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2023 Term 3 Brisbane Secondary B

Brisbane Secondary Term 3 2023 B – Round 7


Place Name                 Feder Loc Club            Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Adam Leong           B         KGSC Grey       6.5      25.0  34.0   26.5
 2-3  Oscar Kirby          B     789 Balmoral SHS 1  6        22.0  32.0   23.5
      Shawn Simonetti      B         Marist College  6        21.5  28.5   27.0
 4-8  Luca Martinuzzi      B         Marist College  5.5      24.0  33.5   23.0
      Ben Sandstrom        B     760 GT 2            5.5      23.0  32.5   22.5
      Ben Mead             B     657 Marist College  5.5      21.5  30.5   22.5
      Yahli Oddy           B         The Gap ONE     5.5      21.5  30.0   20.0
      Natira Eang          B     742 SJAC 1          5.5      20.5  29.0   21.5
9-10  Alex Apelt           B         Marist College  5        19.5  28.5   21.0
      Devansh Panchal      B     553 Indooroopilly 2 5        18.5  25.0   17.0
11-28 Zev Geffen           B     609 BGS 4           4.5      24.0  33.5   23.0
      Berrick Henke        B     604 Indooroopilly 2 4.5      23.5  32.5   20.0
      Jacob Hernandez      B         The Gap ONE     4.5      23.0  33.0   21.0
      Lucien Allan         B     556 Indooroopilly 2 4.5      23.0  29.5   21.5
      Charlene Chen        B     724 Calamvale 1     4.5      21.0  30.0   18.5
      Raphael Suh                    BBC 5           4.5      20.0  28.0   17.0
      Owen Yu              B     603 ACGS 5          4.5      19.5  28.0   20.5
      Alex Mason           B     648 Calamvale 1     4.5      19.5  27.5   19.0
      Kyran Sharman        B         Calamvale 2     4.5      19.5  26.5   18.5
      Luke Tristram        B     557 IGS Grey        4.5      19.0  27.5   18.5
      Coen Deucker         B     592 St Benedict's 1 4.5      18.5  27.0   19.0
      Flynn Noble                    BBC 5           4.5      18.5  27.0   17.5
      Micah Fox            B     767 Redlands 1      4.5      18.5  27.0   14.5
      Leonard Cavallaro    B     653 KGSC Grey       4.5      18.5  25.0   17.5
      Zane Alexander       B         SJAC 1          4.5      18.0  24.5   15.5
      Michael Grew         B     545 St Patrick's 2  4.5      17.5  24.0   16.0
      Oliver Bausch        B     574 Calamvale 1     4.5      17.0  23.5   16.5
      Isaac Lawther        B     553 St Patrick's 2  4.5      14.5  21.0   14.5
29-34 Samuel Aekuru        B         Citipointe CC2  4        19.0  27.0   16.0
      Craig Cadman         B     603 SJAC 1          4        17.0  24.0   12.0
      Henry Owen           B     774 KGSC Grey       4        16.5  23.0   15.0
      Andy Slatter         B     751 STMC Black      4        16.5  23.0   15.0
      Eshwar Thota-Nagaraj B     586 ACGS 5          4        16.0  23.0   14.0
      Yannis Tan           B     500 Calamvale 2     4        15.0  20.5   12.0
35-48 Kangmin Lee          B     565 KGSC Grey       3.5      20.0  28.0   18.0
      Teon Bennett         B         The Gap ONE     3.5      20.0  27.5   17.5
      Soren Dehdari        B     573 ACGS 5          3.5      20.0  27.0   19.5
      Hamish Lilley        B     570 BGS 5           3.5      20.0  27.0   17.5
      Lucas Ding           B     540 ACGS 5          3.5      19.5  28.5   15.5
      Syamalan Bala-Ganesh B     609 SJAC 1          3.5      19.5  27.5   15.0
      Thomas Barnett       B     603 GT 2            3.5      18.5  25.0   14.5
      Dominic Palmani      B     576 STMC Black      3.5      18.0  26.0   16.5
      Daniel Patience      B     611 St Benedict's 1 3.5      17.5  24.0   12.5
      Josiah Beavers       B         Redlands 1      3.5      17.0  23.5   14.0
      Jack Passmore        B     707 St Patrick's 2  3.5      17.0  23.0   18.0
      Ryan Matthews        B     547 Nudgee 2        3.5      16.5  22.0   14.5
      Nathan Ng            B     500 Citipointe CC2  3.5      16.0  21.0   12.5
      Andrew McLeod        B     669 BGS 4           3.5      14.5  20.5   13.0
49-60 Caden Kang           B     680 STMC Black      3        19.5  27.5   18.0
      Morne Roets          B     622 Indooroopilly 3 3        19.5  26.5   14.0
      Sohan Schuler        B         Redlands 1      3        19.0  26.5   10.0
      William Gong         B     653 BGS 4           3        18.0  26.5   11.0
      Erik Andeman         B     681 Indooroopilly 2 3        17.5  24.0   10.5
      Nathaniel Monsour    B     541 GT 2            3        16.5  22.0   13.0
      Marcus Ning          B     533 BGS 5           3        15.0  22.5   11.0
      William Emeleus      B     504 Balmoral SHS 1  3        15.0  20.0   11.0
      Sanuli Tennakoon     B     702 Somerville      3        14.0  19.0   11.0
      Malakai Wong         B     597 BGS 4           3        13.0  19.5    8.0
      Marcus Policar       B     500 St Benedict's 1 3        12.5  18.0    8.0
      Henry Clubb          B     580 BGS 5           3        11.0  16.5    9.0
61-68 Oliver Luc           B         STMC Black      2.5      18.0  24.5   12.5
      Joseph Rice          B     500 GT 2            2.5      16.5  23.5   13.0
      Nilay Shirolkar      B     552 Nudgee 2        2.5      16.0  22.5   10.0
      Benjamin Suttie                BBC 5           2.5      15.5  22.0    9.5
      Lucas Black          B     606 Nudgee 2        2.5      15.0  21.5   10.0
      Alexander McKay      B         St Patrick's 2  2.5      15.0  20.5   11.0
      Curtis McGary        B     586 Nudgee 2        2.5      14.5  21.0   11.0
      Lucas Policar        B     500 St Benedict's 1 2.5      10.0  14.0    5.5
69-77 Alex Pearson         B         Balmoral SHS 1  2        16.5  24.0    9.0
      Anton Lorenz         B         The Gap ONE     2        16.5  22.5    9.0
      Takumi Misumi        B         Indooroopilly 3 2        16.5  22.0    8.0
      Austin Anderson      B         IGS Grey        2        16.0  22.5    5.0
      TIgerlily Niklas     B         Calamvale 2     2        15.5  22.5   12.0
      Jagan Nair           B         Calamvale 2     2        15.5  21.0    8.0
      Gathik Sadaram       B         Citipointe CC2  2        14.5  19.5    6.0
      Dylan Moore          B     500 Indooroopilly 3 2        13.0  18.5    7.0
      Emma Rowe            B     566 Somerville      2         8.5  13.0    3.0
78-82 Liam Grimes          B         Balmoral SHS 1  1        16.0  23.0    7.0
      William Griffith               BBC 5           1        15.5  22.0    4.0
      Isiah Brisbane       B         Citipointe CC2  1        15.0  21.5    4.0
      Phileas Huang        B     523 Calamvale 1     1        14.0  19.5    5.5
      Hayden Leung         B         Redlands 1      1        13.5  19.0    1.0
 83   Franklin Sun         B         Indooroopilly 3 0         8.0   8.0    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                 Feder Loc Club            Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Adam Leong           B         KGSC Grey       6.5   20:W 52:W 21:W 17:W  2:D  4:W  3:W
2  Oscar Kirby          B     789 Balmoral SHS 1  6     41:W  4:D 40:W 42:W  1:D 20:W  9:W
3  Shawn Simonetti      B         Marist College  6     33:W 78:W 12:W 49:W 11:W  5:W  1:L
4  Luca Martinuzzi      B         Marist College  5.5   58:W  2:D 43:W  8:W 14:W  1:L 24:W
5  Ben Sandstrom        B     760 GT 2            5.5   39:D 23:W 29:W 22:W  6:W  3:L 12:W
6  Ben Mead             B     657 Marist College  5.5   25:W 38:W 14:D 18:W  5:L 35:W 13:W
7  Yahli Oddy           B         The Gap ONE     5.5   24:W 12:L 10:W 35:D 40:W 18:W 11:W
8  Natira Eang          B     742 SJAC 1          5.5   55:W 15:W 42:D  4:L 16:W 37:W 14:W
9  Alex Apelt           B         Marist College  5     30:W 11:L 52:W 50:W 17:W 45:W  2:L
10 Devansh Panchal      B     553 Indooroopilly 2 5     82:W 13:L  7:L 51:W 29:W 50:W 33:W
11 Zev Geffen           B     609 BGS 4           4.5   16:W  9:W 19:W 37:W  3:L 13:D  7:L
12 Berrick Henke        B     604 Indooroopilly 2 4.5   51:W  7:W  3:L 26:D 22:W 36:W  5:L
13 Jacob Hernandez      B         The Gap ONE     4.5   28:W 10:W 17:L 23:W 21:W 11:D  6:L
14 Lucien Allan         B     556 Indooroopilly 2 4.5   80:W 36:W  6:D 32:W  4:L 15:W  8:L
15 Charlene Chen        B     724 Calamvale 1     4.5   34:W  8:L 25:W 19:W 38:D 14:L 46:W
16 Raphael Suh                    BBC 5           4.5   11:L 83:W 30:W 41:W  8:L 21:D 38:W
17 Owen Yu              B     603 ACGS 5          4.5   69:W 71:W 13:W  1:L  9:L 44:W 28:D
18 Alex Mason           B     648 Calamvale 1     4.5   44:W 40:D 39:W  6:L 62:W  7:L 36:W
19 Kyran Sharman        B         Calamvale 2     4.5   26:W 61:W 11:L 15:L 67:W 42:W 27:D
20 Luke Tristram        B     557 IGS Grey        4.5    1:L 59:W 66:W 73:W 49:W  2:L 25:D
21 Coen Deucker         B     592 St Benedict's 1 4.5   76:W 47:W  1:L 61:W 13:L 16:D 39:W
22 Flynn Noble                    BBC 5           4.5   43:D 57:W 31:W  5:L 12:L 60:W 45:W
23 Micah Fox            B     767 Redlands 1      4.5   46:D  5:L 58:W 13:L 43:W 40:W 35:W
24 Leonard Cavallaro    B     653 KGSC Grey       4.5    7:L 79:W 64:D 65:W 26:W 38:W  4:L
25 Zane Alexander       B         SJAC 1          4.5    6:L 80:W 15:L 63:W 53:W 41:W 20:D
26 Michael Grew         B     545 St Patrick's 2  4.5   19:L 72:W 74:W 12:D 24:L 57:W 37:W
27 Oliver Bausch        B     574 Calamvale 1     4.5   29:L 51:W 71:W 36:L 61:W 31:W 19:D
28 Isaac Lawther        B     553 St Patrick's 2  4.5   13:L 53:L 72:W 71:W 73:W 49:W 17:D
29 Samuel Aekuru        B         Citipointe CC2  4     27:W 66:W  5:L 38:L 10:L 59:W 49:W
30 Craig Cadman         B     603 SJAC 1          4      9:L 34:W 16:L 56:L 75:W 61:W 54:W
31 Henry Owen           B     774 KGSC Grey       4     63:W 37:L 22:L 76:W 55:W 27:L 51:W
32 Andy Slatter         B     751 STMC Black      4     54:L 75:W 47:W 14:L 56:W 33:L 55:W
33 Eshwar Thota-Nagaraj B     586 ACGS 5          4      3:L 50:L 82:W 74:W 69:W 32:W 10:L
34 Yannis Tan           B     500 Calamvale 2     4     15:L 30:L 79:W 52:W 41:L 70:W 50:W
35 Kangmin Lee          B     565 KGSC Grey       3.5   64:W 48:W 49:L  7:D 42:W  6:L 23:L
36 Teon Bennett         B         The Gap ONE     3.5   60:W 14:L 54:W 27:W 37:D 12:L 18:L
37 Soren Dehdari        B     573 ACGS 5          3.5   70:W 31:W 45:W 11:L 36:D  8:L 26:L
38 Hamish Lilley        B     570 BGS 5           3.5   83:W  6:L 70:W 29:W 15:D 24:L 16:L
39 Lucas Ding           B     540 ACGS 5          3.5    5:D 46:W 18:L 43:W 45:L 48:W 21:L
40 Syamalan Bala-Ganesh B     609 SJAC 1          3.5   72:W 18:D  2:L 64:W  7:L 23:L 62:W
41 Thomas Barnett       B     603 GT 2            3.5    2:L 77:W 78:W 16:L 34:W 25:L 47:D
42 Dominic Palmani      B     576 STMC Black      3.5   75:W 74:W  8:D  2:L 35:L 19:L 63:W
43 Daniel Patience      B     611 St Benedict's 1 3.5   22:D 81:W  4:L 39:L 23:L 64:W 65:W
44 Josiah Beavers       B         Redlands 1      3.5   18:L 69:W 53:D 48:D 54:W 17:L 57:D
45 Jack Passmore        B     707 St Patrick's 2  3.5   79:W 54:W 37:L 62:D 39:W  9:L 22:L
46 Ryan Matthews        B     547 Nudgee 2        3.5   23:D 39:L 81:W 53:W 50:L 62:W 15:L
47 Nathan Ng            B     500 Citipointe CC2  3.5   53:W 21:L 32:L 67:L 78:W 52:W 41:D
48 Andrew McLeod        B     669 BGS 4           3.5   68:W 35:L 62:L 44:D 65:W 39:L 67:W
49 Caden Kang           B     680 STMC Black      3     59:W 73:W 35:W  3:L 20:L 28:L 29:L
50 Morne Roets          B     622 Indooroopilly 3 3     74:L 33:W 56:W  9:L 46:W 10:L 34:L
51 Sohan Schuler        B         Redlands 1      3     12:L 27:L 68:W 10:L 58:W 56:W 31:L
52 William Gong         B     653 BGS 4           3     56:W  1:L  9:L 34:L 74:W 47:L 66:W
53 Erik Andeman         B     681 Indooroopilly 2 3     47:L 28:W 44:D 46:L 25:L 63:D 76:W
54 Nathaniel Monsour    B     541 GT 2            3     32:W 45:L 36:L 70:W 44:L 69:W 30:L
55 Marcus Ning          B     533 BGS 5           3      8:L 63:L 75:W 66:W 31:L 73:W 32:L
56 William Emeleus      B     504 Balmoral SHS 1  3     52:L 82:W 50:L 30:W 32:L 51:L 72:W
57 Sanuli Tennakoon     B     702 Somerville      3     81:D 22:L 65:L 78:W 64:W 26:L 44:D
58 Malakai Wong         B     597 BGS 4           3      4:L 65:D 23:L 81:D 51:L 79:W 69:W
59 Marcus Policar       B     500 St Benedict's 1 3     49:L 20:L 69:L 72:W 80:W 29:L 70:W
60 Henry Clubb          B     580 BGS 5           3     36:L 67:L 80:W 69:L 79:W 22:L 75:W
61 Oliver Luc           B         STMC Black      2.5   77:W 19:L 63:W 21:L 27:L 30:L 68:D
62 Joseph Rice          B     500 GT 2            2.5   66:L 68:W 48:W 45:D 18:L 46:L 40:L
63 Nilay Shirolkar      B     552 Nudgee 2        2.5   31:L 55:W 61:L 25:L 71:W 53:D 42:L
64 Benjamin Suttie                BBC 5           2.5   35:L 76:W 24:D 40:L 57:L 43:L 73:W
65 Lucas Black          B     606 Nudgee 2        2.5   73:L 58:D 57:W 24:L 48:L 71:W 43:L
66 Alexander McKay      B         St Patrick's 2  2.5   62:W 29:L 20:L 55:L 81:W 67:D 52:L
67 Curtis McGary        B     586 Nudgee 2        2.5   71:L 60:W 73:L 47:W 19:L 66:D 48:L
68 Lucas Policar        B     500 St Benedict's 1 2.5   48:L 62:L 51:L 80:L 82:W 78:W 61:D
69 Alex Pearson         B         Balmoral SHS 1  2     17:L 44:L 59:W 60:W 33:L 54:L 58:L
70 Anton Lorenz         B         The Gap ONE     2     37:L  0:W 38:L 54:L 76:W 34:L 59:L
71 Takumi Misumi        B         Indooroopilly 3 2     67:W 17:L 27:L 28:L 63:L 65:L 81:W
72 Austin Anderson      B         IGS Grey        2     40:L 26:L 28:L 59:L 77:W 74:W 56:L
73 TIgerlily Niklas     B         Calamvale 2     2     65:W 49:L 67:W 20:L 28:L 55:L 64:L
74 Jagan Nair           B         Calamvale 2     2     50:W 42:L 26:L 33:L 52:L 72:L 79:W
75 Gathik Sadaram       B         Citipointe CC2  2     42:L 32:L 55:L 82:W 30:L 81:W 60:L
76 Dylan Moore          B     500 Indooroopilly 3 2     21:L 64:L 77:W 31:L 70:L 80:W 53:L
77 Emma Rowe            B     566 Somerville      2     61:L 41:L 76:L 79:L 72:L 82:W 80:W
78 Liam Grimes          B         Balmoral SHS 1  1      0:W  3:L 41:L 57:L 47:L 68:L 82:L
79 William Griffith               BBC 5           1     45:L 24:L 34:L 77:W 60:L 58:L 74:L
80 Isiah Brisbane       B         Citipointe CC2  1     14:L 25:L 60:L 68:W 59:L 76:L 77:L
81 Phileas Huang        B     523 Calamvale 1     1     57:D 43:L 46:L 58:D 66:L 75:L 71:L
82 Hayden Leung         B         Redlands 1      1     10:L 56:L 33:L 75:L 68:L 77:L 78:W
83 Franklin Sun         B         Indooroopilly 3 0     38:L 16:L  0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                  Feder Loc Id Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  Kirby, Oscar          B            789 4.0/4 3.04    10 586  1585
2.  Owen, Henry           B            774 3.0/5 3.95   -10 546   618
3.  Fox, Micah            B            767 4.5/6 4.20     3 615   808
4.  Sandstrom, Ben        B            760 3.5/4 2.64     9 642   978
5.  Slatter, Andy         B            751 3.0/6 4.62   -16 537   537
6.  Eang, Natira          B            742 4.5/5 3.50    10 592   958
7.  Chen, Charlene        B            724 2.5/5 3.45   -10 583   583
8.  Passmore, Jack        B            707 2.5/4 2.88    -4 539   634
9.  Tennakoon, Sanuli     B            702 0.5/3 2.07   -16 558   285
10. Andeman, Erik         B            681 2.5/5 3.50   -10 530   530
11. Kang, Caden           B            680 2.0/4 2.72    -7 544   544
12. McLeod, Andrew        B            669 3.0/6 3.96   -10 550   550
13. Mead, Ben             B            657 3.5/5 2.75     8 620   769
14. Gong, William         B            653 1.0/3 2.10   -11 501   376
15. Cavallaro, Leonard    B            653 3.0/3 1.83    12 574  1573
16. Mason, Alex           B            648 2.5/4 2.40     1 577   672
17. Roets, Morne          B            622 3.0/5 3.10    -1 538   610
18. Patience, Daniel      B            611 2.0/4 2.00     0 609   609
19. Bala-Ganesh, Syamalan B            609 1.5/4 1.64    -1 676   589
20. Geffen, Zev           B            609 1.0/1 0.55     5 573  1572
21. Black, Lucas          B            606 1.5/5 2.20    -7 646   497
22. Henke, Berrick        B            604 0.5/2 0.86    -4 653   460
23. Cadman, Craig         B            603 2.0/3 1.86     1 515   640
24. Barnett, Thomas       B            603 2.5/4 2.08     4 589   684
25. Yu, Owen              B            603 0.5/1 0.57    -1 553   553
26. Wong, Malakai         B            597 1.0/3 1.35    -4 632   507
27. Deucker, Coen         B            592 3.0/3 1.83    12 513  1512
28. McGary, Curtis        B            586 2.0/3 1.50     5 583   708
29. Thota-Nagaraj, Eshwar B            586 1.0/3 1.26    -3 642   517
30. Clubb, Henry          B            580 0.0/1 0.49    -5 586     0
31. Palmani, Dominic      B            576 1.5/4 1.52     0 662   575
32. Bausch, Oliver        B            574 1.0/1 0.24     8 774  1773
33. Dehdari, Soren        B            573 2.0/5 1.80     2 675   603
34. Lilley, Hamish        B            570 0.5/3 1.05    -6 678   405
35. Rowe, Emma            B            566 0.0/2 1.04   -10 552     0
36. Lee, Kangmin          B            565 2.0/5 1.80     2 670   598
37. Tristram, Luke        B            557 2.0/3 1.08     9 656   781
38. Allan, Lucien         B            556 2.5/4 1.12    14 719   814
39. Lawther, Isaac        B            553 1.5/3 1.08     4 655   655
40. Panchal, Devansh      B            553 2.0/2 0.86    11 604  1603
41. Shirolkar, Nilay      B            552 1.5/4 1.52     0 641   554
42. Matthews, Ryan        B            547 3.5/7 2.80     7 622   622
43. Grew, Michael         B            545 2.5/4 1.52    10 633   728
44. Monsour, Nathaniel    B            541 1.0/3 0.90     1 687   562
45. Ding, Lucas           B            540 3.5/7 2.45    11 648   648
46. Ning, Marcus          B            533 0.0/4 1.08   -11 705     0
47. Huang, Phileas        B            523 1.0/4 1.52    -5 614   421
48. Emeleus, William      B            504 1.0/4 1.20    -2 657   464
49. Policar, Lucas        B            500 0.0/2 0.76    -8 585     0
50. Rice, Joseph          B            500 2.5/6 2.10     4 613   556
51. Policar, Marcus       B            500 0.0/2 0.68    -7 619     0
52. Tan, Yannis           B            500 2.0/5 1.55     5 641   569
53. Ng, Nathan            B            500 2.5/6 1.86     6 644   587
54. Moore, Dylan          B            500 1.0/4 1.20    -2 653   460
55. Sharman, Kyran        B                3.5/6            602   615
56. Apelt, Alex           B                5.0/7            655   693
57. Nair, Jagan           B                1.0/5            596   356
58. Sadaram, Gathik       B                1.0/6            594   321
59. Suttie, Benjamin                       1.5/6            607   414
60. Suh, Raphael                           3.5/6            620   633
61. Pearson, Alex         B                2.0/6            568   443
62. Luc, Oliver           B                2.5/6            565   508
63. Simonetti, Shawn      B                5.0/5            648   711
64. Sun, Franklin         B                0.0/1            570     0
65. Schuler, Sohan        B                3.0/7            587   537
66. Misumi, Takumi        B                2.0/7            571   413
67. Griffith, William                      1.0/6            601   328
68. Niklas, TIgerlily     B                2.0/6            586   461
69. Hernandez, Jacob      B                4.5/7            619   644
70. Noble, Flynn                           4.5/7            677   702
71. Alexander, Zane       B                3.5/6            629   642
72. Martinuzzi, Luca      B                5.5/6            658   721
73. McKay, Alexander      B                2.5/6            559   502
74. Aekuru, Samuel        B                3.0/6            606   606
75. Brisbane, Isiah       B                1.0/6            534   261
76. Grimes, Liam          B                0.0/4            576     0
77. Beavers, Josiah       B                2.5/6            641   584
78. Anderson, Austin      B                1.0/6            546   273
79. Leung, Hayden         B                0.0/5            542     0
80. Leong, Adam           B                4.5/5            639   689
81. Lorenz, Anton         B                1.0/6            531   258
82. Bennett, Teon         B                3.5/7            582   582
83. Oddy, Yahli           B                5.5/7            606   656

Club Standings

Place Name            Score

  1   MARIST COLLEGE  22   
  2   KGSC GREY       18.5 
  3   SJAC 1          17.5 
  4   INDOOROOPILLY 2 17   
 5-6  ACGS 5          15.5 
      THE GAP ONE     15.5 
  7   ST PATRICK'S 2  15   
 8-9  CALAMVALE 1     14.5 
      GT 2            14.5 
 10   BGS 4           14   
 11   ST BENEDICT'S 1 13.5 
 12   STMC BLACK      13   
13-14 BBC 5           12.5 
      CALAMVALE 2     12.5 
15-16 BALMORAL SHS 1  12   
      REDLANDS 1      12   
 17   NUDGEE 2        11   
 18   CITIPOINTE CC2  10.5 
 19   BGS 5           9.5  
 20   INDOOROOPILLY 3 7    
 21   IGS GREY        6.5  
 22   SOMERVILLE      5    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

Event Registration

Event Name:

Please select registration type
School Registration
Individual Registration
Individual Registration

Registration for individuals is via our iClassPro app, and is only available on selected tournaments.

For all questions please contact our Events team on [email protected]

Teacher & Coordinator Registration

Please Note: This form is for School Teachers and Coordinators ONLY. Individual registration links are available for schools where there is no chess coordinator or official school entries. Please email [email protected] for further information.

Step One: Download the spreadsheet below and complete all details. For all questions please contact our events team on [email protected]

Step Two: Complete the form below and upload the spreadsheet.

School Event Registration
