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2024 T2 Brisbane Primary West A

2024 Term 2 Brisbane West A – Round 8


Place Name                   Feder Loc  Club                      Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Jensen Harley          B     1100 Fernvale Green            7        31.5  40.5   32.0
 2-7  Hamsini Dudipalli      B     1049 Spring Mountain 1         6        32.5  43.0   30.5
      Nikesh Karthikeyan     B     793  Springfield Lakes SS      6        30.5  40.5   28.0
      Daniel Burnett         B     659  Good News Lutheran Team 1 6        30.5  38.5   29.0
      Adam Burnett           B     678  Good News Lutheran Team 1 6        30.0  38.5   27.0
      Blake English          B     746  GASS 1                    6        28.5  38.0   25.0
      Joshua Berting         B     500  GASS 2                    6        22.5  31.5   22.0
 8-9  Mason Fang             B     690  Ipswich Junior GS         5.5      31.0  42.0   31.5
      Sanvi Krovvidi         B     798  Spring Mountain 1         5.5      30.0  40.5   28.0
10-15 Sam Baker              B     690  Fernvale Green            5        29.0  37.5   28.0
      Isaac Chandra          B     500  St John's                 5        28.5  38.0   23.0
      Naksh Nidhin           B     677  GASS 1                    5        28.5  37.0   24.0
      Lincoln Harley         B     667  Fernvale Green            5        28.5  37.0   23.0
      Saathvik Chindam       B     500  Spring Mountain 1         5        25.5  34.0   20.0
      Olivia Ross            B     754  Fernvale Green            5        25.0  34.0   22.0
16-20 Laker Johnston         B     536  Fernvale White            4.5      26.5  35.0   18.5
      Xaviah Gosley          B     636  Fernvale Black            4.5      26.0  35.0   20.0
      Thenuka Wickramasinghe B          Jindalee SS               4.5      25.0  34.5   18.5
      Rithvik Chandam        B     500  Spring Mountain 1         4.5      25.0  34.0   17.5
      Zachary Grant          B     506  GASS 2                    4.5      21.5  28.5   16.5
21-29 Levi Williams          B     610  Fernvale Black            4        28.0  37.0   22.0
      Luka Djapovic          B     543  GASS 1                    4        28.0  37.0   22.0
      Eleanor Berting        B     540  GASS 1                    4        27.0  35.0   20.0
      Ava Saunders           B     500  Fernvale Yellow           4        25.0  33.0   17.0
      Thorin Dale            B     622  Fernvale Black            4        23.0  31.0   20.0
      Giancarlo Scott        B     516  Fernvale White            4        23.0  29.5   17.0
      Jayden Fong            B          Good News Lutheran Team 1 4        22.5  30.0   16.0
      Dallas Spall           B     546  Fernvale Black            4        20.0  27.0   18.5
      Lillian MESIC          B          West Moreton AC Prawns    4        19.5  25.0   15.0
30-35 Freya BURT             B          West Moreton AC Prawns    3.5      25.5  33.0   15.0
      Boris Vankov           B     558  Jindalee SS               3.5      23.5  33.0   15.5
      Kehan Wijekoon         B     500  GASS 2                    3.5      23.0  29.5   15.5
      Noah Penny             B          Fernvale Blue             3.5      22.0  29.0   15.0
      Nathan HERMANN         B          West Moreton AC Prawns    3.5      21.0  29.5   15.5
      Vincenzo Stansbury     B     500  Fernvale Blue             3.5      18.5  25.5   11.5
36-42 Matthew Bayliss        B     500  Fernvale Yellow           3        23.0  33.0   14.0
      Reuben Puthangady      B          GASS 2                    3        23.0  31.0   18.0
      Aarush Shinde          B          St John's                 3        21.0  29.0   14.5
      Hunter Dobe            B          Redbank Plains 1          3        20.0  25.5   11.0
      Sophie Turkington      B     534  Fernvale White            3        19.0  26.0   15.0
      Eric Vaida             B          Good News Lutheran Team 1 3        17.0  24.0    9.0
      Archer Spall           B     565  Fernvale White            3        16.0  23.0   10.0
43-45 Alex Nicol             B     501  Fernvale Yellow           2.5      22.5  30.5   16.5
      Benji Grassick         B     500  Fernvale Yellow           2.5      22.5  30.5   12.0
      Annabelle Smith        B          Fernvale Blue             2.5      19.0  24.5    8.5
46-47 Makayla Smith          B     500  Fernvale Blue             2        22.0  29.0    8.0
      Kalu Chuxs             B          Redbank Plains 1          2        16.0  20.5    8.0
48-49 Chelsea Nguyen         B          Redbank Plains 1          1.5      21.0  26.0    5.0
      Saara DOWDLE           B          West Moreton AC Prawns    1.5      17.5  24.5    4.0
 50   Braxton Dobe           B     500  Redbank Plains 1          1        13.0  22.5    4.0
 51   Vincent Nguyen         B     690  St John's                 0         0.0   0.0    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                   Feder Loc  Club                      Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  

1  Jensen Harley          B     1100 Fernvale Green            7     36:W 31:W 12:W  4:W  2:L  6:W  8:W  9:W
2  Hamsini Dudipalli      B     1049 Spring Mountain 1         6     35:W 22:W  5:D 13:W  1:W  8:D  4:W  3:L
3  Nikesh Karthikeyan     B     793  Springfield Lakes SS      6     19:W 16:W 13:W  8:L 22:W  4:L 11:W  2:W
4  Daniel Burnett         B     659  Good News Lutheran Team 1 6     49:W 38:W  9:W  1:L 11:W  3:W  2:L 10:W
5  Adam Burnett           B     678  Good News Lutheran Team 1 6      7:W 43:W  2:D 10:L 28:W 17:W  9:D 15:W
6  Blake English          B     746  GASS 1                    6     11:L 17:W 50:W 16:W 21:W  1:L 13:W  8:W
7  Joshua Berting         B     500  GASS 2                    6      5:L 41:W 16:L 42:W 40:W 21:W 34:W 18:W
8  Mason Fang             B     690  Ipswich Junior GS         5.5   24:W 23:W 25:W  3:W 10:W  2:D  1:L  6:L
9  Sanvi Krovvidi         B     798  Spring Mountain 1         5.5   32:W 28:W  4:L 23:W 12:W 10:W  5:D  1:L
10 Sam Baker              B     690  Fernvale Green            5     50:W 26:W 21:W  5:W  8:L  9:L 22:W  4:L
11 Isaac Chandra          B     500  St John's                 5      6:W 12:L 31:W 30:W  4:L 25:W  3:L 22:W
12 Naksh Nidhin           B     677  GASS 1                    5     46:W 11:W  1:L 26:W  9:L 14:W 15:L 24:W
13 Lincoln Harley         B     667  Fernvale Green            5     44:W 14:W  3:L  2:L 32:W 24:W  6:L 23:W
14 Saathvik Chindam       B     500  Spring Mountain 1         5     15:W 13:L 22:L 33:W 31:W 12:L 25:W 21:W
15 Olivia Ross            B     754  Fernvale Green            5     14:L 30:W 19:W 37:L 36:W 23:W 12:W  5:L
16 Laker Johnston         B     536  Fernvale White            4.5   29:W  3:L  7:W  6:L 24:L 38:D 44:W 30:W
17 Xaviah Gosley          B     636  Fernvale Black            4.5   30:D  6:L 34:W 20:W 37:W  5:L 18:L 29:W
18 Thenuka Wickramasinghe B          Jindalee SS               4.5   23:L 24:W 32:L 19:D 30:W 20:W 17:W  7:L
19 Rithvik Chandam        B     500  Spring Mountain 1         4.5    3:L 39:W 15:L 18:D 27:W 28:W 21:L 33:W
20 Zachary Grant          B     506  GASS 2                    4.5   27:L 45:D 33:W 17:L 35:W 18:L 43:W 34:W
21 Levi Williams          B     610  Fernvale Black            4     37:W 27:W 10:L 32:W  6:L  7:L 19:W 14:L
22 Luka Djapovic          B     543  GASS 1                    4     39:W  2:L 14:W 25:W  3:L 37:W 10:L 11:L
23 Eleanor Berting        B     540  GASS 1                    4     18:W  8:L 44:W  9:L 26:W 15:L 37:W 13:L
24 Ava Saunders           B     500  Fernvale Yellow           4      8:L 18:L 41:W 50:W 16:W 13:L 40:W 12:L
25 Thorin Dale            B     622  Fernvale Black            4     45:W 33:W  8:L 22:L 43:W 11:L 14:L 38:W
26 Giancarlo Scott        B     516  Fernvale White            4     41:W 10:L 27:W 12:L 23:L 29:L 46:W 36:W
27 Jayden Fong            B          Good News Lutheran Team 1 4     20:W 21:L 26:L 29:W 19:L 36:L 42:W 40:W
28 Dallas Spall           B     546  Fernvale Black            4     48:W  9:L 46:W 43:D  5:L 19:L 38:D 39:W
29 Lillian MESIC          B          West Moreton AC Prawns    4     16:L 50:L 48:W 27:L 46:W 26:W 36:W 17:L
30 Freya BURT             B          West Moreton AC Prawns    3.5   17:D 15:L 35:W 11:L 18:L 45:W 31:W 16:L
31 Boris Vankov           B     558  Jindalee SS               3.5   34:W  1:L 11:L 44:W 14:L 32:D 30:L 37:W
32 Kehan Wijekoon         B     500  GASS 2                    3.5    9:L 48:W 18:W 21:L 13:L 31:D 33:L 44:W
33 Noah Penny             B          Fernvale Blue             3.5   40:W 25:L 20:L 14:L 44:D 47:W 32:W 19:L
34 Nathan HERMANN         B          West Moreton AC Prawns    3.5   31:L 35:D 17:L 45:W 50:W 43:W  7:L 20:L
35 Vincenzo Stansbury     B     500  Fernvale Blue             3.5    2:L 34:D 30:L 47:W 20:L 44:L 48:W 43:W
36 Matthew Bayliss        B     500  Fernvale Yellow           3      1:L 37:L 39:W 38:W 15:L 27:W 29:L 26:L
37 Reuben Puthangady      B          GASS 2                    3     21:L 36:W 40:W 15:W 17:L 22:L 23:L 31:L
38 Aarush Shinde          B          St John's                 3     42:W  4:L 43:L 36:L 47:W 16:D 28:D 25:L
39 Hunter Dobe            B          Redbank Plains 1          3     22:L 19:L 36:L 49:W 42:W 40:L 41:W 28:L
40 Sophie Turkington      B     534  Fernvale White            3     33:L 49:W 37:L 46:W  7:L 39:W 24:L 27:L
41 Eric Vaida             B          Good News Lutheran Team 1 3     26:L  7:L 24:L 48:W 45:L 46:W 39:L 47:W
42 Archer Spall           B     565  Fernvale White            3     38:L 44:L 45:W  7:L 39:L 49:W 27:L 48:W
43 Alex Nicol             B     501  Fernvale Yellow           2.5   47:W  5:L 38:W 28:D 25:L 34:L 20:L 35:L
44 Benji Grassick         B     500  Fernvale Yellow           2.5   13:L 42:W 23:L 31:L 33:D 35:W 16:L 32:L
45 Annabelle Smith        B          Fernvale Blue             2.5   25:L 20:D 42:L 34:L 41:W 30:L 47:L 49:W
46 Makayla Smith          B     500  Fernvale Blue             2     12:L 47:W 28:L 40:L 29:L 41:L 26:L  0:W
47 Kalu Chuxs             B          Redbank Plains 1          2     43:L 46:L 49:W 35:L 38:L 33:L 45:W 41:L
48 Chelsea Nguyen         B          Redbank Plains 1          1.5   28:L 32:L 29:L 41:L 49:D  0:W 35:L 42:L
49 Saara DOWDLE           B          West Moreton AC Prawns    1.5    4:L 40:L 47:L 39:L 48:D 42:L  0:W 45:L
50 Braxton Dobe           B     500  Redbank Plains 1          1     10:L 29:W  6:L 24:L 34:L  0:   0:   0: 
51 Vincent Nguyen         B     690  St John's                 0      0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                    Feder Loc Id Loc  Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Harley, Jensen          B            1100 7.0/8 7.28    -3 710  1046
2.  Dudipalli, Hamsini      B            1049 6.0/8 7.12   -11 704   897
3.  Krovvidi, Sanvi         B            798  5.5/8 5.36     1 674   815
4.  Karthikeyan, Nikesh     B            793  6.0/8 5.60     4 643   836
5.  Ross, Olivia            B            754  4.0/6 4.44    -4 566   691
6.  English, Blake          B            746  6.0/8 4.96    10 655   848
7.  Nguyen, Vincent         B            690                     0     0
8.  Fang, Mason             B            690  5.5/8 3.28    22 755   896
9.  Baker, Sam              B            690  5.0/8 4.72     3 624   719
10. Burnett, Adam           B            678  6.0/8 3.92    21 684   877
11. Nidhin, Naksh           B            677  5.0/8 4.32     7 646   741
12. Harley, Lincoln         B            667  5.0/8 4.32     7 641   736
13. Burnett, Daniel         B            659  4.0/6 1.68    23 822   947
14. Gosley, Xaviah          B            636  1.0/3 1.47    -5 643   518
15. Dale, Thorin            B            622  1.0/5 3.00   -20 547   307
16. Williams, Levi          B            610  2.0/6 3.30   -13 573   448
17. Spall, Archer           B            565  0.0/2 1.18   -12 500     0
18. Vankov, Boris           B            558  1.5/5 2.05    -6 620   471
19. Spall, Dallas           B            546  1.5/5 2.15    -7 595   446
20. Djapovic, Luka          B            543  2.0/6 1.80     2 692   567
21. Berting, Eleanor        B            540  2.0/6 2.04     0 654   529
22. Johnston, Laker         B            536  2.0/5 2.00     0 608   536
23. Turkington, Sophie      B            534  1.0/3 1.65    -7 500   375
24. Scott, Giancarlo        B            516  2.0/5 2.05    -1 581   509
25. Grant, Zachary          B            506  2.0/3 1.32     7 546   671
26. Nicol, Alex             B            501  0.5/5 2.00   -15 570   204
27. Bayliss, Matthew        B            500  0.0/3 0.48    -5 790     0
28. Stansbury, Vincenzo     B            500  1.0/4 1.24    -2 639   446
29. Wijekoon, Kehan         B            500  1.5/5 1.65    -2 627   478
30. Chandam, Rithvik        B            500  1.0/4 1.08    -1 676   483
31. Chindam, Saathvik       B            500  4.0/7 2.24    18 633   683
32. Chandra, Isaac          B            500  4.0/7 2.03    20 657   707
33. Saunders, Ava           B            500  3.0/6 2.16     8 601   601
34. Dobe, Braxton           B            500  0.0/3 0.93    -9 645     0
35. Berting, Joshua         B            500  3.0/5 1.90    11 585   657
36. Smith, Makayla          B            500  0.0/4 1.64   -16 568     0
37. Grassick, Benji         B            500  2.0/7 3.01   -10 552   394
38. DOWDLE, Saara           B                 0.0/3            586     0
39. BURT, Freya             B                 2.5/6            581   524
40. Smith, Annabelle        B                 0.5/3            564   291
41. Puthangady, Reuben      B                 3.0/8            584   497
42. Shinde, Aarush          B                 2.0/7            561   403
43. HERMANN, Nathan         B                 2.5/7            529   427
44. Nguyen, Chelsea         B                 0.0/4            528     0
45. Dobe, Hunter            B                 1.0/6            531   258
46. Wickramasinghe, Thenuka B                 3.5/7            526   526
47. MESIC, Lillian          B                 3.0/6            531   531
48. Penny, Noah             B                 2.5/7            523   421
49. Vaida, Eric             B                 1.0/4            504   311
50. Fong, Jayden            B                 3.0/7            533   483
51. Chuxs, Kalu             B                 0.0/3            500     0

Club Standings

Place Name                      Score

  1   FERNVALE GREEN            22   
  2   SPRING MOUNTAIN 1         21   
 3-4  GASS 1                    19  (3rd on countback)
      GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN TEAM 1 19  (4th on countback)
  5   GASS 2                    17   
  6   FERNVALE BLACK            16.5 
  7   FERNVALE WHITE            14.5 
  9   FERNVALE YELLOW           12   
 10   FERNVALE BLUE             11.5 
11-12 JINDALEE SS               8    
      ST JOHN'S                 8    
 13   REDBANK PLAINS 1          7.5  
 14   SPRINGFIELD LAKES SS      6    
 15   IPSWICH JUNIOR GS         5.5  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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