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2023 Term 1 Brisbane North A

Brisbane Primary North Term 1 2023 A – Round 7


Place Name               Feder Loc  Club                       Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-3  Dimitri ZOU        B     1231 BGS 1                      7        24.0  33.0   28.0
      Xianzhe LIN        B     1127 BGS 1                      7        23.0  31.5   28.0
      Marcus SWAN        B     832  BGS 1                      7        22.0  30.0   28.0
  4   Elvis WU           B     1276 BGS 1                      6        20.0  27.5   22.0
5-12  John Stanton       B     916  EJ 1                       5        26.0  36.0   24.0
      Lucas WANG         B     805  BGS 2                      5        22.0  31.0   21.0
      Matthew Yang       B     841  Ashgrove Team 1            5        21.5  30.5   21.0
      Vivaan Sud         B     776  Ascot 1                    5        21.0  31.0   22.0
      Alexander HA       B     685  BGS 3                      5        20.5  30.0   21.0
      Charlie Wang       B     767  Ascot 1                    5        19.0  29.0   22.0
      Dylan Pu           B     765  The Lakes 1                5        19.0  27.5   22.0
      Omar Shakeel       B     656  Kelvin Grove State College 5        18.0  26.0   19.0
13-17 Joshua SMITH       B     705  BGS 2                      4.5      22.5  31.5   20.5
      Aaron Zhu          B     547  Kelvin Grove State College 4.5      21.0  29.0   17.5
      Anon Anon          B     642  BGS 3                      4.5      20.5  27.5   18.0
      Andrew Mossman     B     714  Ascot 1                    4.5      16.5  26.0   18.5
      Anderson HAN       B     651  BGS 3                      4.5      16.5  22.5   15.0
18-34 Jefferson Su       B     577  Milton 1                   4        21.5  30.0   18.0
      Oscar LAW          B     553  BGS 4                      4        21.0  29.0   17.0
      Danny ZHONG        B     808  BGS 2                      4        20.5  30.0   18.0
      Leon Yang          B     562  Wilston 1                  4        20.5  28.5   18.0
      Eshan Butler       B     566  St Agatha's                4        19.5  27.5   17.0
      Dwij Tripathy      B     580  The Lakes 1                4        19.0  28.5   16.0
      Junzhe(Alan) Liu   B     599  The Lakes 1                4        19.0  28.0   19.0
      Spencer Leo        B     620  Nudgee 1                   4        19.0  25.5   17.0
      Kristina Sutormina B     671  Hilder Road SS             4        18.5  27.5   18.0
      Armaan Kang        B     573  St Pauls                   4        18.5  25.0   18.0
      Aazaan Aziz        B     573  EJ 1                       4        18.5  24.5   18.5
      Lewis ZHU          B     727  BGS 2                      4        18.0  27.0   19.5
      Edward GU          B     633  BGS 4                      4        17.5  26.5   16.0
      Herrick ZHOU       B     642  BGS 4                      4        17.0  24.0   16.5
      Sotaro Sagara      B     679  EJ 1                       4        16.0  25.0   16.0
      Alston WANG        B     703  BGS 3                      4        14.5  20.5   14.0
      Isaac Godinho      B     563  Ascot 1                    4        13.5  19.5   10.0
35-41 Vivan Thakur       B     644  Ashgrove Team 1            3.5      19.5  27.5   17.5
      Angus NIEH         B     546  BGS 5                      3.5      18.5  27.5   13.5
      Max Lu             B     519  EJ 2                       3.5      17.5  24.0   12.0
      Raiden Whitby      B     562  St Eugene's 1              3.5      17.0  23.0   15.5
      Henry LEE          B     511  BGS 5                      3.5      16.0  23.0   11.0
      Tusanda Costa      B          Milton 1                   3.5      16.0  21.5   12.0
      Rohan Bishnoi      B     582  Nundah 1                   3.5      15.5  21.0   11.0
42-55 Chris LI           B     562  BGS 4                      3        21.0  27.5   16.0
      Ned Setu           B     506  OLA 1                      3        18.5  25.5   14.0
      Janav Patel        B     506  Nudgee 1                   3        18.0  24.0   10.0
      Junzhi(Brian) Hou  B     544  The Lakes 1                3        16.5  22.5   12.0
      Grace Wang         B     500  Kelvin Grove State College 3        16.5  22.5   11.0
      Hamish Hacking     B     534  Wilston 1                  3        16.0  24.0   11.0
      Gaurav Thammini    B     534  Nundah 1                   3        16.0  23.0   12.0
      Joshua Ren         B     560  Kelvin Grove State College 3        16.0  21.5   15.0
      Harrison Nguyen    B     522  Wilston 1                  3        15.0  22.0   10.0
      Ahmed Fayez Alim   B     500  Nundah 1                   3        15.0  21.0   11.0
      Kinoli Costa       B     505  Milton 1                   3        15.0  21.0    9.0
      Lucas TONG         B     516  BGS 5                      3        15.0  20.0   12.0
      Thomas Perales     B     512  St Eugene's 1              3        13.0  18.0    7.0
      Ashley Nguyen      B          Wilston 2                  3        11.0  17.0    9.0
56-59 Lennox Makuare     B          St Eugene's 1              2.5      18.5  25.0   10.0
      Hugo Elliott       B     512  Nudgee 1                   2.5      17.5  24.0    8.0
      Lewis Van Boeckel  B     515  OLA 1                      2.5      15.5  23.0   10.5
      Abhiram Hejeebu    B     533  Nundah 1                   2.5      15.0  21.0    9.5
60-68 Rex LUONG          B     513  BGS 5                      2        18.0  25.0   12.0
      Chirag Pateelu     B     500  EJ 2                       2        17.5  23.5    9.0
      Luka Abdic         B     500  EJ 2                       2        16.5  21.5    8.0
      Noah Vicig         B     513  Wilston 1                  2        15.0  20.5    8.0
      Callum Pavlovic    B     500  St Eugene's 1              2        14.5  20.0    6.0
      Apiran Pirabaharan B     522  EJ 2                       2        13.5  19.5    6.0
      Maverick Gray      B          Ashgrove Team 1            2        13.0  18.0    3.5
      Alexander Shave    B     581  EJ 1                       2        12.5  19.0    8.0
      Bailey Hacking     B          Wilston 2                  2        10.0  15.0    3.5
69-71 Ayush Mandhan      B     519  OLA 1                      1.5      17.0  23.5    8.0
      Mark Cochrane      B          Wilston 2                  1.5      14.0  19.5    5.5
      Aarya Salunke      B          Ashgrove Team 1            1.5      11.0  15.0    3.5
72-73 Noah van Zutphen   B     500  OLA 1                      1        15.5  21.0    4.0
      Hugo Larard        B          Milton 1                   1        13.0  18.0    6.0
 74   Jonathan Vicig     B          Wilston 2                  0.5       8.0  12.0    1.0

Cross Table

No Name               Feder Loc  Club                       Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Dimitri ZOU        B     1231 BGS 1                      7     14:W 30:W 13:W  8:W  7:W 11:W  5:W
2  Xianzhe LIN        B     1127 BGS 1                      7     36:W 24:W  9:W  6:W  5:W 10:W 20:W
3  Marcus SWAN        B     832  BGS 1                      7     47:W 23:W 32:W  7:W  6:W 13:W 16:W
4  Elvis WU           B     1276 BGS 1                      6     19:W 15:L 58:W 23:W 26:W  9:W 29:W
5  John Stanton       B     916  EJ 1                       5     45:W 25:W 12:W 11:W  2:L  8:W  1:L
6  Lucas WANG         B     805  BGS 2                      5     65:W 28:W 35:W  2:L  3:L 24:W 27:W
7  Matthew Yang       B     841  Ashgrove Team 1            5     48:W 67:W 26:W  3:L  1:L 28:W 30:W
8  Vivaan Sud         B     776  Ascot 1                    5     50:W 22:W 15:W  1:L 42:W  5:L 19:W
9  Alexander HA       B     685  BGS 3                      5     57:W 43:W  2:L 21:W 28:W  4:L 25:W
10 Charlie Wang       B     767  Ascot 1                    5     37:W 42:W 21:W 20:L 35:W  2:L 31:W
11 Dylan Pu           B     765  The Lakes 1                5     69:W 60:W 27:W  5:L 22:W  1:L 18:W
12 Omar Shakeel       B     656  Kelvin Grove State College 5     44:W 18:W  5:L 19:L 47:W 42:W 24:W
13 Joshua SMITH       B     705  BGS 2                      4.5   63:W 49:W  1:L 27:W 18:W  3:L 14:D
14 Aaron Zhu          B     547  Kelvin Grove State College 4.5    1:L 72:W 55:W 15:D 17:W 31:D 13:D
15 Anon Anon          B     642  BGS 3                      4.5   72:W  4:W  8:L 14:D 31:L 37:W 38:W
16 Andrew Mossman     B     714  Ascot 1                    4.5   58:D 52:W 29:L 59:W 19:W 38:W  3:L
17 Anderson HAN       B     651  BGS 3                      4.5   43:L 57:D 70:W 37:W 14:L 39:W 21:W
18 Jefferson Su       B     577  Milton 1                   4     34:W 12:L 41:W 25:W 13:L 23:W 11:L
19 Oscar LAW          B     553  BGS 4                      4      4:L 62:W 46:W 12:W 16:L 35:W  8:L
20 Danny ZHONG        B     808  BGS 2                      4     59:W 27:L 36:W 10:W 24:L 22:W  2:L
21 Leon Yang          B     562  Wilston 1                  4     55:W 29:W 10:L  9:L 51:W 26:W 17:L
22 Eshan Butler       B     566  St Agatha's                4     40:W  8:L 43:W 33:W 11:L 20:L 49:W
23 Dwij Tripathy      B     580  The Lakes 1                4     56:W  3:L 44:W  4:L 53:W 18:L 47:W
24 Junzhe(Alan) Liu   B     599  The Lakes 1                4     64:W  2:L 53:W 60:W 20:W  6:L 12:L
25 Spencer Leo        B     620  Nudgee 1                   4     51:W  5:L 69:W 18:L 50:W 36:W  9:L
26 Kristina Sutormina B     671  Hilder Road SS             4     39:W 46:W  7:L 49:W  4:L 21:L 45:W
27 Armaan Kang        B     573  St Pauls                   4     66:W 20:W 11:L 13:L 60:W 43:W  6:L
28 Aazaan Aziz        B     573  EJ 1                       4     73:W  6:L 61:W 29:D  9:L  7:L 43:W
29 Lewis ZHU          B     727  BGS 2                      4     53:W 21:L 16:W 28:D 45:L 49:W  4:L
30 Edward GU          B     633  BGS 4                      4     62:W  1:L 50:L 44:W 48:W 45:W  7:L
31 Herrick ZHOU       B     642  BGS 4                      4     61:L 54:W 59:D 56:W 15:W 14:D 10:L
32 Sotaro Sagara      B     679  EJ 1                       4     54:W 61:W  3:L 42:L 36:L 52:W 40:W
33 Alston WANG        B     703  BGS 3                      4     60:L 63:W 48:W 22:L 38:L 44:W 42:W
34 Isaac Godinho      B     563  Ascot 1                    4     18:L 44:L 56:L 68:W 61:W 46:W 48:W
35 Vivan Thakur       B     644  Ashgrove Team 1            3.5   52:W 38:W  6:L 50:W 10:L 19:L 36:D
36 Angus NIEH         B     546  BGS 5                      3.5    2:L 64:W 20:L 52:W 32:W 25:L 35:D
37 Max Lu             B     519  EJ 2                       3.5   10:L 56:D 39:W 17:L 69:W 15:L 57:W
38 Raiden Whitby      B     562  St Eugene's 1              3.5   70:D 35:L 57:W 58:W 33:W 16:L 15:L
39 Henry LEE          B     511  BGS 5                      3.5   26:L 41:D 37:L 57:W 58:W 17:L 56:W
40 Tusanda Costa      B          Milton 1                   3.5   22:L 50:L 54:W 69:D 67:W 41:W 32:L
41 Rohan Bishnoi      B     582  Nundah 1                   3.5   46:L 39:D 18:L 70:W 56:W 40:L 53:W
42 Chris LI           B     562  BGS 4                      3     71:W 10:L 51:W 32:W  8:L 12:L 33:L
43 Ned Setu           B     506  OLA 1                      3     17:W  9:L 22:L 67:W 59:W 27:L 28:L
44 Janav Patel        B     506  Nudgee 1                   3     12:L 34:W 23:L 30:L 72:W 33:L 64:W
45 Junzhi(Brian) Hou  B     544  The Lakes 1                3      5:L 51:L 72:W 61:W 29:W 30:L 26:L
46 Grace Wang         B     500  Kelvin Grove State College 3     41:W 26:L 19:L 47:L 65:W 34:L 60:W
47 Hamish Hacking     B     534  Wilston 1                  3      3:L 73:L 64:W 46:W 12:L 60:W 23:L
48 Gaurav Thammini    B     534  Nundah 1                   3      7:L 68:W 33:L 62:W 30:L 63:W 34:L
49 Joshua Ren         B     560  Kelvin Grove State College 3     74:W 13:L 73:W 26:L 55:W 29:L 22:L
50 Harrison Nguyen    B     522  Wilston 1                  3      8:L 40:W 30:W 35:L 25:L 62:W  0: 
51 Ahmed Fayez Alim   B     500  Nundah 1                   3     25:L 45:W 42:L 65:W 21:L 53:L 63:W
52 Kinoli Costa       B     505  Milton 1                   3     35:L 16:L 71:W 36:L 64:W 32:L 62:W
53 Lucas TONG         B     516  BGS 5                      3     29:L 74:W 24:L 73:W 23:L 51:W 41:L
54 Thomas Perales     B     512  St Eugene's 1              3     32:L 31:L 40:L 66:W 62:L 72:W 61:W
55 Ashley Nguyen      B          Wilston 2                  3     21:L 65:W 14:L 63:W 49:L 69:W  0: 
56 Lennox Makuare     B          St Eugene's 1              2.5   23:L 37:D 34:W 31:L 41:L 58:W 39:L
57 Hugo Elliott       B     512  Nudgee 1                   2.5    9:L 17:D 38:L 39:L 70:W 59:W 37:L
58 Lewis Van Boeckel  B     515  OLA 1                      2.5   16:D 70:W  4:L 38:L 39:L 56:L 71:W
59 Abhiram Hejeebu    B     533  Nundah 1                   2.5   20:L 66:W 31:D 16:L 43:L 57:L 69:W
60 Rex LUONG          B     513  BGS 5                      2     33:W 11:L 67:W 24:L 27:L 47:L 46:L
61 Chirag Pateelu     B     500  EJ 2                       2     31:W 32:L 28:L 45:L 34:L 67:W 54:L
62 Luka Abdic         B     500  EJ 2                       2     30:L 19:L 74:W 48:L 54:W 50:L 52:L
63 Noah Vicig         B     513  Wilston 1                  2     13:L 33:L 66:W 55:L 73:W 48:L 51:L
64 Callum Pavlovic    B     500  St Eugene's 1              2     24:L 36:L 47:L 71:W 52:L 65:W 44:L
65 Apiran Pirabaharan B     522  EJ 2                       2      6:L 55:L 68:W 51:L 46:L 64:L 73:W
66 Maverick Gray      B          Ashgrove Team 1            2     27:L 59:L 63:L 54:L 74:D 68:D  0:W
67 Alexander Shave    B     581  EJ 1                       2     68:W  7:L 60:L 43:L 40:L 61:L 70:W
68 Bailey Hacking     B          Wilston 2                  2     67:L 48:L 65:L 34:L 71:D 66:D 72:W
69 Ayush Mandhan      B     519  OLA 1                      1.5   11:L 71:W 25:L 40:D 37:L 55:L 59:L
70 Mark Cochrane      B          Wilston 2                  1.5   38:D 58:L 17:L 41:L 57:L 73:W 67:L
71 Aarya Salunke      B          Ashgrove Team 1            1.5   42:L 69:L 52:L 64:L 68:D 74:W 58:L
72 Noah van Zutphen   B     500  OLA 1                      1     15:L 14:L 45:L 74:W 44:L 54:L 68:L
73 Hugo Larard        B          Milton 1                   1     28:L 47:W 49:L 53:L 63:L 70:L 65:L
74 Jonathan Vicig     B          Wilston 2                  .5    49:L 53:L 62:L 72:L 66:D 71:L  0: 

Ratings (Local)

No  Name                Feder Loc Id Loc  Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm

1.  WU, Elvis           B            1276 6.0/7 6.93    -9 625   934
2.  ZOU, Dimitri        B            1231 7.0/7 6.72     3 740  1739
3.  LIN, Xianzhe        B            1127 7.0/7 6.44     6 732  1731
4.  Stanton, John       B            916  5.0/7 4.48     5 817   975
5.  Yang, Matthew       B            841  5.0/7 4.62     4 722   880
6.  SWAN, Marcus        B            832  7.0/7 4.83    22 694  1693
7.  ZHONG, Danny        B            808  4.0/7 4.76    -8 673   723
8.  WANG, Lucas         B            805  5.0/7 4.55     5 696   854
9.  Sud, Vivaan         B            776  5.0/7 4.13     9 713   871
10. Wang, Charlie       B            767  5.0/7 4.20     8 695   853
11. Pu, Dylan           B            765  5.0/7 4.13     9 699   857
12. ZHU, Lewis          B            727  3.5/7 3.99    -5 678   678
13. Mossman, Andrew     B            714  4.5/7 4.55    -1 604   706
14. SMITH, Joshua       B            705  4.5/7 3.64     9 690   792
15. WANG, Alston        B            703  4.0/7 5.04   -10 537   587
16. HA, Alexander       B            685  5.0/7 2.94    21 739   897
17. Sagara, Sotaro      B            679  3.0/6 3.84    -8 576   576
18. Sutormina, Kristina B            671  4.0/7 3.36     6 685   735
19. Shakeel, Omar       B            656  5.0/7 3.99    10 607   765
20. HAN, Anderson       B            651  3.5/6 4.02    -5 526   583
21. Thakur, Vivan       B            644  3.5/7 3.85    -4 609   609
22. Anon, Anon          B            642  4.5/7 3.01    15 689   791
23. ZHOU, Herrick       B            642  3.0/6 3.48    -5 584   584
24. GU, Edward          B            633  4.0/7 3.15     9 668   718
25. Leo, Spencer        B            620  4.0/7 3.64     4 609   659
26. Liu, Junzhe(Alan)   B            599  4.0/7 2.52    15 704   754
27. Bishnoi, Rohan      B            582  1.5/4 2.32    -8 526   439
28. Shave, Alexander    B            581  0.0/4 1.96   -20 590     0
29. Tripathy, Dwij      B            580  3.0/6 1.98    10 707   707
30. Kang, Armaan        B            573  3.0/6 2.10     9 684   684
31. Aziz, Aazaan        B            573  2.5/6 2.16     3 677   620
32. Butler, Eshan       B            566  3.0/6 2.04    10 686   686
33. Godinho, Isaac      B            563  3.0/5 2.80     2 523   595
34. Whitby, Raiden      B            562  3.0/6 2.52     5 622   622
35. LI, Chris           B            562  2.0/6 2.04     0 680   555
36. Yang, Leon          B            562  3.0/6 2.16     8 667   667
37. Ren, Joshua         B            560  0.0/4 1.40   -14 667     0
38. LAW, Oscar          B            553  4.0/7 1.89    21 724   774
39. Zhu, Aaron          B            547  3.5/6 1.56    19 729   786
40. NIEH, Angus         B            546  3.5/7 2.10    14 698   698
41. Hou, Junzhi(Brian)  B            544  3.0/7 2.66     3 635   585
42. Hacking, Hamish     B            534  3.0/6 2.46     5 597   597
43. Thammini, Gaurav    B            534  2.0/6 2.22    -2 626   501
44. Hejeebu, Abhiram    B            533  1.5/6 2.28    -8 617   424
45. Nguyen, Harrison    B            522  2.0/5 1.75     3 635   563
46. Pirabaharan, Apiran B            522  0.0/4 1.68   -17 576     0
47. Lu, Max             B            519  3.0/6 2.34     7 600   600
48. Mandhan, Ayush      B            519  0.0/4 1.52   -15 609     0
49. TONG, Lucas         B            516  1.0/5 1.95   -10 598   358
50. Van Boeckel, Lewis  B            515  0.5/4 0.76    -3 766   444
51. LUONG, Rex          B            513  2.0/7 2.59    -6 608   450
52. Vicig, Noah         B            513  0.0/4 1.48   -15 611     0
53. Elliott, Hugo       B            512  1.5/6 2.46   -10 577   384
54. Perales, Thomas     B            512  2.0/5 2.15    -2 564   492
55. LEE, Henry          B            511  2.5/6 2.46     0 575   518
56. Patel, Janav        B            506  3.0/7 2.66     3 591   541
57. Setu, Ned           B            506  3.0/7 2.66     3 595   545
58. Costa, Kinoli       B            505  2.0/6 2.22    -2 597   472
59. Pateelu, Chirag     B            500  2.0/7 2.66    -7 585   427
60. Abdic, Luka         B            500  1.0/6 2.64   -16 543   270
61. van Zutphen, Noah   B            500  0.0/5 2.15   -22 550     0
62. Wang, Grace         B            500  3.0/7 2.87     1 563   513
63. Alim, Ahmed Fayez   B            500  3.0/7 3.01     0 548   498
64. Pavlovic, Callum    B            500  1.0/6 2.70   -17 535   262
65. Larard, Hugo        B                 1.0/6            536   263
66. Nguyen, Ashley      B                 3.0/6            537   537
67. Hacking, Bailey     B                 1.0/5            540   300
68. Makuare, Lennox     B                 2.5/7            559   457
69. Gray, Maverick      B                 0.0/4            533     0
70. Su, Jefferson       B            577  4.0/7 2.87    11 639   689
71. Costa, Tusanda      B                 3.5/7            566   566
72. Salunke, Aarya      B                 0.0/5            520     0
73. Vicig, Jonathan     B                 0.0/4            519     0
74. Cochrane, Mark      B                 0.5/6            567   166

Club Standings

Place Name                       Score

  1   BGS 1                      27   
  2   ASCOT 1                    18.5 
  3   BGS 3                      18   
  4   BGS 2                      17.5 
  5   THE LAKES 1                16   
 7-8  EJ 1                       15   
      BGS 4                      15   
9-12  ASHGROVE TEAM 1            12   
      NUNDAH 1                   12   
      WILSTON 1                  12   
      BGS 5                      12   
 13   MILTON 1                   11.5 
 14   ST EUGENE'S 1              11   
15-16 EJ 2                       9.5  
      NUDGEE 1                   9.5  
 17   OLA 1                      8    
 18   WILSTON 2                  7    
19-21 ST AGATHA'S                4    
      HILDER ROAD SS             4    
      ST PAULS                   4    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

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