B     1280 QASMT 1              2.5      16.0  23.5   12.5
      Rossi Barnes        B     1139 Indooroopilly SHS 1  2.5      14.5  20.0    8.5
      Oliver Allen        B     849  St Patrick's A       2.5      14.5  19.5    8.5
      Lucien Allan        B     607  Indooroopilly SHS 1  2.5      14.0  18.5    7.5
 29   Euro Kim            B     1133 BGS 2                2        17.0  23.5    8.0
 30   Andrew Yao          B     862  QASMT 1              1.5      12.0  17.0    3.5
 31   William Jones       B     817  St Patrick's A       1        12.5  17.5    3.0
 32   Ethan Soo           B     818  KGSC 1               0.5      12.0  17.5    2.5

Cross Table

No Name                Feder Loc  Club                 Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Leo Guo             B     1614 BBC 1                6     24:W 21:W  3:W  6:D  4:W  2:D 12:W
2  Max Phillips        B     1645 St Patrick's A       5.5   29:W 13:W  6:D 15:W  5:W  1:D  3:D
3  Lachlan Wang        B     1893 BGS 1                5      8:W 12:W  1:L  9:D 10:W  7:W  2:D
4  Jeeva Praveen       B     1851 BGS 1                5     22:W 10:D 11:W  5:W  1:L  6:D  9:W
5  Austin (2008) Chen  B     1745 BBC 1                5     26:W 25:W  7:W  4:L  2:L 20:W 11:W
6  Grace (Tingwen) Yin B     1494 Indooroopilly SHS 1  4.5   30:W 19:W  2:D  1:D  7:D  4:D  8:D
7  Kaiden Doran        B     1565 QASMT 1              4.5   20:W  9:W  5:L 14:W  6:D  3:L 15:W
8  William Tu          B     1220 BBC 1                4.5    3:L 27:W 16:W 11:L 21:W 14:W  6:D
9  Suvan Nag           B     1377 BBC 1                4.5   31:W  7:L 29:W  3:D 15:W 12:W  4:L
10 Gordon Chen         B     1381 BGS 2                4.5   32:W  4:D 15:L 22:W  3:L 13:W 20:W
11 Zachary Pedros      B     1082 KGSC 1               4     15:D 16:W  4:L  8:W 18:D 17:W  5:L
12 Lucas Han           B     1450 BGS 2                4     27:W  3:L 26:W 13:W 17:W  9:L  1:L
13 Henry Liu           B     1254 QASMT 1              4     14:W  2:L 20:W 12:L 16:W 10:L 18:W
14 Malakai Maher       B     721  St Patrick's A       4     13:L 24:W 19:W  7:L 28:W  8:L 23:W
15 Neil Fu             B     1615 BGS 1                3.5   11:D 18:W 10:W  2:L  9:L 24:W  7:L
16 Ben Mead            B     769  Marist College Opens 3.5   18:W 11:L  8:L 29:W 13:L 28:W 17:D
17 Charles Fu          B     1547 BGS 1                3.5   21:L 30:W 22:W 25:W 12:L 11:L 16:D
18 Alexander Feldblyum B     1275 BGS 2                3.5   16:L 15:L 31:W 24:W 11:D 25:W 13:L
19 Will Waring         B     1225 Marist College Opens 3.5   28:W  6:L 14:L 21:L 27:W 22:W 26:D
20 Shawn Simonetti     B     990  Marist College Opens 3      7:L 28:W 13:L 26:W 25:W  5:L 10:L
21 Oliver Lossberg     B     947  KGSC 1               3     17:W  1:L 25:L 19:W  8:L 23:L 29:W
22 Daniil Yelkhovsky   B     1179 Indooroopilly SHS 1  3      4:L 32:W 17:L 10:L 29:W 19:L 27:W
23 Alex Apelt          B     790  Marist College Opens 3     25:L 29:L 24:L 31:W 26:W 21:W 14:L
24 Adam Leong          B     992  KGSC 1               2.5    1:L 14:L 23:W 18:L 30:W 15:L 25:D
25 Nikola Maljkovic    B     1280 QASMT 1              2.5   23:W  5:L 21:W 17:L 20:L 18:L 24:D
26 Rossi Barnes        B     1139 Indooroopilly SHS 1  2.5    5:L 31:W 12:L 20:L 23:L 32:W 19:D
27 Oliver Allen        B     849  St Patrick's A       2.5   12:L  8:L 28:D 32:W 19:L 30:W 22:L
28 Lucien Allan        B     607  Indooroopilly SHS 1  2.5   19:L 20:L 27:D 30:W 14:L 16:L 32:W
29 Euro Kim            B     1133 BGS 2                2      2:L 23:W  9:L 16:L 22:L 31:W 21:L
30 Andrew Yao          B     862  QASMT 1              1.5    6:L 17:L 32:D 28:L 24:L 27:L 31:W
31 William Jones       B     817  St Patrick's A       1      9:L 26:L 18:L 23:L 32:W 29:L 30:L
32 Ethan Soo           B     818  KGSC 1               .5    10:L 22:L 30:D 27:L 31:L 26:L 28:L

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                 Feder Loc Id Loc  Score Exp. Chg*K  Rav Rprfm

1.  Wang, Lachlan        B            1893 5.0/7 6.51   -15 1465  1623
2.  Praveen, Jeeva       B            1851 5.0/7 6.58   -16 1410  1568
3.  Chen, Austin (2008)  B            1745 5.0/7 6.37   -14 1365  1523
4.  Phillips, Max        B            1645 5.5/7 4.55    10 1535  1765
5.  Fu, Neil             B            1615 3.5/7 5.88   -24 1331  1331
6.  Guo, Leo             B            1614 6.0/7 4.90    11 1467  1776
7.  Doran, Kaiden        B            1565 4.5/7 4.97    -5 1405  1507
8.  Fu, Charles          B            1547 3.5/7 6.65   -32 1081  1081
9.  Yin, Grace (Tingwen) B            1494 4.5/7 4.13     4 1426  1528
10. Han, Lucas           B            1450 4.0/7 4.13    -1 1382  1432
11. Chen, Gordon         B            1381 4.5/7 3.57     9 1371  1473
12. Nag, Suvan           B            1377 4.5/7 2.59    19 1475  1577
13. Maljkovic, Nikola    B            1280 2.5/7 4.41   -19 1184  1082
14. Feldblyum, Alexander B            1275 3.5/7 4.97   -15 1116  1116
15. Liu, Henry           B            1254 4.0/7 4.27    -3 1176  1226
16. Waring, Will         B            1225 3.5/7 5.53   -20  991   991
17. Tu, William          B            1220 4.5/7 4.55    -1 1108  1210
18. Yelkhovsky, Daniil   B            1179 3.0/7 2.73     3 1258  1208
19. Barnes, Rossi        B            1139 2.5/7 3.71   -12 1119  1017
20. Kim, Euro            B            1133 2.0/7 4.06   -21 1075   917
21. Pedros, Zachary      B            1082 4.0/7 0.77    32 1432  1482
22. Leong, Adam          B            992  2.5/7 1.89     6 1165  1063
23. Simonetti, Shawn     B            990  3.0/7 1.05    20 1282  1232
24. Lossberg, Oliver     B            947  3.0/7 0.98    20 1258  1208
25. Yao, Andrew          B            862  1.5/7 2.03    -5 1018   788
26. Allen, Oliver        B            849  2.5/7 1.68     8 1052   950
27. Soo, Ethan           B            818  0.5/7 2.03   -15  976   554
28. Jones, William       B            817  1.0/7 1.40    -4 1056   747
29. Apelt, Alex          B            790  3.0/7 1.61    14 1004   954
30. Mead, Ben            B            769  3.5/7 0.63    29 1160  1160
31. Maher, Malakai       B            721  4.0/7 0.70    33 1093  1143
32. Allan, Lucien        B            607  2.5/7 1.12    14  891   789

Club Standings

Place Name                 Score

  1   BBC 1                20   
  2   BGS 1                17   
  3   BGS 2                14   
 4-5  ST PATRICK'S A       13   
 6-7  QASMT 1              12.5 
      INDOOROOPILLY SHS 1  12.5 
  8   KGSC 1               10   
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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