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2024 T2 Brisbane Secondary North D

2024 Term 2 Brisbane Secondary North D – Round 7


Place Name                 Club              Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Sergei Shageev       QASMT 7           7        23.5  32.5   28.0
 2-3  Alicia Warhurst      Bray Park 1       6        23.5  33.5   25.0
      Annica Edwards       Bray Park 1       6        21.5  30.5   23.0
 4-8  Ethan Woods          Bray Park 2       5        23.0  33.0   23.0
      Otto DeFlorian       St James 1        5        22.5  29.5   21.0
      Isaac Lerato         QASMT 7           5        19.5  27.5   19.0
      Abolfazl Ghorbani    St James 1        5        19.0  27.5   19.0
      Cody Garcia          St James 1        5        17.0  24.0   16.0
9-12  Ashley Menzies       Bray Park 2       4.5      24.0  34.0   22.5
      Matin Hosseini       St James 1        4.5      22.5  32.0   21.5
      Tim Rosenthal        QASMT 7           4.5      19.0  26.5   19.5
      MIA CONGRAM          Wavell SHS 2      4.5      18.5  26.5   19.5
13-20 DHRUV BATTAN         Wavell SHS 2      4        22.5  31.5   18.0
      Kaleb Hodkinson      Mitchelton SHS 1  4        21.0  29.0   18.0
      Lachlan Doak         Bray Park 1       4        19.0  26.0   16.0
      Mikeely Cooper       St Benedict's 3   4        18.0  26.0   13.0
      Edwin Laine          QASMT 7           4        18.0  25.0   17.0
      Deklan Wright        St Benedict's 3   4        18.0  25.0   15.0
      Aidan Wagner         St Benedict's 3   4        17.5  23.5   13.0
      Hayden McDonald      St Benedict's 4   4        16.0  22.0   14.0
21-22 Nathan Reardon       St Columban's C   3.5      16.5  22.5   13.5
      TOBEY LIVESEY        Wavell SHS 2      3.5      13.0  18.5   11.5
23-34 Brody O'Neil         Mt Maria Montagne 3        20.5  27.5   13.0
      Cooper Rowlinson     Mitchelton SHS 1  3        20.5  27.5   12.0
      Sophie Gray          St Columban's C   3        19.5  26.5   14.0
      Myles Bodrog         Mt Maria Montagne 3        18.5  27.0   18.0
      REMI PALMER          Wavell SHS 3      3        17.5  24.0   12.0
      Marcus Rail          Mitchelton SHS 2  3        17.0  23.5   12.0
      Nayli Ranasinghe     St Columban's C   3        16.5  23.0   13.0
      Vera Gorbacheva      Mitchelton SHS 1  3        16.0  21.5   11.0
      Grayson Taylor       Mt Maria Montagne 3        15.0  22.0    8.0
      Phoenix Atkinson     St Benedict's 4   3        15.0  21.0    9.0
      Jesse Maggs          St Columban's D   3        15.0  20.5   14.5
      LOUISA BISHOP-MOWATT Wavell SHS 2      3        14.0  23.0   12.5
35-37 Jacob Callaway       Bray Park 1       2.5      16.0  21.0    7.5
      Shaun Giles          Mitchelton SHS 1  2.5      15.0  20.0    8.5
      Harper Racine        St Columban's D   2.5      14.5  18.5   12.5
38-40 Ruby Pitt            St Columban's D   2        15.5  20.0    7.0
      BRIDIE DE VERE       Wavell SHS 3      2        15.0  21.5    9.0
      Mirinae Harington    St Benedict's 3   2        14.0  17.5    9.0
 41   Thomas Lindsay       St Columban's C   1.5      12.5  18.0    3.5
42-43 Benjamin Dunstone    Mitchelton SHS 2  1        14.5  20.5    4.0
      Bailey Hughes        Mt Maria Montagne 1        12.0  16.5    1.0
 44   Reese Camillo        Bray Park 2       0.5      10.0  14.0    1.5

Cross Table

No Name                 Feder Loc Club              Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Sergei Shageev       B         QASMT 7           7      7:W 34:W  3:W 26:W  2:W  9:W  4:W
2  Alicia Warhurst      B         Bray Park 1       6     31:W 13:W  5:W  4:W  1:L  7:W 10:W
3  Annica Edwards       B         Bray Park 1       6     16:W 39:W  1:L 18:W 13:W  5:W  9:W
4  Ethan Woods          B         Bray Park 2       5     19:W 24:W 14:W  2:L 10:W 12:W  1:L
5  Otto DeFlorian       B         St James 1        5     42:W 21:W  2:L 15:W  6:W  3:L 17:W
6  Isaac Lerato         B         QASMT 7           5     23:W  9:L 24:W 14:W  5:L 16:W 13:W
7  Abolfazl Ghorbani    B         St James 1        5      1:L 41:W 23:W 24:W 26:W  2:L 15:W
8  Cody Garcia          B         St James 1        5     25:L 32:W 13:L 31:W 18:W 33:W 14:W
9  Ashley Menzies       B         Bray Park 2       4.5   30:W  6:W 10:D 11:W 17:W  1:L  3:L
10 Matin Hosseini       B         St James 1        4.5   17:W 22:W  9:D 12:W  4:L 11:W  2:L
11 Tim Rosenthal        B         QASMT 7           4.5   32:W 25:W 12:D  9:L 19:W 10:L 24:W
12 MIA CONGRAM          B         Wavell SHS 2      4.5   29:W 28:W 11:D 10:L 21:W  4:L 23:W
13 DHRUV BATTAN         B         Wavell SHS 2      4     27:W  2:L  8:W 29:W  3:L 21:W  6:L
14 Kaleb Hodkinson      B         Mitchelton SHS 1  4     20:W 18:W  4:L  6:L 34:W 26:W  8:L
15 Lachlan Doak         B         Bray Park 1       4     39:L 16:W 25:W  5:L 20:W 23:W  7:L
16 Mikeely Cooper       B         St Benedict's 3   4      3:L 15:L 38:W 28:W 29:W  6:L 26:W
17 Edwin Laine          B         QASMT 7           4     10:L 38:W 30:W 27:W  9:L 25:W  5:L
18 Deklan Wright        B         St Benedict's 3   4     43:W 14:L 28:W  3:L  8:L 27:W 29:W
19 Aidan Wagner         B         St Benedict's 3   4      4:L 42:W 20:L 32:W 11:L 30:W 25:W
20 Hayden McDonald      B         St Benedict's 4   4     14:L 35:W 19:W 23:L 15:L 38:W 28:W
21 Nathan Reardon       B         St Columban's C   3.5   33:D  5:L 43:W 37:W 12:L 13:L 36:W
22 TOBEY LIVESEY        B         Wavell SHS 2      3.5   38:W 10:L 27:L 30:L 35:D 42:W 33:W
23 Brody O'Neil         B         Mt Maria Montagne 3      6:L 40:W  7:L 20:W 30:W 15:L 12:L
24 Cooper Rowlinson     B         Mitchelton SHS 1  3     40:W  4:L  6:L  7:L 31:W 32:W 11:L
25 Sophie Gray          B         St Columban's C   3      8:W 11:L 15:L 35:W 27:W 17:L 19:L
26 Myles Bodrog         B         Mt Maria Montagne 3     41:W 37:W 33:W  1:L  7:L 14:L 16:L
27 REMI PALMER          B         Wavell SHS 3      3     13:L 31:W 22:W 17:L 25:L 18:L 37:W
28 Marcus Rail          B         Mitchelton SHS 2  3     36:W 12:L 18:L 16:L 39:W 37:W 20:L
29 Nayli Ranasinghe     B         St Columban's C   3     12:L 36:W 39:W 13:L 16:L 40:W 18:L
30 Vera Gorbacheva      B         Mitchelton SHS 1  3      9:L 43:W 17:L 22:W 23:L 19:L 41:W
31 Grayson Taylor       B         Mt Maria Montagne 3      2:L 27:L 42:W  8:L 24:L 35:W 38:W
32 Phoenix Atkinson     B         St Benedict's 4   3     11:L  8:L 41:W 19:L 43:W 24:L 39:W
33 Jesse Maggs          B         St Columban's D   3     21:D 44:W 26:L 34:D 40:W  8:L 22:L
34 LOUISA BISHOP-MOWATT B         Wavell SHS 2      3     35:W  1:L 37:D 33:D 14:L 36:L 40:W
35 Jacob Callaway       B         Bray Park 1       2.5   34:L 20:L  0:W 25:L 22:D 31:L 42:W
36 Shaun Giles          B         Mitchelton SHS 1  2.5   28:L 29:L  0:D 41:W 37:L 34:W 21:L
37 Harper Racine        B         St Columban's D   2.5   44:W 26:L 34:D 21:L 36:W 28:L 27:L
38 Ruby Pitt            B         St Columban's D   2     22:L 17:L 16:L 44:W 42:W 20:L 31:L
39 BRIDIE DE VERE       B         Wavell SHS 3      2     15:W  3:L 29:L 40:L 28:L 44:W 32:L
40 Mirinae Harington    B         St Benedict's 3   2     24:L 23:L 44:W 39:W 33:L 29:L 34:L
41 Thomas Lindsay       B         St Columban's C   1.5   26:L  7:L 32:L 36:L 44:D 43:W 30:L
42 Benjamin Dunstone    B         Mitchelton SHS 2  1      5:L 19:L 31:L 43:W 38:L 22:L 35:L
43 Bailey Hughes        B         Mt Maria Montagne 1     18:L 30:L 21:L 42:L 32:L 41:L 44:W
44 Reese Camillo        B         Bray Park 2       .5    37:L 33:L 40:L 38:L 41:D 39:L 43:L

Club Standings

Place Name              Score

  1   QASMT 7           20.5 
  2   ST JAMES 1        19.5 
  3   BRAY PARK 1       18.5 
  4   WAVELL SHS 2      15   
  5   ST BENEDICT'S 3   14   
  6   MITCHELTON SHS 1  12.5 
  7   ST COLUMBAN'S C   11   
 8-9  BRAY PARK 2       10   
 10   ST COLUMBAN'S D   7.5  
 11   ST BENEDICT'S 4   7    
 12   WAVELL SHS 3      5    
 13   MITCHELTON SHS 2  4    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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